Why? The damn things aren't rail gun shots, they were accelerated through ME shenanigans IIRC.
Wear and tear is wear and tear, even if it wouldn't be as high as a 'regular' railgun would be. And they're still accelerated by electromagnets, it's just that due to eezo-tech they get more 'boom' than would normally be applicable by the mass of each individual projectile.
Interlude 3
Interlude 3


Master Sergeant Leeroy Gibbs of the Confederate Marine Corps had to admit to a terrible dark truth o' the universe, somethin' he'd realized after havin' a mystery sorta thing stripped from his eyes.
Namely...Space Zombies are kinda borin', really.

I mean, yeah, sure, they're a terrible threat, and it's a plumb damn shame that they've killed so many poor suckers on the Isheemural, but…Well, compared to the Zerg an' all, Gibbs had to admit that they were a mite bit underwhelmin' as a threat.

Man, he could already hear Sarge chewin' 'em out for gettin' complacemat, but hell, these things didn't even have armor platin'.

His little buddy slapped the door control to the next session, bringing that fancy knee's sister module up. As the first terribly ugly space zombie critter lunged out of the door, it suddenly started movin' like a pig wallowin' in molasses.

Considerin' that Gibbs had honed his skills against them Tall Darren fellers and Zerglings, well…

He snapped his gauss rifle up, aimin' careful, and fired a short burst. The heavy gun bucked in his hand, Gibbs compensatin' with long experience, keepin' it on target.

As for the space zombie, well, it's upper body kinda turned into a fine slurry. Sorta like the time him an' Keith an' Ellis blew up one of Keith's dad's pigs with a bucket full o' stump blastin' powder.

Man, they got yelled at fer that.

Idly makin' a note to thank that nice Stettman fella for usin' his Science to give this fancy suit's online ammo maker-ma-jig the option for Shredder Clips, he cautiously stomped forwards, idly crunching over the space zombie's clawed limbs.

HIs head lamp swept the room inside, and he stepped forwards.

Well, after he checked the ceilin'.

He wasn't goin' out like Cousin Lemmy, no sir.

Satisfied that no creepy cut-rate Hydra was hidin' up there, Leeroy stepped on in, Isaac trailin' behind him, plasma cutter at the ready.

Gibbs scanned the main medical bay, gun at the ready.

"Hooowee...Ain't this a fancy hospital. Y'all build 'em big. First time I ain't felt cramped in my armor. Right relaxin', buddy!"

Isaac snorted, letting out a strained chuckle. "Well...Glad you're feeling comfortable at least, Leeroy. Hold on, Hammond's talking."

Gibbs straightened to attention from pure reflex, lettin' Tater do the fancy Science to connect to Isaac's RIG Link thingie.

He had no clue why they didn't call it a radio. It totally was. Maybe a fancy one, but still jus' a radio.

Anyhoo, Gibbs let Isaac and Tater do the proper listenin'. Gibbs was busy keepin' an eye on things. Asides, gist of it was pretty simple.

'Go find the Ship's Captain Keys.'

Bam, simple.

He frowned a bit as he clomped a bit further into the medical area, headlamp illuminatin' some splatter patterns on the ground. Turnin', he looked back towards the Tram Terminal, where that poor nice lady had been.

"Tater? This where that poor fella got mauled?"

His suit's computer hummed, it's visual picture pausing before it pulsed. "Forsenic analysis would be required for confirmation."

Leeroy siiiighed, rollin' his eyes at the computer bein' all protocol-like, just like a fresh green looie on his first patrol.. "Jus' ballpark it, Tater."

The computer paused. "...Extrapolation complete. High chance that the two Terrans from the Tram Station were attacked here."

Gibbs sighed again, keepin' his helmet closed as he winced at the sheer amount o' blood. "Well, that's just damn depressin'. Tater, I think I'm startin' to hate this 'ere ship. I mean, it was kinda nice to get proven right about them space zombie critters bein' real, but now it's just gettin' to be a bit much."

The glowing orb in his HUD pulsed slowly. "Deploy Mental Health and Morale Supplemental Booster?"

The veteran marine snickered. "Holy shit, Joey-Ray actually got that name through the Bean Countin' Asshole Committee? Nah, save it, his 200 proof is too good to waste on just bein' a bit mopey."

Tater pulsed. "Acknowledged. Engineer Clarke appears to have finished his radio briefing. Objective updating: The Captain's RIG is apparently still with his corpse in the Medical Wing morgue. Given that the 'Space Zombies' appear to have a Zerg-like use for biomass, survivors apparently barricade the Morgue to try and keep it out. Security Officer Hammond has requested that we acquire thermite and a shock pad from the medical storage area to bypass the barricade."

Gibbs nodded seriously, then paused, blinkin'. "Hey, Isaac?"

The Engineer paused, turning away from the hallway leading towards medical storage. "Yes, Leeroy?"

The Confederate Marine held up a hand. "Well, I was just thinkin'...Why in tarnation do folks keep gosh-darned THERMITE in the storage area fer a Medical Facility?"

Gibbs' best new Engineer buddy nodded, takin' the question seriously. "Well, Leeroy, that's an excellent question."

The Engineer turned, reactivating the Fancy Radio. "Hammond, why is there thermite being stored in the Medical Facility storage rooms?"

The Kelion's security chief sighed, sounding put upon through the static. "Dammit, Isaac, is now really the time for this? As for why, it's been company policy for years. Part of the emergency planning, in case there's an accident and the bulkheads have to be manually breached, from my understanding. They just keep it quiet so nuts don't get any funny ideas. Now, get a move on! The clock's ticking and I think I heard something scratching at the doors up here. The sooner we get those codes, the sooner we can get the hell out of here."

Isaac sheepishly shrugged at Gibbs as the annoyed security man hung up. Gibbs nodded sagely, tromping after Isaac, his armored form looming as they moved along in companionable silence through the post-Everyone's Dun Gotten Et By Space Zombies-Deck.

Gibbs paused, another thought percolating through. "Hey, Isaac?"

The Engineer sighed, stopping to glance up at Leeroy. "Yes, Leeroy?"

Leeroy shrugged, massive pauldrons movin'. "Well, I was thinkin' again...An' do we really need to go trompin' all over to make some sorta fancy Improvised Explosive Device?"

Isaac nodded seriously, glancing down the dimly lit corridors with a sort of wary grimness. "Well, Leeroy, I'm not going to lie, I wish we didn't have to. But we need to get through that barricade."

The marine nodded sagely inside his helmet. "Right, so why don't I just cut it? You got that fancy Sis's Knee module from that poor lady in the Tram Station, so I'll just cut a big hunkin' chunk out and you can tug it outta the way. Seems a mite bit faster than trompin' around tryin' to find a canister of thermite and some medical equipment."

The engineer paused. "...I must be getting tired. Why the hell didn't I think of that? C'mon! Once we get the Captain's codes for Hammond, we can go see if we can track down where Nicole was stationed."

Turning and briskly jogging back to the barricade, Gibbs grinned widely as he followed his buddy.

He was helping!


A/N: Master Sergeant Leeroy Gibbs vs Survival Horror Game Logic! Place Yer Bets!
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"Hooowee...Ain't this a fancy hospital. Ya'll build 'em big.

You know what the creepy thing is?

Even for their crew size, the thing is literally large enough to run triage for a battalion, bare minimum. Seriously, it makes no sense.

"Well, I was just thinkin'...Why in tarnation do folks keep gosh-darned THERMITE in the storage area fer a Medical Facility?"

"CMO really likes his chili hot."
Even for their crew size, the thing is literally large enough to run triage for a battalion, bare minimum. Seriously, it makes no sense.
Well...Got a few WAGs...

I always kinda figured that part of it is the fact that it's mentioned that the Medical Facility is kinda multipurpose. So it's also a general Space Labratory, etc. So they might need the space for SCIENCE.

Also maybe disaster relief, or the CEC and USG planning to use them as impromptou hospital ships when the Unitologists have their civil war break out (Before everyone went Marker Crazy, I guess).

Might just be general contingency planning, because the designers watched too much Star Trek, too. 'Why is the medical wing so huge?' 'Ever seen Star Trek?' 'yeah, why?' 'Remember all the times they have to help survivors of a disaster?' '...Point.'

Final Wild Assed Guess is that the Ishimura's model was hugely multipurpose, so they could use it for everything from planet cracking to being a colony ship. If you're transporting a bunch of colonists, you'd want a lot of medical support until things are up and running downside.

(FInal, FINAL WAG is that it's because of the Marker-induced SPACE MADNESS!)
His little buddy slapped the door control to the next session, bringing that fancy knee's sister module up. As the first terribly ugly space zombie critter lunged out of the door, it suddenly started movin' like a pig wallowin' in molasses.
Have I mentioned I love how Leeroy talks?
HIs head lamp swept the room inside, and he stepped forwards.

Well, after he checked the ceilin'.

He wasn't goin' out like Cousin Lemmy, no sir.
Smart thinking in any situation even remotely similar to this really.
The glowing orb in his HUD pulsed slowly. "Deploy Mental Health and Morale Supplemental Booster?"
Love how the Terrans have a crazy drug for everything.
Gibbs paused, another thought percolating through. "Hey, Isaac?"

The Engineer sighed, stopping to glance up at Leeroy. "Yes, Leeroy?"

Leeroy shrugged, massive pauldrons movin'. "Well, I was thinkin' again...An' do we really need to go trompin' all over to make some sorta fancy Improvised Explosive Device?"

Isaac nodded seriously, glancing down the dimly lit corridors with a sort of wary grimness. "Well, Leeroy, I'm not going to lie, I wish we didn't have to. But we need to get through that barricade."

The marine nodded sagely inside his helmet. "Right, so why don't I just cut it? You got that fancy Sis's Knee module from that poor lady in the Tram Station, so I'll just cut a big hunkin' chunk out and you can tug it outta the way. Seems a mite bit faster than trompin' around tryin' to find a canister of thermite and some medical equipment."

The engineer paused. "...I must be getting tired. Why the hell didn't I think of that? C'mon! Once we get the Captain's codes for Hammond, we can go see if we can track down where Nicole was stationed."

Turning and briskly jogging back to the barricade, Gibbs grinned widely as he followed his buddy.

He was helping!
Does make a whole lot of more sense really and Leeroy can be helpful for more than just muscle.
I always kinda figured that part of it is the fact that it's mentioned that the Medical Facility is kinda multipurpose. So it's also a general Space Labratory, etc. So they might need the space for SCIENCE.
Was used for lots of science and apparently in game they clone human babies there for some reason and that is where the baby space zombies with shooting spines come from.
Love how the Terrans have a crazy drug for everything.
Well, in this case, it's some of Joeyray's 200 Proof Likker (served in very small doses) with a fancy name on it.

<Gibbs> It also doubles as a firestarter or Vulture fuel! ^_^
<Raynor> Heh. Told Sarah I could get it through the bean-counters with nothing but a marker.
<Kerrigan> *sigh* Fine, fine, you were right. You win the bet.
<Raynor> Sweet vindication!
Good t'see ya, Leeroy. Somehow you're going win this for the white hats. Although...

Ya'll build 'em big.

Could you at least spell "y'all" right? I get that many people in Texas spell it "ya'll". That just makes many people in Texas wrong. It's a contraction of "you all". That's how it came about, etymologically. No one actually put thought to how it was spelled for a while, so many people spelled it a bunch of stupid ways. One spelling actually makes sense given the etymology, and that's "y'all". Conveniently enough to deal with the people who insist it's a contraction of "ya all" to defend their silly spelling, "y'all" also works for that.

Sorry. I'm actually a big believer in the word "y'all" as something the english language could do with adopting (we really need a concise second person plural), but having competing (and occasionally nonsensical) spellings damages that effort. I'll try to stop ranting. I really enjoy the story otherwise.
Well, in this case, it's some of Joeyray's 200 Proof Likker (served in very small doses) with a fancy name on it.
Well Leeroy may need it later if he continues seeing the absolute hell the people on the ship have gone through, the insanity in some survivors that shortly kill themselves when Issac met them, survivors that are found but are soon killed (unless Leeroy can help save them this time around), the sheer madness in the place caused by the Marker, and not to mention the Space Zombies get much worse later on.
This already exists.

It's 'you.'

And that's unnecessarily ambiguous.

Say there's a group. You speak in the direction of the group, using the word "you". Are you talking to the group or an individual within it? If your wording is insufficient to provide context, you're forced to either name the members, name the group, or add "all" after "you", resulting in "you all", which shortens neatly to "y'all" and is quite explicit in referring to a group rather than an individual.

Using the same pronoun for two different slots in pronoun-space is ugly and inelegant.
Not a chapter of the main story... but well, I'LL TAKE IT!

This was rather amusing. Keep it up... also, I hope Gibbs ends up in other fun places... like Raccoon City or something. Maybe on a in 40k with the Tyranids attacking a planet? or space hulk? or space hulk that crashes onto a planet? ...shutting up now.

The marine nodded sagely inside his helmet. "Right, so why don't I just cut it? You got that fancy Sis's Knee module from that poor lady in the Tram Station, so I'll just cut a big hunkin' chunk out and you can tug it outta the way. Seems a mite bit faster than trompin' around tryin' to find a canister of thermite and some medical equipment."

It had to be said XD

Seriously, guy is carrying an arsenal of industrial cutting tools. Pull out the contact beam!
And that's unnecessarily ambiguous.

Say there's a group. You speak in the direction of the group, using the word "you". Are you talking to the group or an individual within it? If your wording is insufficient to provide context, you're forced to either name the members, name the group, or add "all" after "you", resulting in "you all", which shortens neatly to "y'all" and is quite explicit in referring to a group rather than an individual.

Using the same pronoun for two different slots in pronoun-space is ugly and inelegant.

Then English shouldn't have done away with the second person informal, which would've left the second person formal also the second person plural, exactly the same as with many other germanic languages.
Alright, just...fine, I changed it to y'all this time.

Now, would you all kindly stop bringing it up if it slips in again? Or take it to PM? I'm sure there's a debate thread about it somewhere on the forum that is interested and willing to discuss it in depth?

I really do not find the debate and semantic quibbling about whether ya'll or y'all is correct to be interesting or something worth chatterin' about in my thread about Space Robots, Space Rednecks, and/or Robotic Space Rednecks.

Mostly just find it irritating and tempting me to stick to ya'll out of pure spite, if I'm being honest.

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Having only completed a play through recently (14th time overall) of Borderlands 2, I really want to see what Leroy would make of Borderlands style crazy :D.
Then English shouldn't have done away with the second person informal, which would've left the second person formal also the second person plural, exactly the same as with many other germanic languages.

Also some romance languages.

Anyway, which do you think will be easier: resurrecting thou (and maybe thee) (neither of which many people get how to use at all), or adopting "y'all"?

Alright, just...fine, I changed it to y'all this time.

:) Thank you, Tiki.

Now, would you all kindly stop bringing it up if it slips in again? Or take it to PM? I'm sure there's a debate thread about it somewhere on the forum?

Consider this my last post on the subject here. I'll gladly hash this out in PM with any comers.

I really do not find the debate and semantic quibbling about whether ya'll or y'all is correct to be interesting or something worth debating in my thread about Space Robots, Space Rednecks, and/or Robotic Space Rednecks.

Mostly just find it irritating and tempting me to stick to ya'll out of pure spite, if I'm being honest, and spite-writing is never good.

Sorry. I put it in a spoiler to try to lower the odds of a debate, while still being honest. Did not expect to get all this about which second person plural to use. I probably should have. This is a board named for ending debate threads with RKVs.

I'm really enjoying the story, Tiki, especially the Space Redneck interludes. Leeroy being the One (questionably) Sane Marine in some of these is hilarious.
You know what the creepy thing is?

Even for their crew size, the thing is literally large enough to run triage for a battalion, bare minimum. Seriously, it makes no sense.
For my own two cents, the ship could have had a much larger crew demand at one point but the crew was significantly reduced by later automation upgrades.