Oh citadel councilors, arrogant and ignorant as ever I see.
Ehhh, I was hoping they came off as less 'we're confident because we're certain we're on top' and more 'we're confident because we're pretty sure you guys are a bit big for your britches but whatever, we win either way and we can take the slow route this time'.

...writing the Council is hard. Specially cause they tend to get an antagonistic viewpoint in the games just due to Shep being the point of view, y'know? n.n;;;

Blah. Words.

Basically, meant that from -their- point of view, and given their current knowledge (a new group of nomads with an obviously new diplomat declaring themselves the stewards of a giant resource sink), they can basically take the non-committal 'well, we're of course dissapointed that you don't want to be friends, but we accept that choice'. And it's totally a legitimate opinion without more data, you know? Since Gamma is still playing it quiet so no one knows that there's a Commander hiding in the Perseus Veil, and their only official contact is with a single diplomat who had to hitch a ride on a Quarian refurb ship, they don't realize that there's that much infrastructure cheerily willing to manufacture all the spare parts and resources they need, from air filters to eezo to hydroponic bays, y'know?
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disappointed that a race with so much to add to the wider galactic community wishes to remain apart from it
"You've never encountered the wider galactic community, so how would you know? I mean, the network allows access to less than 1% of the galactic area, it's only mere chance that any external faction encountered your little enclaves at all."
The Turian paused, mulling over Tevos' words, before sighing and shrugging. "Fine, I can see and accept the logic there. I'll pass it on. I suppose you're right, really. How many resources can a single group of wandering nomads bring to bear, anyways?"
If there ever was an appropriate post to use this, it's now
"We have dismissed those claims."
LOL, they have 12K ships and orbital shipyards.
Non non.

I'm using the hilariously ridiculous sizes for the Arkships. (I mean, I'm still using them, but I fully admit they're hilariously Sci Fi Scale, y'know? xD)

That's why they're literally 2x as big as the Citadel.

One part 'because they're different' and one part 'they are so pretty' xD
It's really not that hard.
Well, yes, but convincing the Quarians to do -that- instead of maintain the fleet and retake Rannoch is apparently harder than the logistical demands of resettling them. xD

They're stubborn cusses, y'know?

...really? A protoss keeping their face impassive?
And Aurus has -very- expressive eyeridges, donchaknow! It is why he is a DIPLOMAT! :D
(I mean, he could be from one of the Nerazim clans that wear face coverings or helmets or something instead...)
"You've never encountered the wider galactic community, so how would you know? I mean, the network allows access to less than 1% of the galactic area, it's only mere chance that any external faction encountered your little enclaves at all."
Aurus thought it would be rude to mention that!

He is a DIPLOMAT, you see! :p
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The upper portion of the Protoss face, especially their eyes and brows, are actually really expressive. They just lack mouths, not expressions entirely.

They can even sort of smile, though it comes entirely from upper-face movements.

See also Fenix's utterly perfect 'oh i have a sad now...' face when his psi blade malfunctions in the original Starcraft for further evidence...
Ehhh, I was hoping they came off as less 'we're confident because we're certain we're on top' and more 'we're confident because we're pretty sure you guys are a bit big for your britches but whatever, we win either way and we can take the slow route this time'.

...writing the Council is hard. Specially cause they tend to get an antagonistic viewpoint in the games just due to Shep being the point of view, y'know? n.n;;;

Blah. Words.

Basically, meant that from -their- point of view, and given their current knowledge (a new group of nomads with an obviously new diplomat declaring themselves the stewards of a giant resource sink), they can basically take the non-committal 'well, we're of course dissapointed that you don't want to be friends, but we accept that choice'. And it's totally a legitimate opinion without more data, you know? Since Gamma is still playing it quiet so no one knows that there's a Commander hiding in the Perseus Veil, and their only official contact is with a single diplomat who had to hitch a ride on a Quarian refurb ship, they don't realize that there's that much infrastructure cheerily willing to manufacture all the spare parts and resources they need, from air filters to eezo to hydroponic bays, y'know?
fine ill revise it. Oh citadel councilors, always missing that one crucial piece of information needed to not fuck yourselves over.
Ehhh, I was hoping they came off as less 'we're confident because we're certain we're on top' and more 'we're confident because we're pretty sure you guys are a bit big for your britches but whatever, we win either way and we can take the slow route this time'.

...writing the Council is hard. Specially cause they tend to get an antagonistic viewpoint in the games just due to Shep being the point of view, y'know? n.n;;;

Blah. Words.

Basically, meant that from -their- point of view, and given their current knowledge (a new group of nomads with an obviously new diplomat declaring themselves the stewards of a giant resource sink), they can basically take the non-committal 'well, we're of course dissapointed that you don't want to be friends, but we accept that choice'. And it's totally a legitimate opinion without more data, you know? Since Gamma is still playing it quiet so no one knows that there's a Commander hiding in the Perseus Veil, and their only official contact is with a single diplomat who had to hitch a ride on a Quarian refurb ship, they don't realize that there's that much infrastructure cheerily willing to manufacture all the spare parts and resources they need, from air filters to eezo to hydroponic bays, y'know?

I liked this portrayal of the council. They were nominally polite, thoughtful and playing to the long game. Exactly what you would expect from professional diplomats.

A little surprised they didn't do more to encourage setting up diplomatic channels or setting up an embassy. But that might be the council rightfully underestimating the Nerazim.
I liked this portrayal of the council. They were nominally polite, thoughtful and playing to the long game. Exactly what you would expect from professional diplomats.

A little surprised they didn't do more to encourage setting up diplomatic channels or setting up an embassy. But that might be the council rightfully underestimating the Nerazim.
One part underestimating the dude in a loincloth and wearing shiny rocks, one part being neutral until they have more info so they don't accidentally have another near-Mysterious Fleet Aggro Situation since they're not under time constraints this time, one part 'let's see if they screw themselves over'. :p

But mostly the 'well, they're starting attitude is Quarian-biased, initiate plan Long Game' bit. xD
Feels a bit weird that they wouldn't fish for more info here though. There are some fairly reasonable questions they could ask under the pretense of trade and so on that could help their intelligence gathering a fair bit if answered.
Since Gamma is still playing it quiet so no one knows that there's a Commander hiding in the Perseus Veil, and their only official contact is with a single diplomat who had to hitch a ride on a Quarian refurb ship, they don't realize that there's that much infrastructure cheerily willing to manufacture all the spare parts and resources they need, from air filters to eezo to hydroponic bays, ships, moons to planets, people and everything y'know?

Non non.

I'm using the hilariously ridiculous sizes for the Arkships. (I mean, I'm still using them, but I fully admit they're hilariously Sci Fi Scale, y'know? xD)

That's why they're literally 2x as big as the Citadel.

One part 'because they're different' and one part 'they are so pretty' xD
I semi seriously was wanting/hoping for Aurus to call in one of those Arkships and see the reaction of the council. I know it wouldn't make sense really, but I still want it. Like... hmm. He needs pickup to leave the Citadel with the shopping list the Admiral provided, and the dinky little refurb Quarian ship just will not do! Que one Arkship blackhole warping in. :V

I want to see what shinnanigans that nova ans Leroy are up to.
Well less Leroy and more Nova personally.

I can't wait to see what else happens. I mean seriously I can't wait. After all the bad news today (GOD DAMN YOU 2016 YEAR OF DEATH!) I need some pick me ups.
I semi seriously was wanting/hoping for Aurus to call in one of those Arkships and see the reaction of the council. I know it wouldn't make sense really, but I still want it. Like... hmm. He needs pickup to leave the Citadel with the shopping list the Admiral provided, and the dinky little refurb Quarian ship just will not do! Que one Arkship blackhole warping in. :V

Obviously, the old Quarian cargo ship will have a major malfunction, because old Quarian ship. And Aurus will offer to call for a ride, but the Quarians will tell him they can't leave the ship unguarded, because someone would steal it, citadel or no. So he'll call for a ride big enough to carry the ship too, because why not? They did give him a ride after all, so it's only fair that he gives them one in turn.
Oh citadel councilors, arrogant and ignorant as ever I see.

Arrogant? Nah, that was pretty reasonable all things considered. Way better than most fanfics where they get all indignant and start shouting about lack of precedent.

Ignorant, yeah, but that's expected when they're meeting a species for the first time. Tevos handled it pretty well - accepting the statements at face value, and trying to get more information before acting.
Arrogant? Nah, that was pretty reasonable all things considered. Way better than most fanfics where they get all indignant and start shouting about lack of precedent.

Claiming that the Nerazim are new to this and that the Council is the great galactic community when all they scouted was less than 1% of the galaxy was quite arrogant of them.
Claiming that the Nerazim are new to this and that the Council is the great galactic community when all they scouted was less than 1% of the galaxy was quite arrogant of them.

Considering that the Council species have spread across the entire galaxy - in breadth if not in depth - it's really not. I mean, we know that they're from another dimension, but it would be incredibly unlikely that a stargoing species would spend 1500 years wandering the galaxy without being spotted by someone.

Granted, with all the random Commander's wandering around they should be expecting the unexpected by now, but it makes a lot more sense narrative-wise that the Protoss are simply a new species from the other side of an unexplored relay.