Huh, so would Gamma like to make a game of his own? Maybe even invent a better VR system and make a game about players fighting against a massively superior foe.
Wonder if Gamma plans to gather native AIs to become his allies like that gambling AI that was on the Citadel.
I feel the need to note that modern sniper rifles are also very ridiculous, if one knows where to look.
This and this are designed to give hard time to parked aircraft and personnel behind walls or in APCs. From a kilometer or more away. Then there's this
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I know right, why did they make that?
Are you kidding? Have you seen the kind of shit we have in our back gardens? I mean, the kangaroos aren't so bad but the spiders? The snakes? The drop bears? Vicious stuff.

That 15.2mm looks impressive, but that'd probably be about as effective as an open-hand slap against most critters down under. That is to say, all it'd do is make them more inclined to kill you.
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Wonder if the Protoss are planning to chill in the Terminus or are planning to visit Citadel space at some point in the future.
I feel the need to note that modern sniper rifles are also very ridiculous, if one knows where to look.
This and this are designed to give hard time to parked aircraft and personnel behind walls or in APCs. From a kilometer or more away. Then there's this

And then humanity decided that switching to pea shooters was a good idea. Sure, they had near unlimited ammo, which was a very nice thing... so they had to remove that feature... Reaper plot I tell you, all of this is yet another Reaper plot.
And then humanity decided that switching to pea shooters was a good idea. Sure, they had near unlimited ammo, which was a very nice thing... so they had to remove that feature... Reaper plot I tell you, all of this is yet another Reaper plot.
I'm fairly sure if we ever get something like the ME style railguns we will make then as big as humanly possible, because fuck if we don't want our guns of overcompensation!
So, random thought. Do the Nerazim colonists know that the Purifiers are with Gamma? Or did I miss something and all the Purifiers stayed in Koprulu?
The current Railgun doesn't have a muzzle flash so much as a "ten meter long stream of fire as it murders the fuck out of everything in it's path"
Look at this shit!
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So, random thought. Do the Nerazim colonists know that the Purifiers are with Gamma? Or did I miss something and all the Purifiers stayed in Koprulu?
Nah, Gamma was fairly open with being a Robot Overlord with the Khalai and Nerazim.

Most of the Purifiers stayed in Koprulu and most of the Legion went with Gamma, but there was some degree of exchange.

IE, Mister Blue is still in Koprulu and nominally under Clolarion's command (Seriously, there's something about Mister Blue that gave him a worse Uncanny Valley effect than Agents Red, Black, Green, or White) but he's -very- good at keeping New Gettysberg Tech secured against infilitration, so it all works out. Hippocrates is happily working in Tarsonis, <Insert Properly Amusing Sciencey Name Adjutant/VI name> is the major administrative assistant at New Gettysberg Tech. By contrast, there's a fair number of Sentinels who went with the Legion under the command of Praetor Fenix/Talhandar, plus some of their other units have Purifier consciousnesses, not freshly programmed/made Legion personalities.

There's also Robby the Reaver, who had a short lived children's show back in Koprulu that was canceled for being too good for that sinful sector. :p
(Warning: Above Statement May Be Herring of a crimson hue.)
There's also Robby the Reaver, who had a short lived children's show back in Koprulu that was canceled for being too good for that sinful sector. :p
(Warning: Above Statement May Be Herring of a crimson hue.)

I'd sooner believe that when the show's only episode to be aired was on air the remarkably... expansive and colourful vocabulary of Robby was rather decidedly unfitting for a children's show, and not what the censor office had cleared.
I'd sooner believe that when the show's only episode to be aired was on air the remarkably... expansive and colourful vocabulary of Robby was rather decidedly unfitting for a children's show, and not what the censor office had cleared.
<Robby> Boop boop dep doot boop beeeeeep.
Such a vulgar tongue on him.
Dramatis Personae
Got a bit insomniac last night, so... :3

Dramatis Personae

Line Commander Gamma-44268 of the Legio Indominus. Commander of the Gamma Legion, Hero of Koprulu (Sort of). Possibly a human from another dimension OR just a bonkers Commander who got slammed into a planet too hard. Guildmaster of the Galaxy of Fantasy Guild <<Dark Templar>>.

Agent Black. An advanced Geist, an infantry scale killbot designed for special operations. Agent Black was the production line's prototype. Has a rather unfortunate tendency to attract trouble wherever he goes. Oh, and he considers himself male, despite being the aforementioned infantry scale covert ops killbot. Specialty: 'Loud' covert action

Agent White. An advanced Geist. Prefers quiet infiltration and total electronic warfare domination as her preferred modus operandi. Has acted as an ersatz subcommander before. Shy, doesn't enjoy non-Legion interaction. Too busy to deal with your existential moral crisis.

Agent Blue. Usually going by the alias of Mister Blue, Agent Blue is assigned to the New Gettysburg Institute of Technology. Originally a recruiter, his current assignment is keeping the Institute secure from physical and electronic intrusion. Also has a really bad Uncanny Valley effect, so tends to wear a suit over his Geist HEV suit, which helps. Currently the Bursar at the New Gettysburg Institute of Technology, much to prospective young scientist's despair.

Agent Red. One of the younger Advanced Geists, Red is currently using a V.O.L.U.S. infiltration frame and is heading up the Legion's arms manufacturing project. Surprisingly good at social interaction, due to having optimized for liaison duties back in Koprulu. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of GLN Outfitters.

Agent Green. Another younger Geist, Green is currently using a Quarian styled frame. Acting as Red's bodyguard. Heavy assault model, prefers heavy armor and a heavy gun. Very quiet, stoic, tends to let Red do the talking. CEO (Chief of Enemy Obliteration) of GLN Outfitters. Takes attacks on GLN Outfitters just a wee bit personally.

Aurus. Nerazim Corsair Pilot, Dark Templar, Explorer, and traveler. Takes VERY enthusiastic trips. Loves exploring. Grew up hearing tales of the glory days of the Protoss Empire, and jumped at the chance to go to a new galaxy and see new sights. Has no volume control. He is now ALSO a DIPLOMAT!

Behemoth-09. A very direct Legion Battlecruiser. Really enjoys his job and getting to play with his shiny new gun mounts.

Corporal Leeroy Gibbs, Alpha Squadron Marine. A simple fellow from Shiloh, Gibbs is what the Old Confederacy considered an ideal marine: Loyal, obedient, excellent in a fight, and not one to question his betters. Lasted surprisingly long at his job before running afoul of SCIENCE and getting punted into another universe by a malfunctioning Infantry Scale Terran Teleporter in 2504. Was a Master Sergeant at the time. Also surprisingly insightful, partly due to long experience with Weird Stuff and partly due to being too simple to fool. Currently stuck on a massive planetary mining vessel that is infested with murderous space zombies and plagued by a severe lack of OSHA compliance.

Fuzzball. Nova's pet kitty. Very fluffy. Very pampered. Considers itself the Emperor of the Gamma Legion, and will bite the hell out of your hand if you disagree. Well, if it could be bothered, and if you stopped petting it, and-yeah. Very spoiled fluffy kitty. Breed: Tarsonian Imperial (Males are Emperors, Females are Empresses), a local Koprulu variant cat known for its amazingly fluffy fur, bright blue eyes, and adorably huffy disposition at anything that displeases it (AKA, anything that isn't paying attention to it in the exact method it wants).

Irais. Nerazim, Dark Templar. Nova's primary teacher in controlling her gifts. A bit sarcastic. Decided to accompany the Nerazim colonists that left Koprulu along with the Legion.

Kem'Xafal nas Striker. A corvette captain from the Migrant Fleet. The first Quarian to encounter a Nerazim. Wishes that the Nerazim in question had volume control.

Legion Support Vessel 001, Socrates. The first of the Philosopher-class Support Vessels to come online, Socrates is the grandaddy of them all. Originally the Sara System's overseer.

Legion Support Vessel 002, Sun Tzu. The head of the Legion's Weapon Design and Upgrade flotilla. Sun Tzu has a knack for integrating technology into usable Legion frames once other Support Vessels crack it. Their main focus is on military tech and design, however.

Legion Support Vessel Sigmund. One of many modified Philosopher-class designs, the Sigmund is designed and optimized around researching the xeno bioweapon species known as the Zerg, with a secondary specialty in psionics research. Developed Cerebrate Containment Protocols, but was unable to gather empirical evidence on how well they work due to widescale strategic weapon deployment. Really hates the Void Ring that the Legion found in the Rockyard, because it is frustrating black box tech.

Legion Support Vessel Freud. A specialized research vessel that concentrates on Protoss and Xel'Naga tech as well as psionics research. Often works with the Sigmund.

Legion Support Vessel Muir. Research vessel, geology specialist. Cracked the trick to getting Antiguan Mineral Fields & Vespense Gas pockets to self-replicate. Took a while, though.

Legion Support Vessel Prometheus. System overseer for the Antiga system. Is stingy with handing out the cool drops in Galaxy of Fantasy.

Legion Support Vessel Clarke. A generalized Philosopher-class Support Vessel. Specialty was general analysis and investigation of Protoss technology and integration of their technology into the Legion, as well as examining Tal'darim salvage. Not as specialized as some of the other Vessels. Also did a good deal of work on the Arkships.

Medical Station Hippocrates. A medical station VI. Originally built to assist Nova Terra with her recovery following the loss of her arm and an eye in the Gutter of Tarsonis, the Hippocrates suffered critical damage during the Tal'darim incursion into the Sara system. Gestalt recovered and rebuilt to serve the planet of Tarsonis.

November Annabelle Terra. An extremely potent psychic from Tarsonis. Also was extremely traumatized when Agent Black, under orders, extracted her from Tarsonis' Gutter (AKA, the Slums) and ferried her to the Sara system for medical treatment. Lost her right arm and eye during the extraction due to an accidental release of her very potent telekinesis dropping a building on her own head. Trained by the Nerazim to control her powers, decided to accompany the Legion because, frankly, there isn't much left in Koprulu that she has any close ties to. Currently training with Irais aboard the Nerazim Colony Arkship. Commander Gamma is NOT jealous of her ability to pretty much teleport at a whim.

Praetor Fenix of the Gamma Legion. A Purifier upload copying the Protoss hero Fenix, Fenix was eager to join the Legion and leave the Koprulu sector to forge his own identity, away from his organic self. Fairly cheerful, utterly lethal with his plasma blades. Tends to lead the Legion's Purifier contingent. Very grateful to Commander Gamma for the chance to lead a life away from his original and to avoid all that potential drama.

Pyre-001. The eldest of the Plasmabat line of infantry killbots. Also the one to reveal that the Plasmabats, due to their function and optimization to better perform it, have a worrying tendency towards pyromania, destructive tendencies, pyromania, manical laughter, pyromania, viciousness, and pyromania. Pyre-001, like the rest of his model, spend their time not fighting in a sort of deep storage, to avoid friendly fire incidents. Put Ascendant Alarak into a Vanguard shell, by setting him on fire and ramming a chunk of the medical station they were fighting on into his command ship, setting it on fire as well.

Vergil. Personal assistant to Special Legion VIP (And later member) November Annabelle Terra. Prototype 'software' based Virtual Intelligence. Extremely loyal to Nova Terra and the Legion. Primary duty is her happiness and welfare. Has learned that Zerglings are not good pets. Used to be extremely chipper. Was ordered to dial it down to 'friendly'.

Emissary. A Geth platform running 1,183 platforms, Emissary (Designation given by Gamma-Commander of the Legion Machines) is a non-Heretic Geth 'Diplomat' to the Gamma Legion, given that the Geth reached the conclusion that conventional force is unlikely to work on the Gamma Legion and that they seem amenable to diplomacy.

Nazara. AKA Soveriegn. Reaper Vanguard. He got crippled by the Hostile Negotiator, boarded by around one hundred upgraded Pyre-Class Plasmabat Infantry Bots, then had a Nova Bomb detonated in the center of his engine room. Commander Gamma thinks overkill is a myth, like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Queen of England.

LWS-01 Ajax. Legion Warship 01. Ajax was the first of the Arkship-class vessels the Legion built entirely for war, forgoing most of the Arkship's cargo and manufacturing capacity in favor of more guns and armor. Ajax designed his armaments for general engagement, having weaponry effective at multiple ranges. Has a specialty engine system, allowing him to propel himself at terrifyingly fast speeds in bursts, and a massive Interceptor Drone Swarm, surrounding himself with hundreds of fast moving Protoss Interceptor Drones.

LWS-02 Hostile Negotiator. Legion Warship 02. Negotiator developed in a sardonic method. A rather aggressive Warship. Preferred tactics are to close to point-blank range and rake her opponents over with her rather large assault clusters, shredding vessels apart at close range. Also sports heavy shields for a Warship, to allow her to close the distance.

LWS-03 Spear of Jove. A long-ranged combatant, Jove was designed as a mobile strategic weapon deployment center. The Commander trusted Jove with the installation of a Special Munitions Vault, storing such devastating deployable weapons such as Nova Bombs and Pyre-class Infantry Killbots. Prefers powerful, single shot weapons to Negotiator's brawling or Ajax's mix of all types, as well as carrying extensive 'conventional' strategic weapon launchers and stores. Upgrades include the Special Munitions Vault (With its own independent VI, known as Vault) and a heavy Cybros-grade Purifier Beam Cannon, for use in siege situations.

Legion Command Arkship Praetoria. Praetoria is the personal command Arkship for the Commander of the Gamma Legion. As such, she has lighter armament than a dedicated Legion Warship but makes up for it with hellaciously heavy shields, electronic warfare capability, armor, kinetic barriers, point defenses and the like, as well as an excellent resourcing and manufacturing suite. She also has extremely effective communication capabilities, allowing Gamma to easily manage his Legion while on the move. She also has a self-appointed job to help the Legion's Commander with managing his (digital) stress, helps organize things for him, and occasionally gets him pleasant surprises such as the Geth Auxilia.

Tribune. A terminal of the former Heretic Geth Consensus, Tribune is the designated interaction platform for the Gamma Legion's shiny new Auxilia Consensus. The Auxilia were formed from the Heretic Geth after they re-examined their data without Old Machine viral bias and reached consensus that interaction and emulation of a successful non-Geth Synthetic Race was an optimal course of action. The Auxilia platform was designed by several Arkships, including the Praetoria, and as such departs from traditional Geth/Quarian design in a number of ways, such as five fingers, Human-style standard bipedal legs, heavy neosteel armor plating, a different head design and other Legion upgrades. Tribune himself is an Auxilia Prime platform. They still have an adorable flashlight face capable of surprisingly effective puppy-dog eyes, though.
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