Even more hilarious.

Eva's avatar is Spider-Man 2099.

Clearly Eva's been ganked by the Eva of the future who'd never gotten the chance to spam all of these quests, and thus is now taking the chance to do so after getting back to the past.
Yeah, but the me of 2099 has the same voice as the me of the 1970s... >_>

In the "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions" video game, Miguel O'Hara (Spidey 2099) has the same voice actor as the guy who voiced Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the 1970's cartoon "Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends".
In the "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions" video game, Miguel O'Hara (Spidey 2099) has the same voice actor as the guy who voiced Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the 1970's cartoon "Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends".

Hence why you're joking about the seventies despite you not being alive there yet going by your age?
Getting a 'This video is not available. Sorry about that.' for Bulletproof.
The one on what seems to be their official account (what I linked the first time) works fine for me, but I'll see what I can do...

...okay, try the new link.

EDIT: Also went and changed Kurumu's theme while I was at it, because I found something that fits her better than the previous track.
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But seriously, that discussion (namely, "why did you pick that for Jotaro's theme, I think [x] fits better/there is already [x]") has been had at least once.

I refuse to have it again. Ever.

I'm the GM, bitches. And in my threads,

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Talk to someone.
--[X]Just go over what's happening to make sure you aren't missing anything important or misunderstanding everything.
No. of votes: 16
King Arthur, Lessthanyouthink, 恐Drake, Bladestar123, Bondo, Strunkriidiisk, Walker of the Yellow Path, solodark28, MoonlightSpark, Catboy41, Wizzrobe, Blaster90, Eisenstein80060, Solaris Requiem, Takoe, Voltron64

[X]Talk to someone.
--[X]Adventure fifty years ago?
No. of votes: 21
RoninLawst, Charon, Finagle007, Jeboboid, sesbio, Lazurman, o3o, Whatmesage, Reji8627, Highwind, OverReactionGuy, Karuadin, Slith10, LostDeviljho, Stormgear, Insufficient Dakka, Jazzberry, Fission Battery, GardenerBriareus, Ethereal Vitali, rogthnor

[x] Talk to someone
--[x] So do you guys have those stand things, too?
No. of votes: 2
NMS, rikalous

[X]Talk to someone.
-[X] About Yukari.
No. of votes: 4
Bakkasama, Sivuel, Winged One, Luca Morello

[X]Talk to someone.
--[x] Ask what kind of magic his hat utilizes.
No. of votes: 1
God and the Snake

[X]Talk to someone.
--[X]Just go over what's happening to make sure you aren't missing anything important or misunderstanding everything.​
No. of votes: 1

[X]Talk to someone.
-[X] Purple haired girl
--[X] Where did you come from?!
No. of votes: 4
Thozmp, Nottheunmaker, Valor Vasondra, anailater
I'm kinda surprised others went for my vote of Mizore. I did it more as a joke then anything.
Okay, so, what's the deal with those two? I mean, yea, they're from JJBA, that much I get. But what about context? What about the story? How does this meme... Mem? Er, memetize? Ugh, work?

So yeah - what's the deal with those two?
Okay, so, what's the deal with those two? I mean, yea, they're from JJBA, that much I get. But what about context? What about the story? How does this meme... Mem? Er, memetize? Ugh, work?

So yeah - what's the deal with those two?

Cameo, user of the Stand Judgement, has his Stand pose as a genie, using Judgement's power to manipulate earth to (pretend to) grant wishes of those he plans to kill; each granted wish, of course, is flawed. Cameo's catchphrase, used mainly when granting wishes via Judgement, is "HAIL 2 U!!".

Polnareff's third wish was to bring Avdol (the guy in the picture I posted) back from the dead; the fake Avdol created by Judgement tried to kill Polnareff, only to be incinerated by the REAL Avdol, who proceeded to mock and threaten Cameo by modifying Cameos' own catchphrase: "HAIL 2 U!!" changed to "HELL 2 U!!"
So... Magician's Red is basically a magic ghost Blaziken, if youtube is accurate.
I am now significantly more hyped to meet Avdol.
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