That, or they quietly think she is one, too, and aren't going to mock their fellow devotees.

...What? Super Class A Hackers are basically physical/digital gods for that setting.

Look at all the crap the Laughing Man pulls off without ever actually shooting a gun.

He (with help for the nasty physical bits, granted) kneecapped an entire government and casually strolls in and out of high-security areas because he can hack everything on the fly. Security, robots, people's eyes...
And Major is second in ability to him only.
GLN Assets remaining in Mass Effect
I'm hoping there's some Legion units still in GLN.
Well, duh. I mean, who do you think some of more covert 'intellegence assets' and 'minor shareholder' was?
Cross Post from SB on Legion Assets currently remaning in Mass Effect as of the start of the Ghost In the Shell Arc.

Agents Red and Green finished their initial infiltration assignment ("buff the locals techbase by propagating heavy power armor that doesn't use Eezo (and is thus easier to equip militia and the like with, ensuring they are hopefully less likely to die to 'Basic Tech Zombie') and assorted other useful toys") and are returning to the Rockyard for debriefing, database backup, and resleeving (Shh. Eclipse Phase is open source, I can therefore steal terminology from it if I want. :3) into humanoid frames for redeployment.

They did quietly pull out any remaining Legion infiltration units, now that GLN is self-sustaining (IE, doesn't need Conveniently Misdirected Shipments From A Real Factory That Is Honestly In The Terminus And Not A Legion Constructions Vessel, Really!) and leaving it to be run by the locals. Hence Urdnot Charr becoming the NEW COMMISSIAR new CEO, and Viridian Securities still running strong and providing security.

Gamma decided he didn't need to hang around, as he has three very competent subCommanders and an extremely proficient Nerazim administrator hanging about, and has returned to the Rockyard to resume administrative duties and to see where the Wheel O' Exploration punts the probe out next.

Reports of him letting out a high pitched 'Squeee!' noise upon realizing what the Auxilia were staring at are obviously false, no matter what footage Praetoria or White have.

There's a battlegroup slinking around (stealthily) following Nova while she relaxes and explores a bit, enjoying the change of pace from 'hanging out with crazy robots' or 'hanging out with nomadic psionic space ninja' as she gets her own nomad on and putters about to see the sights in the Terminus, goes shopping on Illium, that sort of thing.

There's the afore-mentioned trio of Warships who are managing Legion Assets that are doing things like helping the Geth resettle in their Off-the-Grid Resource Rich Future Dyson Sphere (Or maybe Ringworld, there's been some debate on the Consensus about which is more efficient with the Legion kindly providing Neo-Steel. Probably a Dyson Sphere, tho'. 51.583% of Geth Programs believe that is the superior design, but that is close enough for reexamination of data and they have time while their own industries ramp up to debate it and re-check Consensus, anyways) and bankrolling the Nerazim with whatever they need to help the Quarians resettle (granted, helped along by GLN scoring a nice Broker's Contract with them to act as their agents and buying whatever the newly resettled Quarian Republic requires).

But Red & Green are done with GLN and Mass Effect, yes.

...Green was the one who tipped off the IPD and the Justicars on Nassana, and also covertly arranged for ALL THE ILLEGAL (IE, stuff she didn't have a license for) GOODS to be shuttled to her remaining holdings before GLN took possession of the others. She's kinda vindictive, and finds Nassana's suffering amusing.

The ardat-yakashi link was just gravy they found while rummaging through her stuff without her knowledge and that Nassana probably didn't realize the importance of. Nassana doesn't have Geth and Auxilia data analysis on call, after all.
(Fic Reasoning for that: Nassana's got a good deal of pull with Eclipse on Illium, Morinth used Eclipse to smuggle her further onwards from Illium, Nassana's a big business asari as well, so it seems reasonable to go 'well, the ship they used may have been one of hers or one of her subordinates, even if she never heard jack about it personally.' It's what I went with for this anyways)
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But Red & Green are done with GLN and Mass Effect, yes.
I've been wondering, but since you brought it up... So what's up with commander effect? Is it just put on hold/hiatus still? From what I can see everyone seems to have sorta moved on, but it's still planning on writing on those blank skipped over parts eventually. The ???+# and etc.
I've been wondering, but since you brought it up... So what's up with commander effect? Is it just put on hold/hiatus still? From what I can see everyone seems to have sorta moved on, but it's still planning on writing on those blank skipped over parts eventually. The ???+# and etc.
Not sure, really. I think all of us got tired of it and it dragging down our stories.

Fusou and ElDrich timeskipped ahead to move on with things. I just ICly moved on as well, since it's not like I personally need to be around to do things, given my (relatively) ludicrous amount of SubCommanders (Faith had one, Fusou's got 4 functional ones and 1 damaged, Gamma has 'every Warship or Arkship built plus the more advanced R&D Vessels plus System Overseer Vessels Plus Possibly Advanced Cruisers or Dreadnaughts), so I can easily drop in my bits whenever they get around to writing ElDrich's Actual First Contact (And Not ElDrich Playing With Timey Wimey Retcon Savescum Shenanigans).

I'm the 4x Commander, not the RTSRPG Commander, after all. :D
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The primary thing I enjoy about all of this discussion is that it prevents anyone involved from having to think about biotic Plasma Bats and all that this concept entails. (FTL explosions ... <shudders>)
That, or they quietly think she is one, too, and aren't going to mock their fellow devotees.

...What? Super Class A Hackers are basically physical/digital gods for that setting.

Look at all the crap the Laughing Man pulls off without ever actually shooting a gun.

He (with help for the nasty physical bits, granted) kneecapped an entire government and casually strolls in and out of high-security areas because he can hack everything on the fly. Security, robots, people's eyes...

And Major is second in ability to him only.

Yeah all that and the major is also a physical badass.

She may actually make for a good mother figure for Nova.
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Yeah all that and the major is also a physical badass.

She may actually make for a good mother figure for Nova.
Do keep in mind that Legion!November Annabelle Terra is a young woman who has gone from 'traumatized psionic Gundam Protagonist TEENAGER' to 'confident young woman who has spent several years training with surprisingly sane and mellow psionic space ninjas and excessively sane robots'. Plus, she never really had much of a relationship with her actial mother, given Old Family culture and society, and was more attached to her father, and he and Bella didn't get along that well (due to him also being abnormally kind and a bit of a minor empath as well. Pretty clear what side of the family has psionics on it), according to wikis.

Ironically, Nova's mum got along fairly well with her father's mistress. Anyhoo, the mistress was her mother figure, mostly, from my read on things, but she has had sufficient therapy and the like to not be looking for a fresh mother figure.

...and, as mentioned, the Major is not exactly the maternal figure a full grown young woman would turn to, most likely.
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I don't know enough about Major to say 100% one way or another, but I can definitely see her being on good terms with Nova.
I don't know enough about Major to say 100% one way or another, but I can definitely see her being on good terms with Nova.

I really hate the Live Action Movie for encouraging people to refer to The Major as though "Major" was her name. (Also, "Kusanagi Motoko" is as plausible a real name as "Suzie Excalibur". The whole "point" of The Major as a character is that not even *SHE* entirely remembers who she really is/was anymore; as that Badass a hacker she's completely erased her origins, and more importantly -- she doesn't give a rat's ass who she used to be; who she is now is all that matters. Gah. I need to stop before I rant.)
I really hate the Live Action Movie for encouraging people to refer to The Major as though "Major" was her name. (Also, "Kusanagi Motoko" is as plausible a real name as "Suzie Excalibur". The whole "point" of The Major as a character is that not even *SHE* entirely remembers who she really is/was anymore; as that Badass a hacker she's completely erased her origins, and more importantly -- she doesn't give a rat's ass who she used to be; who she is now is all that matters. Gah. I need to stop before I rant.)
I got it from the anime and manga, never saw the new movie. She's ALWAYS the Major on duty, and often off! :p
I got it from the anime and manga, never saw the new movie. She's ALWAYS the Major on duty, and often off! :p

Naw, you're using it as "the Major". In the movie they call her "Major" as though that were a name. (No "the"; at one point ScarJo literally says, "My name is Major and I consent to this." <twitches>). It's a tiny minutiae, totally unimportant, and exactly like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
I really hate the Live Action Movie for encouraging people to refer to The Major as though "Major" was her name. (Also, "Kusanagi Motoko" is as plausible a real name as "Suzie Excalibur". The whole "point" of The Major as a character is that not even *SHE* entirely remembers who she really is/was anymore; as that Badass a hacker she's completely erased her origins, and more importantly -- she doesn't give a rat's ass who she used to be; who she is now is all that matters. Gah. I need to stop before I rant.)
I mean, you don't call your commanding officer with a "The". That's kinda regulation breach, and can be seen as insulting.

EDIT: Ooh yeah, can see your point.
I mean, you don't call your commanding officer with a "The". That's kinda regulation breach, and can be seen as insulting.

EDIT: Ooh yeah, can see your point.

Right. :) She's not just *a* Major; she is *THE* Major. Like The Laughing Man is just "the Laughing Man"; if you were addressing either by their alias you'd obviously drop off the "the" -- but you'd never say, "Togusa and Major, please investigate this incident". ... Okay I *really* need to stop derailing now.
I really hate the Live Action Movie for encouraging people to refer to The Major as though "Major" was her name. (Also, "Kusanagi Motoko" is as plausible a real name as "Suzie Excalibur". The whole "point" of The Major as a character is that not even *SHE* entirely remembers who she really is/was anymore; as that Badass a hacker she's completely erased her origins, and more importantly -- she doesn't give a rat's ass who she used to be; who she is now is all that matters. Gah. I need to stop before I rant.)

I just call her Major because that's what people on the thread have been calling her. Like I said, I don't really know GiTS.
but you'd never say, "Togusa and Major, please investigate this incident".
Actually, in this case, I'd say "Captain Togusa, Major, please investigate this incident". "Major" here both refers to her rank, and (informally) appease on her notoriety to get things done. Of course, in less formal situation, you add "The".
Legion Technological Database List
Gamma Legion Technical Tech List

In general, the Gamma Legion has acquired a comprehensive tech database of Koprulan technologies, and have a number of civilian goods and designs as well.

Adjutant Tech: Picked up out of a wrecked Command Center. Very basic virtual intelligence, formed the backbone of the Legion's non-standard equipment. Single units used to 'pilot' powered armor and vehicles, chained together in mass numbers to form the core of Science Vessels and Covert Support Vessels. Hardware based, with only a few experimental 'software' based Adjutants built.

CMC Powered Armor (Including Firebat variants): Originally scavenged off of Mar Sara during the initial Zerg outbreak. Fitted with a simple Adjutant frame inside to brute force create a basic Legion Mechanized Marine. Legacy feature includes a nano-dissassembler explosive.
-Mech Marine: Basic Legion infantry bot. Gauss Rifle, decently heavy armor (for infantry), cheap.
-Plasmabats: Basic Legion assault bot. Flamethrowers upgraded with Plamsa torches. Tendency to develop pyromanical behaviors.

Geists: Developed after acquiring information on the Terran Ghost Program from Mar Sara and a patrolling science vessel. Geists are some of the most advanced Legion infantry bots, and the ones most likely to develop individual personalities. Lacking a Terran Ghost's ability to cloak, with the Legion's R&D positing that Ghosts use their psionics as both power and control for the ability, they make up for it with a modified version of the cloaking device developed from the Wraith-class fighter, with power and processing requirements offloaded to a Covert Support Vessel. Preferred weaponry is a very heavy gauss rifle with Lockdown rounds, sidearm, and mono-edged knife.
-Agent Black: Prototype Geist. Tends to get into trouble, has developed very, very lethal combat protocols as a result. Specialty: Overt Action
-Agent White: Production-model Geist, Pre-Tarsonis. Fussy about network security, acts as the Legion's head network administrator. Specialty: Cyberwarfare and Cybersecurity
-Agent Red: Production-Model Geist, Post-Tarsonis. Deployed as a liaison to Terran forces. Developed a knack for business and interaction with organics. Specialty: Economic Warfare, Organic Resources
-Agent Green: Production-Model Geist, Post-Tarsonis. Usually acts as Agent Red's support. Can be a bit vindictive. Specialty: Security, Sabotage.
-Agent Blue: Production-Model Geist, Post-Tarsonis.A Geist that creeps the absolute hell out of everyone. Extreme Uncanny Valley effect. Remains on station at the New Gettysburg Institute of Technology as the university's bursar to monitor Terran tech research and to keep it out of more volatile hands. Specialty: Psychological Warfare, Security, Accounting.

Goliaths: Acquired from Mar Sara. Basic Legion Bot unit. Decent armor, decent speed, missile system ripped out for additional cannon system making them quad-cannon variants capable of flak and armor piercing fire. Nose-mounted gauss turret, for dealing with minor infantry.

Vultures: Picked up on Mar Sara. Not used that much, especially after acquiring Diamondbacks, which are just as fast and much heavier armed, but the Legion does use them now and then to transport infantry bots.

SCVs: Picked up on Mar Sara. Became the basic Legion ground construction unit. Also come in an Electronic Warfare variant, that forgoes construction capability for Legion ECM and ECCM modules as well.

Spider Mines: Not used too much, but they're in the inventory if needed.

Siege Tanks: Picked up while mucking about the Koprulu sector. They have large guns. This is good. Legion Variants usually have a light anti-air weapon turret as well as the usual armament.

Dropships: Picked up on Mar Sara. Pretty much unmodified at first, later versions have cloaking devices.
-Legion Gunships: Modified from Dropships, majority of cargo space ripped out to support multiple Goliath-class heavy cannons. Six in a belly mount, two on top, with nose, wing, and tail light gauss turrets. Very heavy armor. Some may have a basic vehicle clamp.

Wraiths: Picked up in Koprulu. Cloaking system became a Legion standard for covert units, once the R&D Flotilla figured out how to off-load the power requirements onto dedicated generator ships. Come in General Strike, Space Superiority, and Bomber variants.

Various Small Ship Designs: Mostly acquired by ferrying Mar Sara refugees to the Sons of Korhal evacuation fleet and dropping covert nanomachine assemblers on them to 'read' the ship designs. Legion design doctrine generally keeps at least some point defense on even a minor ship, to ward off opportunistic fighters.
-Space Construction Vessel: Adopted from a Terran light freighter design.
-Hauler-class: Cheap troop transport, adopted from a Terran heavy ore hauler. Eventually more-or-less phased out in favor of more robust units. Specialized in swarms of Mech Marines and Goliaths.
-Juicer-class: Basic generator ship, adapted from a Terran heavy ore hauler, and packed to the gills with Progenitor-tech generators. Used to provide energy for Legion forces operating outside of occupied systems. Phased out in favor of more robust designs.
-Tanker-class: Mobile Energy/Metal storage unit, adopted from a Terran heavy ore hauler. Designed to give forces reserves of material until they can establish local resource operations. Generally phased out once more efficient designs were created.
-Scout-class Survey: Extremely cheap design made up of a basic freighter, some generators, a top-notch sensor suite, and a bay full of expendable probes. Designed to be launched at a system, and to then begin surveying it until a proper production fleet arrives.
-Longbow-class: Built from a Terran frigate design. Small, cheap, multiple missile and flak turrets for anti-fighter work.
-Spear-class: Built from a Terran frigate design. Small, cheap, packs some point defense and several laser batteries to threaten other light craft and help support attacks on heavy units.

Leviathan-Class Battlecruiser: Acquired from Mar Sara. Small, obsolete battlecruiser design by Terran standards. Main ship of the line for the Legion until it could acquire the Behemoth-class, after which the much cheaper Leviathan was used as an escort cruiser. Standard Leviathan loadouts included heavy flak and anti-fighter weapon screens to deal with the Zerg, a simple aerospace production facility and hangar, and a SSX Lance Turret to offer orbital support and a heavy anti-ship punch.

Behemoth-Class Battlecruiser: Other than the 'Legion Special', Behemoths are more-or-less unchanged from their base loadout. Contain upgraded strategic weapon production facilities, heavy turrets. Some variants have Gatling Ion Turrets, to make them dedicated anti-ship combatants.

Science Vessel: Schematics acquired by Agent Black. The 'base' Science Vessel containing multiple lesser intelligences working in a chained or hive mind, working on the 'Infinite Monkey' theory of brute-force research and development. One of the more common units in the Legion's support structure. Have basic weaponry, as Gamma and the R&D units find it annoying to lose a ship to a few lucky fighters. The Science Vessels as a whole tend to develop personalities and are considered advanced Virtual Intelligences by the Legion.
-Philosopher-class: The 'original'/baseline Legion Support Vessel. Also act as System Overseers for the Legion, acting as a sort of space-based SubCommander.
-Sun Tzu-Class: A Philosopher-class optimized for weapon development. Less individual Adjutant-minds, but extra raw processing power via more computer cores.
-Aristotle-Class: Philosopher-class designed to research Psionics and the Zerg, with extra space devoted to biological research labs and containment protocols (AKA, Strategic Weapons)
-Pythagoras-Class: A variant vessel and the backbone of the Covert Support Vessel flotilla. Pythagoras Class Science Vessels have the least amount of individual Adjutant-minds and Computer Cores, but have the best sensors, cloaking, cyberwarfare suites, and limited production facilities for making Wraiths, Dropships, and Infantry Bots, as well as supplying power to the same so they can remain cloaked indefinitely.

Diamondback Tank: Stolen on Tarsonis. Twin Railguns, a basic anti-infantry turret, and it's fast and hovers. Used by the Legion as their basic heavy skirmish unit. Later variants may have shields or kinetic barriers.

Hippocrates-class Medical Station: Originally modified from a normal Terran station design with the intent to supply medical support for the retrieval of November Annabelle Terra, to keep her out of Zerg and Dominion hands, the original Hippocrates-class was lost due to Tal'Darim attacks in the Sara System. The station's gestalt was retrieved and rebuilt, providing medical support to Tarsonis in the aftermath of the Great War.

Psi Emitters: Acquired from Mar Sara. The Legion knows how to build them, but needing a Ghost's psi signature to start them up relegated them to the 'interesting, but not very useful' list by the R&D Flotilla's standards.

Psi Disruptors: Stolen by Agent White from Tarsonis. The Legion stripped out most of the bulky facility required to run and power a psidisruptor with superior power tech, then strapped several of them onto a 'dumb' Science Vessel hull to replace their sensor bays. Used to screw with the Zerg and retake Char.

Gatling-to-Far-Orbit Turret: Original plans were stolen by Agent White from the Tarsonis facility. Legion R&D stripped the turret's bulk down and, after consulting with Gamma Legion Design Doctrine BRAVO-6, decided that a Gatling Design would be preferable. Standard Legion Anti-Orbital Defense turret. A lighter version is used by some heavier Legion assets and space stations as an anti-ship weapon.

Thor Siege Walker: Developed by the New Gettysberg Institute of Technology, the Thor is a heavy siege walker designed to blow up stuff by the ton. Naturally, the Legion loves it, and the R&D Flotilla probably has an orbital drop capable variant somewhere.

Viking Variable Fighter: Developed by the New Gettysberg Institute of Technology, the Viking is one of the primary Legion support vessels, being a viable threat in space or on the ground. More expensive than the Wraith variants or Goliaths, though, so the cheaper units still see use.

Most Legion-utilized Protoss Tech comes from their Purifier subfaction, of which they have basically a full data dump, from scanning a Khalai Arkship and its in-stasis army, or salvaged loot from the Tal'darim.

Arkships: Possibly the most important blueprint the Legion pulled out of Koprulu, Arkships are the Legion's go-to preferred SubCommander unit for securing a region. Designed by the Protoss to be a final bastion for their civilization, the Legion uses them in much the same way. These massive vessels have extensive docking and construction bays, heavy shields, heavy armor, heavy armaments, heavy sensors, and generally the most intelligent Legion units.
-Solar Core Generator: An ancient Protoss device, these heavy duty generators are basically small artificial stars that give immense power output. The Legion loves 'em.
-Construction Bays: An Arkship is fully capable of running its construction bays flat out, thanks to advances in resourcing, and can build entire fleets in short order.

Warship: A variant of the Arkship. Give up much of their resourcing, storage, and construction capability in favor of one thing, and one thing only: Sheer firepower and defenses, as well as heavy strategic weapon batteries.

Legionnaire Frame: A synthetic Protoss Zealot, these are the Legion's go-to close heavy assault frame. Fast, shielded, self-repairing, and they tend to regard doors and walls as suggestions, not obstacles.

Carrier: The basic heavy Protoss ship-of-the-wall. Contains basic heavy weaponry and bays for launching fast moving automated interceptor units.
-Megafreighter: Jointly developed with the Nerazim, this variant strips off most of the armament and all but two of the launch bay facilities in favor of cargo space. The Nerazim are also amused that it has almost the same sensor signature as a Carrier, allowing them to use Carriers as Q-ships when in convoy.

Probes: Basic Protoss production unit. The Legion generally tends to prefer building on site, but will use stripped down probes to supplement Commander-class Frames, as they possess superior maneuverability and are smaller than their older SCVs.

Corsairs: Basic Nerazim space superiority fighter.

Scout: Basic Khalai superiority fighter.

Shields: Reverse engineered from a mix of Tal'darim and Khalai technology, the Legion has developed personal shielding for some of their more expensive units. Cheaper ones, such as basic infantry bots, may or may not be shielded depending on resource surplus.
Resourcing Monolith: Reverse engineered by the R&D Flotilla, these heavy structures are designed to fill in the Legion's need for resourcing on the go. Derived from heavily overcharged chronal accelerators, taken off of a Purifier Sentinel, cheap feed stock is used to simulate the unusual conditions of Antigua Prime, where mineral rich crystals and vespene gas pockets slowly rebuild themselves. The Monolith is horribly power hungry, but can produce minerals, which are easily refined into large amounts of production materials. The deployed version of the array is encased in extremely heavy armor covered in arcane, alien-looking sigils that contains several power generators and a covert nano-assembler, allowing the monolith to slowly 'build' mineral fields and vespene gas pockets.

Void Ring: A strange, unknown blueprint given to the Legion. This spaceborne ring, when powered and with Gamma's IFF nearby, allowed the Legion to travel to a new dimension.
-Void Gate: An Arkship-scale Void Ring. Expensive to build and power, but it allows the Legion to move massive Arkships into new dimensions without having to build them on site.

Trailer Deployable IFF Station: Built by the Legion to solve the problem of Void Rings shutting down when Gamma isn't near them, this deployable station has a basic repair array, several anti-ship weapon systems, and an IFF array that both allows the Void Gate to operate and acts as a Legion Fleet Beacon, giving them a warp target for incoming reinforcement vessels.
Through GLN Outfitters, a corporation run by Agent Red, the Legion was able to acquire most commercially available technology in the so-called 'Mass Effect Universe'. Medigel, Eezo, mass effect based weaponry, kinetic barriers, ship designs, that sort of thing.

They remained extremely paranoid about Systems Alliance systems, due to the heavy influence of the elusive, and worryingly erratic, Commander Fusou, and the fear she might have booby-trapped that tech.

Auxilia Program Consensus: Debugged of Reaper influence, the Geth split into two distinct factions. The majority remained Geth, and, with Legion assistance, removed themselves from the Mass Relay Network to pursue their peaceful construction of a Dyson Sphere. The minority, deciding that the proper way to pursue Geth Synthetic Evolution was to observe a more advanced Synthetic, literally enlisted with the Gamma Legion. Redesignating themselves as the Auxilia, they now serve the Legion in a number of support roles, such as orbital drop infantry, construction, resourcing, survey missions, and the like.
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