......Is Leeroy Gibbs related to a Certain NCIS agent by chance? I know I saw a mention of a "Jethro" Gibbs some chapters back so I have to ask >.>

also is it bad that I am waiting for the rest of them to show up at some point?
......Is Leeroy Gibbs related to a Certain NCIS agent by chance? I know I saw a mention of a "Jethro" Gibbs some chapters back so I have to ask >.>

also is it bad that I am waiting for the rest of them to show up at some point?
He'd decided to go cash in the money that he was given to not talk about nuthin' once the Fleet retreated somewhere a bit more civilized like. That part went alright, no one seemed too fussed about some Marine gettin' lucky and havin' some money to burn, and jus' like Uncle Jethro said, he went out in uniform to have some fun while the Squadron rearmed.
Well the NCIS agents full name is Leroy Jethro Gibbs . Make of that what you will:D
Would be funny if Leeroy's next Jump Omake was to the NCIS Universe :p

Also still waiting on the rest of the NCIS cast to show up, You can't just make a mention of a series and NOT have more from said show not show up down the line XD
I'd actually be entertained by the idea of Leeroy making a visit to NCIS-verse (which is linked to Hawaii 5-0, and I think one or two other shows). It'd be even better if his experience with Weird Stuff allows him to easily solve a case.
.... I'm just imagining him stomping around in his space marine suit...
I'm more imagining the national guard and tanks. Lots of tanks.
YES! so much YES!

If I remember right the only thing that can get though Marine Power Armor with any Success is a Protoss energy blade :D
YES! so much YES!

If I remember right the only thing that can get though Marine Power Armor with any Success is a Protoss energy blade :D

You remember wrongly. Marines tend to die in job lots in Koprulu to everything.

Of course, in Koprulu the main weapon of infantry is a 15 cm spike flung by a coil gun at super sonic speeds at a similar firing rate and with a similar magazine capacity as modern day machine guns. You'd probably need a crew served weapon just to stand a chance of breaking through that armour if that's the kind of punishment it can take.
You remember wrongly. Marines tend to die in job lots in Koprulu to everything.

Of course, in Koprulu the main weapon of infantry is a 15 cm spike flung by a coil gun at super sonic speeds at a similar firing rate and with a similar magazine capacity as modern day machine guns. You'd probably need a crew served weapon just to stand a chance of breaking through that armour if that's the kind of punishment it can take.
8mm spikes at hypersonic, from memory, not 15cm at supersonic.
Well, maybe the 'cartridge'/case is ablative material/metal to burn off or sharpen into the spike when the round is accelerated to hypersonic speeds, explaining both the shell casings and the fact the gauss rifle uses bullets? I mean, I recall the current railgun the Navy makes has a giant-ass muzzle flare...

Or given they like belt-feeding weaponry (For changing out the ammo), maybe the casings are mostly just to hold the spikes in firing positions as opposed to being filled with delicious gunpowder?

Although, given they do have different ammo types, they might have a 'bullet' so they can choose what -type- of spike they're firing, I guess...?

Or maybe they just use a different weapon in cutscenes that has normal boolets?

*admits to grasping at straws*

I mean, I'm pretty sure the main reason is 'because the gun looks and sounds cool' and then they decided to come up with a reason for it later. :p


Frankly, given Terrans Gonna Terran, it's entirely equally plausible to my whimsical headcanon that they game up with a gauss rifle that works perfectly well without needing shell casings only for the general in charge of the product to demand it fire shells 'because shell casings look imposing on the recruiting videos' or his uncle owns the largest ammo manufacturer on Tarsonis or something. xP

Cue vaguely frustrated designers going back to the drawing board....
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Well... IIRC in SC2.1 the Terran bunkers use a Electromagnetic system to speed up rounds fired by infantry inside. So maybe a gauss rifle is both a explosive propelled weapon and a magnetically accelerated weapon at the same time? It might not make sense from an RL physics/engineering point of view but if the Terrans have tech that is good at further accelerating a speeding bullet then a gun that uses explosives for initial velocity followed by further acceleration with magnetics sorta makes sense.
Obvioulsy, Impaler is gauss-boosted weapon instead of pure gauss cannon, to improve efficiency.
At lease, Impaler that used that case.
If I were to say something handwavy, I'd have the spikes be in a casing for ease of handling and storage. I'm assuming they're sharpened too, so they get coated in a type of lubricant, placed in a conductive casing (IE the bullet), and then fired out when the circuits completed. If I remember right, there's a serious issues with recoil and other problems for our current railguns. The bullets could be to help that be compact into man-sized form instead of massive ground mounted things.
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Well... IIRC in SC2.1 the Terran bunkers use a Electromagnetic system to speed up rounds fired by infantry inside. So maybe a gauss rifle is both a explosive propelled weapon and a magnetically accelerated weapon at the same time? It might not make sense from an RL physics/engineering point of view but if the Terrans have tech that is good at further accelerating a speeding bullet then a gun that uses explosives for initial velocity followed by further acceleration with magnetics sorta makes sense.

Almost ninjaed.

Rail weapon - and gauss weapon, too, AFAIK, works more efficiently if thing to accelerate already has some initial velocity. So using initial propellant to to start up and then boost with rails/coils is a valid design choice, combining best of both worlds and efficiency in return for more complex gun.
Well, I learned something today! ^_^
*happily noms on breakfast burrito, watches forum explain rail weaponry to him*

Erm, I mean, I obviously knew all this beforehand, but that guy over there didn't, so thanks for explaining it to him! :D
<Nova> *coughcoughbullshitcough*