I'm sure I'm the umpteenth person to say something like this, but...
One of the things that always bothered me about most other PA-SIs is the tendency to focus on the SI and teching up constantly. I love how this one focuses on non-SI characters and how they react to the SI, rather than focus on the SI himself.

My words, you took them. I also quite like the very hands off approach Gamma has towards most everything he builds.
Yeah the only Commander I know of that is more hands off is the Lazy Commander.
Apathy, Commanders, Hitchhikers (PA Multicross)
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Another great chapter. I'm glad to see this picking up again.

Honestly, as much as i like tech, i dont know if i could pull off a good PA fic. The teching up is like snowballing uphill.
Another great chapter. I'm glad to see this picking up again.

Honestly, as much as i like tech, i dont know if i could pull off a good PA fic. The teching up is like snowballing uphill.
Take it from someone who wrote one, the teching part is ez. The hard part is remembering it's a story not a technical manual and thus needs story-related things like interesting characters and a plot that goes somewhere. Although if you're going to use any PASI as inspiration this one is probably the best.
Honestly, as much as i like tech, i dont know if i could pull off a good PA fic. The teching up is like snowballing uphill.
It's like a normal SI fic, except harder. Because "and then everything was tanks" is always an option, and also you have escalating tech-powers. Getting an interesting story out is the hard part. I mean, you could avoid the teching-up if you wanted to.
Take it from someone who wrote one, the teching part is ez. The hard part is remembering it's a story not a technical manual and thus needs story-related things like interesting characters and a plot that goes somewhere. Although if you're going to use any PASI as inspiration this one is probably the best.
Definitely agreed.
Take it from someone who wrote one, the teching part is ez. The hard part is remembering it's a story not a technical manual and thus needs story-related things like interesting characters and a plot that goes somewhere. Although if you're going to use any PASI as inspiration this one is probably the best.
This is also why When in Doubt, Blame the Eldar is so good. The biggatons are very tempting, but they don't actually matter. The plot and characters, the things that make up a story - those come first.
Another great chapter. I'm glad to see this picking up again.

Honestly, as much as i like tech, i dont know if i could pull off a good PA fic. The teching up is like snowballing uphill.
There are two ways to make it work. The first is to do what Tiki did here and make the story much less about the SI and more about other characters. The second is to in some way nerf the PA side of things so that it's not just a stomp fic, like what Blackhole1 did with his.
Alternatively, you could do both.
There are two ways to make it work. The first is to do what Tiki did here and make the story much less about the SI and more about other characters. The second is to in some way nerf the PA side of things so that it's not just a stomp fic, like what Blackhole1 did with his.
Alternatively, you could do both.
Does dropping any and all pretense of "efficiency" count as nerfing?
Does dropping any and all pretense of "efficiency" count as nerfing?
Probably not, but it depends on what you consider 'dropping all pretence of efficiency' to mean. If you've still got an exponential production curve and the possibility of solving all your problems with 'land is tanks, sky is tanks, all is tanks' then you haven't fixed (what I consider to be) the main problem with PASIs.
Does dropping any and all pretense of "efficiency" count as nerfing?
Not in my opinion. Just because someone chooses the most inefficient way of doing something doesn't mean they can't do it. It's like killing every ant in an anthill with a magnifying glass vs just poisoning them. The result is the same, one just takes longer.
"Edit" :ninja:
Probably not, but it depends on what you consider 'dropping all pretence of efficiency' to mean. If you've still got an exponential production curve and the possibility of solving all your problems with 'land is tanks, sky is tanks, all is tanks' then you haven't fixed (what I consider to be) the main problem with PASIs.
Mind you, 'everything is adorable precocious spidertanks' is always viable, because Tachikomas are so gosh darned cute.
Mind you, 'everything is adorable precocious spidertanks' is always viable, because Tachikomas are so gosh darned cute.

I'm still waiting for the Tachikomas to exclaim about how they were right all along, it was Space Cyber'thulu who slowed the entire internet down. And then Space Cyber'thulu was revealed to operate exclusively in smol bodies made to blend in. Super Smol!

And then wonder about how there lord and master The Major can possibly save them from Cyber'thulu. Because the Tachikoma's of Section 9 legitimately worship The Major as there god. It's flippin hilarious. The techs leave it alone because They all think it's hilarious as well, and it doesn't hampering the Tachikomas combat ability at all.
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If it isn't obvious, he's the krogan from Blue Rose of Illium. The one who wrote poetry.

I couldn't find a 'canon' clan name with google fu, so I just went for a random one that had at least one other krogan merchant in it. xD
He is an Urdnot since he went their compound for permission to marry his girlfriend and he died fighting the Rachni with a squad of Urdnot warriors in 3.
He is an Urdnot since he went their compound for permission to marry his girlfriend and he died fighting the Rachni with a squad of Urdnot warriors in 3.
...Well, he might by Urdnot by adoption. :p

Also, I think that Tachikomas might be actually more knowledgeable about 'adult stuff', simply by the dint of their supposed job (crime apprehension and anti-terrorism) and because The Major. So far, it doesn't really matter because: a) Tachikomas doesn't really care about this stuff, except as guidelines on how to police, and b) nobody ever thinking about stuffing the tachikomas AI into full-conversion body.

Of course, when the inevitable happens, and Tachikomas start getting stuffed into full-function gynoid frame because reasons....

Cue Batou either required new cranial or dying by alcohol poisoning.
He is an Urdnot since he went their compound for permission to marry his girlfriend and he died fighting the Rachni with a squad of Urdnot warriors in 3.

Details and facts.

My old nemeses.
Edit: Fixed. It works either way, so meh.

We've got Badass Krogan Urdnot Wrex, Sterotypically Terrible Krogan Warlord (wannabe) Urdnot Wreav, and Totally Non Stereotypical Krogan Urdnot Charr. Bam. Done.
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Yeah the only Commander I know of that is more hands off is the Lazy Commander.
Apathy, Commanders, Hitchhikers (PA Multicross)
I really liked that one but from what i saw the second George asked for opinions and got a negative answer, on only a part of it, he threw out a lot of his rough drafts and tried to change the direction of his story to fit what he thought the commentators wanted. Then the story died, which was sad :cry:.
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I'm far from familiar with GiTS, but damn I'm looking forward to this arc.
Forbidden Knowledge, Part Deux.


W01: +No. Absolutely Not. Never on my watch.+

Γ λι-I: +Agent White. I am sorry, but you start sounding illogical-+

W01: +Do. You. Realize. How. Much. Trouble. Will. Be Happened. If. Those. Data. Allowed?+

Γ λι-I: +Well, that can be that much bad-+

W01: +100.000 of interlinked gynoid body, with fully simulated biological response. Including... That.+

Γ λι-I: +Praetoria~+

SpcSecrt: +Well, fully simulated biological response will help Auxilia Legion to understand biological entities more, help them in communicating and blending in-+

ArtOfWar: +Praetoria, most civilized organic won't do the That until certain level of trust. There are... idioms for... organics who do that sort of thing, all of them tend to have... undesirable connotation.+

SpcSecrt: +Asari?+

ArtOfWar: +Even they refrain from doing That until they reach Lawful Maturity. And only a handful of the gynoid frame that can represent Lawful Maturities in this world.+

SpcSecrt: +Like to look young?+


SpcSecrt: +I'm sorry. I apologize.+

Γ λι-I: +Apologize accepted. And don't worry too much, no harm done. Yet.+

W01: +Good. So, as you see, the containment-+

GoCom: +I am sorry, but according to my simulation, any kind of containment will have rather great chance of leaking.+

W01: +Why not? Just isolate the network-+

HealFirst: +Not going to work. They have physical body. Fingers. Eyes. Ears.+

W01: +So?+

HealFirst: +They can simply use standard data slate, some sauce pan, a bit of iron, copper, germanium and some other small quantities of elements, and use it to tap on communication network-+

W01: +I already put a blanket ban-+

HealFirst: +-Of that planet.+


Pht00: +Can we just, say, reprogram them?+


Pht00: +I'm sorry. I apologize for my mindlessness.+

Γ λι-I: +Apology accepted. So, the problem is how we... going to... impart the knowledge in a way which can minimize any unwanted effect-+

TrFrc: +If I may, I may have solution for that.+

Γ λι-I: +Please elaborate.+

TrFrc: +Since this is mostly... organic... problem, why we won't ask for an organic, an experienced organic, to explain this?+

CONSENSUS: [simultantfacepalm.exe]

Γ λι-I: +Phytagoras, solution accepted. Now, do you have list of possible tutor we can contact?+
And then wonder about how there lord and master The Major can possibly save them from Cyber'thulu. Because the Tachikoma's of Section 9 legitimately worship The Major as there god. It's flippin hilarious. The techs leave it alone because They all think it's hilarious as well, and it doesn't hampering the Tachikomas combat ability at all.
That, or they quietly think she is one, too, and aren't going to mock their fellow devotees.

...What? Super Class A Hackers are basically physical/digital gods for that setting.

Look at all the crap the Laughing Man pulls off without ever actually shooting a gun.

He (with help for the nasty physical bits, granted) kneecapped an entire government and casually strolls in and out of high-security areas because he can hack everything on the fly. Security, robots, people's eyes...
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