[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

I said I'm down to commit so I'm down to commit.

Live or die lets go!
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)
I've not reread this quest yet and have not been keeping up with the discussion - apologies if this idea has been floated already - but it occurs to me that it might be reasonable to ask our Eldar friend if she might address some of our current issues for us, and in doing so free up the slann-attention that would be otherwise be spent on those actions to instead work on the curse.

Assuming we decline her offer, of course.
I've not reread this quest yet and have not been keeping up with the discussion - apologies if this idea has been floated already - but it occurs to me that it might be reasonable to ask our Eldar friend if she might address some of our current issues for us, and in doing so free up the slann-attention that would be otherwise be spent on those actions to instead work on the curse.

Assuming we decline her offer, of course.
I mean, we're currently murdering the orks and she's gonna fix the canyon now that she has more important things than puttering around with it, so I'm not sure what you'd want her to do for us? Maybe wipe out any stray orks we miss due to being on the ice cap and not part of the waaagh I guess?
I mean, we're currently murdering the orks and she's gonna fix the canyon now that she has more important things than puttering around with it, so I'm not sure what you'd want her to do for us? Maybe wipe out any stray orks we miss due to being on the ice cap and not part of the waaagh I guess?
I don't have specifics in mind, since I haven't reread yet, it was a general idea/suggestion.

Jumping off your post, any slann-dice that would be spent next turn on continuing the 'murdering orcs' we're currently doing could be directed to the curse if she does roughly the same amount of murdering we expected to accomplish.

Maybe there is nothing we were intending to do that she could sort out for us, but any slann dice she could free up would be to both the slann's and her benefit.

Edit: Sleepy amused idea: We make a turn plan with whatever slann dice we intend to spend on breaking the curse, and then give her a copy of that plan with the note "anything on this effort allocation plan you are comfortable addressing will have all slann that would be focused on said issues be redircted to contribute to the curse project".
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Jumping off your post, any slann-dice that would be spent next turn on continuing the 'murdering orcs' we're currently doing could be directed to the curse if she does roughly the same amount of murdering we expected to accomplish.
Well, as far as I'm aware *all* the orks should be dead next turn. Unless I missed something. But yeah, I'm sure she could be helpful in any number of ways.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
Someone mentioned that we might be able to theoretically slice up Slannesh into multiple pieces? One of the consequences of that might be the other three getting/staying more powerful than they are in 40K canon. Either because they eat the smaller chaos gods, or because... yeah, Slannesh did intrude on their territory with its birth, but was powerful enough that the other three couldn't do anything about it without risking their rivals taking them out in the aftermath.

Anyway, vote.

[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

I'm curious what our Saurus do after seeing what is currently the top tier in warfare.
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)

We should start playing the actual interstellar part of this quest now. This is a Warhammer 40k quest. We should have our own empire and not continue to be the vassals or guests of Isendrel.

Stopping Slaanesh means 40k will not be the setting we all like and recognize. The Eldar will be different and more powerful. There would be no Imperium of Mankind and Adeptus Mechanicus.
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[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

Ah, there we go, been a bit busy today.
A good way to do it though that meter will be annoying to try and dance around. Hmm bribery sounds like having to spend slann power and/or actions to bring that meter down.
Yeah but what form the bribery takes might be a bit more.....distasteful then just slann power goes brrrrr. I half expect it to be something like, provide this many slaves of your species. Or give me this relic that will look nice on bedroom wall that you greatly revere. Or also give us this many of your species so we can see what drugs we can make out of you. Basically what kind of horribly fucked up things the pleasure cults can think up.
[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)

I want to get on with things, and having a guaranteed safety net is nice, to put it simply. I don't believe Lizardmen interference will amount to much without good diplo, and I'm not all that confident in SV being able to do that without getting caught up in the moment, so to speak. That said, I think it's unlikely that accepting will win, because of of SV's propensity for riding and dying for anyone decent with a pulse.
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[X] Accept the offer (The quest, as it is, will conclude after this turn. There will be a series of votes to choose the planet, sector, etc of your starting point in the next arc. Any hanging plot threads will remain unresolved, and come to a conclusion independent of lizardmen interference. You are guaranteed a limited duration of time where the Eldar Dominion will ignore your existence in the next arc. The quest will continue in a new thread.)

Not a particular fan of Eldar, so I'll go with this.

MOAR Lizard Buildup plz
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)

I am not a fan of leaving behind unfinished business. And if there's a better chance for screwing with Chaos then all the better.
[X] Decline the offer (In the following turn, Isendral will ask you to donate a currently unknown, but significant portion of slannpower in order to unravel the insanity enchantment around the stone before whoever wove it comes looking. You will have a limited amount of time to prepare for their arrival, and the chance of being caught in the crossfire between Dominion Eldar is moderate. You will be allowed to remain on Mochantia, and see the situation through, come what may.)
Yeah but what form the bribery takes might be a bit more.....distasteful then just slann power goes brrrrr. I half expect it to be something like, provide this many slaves of your species. Or give me this relic that will look nice on bedroom wall that you greatly revere. Or also give us this many of your species so we can see what drugs we can make out of you. Basically what kind of horribly fucked up things the pleasure cults can think up.
Along the lines of this, for the most part. Depends on the Eldar you interface with, but the generic, non-individual character specific bribery lies along the lines of providing things or favors to the Dominion that convince them you're worth leaving alone. What those things or favors may be will change over time, but … it's pre-Fall Eldar. There's a certain theme to be expected there.

This doesn't include any Eldar characters you may or may not meet in the future, who will have their own favor trading and such.