A chapter? For me? You shouldn't have!

Er wait, YES YOU SHOULD HAVE, Thank you. Please. Thank You. Can I have moar?

Nazara felt a small sense of unease as he watched the mass effect accelerated projectiles splash harmlessly against glowing panes of energy surrounding the massive vessels.

That...was not a kinetic barrier…

What were these things?!

Then, she fired.

A heavy barrage of beams slammed into the vessel, shearing its rear off, violently blowing its engines apart under the hellish caress of Terran-derived ion weaponry and Protoss-derived energy lances.
Pew Pew Pew. Fuck your kinetic based technology!

The last transmission the Consensus received from the platform was of the warhead splitting in half, a wash of high intensity plasma flames washing across the area. The Damage Control Platform's hazard-hardened frame allowed it to survive for a few moments, its melting sensors picking up a hulking armored figure, a laughing skull painted on its head.

A transmission rolled through the depths of Nazara.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Oh.. Is it? One Hundred Pyros? Pryo Delivery Assault Vehicles! OH MY GOD!

He laughed as he stalked through the corridors, fire and molten slag left in his wake.

He laughed as he met up with another Pyre, the pair exchanging high-fives and resuming their hunt.

It was easy to find where one had not been, after all, if the places one had not been were not on fire.
It is! Muhahah

Pryos brofist bumping. So good. Glad they can resist flaming each other (not that it would do anything I suppose).

It was getting harder to think, now, and he felt despair growing as his internal sensors registered more and more damage, critical systems falling to battle damage and the spreading flames burning in his hulls.

He...he was a nation unto himself…

Today, his nation was burning.
Yes, Yes it is. Too bad there was no way to recover them. We/you ain't Drich.

"Reaper. We exist to break your stagnant, orderly cycles. Your broken shell stills exists because I allow it. It will end...because I desire it. I'll give your regards to the Harbinger."
Bai Baiiiii!

*Batoooooommmmm* [Miniature star forms]

The Emissary bobbed its head. "Resource acquisition is a logical reason for attempting boarding against a drastically inferior foe."

I snorted. Yeah, and I've seen you play Galaxy of Fantasy. Ain't that the truth?
God damn cheaters!

I pause, waiting for any further questions or comments, then glance at the patiently waiting Emissary. "Wait, how come the Geth aren't asking where I got three warships that big?"

Emissary's eyes focused on me, brightening slightly as the petals on its head rippled. "The programs on this platform reached a conclusion, based on the observed construction rates of the Legion Machines, plus the arrival of the Legion Machines through a non-Mass Relay Transportation Ring, that the Legion Machines must have an established infrastructure in another part of the galaxy. Given that the Legion Machines are not necessarily tied to the Mass Relay Network, we have reached the conclusion that the Legion Machines would have the capacity to build vessels of that scale due to a lack of interruptions from hostile rivals. We are very interested in acquiring this capability for ourselves."

I blinked, my optic flickering. Wow.

Um, man, even when Geth aren't infiltrating they're kinda spooky at information gathering.

Now now, remember Geth do not intentionally infiltrate... somehow they have already done so before they realize it.

Geth best _____!

No one ever told me that being a giant Von Neumann Robot still results in the robot equivalent of paperwork. Sure, I've developed my Legion so that a lot of the lower level problems can be fixed by more advanced intelligences, but I still have to do a fair amount of work deciding on broad decisions.

Thank the Maker I can avoid the duller minutiae, at least, for the most part!

Oh, excellent, Agent Red's sending in his regular quarterly report.

...Huh. Wait, is that a shareholder report being sent to a dummy email the infiltration network setup?

And...that's a lot of zeroes. And...payroll records? Franchise agreements? Licensing? Reimbursement requests from Urdnot Wrex because 'The Gun's Melee Hardening Wasn't Hardened Enough, Send It Back to R&D'?


Red, what did you -do-?

I give you 10/10. Now go make more.
Poor Sovereign. Poor poor Sovereign. Outmatched, outclassed and outgunned beyond all belief. A moment of silence.



By the way I'm only mildly sympathetic. You know since he's still an omnicidal space robot cuttlefish from hell. Like I know these're bad thoughts but the reapers are kinda assholes so it's hard to sympathize with them.
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Agent Black causes me headaches because his missions inevitably escalate to something crazy at some point.

Agent Red causes me headaches because he does his job too well. -_-

*kicks the ground, Luigi-Taunt Style, with a giant metal boot*

Poor Sovereign. Poor poor Sovereign. Outmatched, outclassed and outgunned beyond all belief. A moment of silence.



By the way I'm only mildly sympathetic. You know since he's still an omnicidal space robot cuttlefish from hell.

Maxim 37 (There is no overkill, there is only 'Open Fire!' and 'I need to reload.')!

Also, Maxim 10 (Sometimes the only way out is through the Hull), Maxim 1 (sort of) (Pillage, Then Burn), and Maxim 27 (Don't Be Afraid to Be the First to Resort to Violence) showed up in this chapter!
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Ah man I freaking love the Pyre's. We need to see more of these guys. They're even better then Jenkins!

Also, the Pyres are like spice.

They're great, but if you use too much of them, then your dish doesn't taste good, it just makes you want to throw up and your face and tongue are on fire and wow that got away from me a little.


Basically, Pyres are fun because they aren't constantly showing up and setting everything on fire -all- the time, just -some- of the time.

Of course, you should see the simulation the Legion runs to keep them content when they aren't burning things. Horrifying. :p
What, Meet the Pyro is a hilarious video! ^.^
You need to give those pyres an energy axe, and relocate the plasma flamer to there mouth. I forget which maxim it is but rule of cool applies.
I must admit I am extremely interested in what Red did.

Also, Pyres, as good as always.
Gods! I love this.

Stares at the Citadel. Come on! Come on! This is gunna be gud!

Really though, great work. Keep it up.
I think my favorite moment is when even Pyre-001 has a brain fart at the thought that there were even more Pyres.

But I do look forward to seeing Agent Red. Especially if I assume right, and Red setup an extensive powerful and profitable company to achieve his/it's goals.
It'd be like telling an agent/middle man to go accomplish something, and they come back and all of a sudden you own Google.
Man that's a nice update.

Geth continue to be awesome since you can trust them to get stuff early.

Wonder what kind of business empire Red has cooked up and hope they find a better weapon for Wrex.
So we know from the other stories that Fairh, Hope, and Fuso are going to try and hunt down Soverign, what are they gonna do when they can't find him?
Maxim 37 (There is no overkill, there is only 'Open Fire!' and 'I need to reload.')!

Also, Maxim 10 (Sometimes the only way out is through the Hull), Maxim 1 (sort of) (Pillage, Then Burn), and Maxim 27 (Don't Be Afraid to Be the First to Resort to Violence) showed up in this chapter!

Where are you finding these?
And, is there a list?

Basically, Pyres are fun because they aren't constantly showing up and setting everything on fire -all- the time, just -some- of the time.

Of course, you should see the simulation the Legion runs to keep them content when they aren't burning things. Horrifying. :p

I clicked the link.

You are one evil individual.
Correction, you feel sorry for the motes of space dust on the bottom of various Pyre's boot heels as that's all that's left.

And nothing of worth was lost.
I'm sure that the culture that made soverign had all sorts of new and interesting porn that the universe had never seen before nor will again.

So yeah, nothing all that important.
The Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries (and Irresponsible Commanders)
Where are you finding these?
And, is there a list?
The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries said:
1. Pillage, then burn.
2. A Sergeant in motion outranks a Lieutenant who doesn't know what's going on.
3. An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody.
4. Close air support covereth a multitude of sins.
5. Close air support and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart.
6. If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.
7. If the food is good enough, the grunts will stop complaining about the incoming fire.
8. Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the far side of the airlock.
9. Never turn your back on an enemy.
10. Sometimes the only way out is through. . . through the hull.
11. Everything is air-droppable at least once.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.
13. Do unto others.
14. "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
15. Only you can prevent friendly fire.
16. Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth.
17. The longer everything goes according to plan, the bigger the impending disaster.
18. If the officers are leading from in front, watch out for an attack from the rear.
19. The world is richer when you turn enemies into friends, but that's not the same as you being richer.
20. If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win.
21. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow.
22. If you can see the whites of their eyes, somebody's done something wrong.
23. The company mess and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart
24. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun.
25. If the damage you do is covered by a manufacturers warranty, you didn't do enough damage.
27. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.
28. If the price of collateral damage is high enough, you might be able to get paid for bringing ammunition home with you.
29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.
30. A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.
31. Only cheaters prosper.
32. Anything is amphibious if you can get it back out of the water.
33. If you're leaving tracks, you're being followed.
34. If you're leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun.
35. That which does not kill you has made a tactical error.
36. When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.
37. There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.'
38. Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients.
39. There is a difference between spare parts and extra [parts].
40. Not all good news is enemy action.
41. "Do you have a backup?" means "I can't fix this."
42. "They'll never expect this" means "I want to try something stupid."
43. If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky.
44. If it will blow a hole in the ground, it will double as an entrenching tool.
45. The size of the combat bonus is inversely proportional to the likelihood of surviving to collect it.
46. Don't try to save money by conserving ammunition.
47. Don't expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement.
49. Every client is one missed payment away from becoming a target.
50. Every target is one bribe away from becoming a client.
51. Let them see you sharpen the sword before you fall on it.
52. The army you've got is never the army you want
53. The intel you've got is never the intel you want
54. The best way to win a one-on-one fight is to be the third to arrive.
59. "Two wrongs is probably not going to be enough."
64. An ounce of sniper is worth a pound of suppressing fire.
68. Negotiating from a position of strength does not mean you shouldn't also negotiate from a position near the exits.
Not all of them have been listed in the comic as yet, so there are some numbers missing..
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