Okay,shots fired. You two can stop now before things spiral out of hand. You have the right to your opinions,and your right to judge the opinions of others. Just don't bust out the ad hominem arguments; They're just messy business all 'round.
Alert: Thread Policy
Okay, shots fired. You two can stop now before things spiral out of hand. You have the right to your opinions and a right to judge the opinions of others, but don't bust out the ad hominem arguments; They're just messy business all 'round.
thread policy This is excellent advice, and I recommend everyone here follow it. Please do not make me come back.
Curious to see how Leeroy takes out the bigger and more powerful Necromorphs that show up later in general.
Final boss battle. About to give the killing blow. Suddenly. Leroy and Tater are yoinked back to their world....

Engineer: Ahh, Christ on crack binge...!

Final boss battle. About to give the killing blow. Suddenly. Leroy and Tater are yoinked back to their world....

Engineer: Ahh, Christ on crack binge...!


I've got the impression that Leroy Gibbs is the new favourite fleshy plaything of Gamma's ROB and either won't be staying home for long when he returns to resupply and repair as he and Tater are whisked away on another crazy adventure or he and Tater just keep continuously jumping to new interesting places, get to meet some right decent folk, discover new critters and strange alien civilizations and may just get to blow some of them to itty bitty pieces. So maybe they'll be gone for a while, let's hope Tater has the necessary schematics on-board so that either Leroy (as directed by Tater) or some right helpful locals who can hopefully patch up anything that gets busted along the way.
I've got the impression that Leroy Gibbs is the new favourite fleshy plaything of Gamma's ROB and either won't be staying home for long when he returns to resupply and repair as he and Tater are whisked away on another crazy adventure or he and Tater just keep continuously jumping to new interesting places, get to meet some right decent folk, discover new critters and strange alien civilizations and may just get to blow some of them to itty bitty pieces. So maybe they'll be gone for a while, let's hope Tater has the necessary schematics on-board so that either Leroy (as directed by Tater) or some right helpful locals who can hopefully patch up anything that gets busted along the way.
Leeroy Gibb's Bizarre Adventure (Multicross/Starcraft/Space Redneck)
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It would be a pretty cool story, but only if the author expanded on the concept as they went.

I mean, eventually the idea would get boring....


...eh. -_(~_~)_-
It's probably got better legs for the long haul than an all-powerful god-robot going from universe to universe curbstomping everything.
Tiki does a good job of breathing so much life into the characters it doesn't matter. Ramble is doing interesting things as well.

But let's be honest, at it's core the PA SI thing is the most purely masturbatory writing seen on these two forums in quite awhile.
It's probably got better legs for the long haul than an all-powerful god-robot going from universe to universe curbstomping everything.
Speaking as one of the authors who writes one of those fics about going around and curbstomping everything, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.

For all it seems like it would be easy to write, (and it is, really), it's hard to make it entertaining and keep it entertaining because eventually every problem has the same solution - spam bullshit overpowered OCP tech from another dimension with a healthy side of NANOMACHINES, SON. Especially given that every universe just makes the Commander more powerful and closer to achieving godhood. Every challenge overcome just makes an already powerful entity even stronger - or turns them into an angsty wreck, which is equally bad for the long run of a fic.

Honestly, writing FiSF is probably one of my biggest petty regrets - partly because it spawned a huge number of derivatives, many of which are... Well, lets just say Sturgeon's Law is in full effect - and partly because I went in with a loose plan for the endgame and no idea as to how I would keep it entertaining long enough to get there. Bluntly put, this type of story is kind of terrible for long works. At this point I'm pretty much only continuing FiSF until the end of Mass Effect, for the sake of the other people involved in the collaboration.

Anyway at this point I think my very tired ramblings are getting a little off+topic (like that has ever stopped this board before) so I guess tldr: long character stories good, long curbstomping stories bad.

I'll stop stealing your thread now tiki.
Speaking as one of the authors who writes one of those fics about going around and curbstomping everything, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.

For all it seems like it would be easy to write, (and it is, really), it's hard to make it entertaining and keep it entertaining because eventually every problem has the same solution - spam bullshit overpowered OCP tech from another dimension with a healthy side of NANOMACHINES, SON.
Exactly. Tiki has a couple of good hooks here, the primary one being the horde of idiosyncratic AI, followed by picking up a cast of non AI characters as well.
The idea of mostly just helping the natives of a new universe help themselves rather than paternalistically doing it for them is a good one too, sort of a not-so-traumatic uplift.

Truthfully, reading Tiki's 'fic here did give me a plot bunny about an actual Commander, one of the original machines being ditched into another universe by technobabble shenanigans. Could be neat as the bare edge of fluff does seem to indicate that with time, some of the Commanders have gone at least as... odd as anything Commander Gamma has programmed. Not multiversal travel though, just one ancient and deeply strange AI warmachine making it's way through a whole new setting.
Eh. I just dig giant robots and neat toys, really.

All that worrying about other stuff is far too much effort. :3

(Yaaay bored postings while stuck waiting to see if I get chosen for jury duty. -.-)
Wooo, Jury Duty's done and didn't have to get empaneled this time around~ *does a little hopping robo-pangolin dance*
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Backwater planet has Mayans three more settings I have solid ideas for. I'll probably take an even longer hiatus to actually think about how to go forward. After that, I may just use Glitch as an excuse for other stories I may write.