Eh... Sovereign's original quote was much better, even if you mocked him by stealing his line, it just sounds weird.
Yeah, it did come off as a bit stilted and weird. May tweak it after I get some sleep in me or the like. xD

Edit: Tweaked it to something less pretentious.
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Thick torpedo warheads were dispensed from the vault, each put into the magazine transporters in racks of five. The Commander had given Jove authorization for one hundred and one of the Special Munitions, a number unheard of by the Legion in its former conflicts in the Koprulu sector, and Jove was using a whole one hundred of them per the original strike plan.
Huh, that's odd, I don't remember them using anything that could be categorized as [Special] Munitions....
The last transmission the Consensus received from the platform was of the warhead splitting in half, a wash of high intensity plasma flames washing across the area. The Damage Control Platform's hazard-hardened frame allowed it to survive for a few moments, its melting sensors picking up a hulking armored figure, a laughing skull painted on its head.
...Oh that's what you mean...bwaha-
Reaching the end of the briefing, Pyre-01 consulted the manifest.

His systems stalled.

Then, he just began to laugh and laugh and laugh, as he and ninety-nine of his fellow Pyre-class infantry gestalts slammed into the crippled dreadnaught.

Approximately 8 Vorcha, more or less three Batarians (There is some debate if smacking one jackass into another jackass sufficiently hard counts as one or two), four krogan, six Turians, twenty nine LOKI-class Mechs, two YMIRs, and one very belligerent Volus.

Those Volus will get ya, they look so fragile and easy to squash, and then you brake your gun whacking them across the face.
He brought -friends-. Nazara had 99 problems!~
And all of them are on fire.
Approximately 8 Vorcha, more or less three Batarians (There is some debate if smacking one jackass into another jackass sufficiently hard counts as one or two), four krogan, six Turians, twenty nine LOKI-class Mechs, two YMIRs, and one very belligerent Volus.
...Well. Can't exactly blame Wrex for being thorough. But still, you'd think he'd request for an actual melee attachment instead of just melee hardening, if he's bludgeoning that many folk with his gun.
So we know from the other stories that Faith, Hope, and Fuso are going to try and hunt down Soverign, what are they gonna do when they can't find him?
Be very salty because Tiki beat them to the first evil space cuttlefish trophy head? :V
Approximately 8 Vorcha, more or less three Batarians (There is some debate if smacking one jackass into another jackass sufficiently hard counts as one or two), four krogan, six Turians, twenty nine LOKI-class Mechs, two YMIRs, and one very belligerent Volus.
Is there "Give me more gun!" somewhere?
Also as noted, Gamma did want the Reaper IFF and figured that he might as well steal the Eezo core while he was it.

I mean, it's got enough oomph to allow a Mass Effect-style dreadnaught-scale ship to land on a planet and take off again without much trouble.

It's polite to give little gifts to your hosts from time to time!

I've always assumed that the reapers don't use actual ME cores for a majority of their needs and instead have a psudo-biotic system to allow them the scale they operate on.
I've always assumed that the reapers don't use actual ME cores for a majority of their needs and instead have a psudo-biotic system to allow them the scale they operate on.

Between this bit in the wiki/codex...
Speculation in the Codex suggests that each individual Reaper has a massive element zero core which, coupled with the likely enormous quantities of energies at its disposal, allows it to generate the staggering mass effect field needed to land ships of their size on a planet.
-Mass Effect Wiki: Reaper (Technology subsection)
and the fact that the Reaper Core you blow up in the Derelict has a glowy bit that looks really, really similar to a Mass Relay, just on a smaller scale, plus given the Reapers and their mastery of Mass Effect Tech...I figured it was safe to assume they have a big ol' eezo drive core just ripe for the looting.

...Well. Can't exactly blame Wrex for being thorough. But still, you'd think he'd request for an actual melee attachment instead of just melee hardening, if he's bludgeoning that many folk with his gun.
It wasn't all at once!


I just vaguely remember you could smack people with your gun in Mass Effect 1 and it was a good way to deal with some enemies.

And Krogan have really hard skulls...

Like how the Plasmabats are categorized as special munitions. I was thinking you were loading some kind of super nuke.
<Pyre-001> You thought it was a nuclear warhead, but it was I! Pyre-001!

I mostly was just amused that the Legion treats the Pyres as something to be handled with the same care as a bomb that works by detonating a tiny synthetic star generator.

...which in hindsight might make some very pretty clouds and stuff to float around in the aftermath. Yay, pretty nebulae (That might technically be made up of Sovereign's component atoms)!~
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Between this bit in the wiki/codex...
and the fact that the Reaper Core you blow up in the Derelict has a glowy bit that looks really, really similar to a Mass Relay, just on a smaller scale, plus given the Reapers and their mastery of Mass Effect Tech...I figured it was safe to assume they have a big ol' eezo drive core just ripe for the looting.
Well yeah, but I always prefer to see "paradigm shifts" in massively advanced elder races rather than just "bigger and more power." The idea that they have what amounts to transistors when compared to the rest of the universe' vacuum tubes appeals to me quite a bit. Oh sure, they could still use the Eezo core itself but it has a bunch of subsidiary cores running through the ship which assist and core that is much smaller than it has any right to be in a single core set up. I mean, if "Bigger Core" were the answer then the reapers would be spheres as the optimum use of volume affected by their ME core.
Pyres are " Now it personal" type of weapon when you hate some one enough that you want them to suffer horribly before you end them
Like screwing you inside a video when he kill that one squad mate that you dont exactly like but still sink your time into
the bloody bastard make you wasted hours of your life on that one guy/girl
Not all of them have been listed in the comic as yet, so there are some numbers missing..
26, 48, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, and 70 are still unaccounted for.

Although I'm hoping he adds this one:

"Always try to take the moral high ground. Its an excellent spot to place the artillery."

Of course, then there's the variation of our motto too:

"The velocity of a rogue shuttle is directly proportional to its use as a kinetic kill vehicle. The faster its going, the bigger the boom."
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Does anyone know what point of the timeline this is?

Wonder how long it will be till Harbinger knows something is up and starts leading millions of Reapers out of Dark Space.
Does anyone know what point of the timeline this is?

Wonder how long it will be till Harbinger knows something is up and starts leading millions of Reapers out of Dark Space.

Well, lets be honest here. If the Reapers don't have a periodic "I'm still here" message set up they are complete morons. And they aren't morons, they are very good at what they do. Someone getting a sneak attack in on the vanguard is going to be a situation a contingency exists for.
Does anyone know what point of the timeline this is?

Wonder how long it will be till Harbinger knows something is up and starts leading millions of Reapers out of Dark Space.
Eh, I showed up a bit after Faith and Fusou. About 2165ish, give or take. (Was originally planning on about when the Skyllian Blitz happened in OTL. Obviously never happened here, between Fusou becoming Humanity's patron and Faith deciding to screw with the Batarians), so...there you go?

Been leaving it slightly vague to make it easier to 'mesh' with the others on my end, really. *shrug*

So Faith and Fusou have had some time to get established before Gamma shows up and starts kicking the apple cart a bit (Nuking the Vanguard, highly irresponsible tech sales, BRIAN BLESSED THE SPACE ALIEN NOMAD) that sort of thing. xD
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Wonder if Gamma plans to use the Reaper IFF to attack the Collector base since it would make sense since I think traveling to the Deep Core even with Starcraft warp drives would be super dangerous.
Now I'm imagining the Legion developing a 'weapon of last resort'. A Starship with all manner of flame weaponry piloted by the Pyro's :D

They use them as Fire Ships :p
I know it's a bit late, but...
The Quarians have shiny Protoss crystals now.

I give it...
2 years.
2 years before Cerberus gets them and turns them into a superweapon.
And then it'll take over the facility.
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I know it's a bit late, but...
The Quarians have shiny Protoss crystals now.

I give it...
2 years.
2 years before Cerberus gets them and turns them into a superweapon.
And then it'll take over the facility.
What Cerberus? And I give it a month before Faith or Fusou notices them and decides to investigate.
Well yeah, but I always prefer to see "paradigm shifts" in massively advanced elder races rather than just "bigger and more power." The idea that they have what amounts to transistors when compared to the rest of the universe' vacuum tubes appeals to me quite a bit. Oh sure, they could still use the Eezo core itself but it has a bunch of subsidiary cores running through the ship which assist and core that is much smaller than it has any right to be in a single core set up. I mean, if "Bigger Core" were the answer then the reapers would be spheres as the optimum use of volume affected by their ME core.

Uh... The reaper core you see in 2 is only about twice the size (~8 times the volume) of the eezo core you can see in ME1 inside the first Normandy. It is much much smaller than it has any business being. Yeah, the Normandies have massively oversized cores, but not that oversized.