AN: So uh, I started writing since working for at least overnight is guaranteed, and realized this might help with a more informed decision. Chapter 5 vote is still ongoing and this will become the start of chapter 6 later.
"Before I answer either way," Blake began slowly. "Could you tell me how you knew about the crossbow bolts? Are they unusually loud, have the Briars kidnapped so many people that it's become common knowledge, or…?"
Elda's mouth tilted upward at one end.
"Hardly. I'm a co-owner of a reasonably popular inn, and I have friends. Use your imagination."
Blake obeyed and promptly pictured Elda casually chatting with the earlier pursuer. It was a paranoid thought and the Faunus knew it, but at least Elda didn't seem to take whatever she saw on Blake's face personally; the innkeeper let out a little laugh and elaborated.
"No, I don't think they've abducted that many people. They used to use similar bolts to down entire flocks of Whitewings to the north and it wasn't hard to put the pieces together after screeches started being heard in town. Since Lord Battalia isn't paying for hunts anymore, I suppose a few of them decided they needed another source of income. It's not like all the Briars turned bad, though; I've heard over half the Guild left in the months since they went Dark, and some of the others say they're staying just to convince their friends to pull out.
"Frankly, I'm not too surprised you were chased. You stand out like a caltrop. But if you're worried about them coming in here, you shouldn't be—there's an ocean between tolerating attacks on outsiders until Lord Battalia regains control, and attacking people indoors. I expect you'll be fine provided that you don't go out."