"oh come on, that's not even how pylons work!"
'wait, how come they think Cruisers don't have guns?'
'Pylons don't work that way.'
'Why are there so few Zerg?'
'Psi-blades just dying like that? Pfffffff.'
'This simulation is most unrealistic for orbital support.'
'I'm pretty sure Marines can't shoot down starships with personal arms!'
.yep, that's a Corsair. IFF is Nerazim. Looks like a couple of them are hanging around here already.

Ooh, I can't believe I missed this. Why do I keep missing stuff?

Looks like the Nerazim, while mostly hanging out in the Rockyard will be out and about doing their own thing without much help/oversight from the Legion. Hopefully we will get some shenanigans and funny stories coming out of that.

I wonder what happens if they start activating Mass Relays willy-nilly.

Or, after the other Commanders have already established that they are in the Mass Effect 'verse, run into Protoss running around :p
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Ooh, I can't believe I missed this. Why do I keep missing stuff?

Looks like the Nerazim, while mostly hanging out in the Rockyard will be out and about doing their own thing without much help/oversight from the Legion. Hopefully we will get some shenanigans and funny stories coming out of that.

I wonder what happens if they start activating Mass Relays willy-nilly.

Or, after the other Commanders have already established that they are in the Mass Effect 'verse, run into Protoss running around :p
Oh that's new. I don't think that was there, must be from the edit pass I hadn't read yet. Interesting so some protoss followed/sneaked thru already. Intterresting.

Remember, their shields are the real thing. Not just a kinetic shields, they block everything. I wonder how well they will do against the ME kinetic shots. Probably fucking well.

Protoss Activate a relay.
Turians fire to stop them.
Protoss don't even notice the pew pew and warp away in an obviously non-ME FTL method towing the relay with them.

On another front. YUS, Will be amazing for the other commanders to suddenly meet Protoss.

Oh god, Imagine Drich... or even more, Imagine the Protoss meeting Drich and her massive psychic power. "... Xel'Naga?!"
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29

A/N: Go Go Impulsive Chapter Posting~


Mmm. So. Geth.

Either they're pretty chill, they're attacking you on sight if you enter their territory, or they might be worshipping a giant space cuttlefish that wants to kill everyone.

Given that they are talking to me instead of running away or trying to shoot me, I'm assuming they're probably the Geth running WeAreChill.Exe. Mind, the fact that I've had time to build up defenses in the system is probably helping.

Welp, time to stretch the ol' diplomatic muscles!

"Pleasure to meet you, Geth. That an individual designation or racial?"

The frigate pauses, then responds again. "We are all Geth."

I drift closer to the frigate, triggering my mode transformation, shifting back to my normal Commander frame as I come within visual distance of the frigate.

Bit risky, but trust is important in these sorts of things, and of course I trust the Geth. Which is why there's a fair amount of ships lurking nearby, just in case things go south.

"Right then. So, mind if I set up shop here? Willing to pay rent."

I can just imagine their vaguely adorable flashlight faces quirking. Well, assuming they have any platforms on that adorable little frigate. Could just be pure ship, y'know. Hee. "Rent?"

Lessee...always polite to bring a gift when you're visiting someone else's home...Too destructive, too explosive, too expensive...oh, that'll work for some folks who are probably pretty peace-loving. "Yep. Here, a gift. Neat lil' alloy I came across. Pretty cheap to make if you have the resources for it, and it's durable as all heck."

I send the data packet over for the Geth to chew on.

Neo-Steel is fun for everyone! Also not massively ground-breaking by my standards. Sure, it makes for great ship armor and a good building material, but it's not something that's going to make the Geth unstoppable to my vessels.

After a few minutes, the Geth respond. "...We thank the Legion for this gift. We will take the data back to the Consensus."

Polite fellows, anyways. As the Geth frigate turns away to return to their base, I flip about and jet back towards my own, humming cheerfully as I watch another shipyard come online.

That went well!


The Geth aboard the frigate were examining their conclusions.

Sensors had been checked.

Upon satisfaction that the ship's systems were functioning correctly, data was examined. Conclusions were drawn.

The Legion Machines had not arrived via Mass Relay. The small ring-based structure the void-based structures were being built around was hypothesized to be their transit route.

The Legion Machines had a very high construction rate. The shipyard structures had manufactured a vessel of similar size to their own during the course of their conversation.

The Legion Machines had not demonstrated hostility to the Geth. Assuming the correct elements could be found and mined, the Legion Machines' Neo-Steel would be of use in the construction of the Geth's main objective.

The Legion Machines were prepared for aggressive action. Several of the structures built towards the Mass Relay were unmistakeably weapon emplacements of some sort.

Polling the local programs, the Geth decided.

Managing to successfully assault the Legion Machines? Unlikely. By the time a sufficient fleet could be assembled, there was an excellent chance the Legion Machines would have an unassailable foothold in the Veil.

Therefore, hostilities were a last choice of action.

The only logical explanation was to continue to communicate with the Legion Machines, to keep them from turning hostile.

Perseus Veil Outpost

Well, now that I'd established semi-friendly relations with my hosts, it was time to settle in.

I had a few objectives here in the Mass Effect universe.

First: Figure out when I am. It must be post-Morning War, given that a Geth warship poked its nose in to see what I was up to, but that leaves a good chunk of time where I could have turned up before Commander Shepard starts punching out the galaxy's problems. I'm...leery...of just poking the main Mass Relay Comm Network, and there aren't any Citadel Comm Buoys out here in the Veil. So...more data needed.

Second: Settle in and build up. There's a LOT of Space Going Cuttlefish out there, and while I'm pretty confident in my Fleet, I've got a bit of a problem in that I can only fit the smaller vessels through the Void Ring at the moment. It's a research project, so I'll leave the R&D Flotilla to chuckle away on that.

Finding a way to give the locals an edge against the Cuttlefish of Doom would help, I suppose. The more of them that are alive, the more chances I have to borrow tech.

Third: Tech Acquisition. They have some pretty nice computer networks here, so I should be able to tap into that and see what's available on the open networks. Once I have a safe connection, anyways.

Then, once I know where the good stuff is hidden offline, I can send infiltrators to get the good stuff.

Note to self: Find a local ship design, prep it, send it to Noveria. Heh.


The Rockyard

The Legion CSV Housecleaning was watching the CSV Network as the Commander streamed data over from beyond the Void Ring.

Currently, the CSV Network was chortling with glee. The local species in the Commander's current location included one species that, to a member, all wore full body concealing bodysuits and already sported a standard-sized humanoid frame.

This was going to make insertion of Geist-based infiltration units much easier into the local territories.

The CSV Darkness Calling, however, noted that it seemed rather unsporting.

CSV Going Commando thought that the Darkness Calling was missing the point. As it posited, cheating was the entire point of the Legion's Covert Support Vessels.

A brief discussion on the Network arose at that, with the consensus being reached that, yes, if they were not cheating, they were not trying.


Perseus Veil Legion Outpost

...There are times I worry about my subordinate intelligences. Honestly, there are days I worry.

Then I remind myself that at least they aren't Pyres, making me feel better and stop worrying about it.

Still, their discussion did have merit. Still, it needed something…

Hmmhmmhm...Oh? Survey report from a Corsair? How convenient~

You'll do nicely.~


Pirate Hideout Bloodclaw's Cove, Terminus Systems

Captain Bloodclaw was, in his opinion, a genius.

As a Krogan, the rest of his crew, mostly vorcha and the occasional down on his luck Turian or Batarian, were unlikely to disagree. For good reason, too, in his mind. The last time they'd tried, well...The blood splatters were still staining the deck of his hideout.

Still, his genius. Everyone knew the bloody synthetics that lived in the Veil would murder anything going into it, right? Right.

So, there's no reason to ship anything near the Veil.

Therefore, with nothing of value to attack, there'd be no reason for a pirate to hang out in this area.

Therefore, when he'd finally filled his holds raiding the Traverse, this little piece of space rock, with nothing of value upon it, made a great place to lay low and let the heat die out. No minerals, no interesting ruins, and it smelled like rotting hanar. No reason at all anyone would stay here if they had a reason.

To date, that had worked fine.

To date, that is.

Someone had found his cunningly hidden hideout, and he was PISSED about it. The lack of challenges to surrender meant it was probably one of his obviously inferior rivals, like that jackass Garm.

Too small to fit in the Blood Pack, he'd said. Well, Bloodclaw would show HIM! Someday! When he had a proper pirate armada!

But now someone was attacking HIS base. The nerve of it. The NERVE of it!

Grabbing his Hurricane, the shotgun plucked from the steaming corpse of his foes, he stomped towards his base's entrance.

Looming over the Vorcha nervously manning the barricade, he glowered down at them, his voice a Proper Snarl to put the fear of Him into them. "What the hell is going on? Where are the intruders?"

One of the little vermin shifted nervously, disgustingly ugly face looking up at him, its voice screechy. "They coming in front...Saw them outside door before camera stop working, lose several other to sniper shot! Dangerous! Got everyone, got guns, wait for them here."

Bloodclaw snorted in approval. Not as cunning as one of his plans, but downright genius for a Vorcha.

As he lumbered up to the barricade, aiming his shotgun over it, he glowered at the door. Any second now...Annnny second now.

And now the lights just went out. He was going to gnaw on someone's spine for thi-What was that smell-


Praetor Fenix of the Gamma Legion dropped through the roof of the pirate's hideout, atmosphere venting into the sulfur rich environment through the hole the SCV they'd brought along had cut. He landed, hard, on a hump-backed Krogan, slamming the alien's crested skull into the barricade that it had been crouching behind.

A heavily armored foot lashed out, crunching into one of the 'Vorcha' as it panicked, squealed, and tried to bring a poorly maintained rifle to bear. Fenix's kick smashed the pest across the room.

Stepping forwards and away from the breach, allowing another Sentinel to drop down behind him, the Purifier Praetor ignited his plasma blades. Looming in the darkness as he crossed them ritually at the pirates, ignoring the poorly aimed weapon fire glancing off his shields. "En Taro Gamma!"

Lunging forwards, blades coming down, the Praetor tore into his foes, his fellow Sentinels dropping into the fray as well.


Captain Bloodclaw groaned, shifting. Ugh. Those bastards...They'd probably cracked his headplate. Crazy damn idiots. Who uses a Krogan as a landing pad?!

Woozy, he leaned on the barricade, slick with some liquid his still concussed brain was having trouble focusing on. Shaking himself, his nostrils flared, the scent of cooked flesh filling them.

Blinking rapidly, he looked around the barricade at the front of his base. Specifically, at the dismembered parts of his former crew. "Aw, hell..."

There was a metallic clank behind him. Groping for his shotgun, lost when he slammed face first into the barricade, he settled for his pistol, whirling, and pausing at what he saw.

A line of oddly designed mechs, large and oozing menace, glowing energy blades on their wrists, all staring at him with glowing eyes.

The Krogan pirate looked at them, then looked at his pistol. Then back to the mechs. His shoulders slumped, his wide teeth open in an uncertain smile. "Er...parley?"

The closest mech lunged, and the last thing Bloodclaw saw was an energy blade blurring towards his nose.


Fenix nudged the dead Krogan over backwards, leaving it to collapse in a heap. He had to admit to some admiration for the species' toughness. It survived most of his task force landing on it, suffering several blows to the head, and seemed merely disoriented at the end.

Still, in his experience, most creatures have trouble surviving a plasma blade through their brain.

Deactivating the plasma blades, he walked over to key the outpost's doors open, admitting the expedition's SCV detachment. +Command Orders: Settler-01, Settler-02, find the pirate's ship and tow it up to orbit. SCVs, Loot the outpost to the bare bones. Priority to any data. Then, sabotage the reactor to simulate an explosive meltdown to hide evidence of our involvement.+

While Geist recon had led him to be fairly certain that he had eliminated all opposition, Fenix hadn't survived as long as he had in his previous career by being careless. While the support units worked to dismantle the place, he dispersed his Sentinels to guard and patrol the work site, the stream of SCVs trundling in and out of the outpost with crate's of the pirate's ill-gotten loot while an E-War modified version archived as much data as it could find.

He paused in his own patrol to clear his optics of dust, as the Settlers slowly took off, the construction vessels hauling the pirate ship with them.


Perseus Veil Legion Outpost

I steepled my fingers (Still so glad I can do that now) as Fenix's message update filtered through the Legion's network to me..

Locally designed ship, acquired!~

The data I could be sure the Geth weren't doctoring for local events would be a great help, too.

I mean, I really don't THINK they were, but I was feeling a tad bit paranoid knowing there was a fleet full of battlecruiser-sized Space Cuttlefish out there, and with my operations on this side of the Void Ring still ramping up to full speed.

Would take a bit to build new Void Gates between here and the Rockyard to get Arkship support.

Still, as soon as the expedition returned, I'd turn all the loot over to them to breakdown for examination and replication.

Hmmm...Time for a couple of my younger Geists to get an upgrade for local infiltration, I think…

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Either they're pretty chill, they're attacking you on sight if you enter their territory, or they might be worshipping a giant space cuttlefish that wants to kill everyone.

Bipolar, much?

the Geth unstoppable to my vessels.

Nothing said about the local races, I see.

Finding a way to give the locals an edge against the Cuttlefish of Doom would help, I suppose.

Salt and pepper?

The local species in the Commander's current location included one species that, to a member, all wore full body concealing bodysuits.

Two species, Volus and Quarians. And the Volus aren't regarded as thieves.

What was that smell-

Rotting Hanar, duh.
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Man their are a whole lot of Quarian's out on their Pilgrimage all of a sudden.
Squeee! Chapter~! Yay~!

Just started reading it. Noticed no threadmark. *boop* @TikiTau
Needs threadmark, also excellent chapter.
Squeee! Chapter~! Yay~!

Just started reading it. Noticed no threadmark. *boop* @TikiTau
Amnessiiiaaaa dusssst!

Eh, chop legs down some, use the new padding in the center as extra storage space, presto, changes done.
<Freud> But the ensuing unit is far too susceptible to falling over when pushed, even with a gyroscope! Must fix that before production can begin!
Enjoyed the chapter, ever more hungry for more though. Obviously! :D

Quarian Geist's (and Volus I hope for full 'rounding' of the bases) for the win. Enjoying the Sentinels that seem to be fully on your side "En Taro Gamma!"

I also finally got around to rereading the end of the last chapter (28) and I greatly enjoyed the changes, very good additions!
Amnessiiiaaaa dusssst!
I'm sorry, I think at this point I am now fully immune to your dust. Overuse induces immunity.
Interlude 2
Interlude 2

A/N: Meh, had this mostly ready to go and didn't have much of a reason NOT to post more adventures of Rednecks vs Zombies...IN SPACE.


Leeroy Gibbs stomped along the grungy corridors of the USG Ishimura, gauss rifle at the ready, his new buddy walking along behind his armored bulk.

That Isaac feller was a bit on the excitable side, but he sure did know his ships. Him and his buddies had met up and decided to get this ol' hulk up and runnin' again.

Nice folks. Leeroy could admire a proper military sort like that Hammond fella, and Miss Daniels seemed nice.

Not as nice as Miss Lockwell, but that's alright, cause Miss Lockwell was super nice, as far as the UNN broadcasts and ol' Mike's chatterin' could tell 'em.

Anyhoo. Apparently, blowin' up a planet to harvest all the minerals created a lot o' debris, and so havin' yer anti-debris systems failing was a bit dangerous to the ship.

Who knew?

So, they'd all decided to split up to get the ol' girl up and runnin' proper again. Pity that it was pretty dangerous.

Honestly, Leeroy had to wonder about folks. Sure, Isaac's HEV suit was lighter than what he'd consider proper back in Koprulu, but the other two didn't even have THAT. Seriously, who goes pokin' around in a damaged ship and doesn't pack armor?!

Shaking his head at the silliness of some folks, Gibbs kept up his lookin' for Space Zombies. Nasty thingies.

Well, for the others. For all that them Space Zombies was dangerous as heck to a lighter armored fella like Issac, they hadn't seemed ta be too bad to him. Sure, the thingy lurkin' in the vent had been a mite unsettlin', but a grenade thrown in there settled that tentacle thing right quick.

Hell, they didn't even have poisonous railgun spikes! Just claws an' stuff.

Gibbs had to admit the Space Zombies was a mite bit unsettlin' lookin', tho'. Stupid Space Zombies. Least the Zerg were polite enough to look like creepy evil aliens, instead of lookin' like creepy mutated humans.

"Eeeey, Tater, we there yet?"

His suit's computer paused, and then pulsed the map hanging on the inside of his fully sealed up helmet. "Take a left."

Whistling idly, Gibbs stopped at a door with a sign on it saying 'Equipment Storage'. The door was sealed, with a number of scrapes on the outside, the keypad laying on the ground, sparks pouring from its mountin' point. Nodding sagely, Gibbs casually twitched his hand, plasma blade popping into life. Slamming it into the top of the door, he slowly dragged it down, cutting the sliding door's seal.

Deactivating the blade, he fit his gauntlets into the freshly made crack and pulled, armor servos humming. The doors slid open, and Leeroy muscled his way inside, head lamp scanning until he could hit the lightswitch.

Lesseee...tools, parts, corpse, corpse, twitching co-

Leeroy had his rifle leveled and opening fire, spikes flying as he ventilated the Space Zombie, the hail of spikes ripping it apart. "Man, I hate these things."

Stomping over, Leeroy kicked the corpses a few times, then shoved them out of the way. "C'mon in, Isaac! Room's clear."

The Engineer darted in after him, staring at the corpses before shuddering. "Th-thanks, Leeroy. Gimme a few." Studiously turning his back on the former crewmembers of the ship, Isaac started doing Science Things, dragging tools out of bins, poking them, taking them apart and pulling parts off and snapping them onto other parts.

Leeroy nodded sagely to himself. That's some mighty fine Science going on there, he'd wager. As for himself, he casually pulled some scrap metal from a bin and fed it into his armor's fabricator hopper, humming to himself as he poked about the room, keeping an eye on the ceiling vent and doors. "Poor fellas. Wager they locked themselves in here and then one of 'em turned into a Space Zombie or somethin'. Bummer."

Isaac glanced over his shoulder at Leeroy, then shook his head, the engineer going back to work Sciencin' spare parts together. "This is insane, Sergeant. What the hell is going on here? I'm just here to find my girlfriend...Dammit…"

Huh. Isaac's seemin' a bit down. Welp, that ain't good. Leeroy lumbered over and clapped the Engineer on the shoulder. "Awww, cheer up, buddy! I'm sure we'll find her. Also, whatcha working on, anyhoo?"

The Engineer finished soldering a wire into place, then snapped a panel shut. Picking up the bulky rifle, he slid it onto his back, a magnetic clamp system holding it over the glowy bits on his back. Reaching down into a storage compartment, he pulled out a fancy lookin' pistol thingy. "I didn't have any tools going into this. All my gear's back on our ship. So, the way I figure things, if it can cut through solid rock, it can cut through those Things that tried to kill me."

Gibbs hmmed. "Space Zombies, Isaac."

The Engineer paused, visor fixing on Leeroy's. "Huh?"

Gibbs sighed, tsking. "Proper namencultures is important, Isaac. The creepy things is Space Zombies, y'see. So what'dja do, make yerself a rifle?"

The shorter Engineer paused, then shook his head for some reason. "Sure, whatever you say, Leeroy. And kind of...It's a mining tool. With the safeties pulled off." The Engineer patted the rifle fondly. "C99 Supercollider Contact Beam. Normally, you use it to blow apart large chunks of hardened ore or small meteors. With the safeties off, should pretty much obliterate anything the beam hits. Also got myself a plasma cutter, just as a backup. Still, glad you were along, Sergeant. I'd never have gotten that door open on my own, messed up as the mechanism was."

Leeroy grinned, giving the Engineer a thumbs up. "'Eh, what are friends for? And good choice on the guns, I think. Always good to have a pistol on ya! And I'm glad yer armed, buddy! Ain't good to go trompin' through a ship full o' Space Zombies if yer unarmed. Or Unarmored. Seriously, what's up with that? I jus' can't stop wonderin' why yer military folks ain't armed and the civilian engineer is. Damn weird decision. Speakin' of, even then, yah really need more armor on that suit o' yours, man. I guess it was good enough fer normal work, but ain't gonna cut it fer Space Zombies!"

Isaac shrugged as the pair re-entered the elevator he'd been sprinting for initially, beginning to descend deeper into the ship. "You might have a point. I'll let you know if we can find a machine shop. Might be able to build some extra plating or something." The engineer shuddered. "Anything to keep those claws outta my flesh…"

Leeroy, visor still down, settled for giving his new Space Explorin' Buddy a thumbs up. "That's the spirit! Anyhoo, keep an eye out! Creepy fellas like this like hidin' on the ceilin'! Might wanna use yer fancy pistol-ma-jig, since I've got point, y'know, an' I don't wanna get exploded!"

Whistling jauntily, headlamp on, Leeroy stepped off the elevator as it finally came to a stop, gauss rifle at the ready.

A massive ship, barely functional, heavily damaged, infested with monsters?

Hell, he was beginnin' to feel a mite homesick!
Eh, chop legs down some, use the new padding in the center as extra storage space, presto, changes done.

Their joints are probably weird, I think they take off suits around other volus or in their atmo, and they also do that weird breathing thing. Like, can you imagine one of them reporting to you? Ugh, the worst.

Quarians are cuter anyway.

The engineer shuddered. "Anything to keep those claws outta my flesh…"

Leeroy, visor still down, settled for giving his new Space Explorin' Buddy a thumbs up. "That's the spirit! Anyhoo, keep an eye out! Creepy fellas like this like hidin' on the ceilin'! Might wanna use yer fancy pistol-ma-jig, since I've got point, y'know, an' I don't wanna get exploded!"

Leeroy handles drama well, I note.
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Their joints are probably weird, I think they take off suits around other volus or in their atmo, and they also do that weird breathing thing. Like, can you imagine one of them reporting to you? Ugh, the worst.

Quarians are cuter anyway.
Also sets the stage for 'Geth do not infiltrate.' 'The Legion does!' 'Yes.' jokes when/if the Quarians find out. :3
(Volus Infilitrators might show up later,
You are now contractually obligated to give these Volus Infiltrators a Morph Ball form.
Interlude 2

A/N: Meh, had this mostly ready to go and didn't have much of a reason NOT to post more adventures of Rednecks vs Zombies...IN SPACE.
D'aaawww, you spoil us Tiki.
Whistling idly, Gibbs stopped at a door with a sign on it saying 'Equipment Storage'. The door was sealed, with a number of scrapes on the outside, the keypad laying on the ground, sparks pouring from its mountin' point. Nodding sagely, Gibbs casually twitched his hand, plasma blade popping into life. Slamming it into the top of the door, he slowly dragged it down, cutting the sliding door's seal.
Keycards? What Keycards?
Leeroy nodded sagely to himself. That's some mighty fine Science going on there, he'd wager. As for himself, he casually pulled some scrap metal from a bin and fed it into his armor's fabricator hopper, humming to himself as he poked about the room, keeping an eye on the ceiling vent and doors.
Does it make hi-powered blender sounds when Leeroy shoves pipes, hardware, and loose hull plating in that hopper? :V
Enjoyed the chapter, ever more hungry for more though.
I see you were listening... MOOOARRRRR
Isaac shrugged as the pair re-entered the elevator he'd been sprinting for initially, beginning to descend deeper into the ship. "You might have a point. I'll let you know if we can find a machine shop. Might be able to build some extra plating or something." The engineer shuddered. "Anything to keep those claws outta my flesh…"

Leeroy, visor still down, settled for giving his new Space Explorin' Buddy a thumbs up. "That's the spirit! Anyhoo, keep an eye out! Creepy fellas like this like hidin' on the ceilin'! Might wanna use yer fancy pistol-ma-jig, since I've got point, y'know, an' I don't wanna get exploded!"
Man, they got such great synergy!

Whistling jauntily, headlamp on, Leeroy stepped off the elevator as it finally came to a stop, gauss rifle at the ready.

A massive ship, barely functional, heavily damaged, infested with monsters?

Hell, he was beginnin' to feel a mite homesick!
You be you Leeroy. You're best marine!