Stand user who says HAIL 2 U
and then he is fought by the other guy, who say mockingly HELL 2 U
That is it.

Cameo, user of the Stand Judgement, has his Stand pose as a genie, using Judgement's power to manipulate earth to (pretend to) grant wishes of those he plans to kill; each granted wish, of course, is flawed. Cameo's catchphrase, used mainly when granting wishes via Judgement, is "HAIL 2 U!!".

Polnareff's third wish was to bring Avdol (the guy in the picture I posted) back from the dead; the fake Avdol created by Judgement tried to kill Polnareff, only to be incinerated by the REAL Avdol, who proceeded to mock and threaten Cameo by modifying Cameos' own catchphrase: "HAIL 2 U!!" changed to "HELL 2 U!!"
Ah-ha! Thanks.
I'm considering writing up a list of goals for us for the future.
However I don't know anything about the Rosario side of the story so can someone else handle that?
I'm considering writing up a list of goals for us for the future.
However I don't know anything about the Rosario side of the story so can someone else handle that?
I could work with you on it, although it's been a while since my last read through so I only have the major stuff.
Alright, well here's the major goals on the JoJo side, I'll update as I think of more.
Firstly we need to keep all of the crusaders alive, this should be obvious.
Secondly we should try to get to Egypt quicker than in canon, the longer we take the more time DIO has to practice his time stop.
Thirdly, and this is more of a meta goal than anything, we need to kill DIO in a way fucking cooler way than punched in the leg. We are learning Hamon so were already part way to this goal.
fourth, we need, FUCKING NEED, to remember to destroy DIO'S diary, the last thing we need is for anyone to achieve heaven and get a bad ending 30 years from now.
Fifth, need to work on our emotions a little, again were working on this as Jotaro realized in the photograph that he always looks stoic as fuck.
Sixth, try to prevent Polannerefs' accident against Diavlo, and his being trapped in a turtle.
Seventh, we need to try and locate DIO's children much quicker so they aren't a problem in the future.
Eight, this works into the emotion one, we need to try and reach a point where we can actually be a good dad for Jolyne, assuming she will still exists in this universe, maybe she'll have Ice Powers and Stone Free.
Ninth, and this is just here because I wont to see it, but imagine STAR PLATINUM REQUIEM!
Tenth, try and deal with some of DIO's flesh buds on the way, we can remove them so we shouldn't murder people unless we know they are doing it for greedy reasons.
That's just some major and minor things that I remember.
For the ninth goal, I'm too worried it'd backfire on us like Silver Chariot Requiem.
Yeah the problem with requiem stands is they are incredibly bullshit and incredibly complicated and un-explained.
The basis seems to be that it's a short term transformation, and that they cause stands to affect "Spirit" whatever that means.
And like I said more of a personal goal because holy shit it would be cool.
And the Part 3 anime showed that the bow and arrow were in DIO's mansion, so it's totally possible.
on the Rosario side:
  • Deal with the "student protection committee".
  • I think there was something about a mirror that showed Monster's true forms? Wanna be careful, might blow our cover.
  • Deal with the fucking monstrels.
  • Ensure Tsukune gets his magical ghoul powerup so he's not a total goober. (A bit meta on this one.)
  • For God's sake wrap up the thing with the Student Council President and his Alucard's Mini-Me Boyfriend better than canon.
  • Get to work on the Inner Moka development train.
  • Learn some kind of defensive somethingorother because holy shit Akuha and her full-body dimensional chainsaw.
  • Murder Aluclone's face. Repeatedly, if necessary.
  • Beat Fairy Tale's collective faces in. Preferably before Alucard Prime wakes up and goes Godzillathulu on a major population center.

like I said, been a while since my last readthrough so it could be a bit rough.
Actually, no. Jotaro still thinks his face is an open book for anyone and their mother to read at will.
What about this from update 92?
....nailed it. You're lookin' cool as a cucumber. It's the same default 'stonefaced bastard' expression you always have. Jesus, you can't even read your own emotions properly?!

You attempt to mask your anxiousness and hesitation with a relaxed, cool expression.

Pictures, of about the right size to put in your wallet, come out.

....nailed it. You're lookin' cool as a cucumber. It's the same default 'stonefaced bastard' expression you always have. Jesus, you can't even read your own emotions properly?!
Time to head back to the hotel. Mizore seems a bit saddened that she has to loosen her hold on you when you hail a cab...
fourth, we need, FUCKING NEED, to remember to destroy DIO'S diary, the last thing we need is for anyone to achieve heaven and get a bad ending 30 years from now.

Not just destroy it, we need to destroy it WITHOUT READING IT FIRST. If we read it, Pucci can just use Whitesnake to steal our Memory Disk like he did in canon. Keeping Avdol alive is the best way to accomplish this; just have him incinerate ALL the books.
Not just destroy it, we need to destroy it WITHOUT READING IT FIRST. If we read it, Pucci can just use Whitesnake to steal our Memory Disk like he did in canon. Keeping Avdol alive is the best way to accomplish this; just have him incinerate ALL the books.
The problem there is Meta knowledge, if we can find a reason to destroy the book without reading it first (CoughBurnTheMansionCougj) then things are great. If not we have to hope the butterflies of Ice Jolyne, living crusaders, less DIO children and Jotaro emotions can get us through part six.
But metal doesn't conduct Hamon very well though. Organic stuff and water work better.

Didn't Johnathon cut Dio with a Hamon sword? I mean it didn't work but that cause freezing powers on the stupid thing. Also, tonpetty saying since metal isn't a living thing or organic it required constant Hamon to work, so he cut a chandelier jumped on the chandelier to Hamon kill several zombies at once?

Although seriously, we should grab a UV lamp hand it to Tsukune and say while Dio is distracted fighting us. You shine this light on his back:V

Hey Polnaroff was able to get a free hit that way . If he had used the UV lamp, Dio would be dead.
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Didn't Johnathon cut Dio with a Hamon sword? I mean it didn't work but that cause freezing powers on the stupid thing. Also, tonpetty saying since metal isn't a living thing or organic it required constant Hamon to work, so he cut a chandelier jumped on the chandelier to Hamon kill several zombies at once?
Jonathan did indeed cleaved Dio in half with the sword. But pretty much the reason why he was able to conduct Hamon so well, was because he was Hamon Jesus. :V