Can't wait 'till Tsukune levels up and becomes an asskicking badass like the rest of the cast.
I hope he never does.
I'm still hoping he takes another path like in Big Human in Campus.
that was the part of BHoC that I liked the least, Tsukune never got a chance to shine in any of the action scenes. Since the action scenes were the high point of the story, that was disappointing.
[X]Talk to someone.
--[X]Just go over what's happening to make sure you aren't missing anything important or misunderstanding everything.​
[X]Talk to someone.
--[X]Just go over what's happening to make sure you aren't missing anything important or misunderstanding everything.
But yeah if we already know the legend of the God killer
[X]Talk to someone.
-[X] Purple haired girl
--[X] Where did you come from?!
[X]Talk to someone.
--[X]Just go over what's happening to make sure you aren't missing anything important or misunderstanding everything.
Eva... You're addicted to making quests. It's gone too far, if we don't step in now...
Hey. It's been over a year since I started R+J, and even counting the one at QQ, I haven't hit 10 quests yet.

The hell you can call me addicted!

(also, I have, like, a bajillion unfinished fics on ffnet, only ten of which I consider to be "officially" being worked on at present)

That said, I absolutely confess to having Attention Deficit Creator Disorder.