

Poor Leeroy. Poor. POOR Leeroy.
I dunno, man, it's Leeroy with a Malfunctioning (Apparently Interdimesnional) Teleporter versus a ship full of undead alien monstrosities.

...My money's on Leeroy, really.

He's a bog standard marine from a setting where their average life expectancy in a fight in nine seconds, and now he has a Prototype Suit of Power Armor.

He'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~
The adventures of Leeroy and Tater through the multiverse!

It was a the story I didn't know we needed.:D

At least Leeroy is pretty well equipped to handle Dead Space pretty well.

@TikiTau does the new suit come with psi shields to protect against mind whammies?
.... ....

He'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~
Of course he is be fine.

Leeroy and Issac killing necromorphs together.

Then again besides being on the ship and zombies being around have no idea where in the timeline it is but early enough to still have some survivors still running around.
Interlude 1

UEG Ishimura, Flight Deck, Elevator Bank 1.
So the terrans made a slider/teleporter device instead of a teleporter.. typic but it's less interesting than Transformers wanna be and siege tanks.. Leeroy is funny and his contribution to the plot is quite significant... I wanna see this continued and i would be surprised if i didn't see statues of him in other universes Gamma visits...
PS: somebody needs to make an omake of this interlude and TikiTau needs to make more interludes of Leeroy after all what could we do without the Terrans goldy boy marine...
Of course he is be fine.

Leeroy and Issac killing necromorphs together.

Then again besides being on the ship and zombies being around have no idea where in the timeline it is but early enough to still have some survivors still running around.
Flight Deck is the very start of the game. I never played through it (I'm actually a scaredey cat about that sort of thing), but if I recall from the Let's Play I did watch, they get jumped at the Flight Deck, prompting Isaac to run screaming down the halls (Well, if I was playing /i/ would have been screaming) as he's chased by a swarm of murderous Necromorphs.

Said Necromorphs, though...

*pulls out a pair of sunglasses*

Just got Gibbs'd.

*puts them on*

I'm not apologizing!
Leeroy is now doomguy.
No he's not.
that's for a later interlude.~
He's not angry enough. He's pretty mellow, you know!
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The adventures of Leeroy and Tater through the multiverse!

It was a the story I didn't know we needed.:D
Yeah, an incredibly unreliable narrator running around through multiple crossovers causing unintentional havoc sounds amazing. Especially since half the story becomes guessing what's actually going on as opposed to what the narrator thinks is going on
*falls over, curls up in ball, snores*
*pets pangomander*
...Well, good to see that familiarity with my forces has bred comfort, at least!
She probably recognizes that their commander is a dork
Not envious of her casual teleportation. Nope. Nosir.

Not at all.

...fine, maybe a little.
Yeah, point-to-point without any infrastructure is nice.

Also Gibbs. Yessssss!
The hallway beyond made Gibbs whistle. "Man, someone needs to fire their cleanin' crew. This place is a wreck. Lessee…"
Leeroy is now doomguy.
Same. At this point, I thought Leeroy got ported in Doom.
No he's not.
that's for a later interlude.~
He's not angry enough. He's pretty mellow, you know!
YES! But yeah, Leeroy as he is is not a RIP AND TEAR kind of marine yet.
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Leeroy Gibbs is the best character any of these fics have introduced so far. Literally every scene with him is comedy gold.
Yeah, an incredibly unreliable narrator running around through multiple crossovers causing unintentional havoc sounds amazing. Especially since half the story becomes guessing what's actually going on as opposed to what the narrator thinks is going on
<Gibbs> Y'see, that's why I like UNN! Cause ya know that Good Ol' Donny Vermillion an' Miss Lockwell are reliable like folks! And they've got good voices fer narratin', too! Me, I always trip up on the pronunciannation, y'know? Y'don't need to talk purty if you're plannin' to be a farmer, y'know! At least until that nice recruitin' sergeant got me to sign up with the Confederacy Armed Forces...
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Leroy is gonna start randomly cameoing isn't he... If the teleporter doesn't time match between dimensions statues of him would be funny to see, and if not he can still show up randomly while tiki travels.

Really all I want is an excuse for the phrase 'Dammit Leroy' to start showing up :p
Flight Deck is the very start of the game. I never played through it (I'm actually a scaredey cat about that sort of thing), but if I recall from the Let's Play I did watch, they get jumped at the Flight Deck, prompting Isaac to run screaming down the halls (Well, if I was playing /i/ would have been screaming) as he's chased by a swarm of murderous Necromorphs.
Well at least Issac has a badass buddy in their mission.
Said Necromorphs, though...

*pulls out a pair of sunglasses*

Just got Gibbs'd.

*puts them on*

I'm not apologizing!
Well you did nothing wrong so no reason to.
No he's not.
that's for a later interlude.~
He's not angry enough. He's pretty mellow, you know!
Look forward to this.
Yeah, an incredibly unreliable narrator running around through multiple crossovers causing unintentional havoc sounds amazing. Especially since half the story becomes guessing what's actually going on as opposed to what the narrator thinks is going on
<Gibbs> Y'see, that's why I like UNN! Cause ya know that Good Ol' Donny Vermillion an' Miss Lockwell are reliable like folks! And they've got good voices fer narratin', too!
Like said the story I didn't know we needed.

Look forward to more and honestly would not mind if the story focused solely on Leeroy for awhile.:p
I really want Gibbs to develop a posse. By the time he and Gamma meet back up, he's got Clarke, John 117, Doomguy, and a number of other space marines following him around, while they shred all the idiots in the multiverse, mostly on accident.
I really want Gibbs to develop a posse. By the time he and Gamma meet back up, he's got Clarke, John 117, Doomguy, and a number of other space marines following him around, while they shred all the idiots in the multiverse, mostly on accident.
<Gibbs> And maybe that nice Freeman fella. Ya need a nerd ta figure out all this Sciencey Stuff, an' then ya want a backup nerd. Asides, Clarke's like, a practical nerd. Freeman's a theoretimacal nerd!
Doc Stettman waved a hand expansively. "Of course! The test models have worked extensively! We haven't had a failure in months!"

...Well, that seems legit! "Right then, Doc. So, um...Where's the release switch to open that sucker up?"
A cloud of cigar smoke announced the reassurin' presence of the Institute's local Engineer. "Eh, bit bulkier, that's all. Well, whatcha waiting for? Get in the tincan. Should be perfectly safe. My boys did the assembly, not Stettman."

An Engineer said it was safe! Gibbs perked right up. Man, he was worried for a second.
Love how Leeroy puts his faith in things pretty quickly if people say it's all good.
I really want Gibbs to develop a posse. By the time he and Gamma meet back up, he's got Clarke, John 117, Doomguy, and a number of other space marines following him around, while they shred all the idiots in the multiverse, mostly on accident.
<Gibbs> And maybe that nice Freeman fella. Ya need a nerd ta figure out all this Sciencey Stuff, an' then ya want a backup nerd. Asides, Clarke's like, a practical nerd. Freeman's a theoretimacal nerd!
ove how Leeroy puts his faith in things pretty quickly if people say it's all good.
Well, it's logical.

He would be highly suspicious like if they tried to tell him how to breach and clear a room full of hostile aliens. They're Science Guys, of course they know more than he does about Science Things! Why wouldn't he believe them? :3
Well, it's logical.

He would be highly suspicious like if they tried to tell him how to breach and clear a room full of hostile aliens. They're Science Guys, of course they know more than he does about Science Things! Why wouldn't he believe them? :3
It's a good thing he's gonna round up a posse that includes his own nerds so they can say things are cool for him and handle the smart stuff.
I hope Gamma finds statues of Leeroy on Thessia, Leeroy Hero of the Ancient Asari Republics. The Archangel Leeroy in communion with the Great Spirit Tater smiting down aliens and such.
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I really want Gibbs to develop a posse. By the time he and Gamma meet back up, he's got Clarke, John 117, Doomguy, and a number of other space marines following him around, while they shred all the idiots in the multiverse, mostly on accident.
It's a complete set for a Ragtag Bunch Of Misfit Marines

Clarke's the Everyday Man, John's the Veteran, Doom Slayer's the Berserker, Freeman's the Scientist, and Leeroy's the Heart of the team.
Wonder if Tater will scan any unknown tech they come across and find a way to add it to the armor.

The kinesis and stasis module would be super useful in general.