Khawy TITANNNNNNNNNNN Location The United States of America Dec 6, 2015 #10,004 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
Hyp3rB14d3 Gotta catch 'em all! Dec 6, 2015 #10,005 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
Finagle007 [Verified Great Old One] Pronouns He/Him/His Dec 6, 2015 #10,007 [X]Witch Knoll Time to show Jotaro that his old man's still got it!
LostDeviljho Flame Dragon Princess Location The glorious Pacific Northwest Pronouns Any Dec 6, 2015 #10,008 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
reborn214 Deep in thought Location California Dec 6, 2015 #10,009 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
Lazurman This is fine. Location Classified Pronouns He/Him Dec 6, 2015 #10,011 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
The3rdCorinthian Location England, unfortunately. Pronouns She/They Dec 6, 2015 #10,014 [X] a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch after all. I am too hungry right now not to choose this. I should really just cook that goddamn octopus already. EDIT: FUCK YOU OCTOPI. I THOUGHT YOU WERE BEST CEPHALOPOD. Y U DO DIS. Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
[X] a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch after all. I am too hungry right now not to choose this. I should really just cook that goddamn octopus already. EDIT: FUCK YOU OCTOPI. I THOUGHT YOU WERE BEST CEPHALOPOD. Y U DO DIS.
Takoe Dad Location Xehafort Dec 6, 2015 #10,015 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all. I just want to see Joseph complain about Japanese food while not realizing that he's in an American fastfood chain.
[X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all. I just want to see Joseph complain about Japanese food while not realizing that he's in an American fastfood chain.
B_mod Nrvscrwthishisnameis Location That one made up country from South Park Dec 6, 2015 #10,016 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all. Also, that Q&A was amasing!
Slith10 Back from the dead and ready to party! Location New Zealand Dec 6, 2015 #10,017 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
Insufficient Dakka One ticket for Kong: Skull Island, please Rest in Peace Dec 6, 2015 #10,018 [X]Witch Knoll
Lightning_Strife Location United States of America Dec 6, 2015 #10,019 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
jackblack "I LIEK CHOCOLATE MILK" Dec 6, 2015 #10,022 [X]a fast-food place. Gotta have lunch, after all.
Bag of Bones Dec 6, 2015 #10,023 Uhh guys can we just move on with the plot and not waste time doing absolutely nothing?
LostDeviljho Flame Dragon Princess Location The glorious Pacific Northwest Pronouns Any Dec 6, 2015 #10,024 Bag of Bones said: Uhh guys can we just move on with the plot and not waste time doing absolutely nothing? Click to expand... Click to shrink... nope. can't be having plot on an empty stomach. Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
Bag of Bones said: Uhh guys can we just move on with the plot and not waste time doing absolutely nothing? Click to expand... Click to shrink... nope. can't be having plot on an empty stomach.
The3rdCorinthian Location England, unfortunately. Pronouns She/They Dec 6, 2015 #10,025 Dude. The more we explore, the less conversation gets left up to schroedinger. I am totally fine if we end up skipping though.
Dude. The more we explore, the less conversation gets left up to schroedinger. I am totally fine if we end up skipping though.