Respect Your Elders v2 - Galactic Boogaloo [Warhammer Lizardmen Quest]
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Follow the cold-blooded lizardmen, servants of ancient lost beings known as the Old Ones, as they are forced to flee their home and find themselves under alien skies. In the grim darkness of the far future, all must learn to heed one rule, be they madmen or thirsting gods - Respect Your Elders. Relevant Discord here.
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Prologue 1/3 - The End of the World


Turtle-Speed Writing

Art by daarken

Long ago, the enigmatic Old Ones descended to the Warhammer world to shape it in accordance with their mysterious Great Plan. To aid them in the monumental task of painstakingly reshaping an entire world in ways both physical and mystical, they created a race of undying servants that were unflinchingly loyal to their will - the coldblooded beings known to most as the lizardmen. Heirs to the might of the Old Ones, the lizardmen moulded the world as the Plan decreed, exterminating unwanted species, moving continents, constructing a mystical web of obelisks and cities to channel the geomantic power of the earth, and shifting the orbit of the planet itself.

All seemed to be well, until the powers of Chaos shattered the barriers of reality and engulfed the planet. The Old Ones vanished, and their children were left to face the wrath of the eternal gods of the Warp and their infinite daemons. They fought fiercely, and the lizardmen killed many times their number in warpspawn, for their power in those days was great indeed. But without the guidance of their creators they were helpless to stem the tide of daemons, and it was only through the courage and ingenuity of the elves on their continent of Ulthuan that the world was saved, for the time being. The lizardmen survived the catastrophe, but were forever diminished from the heights they had previously held. The world continued to grow and change outside of the confines of the Plan, and the lizardmen lurked in their last stronghold of Lustria, attempting to ascertain the proper course of action though they lacked any knowledge of the Plan's actual contents.

Now the shortsightedness of the mortal races and the eternal evil that is Chaos have combined into a storm most foul. Fate's corrupted strands have released the End Times upon the world, and the lizardmen realize with grim certainty that the Plan has failed. They can do naught but stare into the teeth of oblivion as it races towards them, and perhaps leave a scar on its face before they perish.

But an ignominious end is not what the Old Ones intended for their heirs. Ancient contingencies prepared in the case of the worst of eventualities have self-activated, and though the coming storm is thick and tempestuous, there are still gaps that light can shine through. The lizardmen have existed since before the Old Ones ever set foot on the world so many years ago, and they still have a lesson of importance to impart upon those younger than them...

Respect Your Elders

It is the End Times. Whatever the outcome of this conflict, the Plan the Old Ones decreed will have been shattered beyond repair - you will be their legacy, cast adrift in an unfamiliar world by the last gift of your makers. You stare the end of the world in the face. What form does it take?

[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]

[] Chaos - The eternal enemy has arisen once again, and this time the foes that stopped it in ages past are feeble compared to their past might, undone by time and their own mortality. Archaon the Everchosen has smashed the Old World to flinders and beseiged Ulthuan with the ultimate goal of destroying the Vortex, allowing the raw stuff of Chaos to subsume the world. The lizardmen stand as one of the last bastions of order in the world, and are being assaulted near-constantly by endless armies of daemons and the mortal servants of the Ruinous Powers from both the north and south. The geomantic web still holds, but it is only a matter of time before the Everchosen undoes the work of the Asur and lets the Warp swallow the world.
[High casualties during evacuation, but the Chaos Gods are fickle and will likely ignore the world after they subsume it]

[] Undeath - The end of the world spawned from the cradle of humanity. Revived from his deathless stasis by his undying minions, Nagash the First Necromancer concluded his millennia-old schemes by crushing the Old World and all the nations of the east with the power of his undead legions, every battle a useless gesture in defiance that only adds more bodies to his army. Now his forces spread out over the world like a cancer, ruthlessly exterminating any hint of life in their territory while the Undying King himself goes to sack Ulthuan and Naagaroth. The asur war with their dark cousins, the dwarf karaks still stubbornly stand defiant, and the daemons of chaos war with the undead the world over, but it is too late to stop Nagash. He will turn his attentions to Lustria soon, and there will be nothing the lizardmen can do to prevent his ultimate victory.
[Moderate casualties during evacuation. Nagash will enslave the entirety of the world in undeath, and will present a threat in the future]

[] Skaven - The youngest race, but in many ways the most dangerous, the skaven were held back only by their inherent inability to unify or cooperate on most any large-scale venture. But their Horned God saw the End Times coming and acted as he had only twice before, placing a dread Underlord in command of his verminious children. Uneasily unified under Thanquol the Great, the Under-Empire rose up and crushed the surface world beneath their endless numbers, stealing the technology of those they defeated it and improving upon it with their dark ingenuity. Now their armies crash into the New World from three directions - the east, where terrible geoshaping weapons unleashed by the skaven have torn a rent in the sea between Cathay and Naagaroth, allowing their legions to assault the dark elf homeland, the west, where their insane navy battles the asur in a series of tooth-and-nail battles while a force led by the Underlord himself marches across Ulthuan, bringing ruin with every step, and from below, for the skaven have bored many tunnels into Lustria in addition to those already present and even now attempt to overwhelm the lizardmen with sheer numbers and spite. The lizardmen fight on tooth and claw, as they always have, but they are only so many, and the Vermintide hungers.
[Comparatively light casualties during evacuation. The skaven will hijack the mechanisms of the Old Ones for use in their own designs, and will pose a serious threat in the future]

These prologue votes will have both a short and long-term impact on the direction the quest takes - don't hesitate to ask if you have a question.

Discord server - feel free to discuss and ask questions!
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Mazdamundi Character Sheet


Lord of the Solar-City Hexoatl and eldest of the second spawning of slaan, Mazdamundi has set his will to revitalizing the rest of the Children of the Old Ones from the rut they have fallen into, until they are once again in a fit state to gaze upon their creators. He is an obstinate slaan, and not easily swayed from his self-determined course of action. Supplementing this is an inner restlessness and vigor that has not left him since his awakening - he spends little time at leisure, always thinking of the next thing that must be accomplished or checking up on a subordinate's task when he is not tackling projects of his own.

Second Generation Slaan: Eclipsed in might only by the now-dead ancients of the First Spawning, Mazdamundi's magical power is unparalleled by all save for the mightiest of divine avatars and the Ruinous Gods themselves.

Geomantic Master: Mazdamundi possesses an affinity for harnessing the Geomantic Web to perform rituals of great power. One Web Ritual performed by him each turn is cast at +1 Magnitude unless otherwise desired.

Eldest Living Slaan: Mazdamundi was instructed by Venerable Lord Kroak himself, and has a wealth of experience as the oldest slaan alive. He possesses mastery of every known style of magic, and assimilates new lore at a rapid pace.

Lord of the Lizardmen: The skinks may administrate the lizardmen empire, and the slann may guide its course, but none can doubt that it is Mazdamundi's will that directs the slann. When he is assigned to a research project with other slann, the total slannpower has 10 percent of the total added to it.

Xili-Totl: Mazdamundi's long-faithful Eternity Warden, clad in armor of burnished, blackened gold and imbued with Chotec's fiery energy in a far more literal sense than his master. Wields the Northern Sunspear, a potent artifact capable of immolating almost anything it comes into contact with.

Cobra Mace: An artifact of power imbued with its own primitive awareness, this metallic scepter moves as though it were an actual snake, snapping and biting at foes who dare to approach within striking distance of Mazdamundi.

Sunburst Standard of Hexoatl: Affixed to Mazdamundi's palanquin, this standard bears the sunburst of Chotec, and imbues all near it with the vigor associated with the Old One.

Zlaaq: An ancient and ornery Stegadon Mazdamundi has broken to his will, Zlaaq serves as a combat mount for the Lord of Hexoatl should he deign to enter the battlefield.
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State of the Realm/Assets
Geomantic Web Level: Magnitude 3 (60% Warp Defense in Territory, 3 Total Spawnings/Year, Max 1 Mag 3 Ritual/Turn, +60% Lizardmen Combat Strength/Endurance in Territory, +60% Lizardmen Productivity in Territory, +60% Slann Magical Potency)
Progress to next Web Magnitude: 29/75 Cities

Reference guide to how many geomantic rituals can be cast per turn at each web magnitude. Each value listed is a potential total number of rituals; for instance, at Mag 3 you could cast one Mag 3 ritual, two Mag 2s, or four Mag 1s, not all of them. Various combinations can be made of this, ie one magnitude 2 and two magnitude 1 rituals. As always, consult GM if unsure.

Magnitude 1: One Magnitude 1.
Magnitude 2: One Magnitude 2 -> Two Magnitude 1.
Magnitude 3: One Magnitude 3 -> Two Magnitude 2 -> Four Magnitude 1.
Magnitude 4: One Magnitude 4 -> Two Magnitude 3 -> Four Magnitude 2 -> Eight Magnitude 1.
Magnitude 5: One Magnitude 5 -> Two Magnitude 4 -> Four Magnitude 3 -> Eight Magnitude 2 -> Sixteen Magnitude 1.

The exact mechanics of geomantic rituals change somewhat once Magnitude 6 is reached, and will be addressed at that point.

Sotek: Formed during the first skaven incursion into Lustria, Sotek's arrival was prophecized on tablets of the Old Ones. He is an aggressive god, fond of bloodshed and war.

Symbols: Serpent, Twin-Tailed Comet
Category: War
Variety: Bloodshed
Domain: Serpents
Methods of Worship: Blood Sacrifice
Favored Foes: Orkoids
Blessing Thematics: Serpents, Venom, Blood
Strength of Cult: Roughly 30% saurus population, 50% skink population, 30% kroxigor population

Ayotzl: Formed from the peeled-apart remains of the Mind Fog of Chaos, Ayotzl is a god of death engineered by the slann to allow for the souls of the lizardmen to be preserved in the Warp. He is a peaceful god, ghosting silently through the sea of souls with his afterlife contained within his shell of fog.

Symbols: Turtles, seen either from above or from the side. Fog over swampland.
Category: Death
Variety: Rest
Domain: Fog
Methods of Worship: Vow of Silence, Vigils
Favored Foes: Chaos
Blessing Thematics: The Dead, Numbness, Ethereal
Strength of Cult: Roughly 20% saurus population, 10% skink population, 30% kroxigor population
Ties: Seed of Fog - 3/3 Aspects

Godseeds are as the name makes them - concentrated nuggets of warp energy that can be used for a variety of tasks, most notably accelerating the creation of gods. Each is unique, and will be easier to shape in accordance with its listed concepts. They may be tied to multiple things at once.

Seed of Fog
Harmonic Concepts: Fog, Slumber, Numb
- Tied to Ayotzl (3/3)

If the image doesn't load for whatever reason, direct link here.
With thanks to @CuttleFish2.0 for the map

Oldest of the temple-cities, built when the Old Ones themselves walked the earth. It has never fallen in the history of the lizardmen, and is astoundingly well-defended. It is the First City, and if everything else falls, it will be the last.

Population: 168/600
Actions Generated: 5 (16 max)
Pop Growth: +7/turn (5 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 15 Relic Priests
2nd Generation Slaan: 30 Relic Priests
3rd Generation Slaan: 5 Live, 42 Relic Priests
4th Generation Slaan: 25 Live, 300 Relic Priests
5th Generation Slaan: 154 Live, 211 Relic Priests

Sacred Site: Emerald Pools - Any lizardman or dinosaur that dies in and around Itza is immediately respawned in an equivalent body.
Metropolis Preservation Barriers: Active

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 5 - Receiving level 3 benefits due to web magnitude
Condition: Pristine - 5/5
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

City of the Sun and home of Mazdamundi, the eldest living slann, Hexoatl is a bastion of lizardmen industry. The sun always shines down on its flat stones, and the lizardmen there work as if infused with Chotec's energy.

Population: 100/100
Actions Generated: 4 (Capped)
Pop Growth: +5/turn (3 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 1 Live, 10 Relic Priests
3rd Generation Slaan: 3 Live, 4 Relic Priests
4th Generation Slaan: 27 Live, 54 Relic Priests
5th Generation Slaan: 46 Live, 18 Relic Priests

Sacred Site: Chotec's Burning Eye - Obliterates intruders with focused rays of magical plasma. Allows for manipulation of sunlight within area of effect (i.e. extended days).
Metropolis Preservation Barriers: Active

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 3
Condition: Pristine - 3/3
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

City of Mists, Xlanhuapec was a vital node in the lizardmen's empire for millennia due to its strategic position and concealing mists that rendered it nigh-impossible to effectively assault the city. It now serves a similar role on Mochantia, warding the lizardmen heartlands from the threat of the orks.

Population: 80/100
Actions Generated: 3 (4 max)
Pop Growth: +5/turn (3 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 3 Relic Priests
3rd Generation Slaan: 5 Live, 7 Relic Priests
4th Generation Slaan: 36 Live, 35 Relic Priests
5th Generation Slaan: 67 Live, 39 Relic Priests

Sacred Site: Nightmare Engine - Targets hostile entities in territory with temporary spirits crafted from their psychological weaknesses.
Metropolis Preservation Barriers: Active

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 3
Condition: Pristine - 3/3
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

City of the Moon, Tlaxtlan sees far and it sees clearly. Observatories and shrines that bathe in moonlight rise atop its pyramids, and its mages are notorious for calling down meteors upon their enemies.

Population: 100/100
Actions Generated: 4 (Capped)
Pop Growth: +5/turn (3 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 3 Relic Priests
3rd Generation Slaan: 6 Live, 5 Relic Priests
4th Generation Slaan: 21 Live, 46 Relic Priests
5th Generation Slaan: 76 Live, 33 Relic Priests

Sacred Site: Orbital Clinometer - Calls down magical meteors upon intruders.
Metropolis Preservation Barriers: Active

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 3
Condition: Pristine - 3/3
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

First of the newly-established temple cities upon Mochantia, Yenehectua is a city of refracted light, a network of mirrors, crystals, and torches shining and glimmering day and night.

Population: 55/100
Actions Generated: 2 (4 max)
Pop Growth: +5/turn (3 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Radiant Prism - Attacks intruders with varying intensities and frequencies of light, condensed into beams.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 3
Condition: Pristine - 3/3
Ayacmanik Presence: Moderate

The center of Sotek's faith upon Mochantia, Qotlpetl holds many prominent altars and temples to the Serpent God, as well as marvels such as the Pools of Sacred Venom.

Population: 55/100
Actions Generated: 2 (4 max)
Pop Growth: +5/turn (3 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Serpentine Idol of Qotlpetl - Allows lizardmen in Qotlpetl to acquire a variety of supernatural snake-like characteristics, most notably rapid regeneration from any injury by means of molting.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 3
Condition: Pristine - 3/3
Ayacmanik Presence: Small

The Forge of Golden Ash, Chalkaro was a temple-city built to rectify the lizardmen's dearth in proper equipment. Where Hexoatl excels in sheer productivity, Chalkaro shines in industriousness - it is constantly churning out pieces of artifice from its many forge complexes.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Forge Matrix - Allows the city to selectively reshape itself, such as forming weapons, raising barricades, and reshuffling its internal schematics. Also allows for a limited degree of self-repair by pulling unused material to where it's more urgently needed.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Moderate

The Garden City is wrapped in a blanket of warm fog, a result of its numerous hothouses reacting with the cold air around it. The city itself pulses with vitality, with gardens growing on every usable surface. The scales of any who visit quickly grow stronger, any discoloration removed by its healing power.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Breath-Stealing Spore - Suffuses the air with Shyish-laced spores that kill intruders. The spores then transfer their stolen life energy to the soil as they fall.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Small

City of Bones, Kimilik was founded upon the geometry of death. Its streets are quiet and cold, and though its lizardmen are productive as any other, they are near-universally solemn or grim in demeanor, for they have known they will one day die since they were born. Because of this, their every move is with purpose, to ensure they have an impact in their time living. The city's surroundings are filled with a wide variety of (non-ork) fungi, which are organisms naturally in tune with the stuff of death.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Restorative Timepiece - Supercharges the healing of lizardmen inhabitants, and causes the rapid growth of cancerous tumors in enemies.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Small

Tekuanzi is the City of Pacts, a place where many dinosaurs and their riders are sent to learn the ancient ways of cooperation and coordination. Many warbeasts from other cities are trained here, and more than usual spawn here for a city of its size. Hunts of megapredators are common events in the area of the city, and it is customary for the skulls of the slain animals to be displayed upon the city walls.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Discordant Archway - Actively degrades the thoughts and mental capacity of enemies within area of effect, starting with paranoia and disorganization and proceeding to catatonia and death.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

Yagoqua is the City of War, built in recognition of the rising threat of the Uax. While every city is well-defended, Yagoqua is a hive of military activity - cadres of Saurus nigh-constantly patrol or test battle maneuvers against each other, skink strategists pore over tomes detailing past campaigns of the lizardmen, and kroxigor labor to build enough weapons for the city's legion to prevail against any foe.

Population: 80/100
Actions Generated: 3 (4 max)
Pop Growth: +5/turn (3 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Omnipresent Atlas - Every lizardman in territory has awareness of enemy positions, ability to mentally coordinate with brethren.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 3
Condition: Pristine - 3/3
Ayacmanik Presence: None

A brine-encrusted city that is palpably infused with the power of the Old One who claims dominion over the waters, great Tzunki. Amamaniliztli's residents sport an assortment of fins on their limbs and webbing between their digits, allowing them greater mobility in the water. The air conducts electricity well, and it is not uncommon for storms to pop up overhead without warning, only to dissipate as quickly.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Territorial Typhoon Totem of Tzunki - Summons a localized typhoon that cuts through mundane and supernatural foes with sharpened raindrops. Lizardmen are unaffected.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Small

A city of serenity and tranquility, the very air of Tenqu'itzcal gently resists being disturbed. All who visit are granted a measure of calm and repose, the quietude imposed by the city's enchantments deepening their focus. Temples of Potec are common here.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Imposed Aura of Potec - May temporarily paralyze enemy soldiers, spells, and projectiles across the entirety of Tenqu'itzcal. Lizardmen are unaffected, allowing for unopposed slaughter.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

The City of Dusk, despite its name, is not actually wreathed in darkness. However, the magic spun into the bones of the metropolis makes it difficult to find should one not be granted passage - like the striped camouflage of a Mochantian Spring Jaguar, the city seems to blend into its surrounding foliage, its apparent location shifting without warning to those of hostile intent.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Moderate

Founded under Tepok's principles and dedicated to the unravelling of the Great Plan, Illuxoni is a veritable archive of lore from every corner of the lizardmen empire. Records of every encountered Mochantian creature exist here, as well as diagrams of technological inventions, libraries of dictated slann writings on magical theories, and many copies of the history of older times, before the Evacuation Ritual.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Large

Tletl'notec's full designation is Holder of the Hot Power Underneath the Earth, and it shows in its design. The streets are heated from below by piped lava which travels to its prominent forge districts. The city walls and many of its buildings seem to have been molded out of the natural rock, rising seamlessly from the ground and drawing on its strength. In times of peril, stores of magma are piped from chambers underneath the city, flooding its outskirts in a layer of molten rock.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Magmatic Infusion Pylon - Allows lizardmen in Tletl'notec to summon up magma armor or throw lava at will.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Small

Known as the City of Strength, Muukhexla is part of a new generation of temple-cities, where the lizardmen are no longer facing a millennia-long decline, but a fierce resurgence in power. The lizardmen spawned here are markedly strong, with both Chotec and Tlazcotl's sacred spawnings occurring more frequently than elsewhere. They look forward to a future where the quest of the lizardmen is finally fulfilled, and strive every day to make it so.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Sacred Site: Acceleration Capacitor - Siphons excess kinetic energy from within the surrounding area, increases attack, enhances workforce, provides kinetic force barriers to inhabitants.

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Small

A city built in the wake of the first Octarine Cabals forming, Chuq'xla is a city dedicated to the production of artifacts and the instruction of magical theory. It houses temples dedicated to each of the eight winds, where skink priests train their juniors and increase their proficiency with magic.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Large

The City of Ice Rain is dedicated to observing weather patterns and the ways in which climate, biospheres, and geomantic energy correlate to each other. As a natural result of this, there are many temples dedicated to scrying upon the Quango, analyzing the changes it makes to the atmosphere and how this affects air currents across the planet.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

As City of the Sky, Huilcatlan shares many characteristics with Tlaxtlan – many observatories tower above its skyline, some even floating, buoyed by geomantic power. It also houses many halls of study where calculations and theory are raised on the nature of the void between stars and planets and how it may eventually be traversed.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Large

The City of Change is a metropolis where studies are undertaken into the physical and metaphysical makeup of the lizardmen, and how their physical and spiritual forms might be altered in ways that align with the designs of the Old Ones. Many wards specifically tuned to target daemons of Tzeentch have been emplaced here as a precaution.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Moderate

Pahkypxi is a city of waterways and all that pertains to them, a center of trade and exchange between all the cities on the northern coast, and many further into the continent. Many of the streets are filled with seawater, and enchanted stone rafts are used for transport.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Large

City of Growth, Chiz'chaq is a place dedicated to the study and examination of the Mochantian biosphere and its many creatures. The city's streets are lined with containment cells filled with specimens from across the continent, and numerous temples dedicated towards the study of Thunder Lizards.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 1 Live (Mahultep)

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Moderate

A city-sized archive of preserved knowledge, Bucqxhalf contains copies of every word ever whispered by the Relic Priests, engraved in stone tablets. Also housed here are the memoirs and compiled musings of many slann, covering many topics ranging from magical lores to the correct manner in which to consume certain meals. They are uniformly of considerable length, with the shortest comprising some 26 volumes.

Population: 14/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Large

Many engineers, architects, and inventors reside in Mekhinyx'kal, a city dedicated to the pursuit of new forms of knowledge and the creation of new inventions to further support the lizardmen's eternal mission.

Population: 14/25
Actions Generated: 1 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Moderate

Glaz'vyaal is a city where the oft-overlooked discipline of alchemy is practiced. While it is an accepted truth that the physical world is but a shell for the truths bespoken by the Old Ones in the language of purest potential, it is still useful to categorize and understand how that world's components may interact with each other in certain manners. In Glaz'vyaal, vast forges of mercury and other purified elements are distilled by exacting processes of filtration, to be combined with each other in esoteric rituals of material science.

Population: 14/25
Actions Generated: 1 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Large

The City of Motors was founded to fulfil the relatively niche focus of tinkering with and improving the vehicular designs of the lizardmen. It conducts extensive trades and collaboration with Mekhinyx'kal, for both cities specialize in exploring and comprehending the rules and structures of the physical realm.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

As the lizardmen rise to prosperity, their eyes turn to the future. The City of Farseeing is a hub of divination, filled with instruments that allow it to scry distant locations and vast halls of prophecy in which the slann attempt to divine the mysteries of the past and future.

Population: 25/25
Actions Generated: 2 (2 max)
Pop Growth: +4/turn (2 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 2
Condition: Pristine - 2/2
Ayacmanik Presence: Tiny

Founded solely and utterly to serve as a means by which the remaining ork infestation on Mochantia's northern continent may be entirely crushed, That Which Reveals Itself In Sudden Proclamation That Kills/Conquers/Flattens Unruly Territory Until It Is Tame/Small, or the City of Triumph for short, is a city built for war in the evolved style of the lizardmen. Its legions march forth to crush anything in their path, be it unruly terrain or the bodies of their foes!

Population: 5/5
Actions Generated: 1 (1 max)
Pop Growth: +3/turn (1 base+2 Web)

1st Generation Slaan: 0
2nd Generation Slaan: 0
3rd Generation Slaan: 1 Live
4th Generation Slaan: 0
5th Generation Slaan: 0

Geomantic Infrastructure: Level 1
Condition: Pristine - 1/1
Ayacmanik Presence: None
Ork Presence: Small


Lizardmen Trust of Isendral: 3/10 - "The Slann have not condemned this course of action."
Isendral's Trust of Lizardmen: 6/10 - "They have ... they will be of help."
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The Geomantic Web is a mystical network of power running through every lizardmen city. Drawing upon the kinetic energies running through the planet and converting them into magical force through alignment with metaphysical leylines and specially attuned architecture, the temple cities of the lizardmen generate, channel, and sustain this power. The web grants a multitude of benefits within its reach, which grow stronger as the web itself does. The currently known benefits are listed below, all of which intensify as the Web grows in power:

- Passive defence against hostile Warp powers, daemon intrusions, and mundane attacks, strengthening with level of Web
- Additional spawnings per year, scaling to the level of the Web - ie level 4 will spawn 4 times per year
- Greater wells of mystic energy allowing for more complex and powerful geomantic rituals
- Increased strength and endurance of all lizardmen as the Web bolsters their stamina
- Increased productivity of all lizardmen as the Web removes their need for sustenance
- Decreased difficulty of research projects/unlocking of new research as the Web grows
- Increased power of slaan as the Web's reserves of power grow

Temple cities do not benefit from a tier of benefits until they have obtained the necessary infrastructure to harness the power of the Web, which tends to correspond with the size of the city itself. This means that a level 2 city can only receive level 2 effects until it increases its level. Additionally, the level of the Web is the maximum strength of its effects regardless of infrastructure; a level 5 city will only receive level 2 benefits if the Web itself is level 2. The strength of the Web is increased by encompassing more territory within it - in other words, the bigger the Web, the stronger the Web.

The Geomantic Web acts primarily as a stabilization system for geologic effects, halting unwanted continental movement and other processes that would disrupt the plans of the lizardmen and converting the resulting kinetic force into magical energy which feeds back into the system, creating a self-sustaining loop. The web of magic that is generated thusly is also able to be tapped into by the slaan for purposes ranging from bolstering their spells in battle to conducting cataclysmic geomantic rituals. A favored implement of the mage-priests to further their plans with, geomantic rituals function by harnessing the energy the Web produces as it works and using it to empower a spell, swelling it to a level where it can not only shape entire battlefields, but determine the outcome of entire wars. While any kind of enchantment can be thusly bolstered, it is most energy efficient to directly shape the earth since the Web already does this.

Rituals are sorted into various magnitudes which are tied to the strength of the Web - unless otherwise stated, the current level of the Web is the maximum strength of any geomantic ritual that can be enacted. As the Web grows, it also becomes capable of supporting multiple ritual efforts at once - at level 1 the Web can only support a single magnitude 1 ritual, but at level 4 it can support 10 of them simultaneously. Examples of use are below (CONTAINS QUEST SPOILERS):

Magnitude 1: City scale effects
Magnitude 2: Country scale effects
Magnitude 3: Continent scale effects
Magnitude 4: Supercontinental scale effects
Magnitude 5: Planetary scale effects

- Magnitude 1 Chasm - Open a crack in the earth capable of splitting a battlefield in twain. Used to destroy a miles-long ork aircraft factory before it could transport a horde of millions to lizardmen shores (Turn 6).
- Magnitude 1 Star - Temporarily manifests a miniature star at the chosen location. Used to vaporize the ork city of Krushgrungle (Turn 10).
- Magnitude 1 Sunshear - Transforms rays of sunlight in the area into tangible blades that shear through everything in the vicinity. Used to obliterate a committed ork counterattack (Turn 11).
- Magnitude 2 Landshaping - Rearrange local terrain in order to deny positional advantages to the enemy or grant them to your troops by creating hills and cliffs, raising riverbeds, and other alterations to the landscape. Used by Mazdamundi to simultaneously bulldoze 2000 kilometers of pathway through the Mochantian jungle (Turn 1).
- Magnitude 2 Mountain - Raise one or several mountains from the earth. Used by Mazdamundi to block dark elf access into Lustria.
- Magnitude 2 Magmatic Canyon - Cracks the ground open down to the mantle for hundreds of kilometers, drawing gouts of magma upward like blood welling from a wound. Used to deny strategic mobility to multiple ork hordes in a crucial feat of maneuvering (Turn 10).
- Magnitude 2 Tornado Swarm - Manipulation of air currents produces dozens of F5+ tornadoes simultaneously. Used to devastate ork territory in the prelude to an invasion (Turn 11).
- Magnitude 2 Teleport - Teleports a city-sized mass across the length of a continent. Used to teleport an aquatic ork attack city on top of another ork army (Turn 12).
- Magnitude 3 Continental Alteration - Alter the shape of continents. Notable examples of use are Mazdamundi's ruination of the Karaz Ankor and (although not caused by the lizardmen) the Sundering of Ulthuan.
- Magnitude 3 Spiritual Kinetic Blast - A tidal wave of Warp energy, transformed into a destructive blast wave with the infusion of geomantic power. Used to temporarily discorporate the Fugue Megadaemon assailing the Sublime Communion at the height of the creature's strength (Turn 5).
- Magnitude 3 Tsunami - A kilometers-high mountain of water, with enough weight and power to temporarily submerge a large portion of a continent. Used to eradicate over 100 million orks from a distant continent (Turn 9).

Additional examples will be listed as the Web grows in strength.

The number of slann assigned to a ritual affect how quickly it 'fires', with the more slann assigned, the less of a charge-up time being a factor. This can be beneficial in situations where outside parties might seek to interrupt the ritual.

Differing from the Old Ones, gods are artificial warp constructs, masses of soul energy shaped by belief and given strength by the devotion of thought and action to their cause by mortal believers. They are capable of independent action within the Warp to a certain degree, and can act to aid their followers and further the propogation of the belief that sustains and empowers them. For mortal races they also serve the function of protecting the souls of their followers from the universal threat of corruption and consumption by the Ruinous Powers. For the lizardmen this is not a concern, but gods can still serve a variety of useful purposes such as bestowing blessings and interceding against hostile warp entities. Thus they are used not as the products and apexes of entire civilizations as with other species, but as specialized tools in their portfolio of warpcraft.

Gods can be mechanically defined by a collection of characteristics, listed here for convenience.

Name: The name of the god, and any titles it may possess.
Representation: What symbols the god is represented by.
Domains: Which aspects of the universe the god exerts influence upon. The first listed is their primary domain, an aspect of their being unique to their mythos. Their secondary domain is broader, often a method of how they apply their core themes to the actions they perform. Their tertiary domain is the broadest, and commonly denotes what general category of god they are, and what the actions they take can generally be expected to be.
Category: What sort of god this is. Categories are extremely broad, often one-word descriptors, such as war, magic, life/death, or excess.
Variety: What sort of god within their category this is. If it is a war god, what aspect of war does it focus on? What sort of death does a god within that category bring?
Domain: What makes the god unique. This is an aspect of reality that the god claims as their own. It is usually a very specific thing, something that is central to the god's identity and imagery.
Methods of Worship: The most ritually synergistic method of worship the god's followers conduct. While any thought, prayer or action taken under their portfolio counts towards empowering a god, the methods listed here are especially potent, and often favored in the god's holy texts.
Favored Foes: Most gods have at least one sort of being they and their followers stringently oppose in a manner fitting to their faith. This can range from anything from thieves, the nobility, all the way to entire species.
Blessing Thematics: Gods often empower their followers. The thematics listed here provide guidelines for what sort of blessings or miracles the god is capable of enacting.
Strength of Cult: This is listed as percentage values for the entirety of the lizardmen subspecies it corresponds to. The higher the percentage, the more lizardmen of that particular subspecies worship that god, and thus the more powerful that god becomes.

The Old Ones are the long-lost creators of the lizardmen. Not even the venerable Mazdamundi ever beheld them in the flesh, and only speculation can say what their corporeal forms would have looked like. Though they have not had contact with them for many millennia, the lizardmen still revere the Old Ones with a fervent devotion that many would mistake for outright worship. While the skinks do occasionally begin legitimate cults devoted to praising the Old Ones as gods, the slaan mage-priests know better - their creators were not such paltry constructs as gods, but far greater beings that do not need or desire worship or adulation to feed themselves. Thus it is that no true cults of the Old Ones exist, and the only effects the long-lost creators of the lizardmen could lay claim to are the blessed spawnings - on occasion, a spawning of lizardmen will emerge from the pools marked by a specific Old One, and bearing talents related to the particular portfolio of that Old One.

Sacred Spawnings are ranked on a scale of 1 to 10 on their degree of rarity, from least to most common. This determines how likely new batches of that spawning are and allows the GM to use this scale as a measure to determine when one will show up in the narrative rather than calculating the exact number of blessed lizardmen for all the different spawn types.

1: Vanishingly Rare - In all likelyhood less than five lizardmen period have ever had this configuration
2: Very Rare
3: Rare
4: Very Uncommon
5: Uncommon
10: Common

Tepok - Associated with magic, lizardmen born blessed by Tepok possess a bright purple coloration, and invariably possess an innate talent for casting spells. Rarity: 1
Chotec - Associated with the sun, lizardmen blessed by Chotec bear orange hides and possess an abundance of energy, making them far more productive than their kin. Rarity: 4
Tlanxla - The uncontested warrior of the Old Ones, lizardmen of Tlanxla have deep red scales and an innate talent for all aspects of war, from combat to command. Rarity: 3
Itzl - Associated with wild beasts, lizardmen blessed by Itzl have great bony crests atop their heads and an inborn ability to command beasts of the jungle. Rarity: 4
Huanchi - An Old One so stealthy that even the Chaos Gods could not find where he hid, Huanchi gives those lizardmen bearing his midnight black color an innate instinct to sneak and ambush. Rarity: 2
Potec - The most serene being, Potec embodies magical protection and grounding. Those bearing his pale blue coloration invariably possess some resistance to hostile magic, and should they be capable of spellcasting, have a talent for defensive magery. Rarity: 2
Tzunki - The Old One associated with water, lizardmen with Tzunki's blessing are colored turquoise and possess numerous minor alterations to better suit them to moving and fighting in the water. Rarity: 3
Quetzl - Known for his protective bent, lizardmen blessed by Quetzl have unusually thick and bony skin and plating, and occasionally display resistance to hostile magic. Rarity: 3 - however, all Temple Guard are blessed by Quetzl.
Tlazcotl - Embodying the cold-minded nature of the lizardmen, those blessed by Tlazcotl with his pure white coloration are intensely strong of mind, capable of rebuffing mental attacks by hostile psykers and daemons with nothing but sheer will. They also tend to be incredibly stubborn. Rarity: 2
Xhotl - Much like the city bearing his name, Xhotl is associated with destiny and fate. Those bearing his deep blue coloration are either skilled diviners or possessed of a destiny which will lead them to greatness. Rarity: 2

Each turn currently lasts 10 years, and is divided into relatively few phases: the main turn is essentially the same as most Warhammer CKII-type quests on this board, though structured a little differently - more on that below - and sub-turns are things that require a character's more personal attention - War Turns, Stealth Turns, Diplomacy Turns, etc. These take place from the viewpoint of a single character and last varying amounts of time, though always less than a main turn.

Actions taken within a turn work thusly: Each temple-city has a number of actions equal to its infrastructure level or the magnitude of the geomantic web, whichever is lower. If Hexoatl is level 4 and the Web is Mag 3, for instance, Hexoatl will have three actions. They don't have to take up to the max number of actions per turn - if a city with 5 actions only takes 1 in a turn, that action will be completed considerably faster/to a higher degree. There is no waste among the lizardmen.

Hero units are able to take one action a turn. They may boost an existing action or perform one independently; some actions are only performable by certain hero units. Not all hero units have to be assigned an action - if left unassigned, a hero unit will remain in their current city and defend it if attacked. They will not take action independently.

Research works like this: Every turn you will be presented with a list of projects and a varying number of slaan depending on how many resist the curse for the turn. You may assign however many slaan you wish to as many projects as you wish. However, more slaan working on the same project will complete it faster, and is likely more reliable given the inconsistent supply of them. Slaan of older generations will progress research 5 times faster than the generation below them. The ratio is as follows:

1 Fourth Gen = 5 Fifth Gen
1 Third Gen = 5 Fourth Gen = 25 Fifth Gen
1 Second Gen = 5 Third Gen = 25 Fourth Gen = 125 Fifth Gen
1 First Gen = 5 Second Gen = 25 Third Gen = 125 Fourth Gen = 625 Fifth Gen

Research projects are organized into abstracted levels of difficulty thusly, with the numbers representing the collective level of 5th generation slannpower needed to complete each one:

Very Easy - 5
Easy - 25
Moderate - 50
Hard - 150
Very Hard - 450
Absurd - 1000
Impossible - 2500

You may also assign slaan to conventional options, and some require the presence of a mage-priest. This will result in the slaan taking the lead of the project, except if a hero unit is there, and lending their immense magical might to the aid of their brethren. This can be very powerful in war actions.

[] Plan Xan
Itza: Pimp Out Slann Temples
Hexoatl: Build Giant Magnifying Glass
Tlaxtlan: Launch Telescope Into Orbit
Xlanhuapec: Enormous Fog Machine
Mazdamundi: This Continent Annoys Me
Kroq-Gar: Flatten Peons With Carnosaur
Tiktaq'to: Zoom Zoom Swoop Zoom
Teninhuan: Tablet of Sotek
Chakax: Train

Consult Relic Priests: 37 fifth gen
Examine Mind Fog: 4 third gen, 10 fourth gen, 26 fifth gen
Examine Tablet of Sotek: Teninhuan, 2 fifth gen

Enemy presence in the area of a city is noted in order of increasing concentration thusly:

Tiny: 100 - 1,000
Small: 1,000 - 10,000
Moderate: 10,000 - 100,000
Large: 100,000 - 1,000,000
Huge: 1,000,000 - 10,000,000
Insane: 10,000,000 - 100,000,000

The scale will be expanded if you somehow end up having more than a hundred million enemies hanging around a single city.

Higher enemy presence is generally a bad thing, since it usually means more frequent attacks or attempts to otherwise crew with your affairs by said enemy. This is only indicative of 'passive' enemy presence, and not active attacking forces.

The lizardmen are unlike most species in that they do not reproduce, not even in the fungoid manner of the Orks. Instead they are birthed from sacred spawning pools housed in the innermost catacombs of their cities. These pools periodically disgorge whole groups of lizardmen. On Mallus this process was subject to the mysterious timetable of the Old Ones; now it is governed by other principles, and the spawning of lizardmen is more regular. The base spawn rate for a level 1 city is as follows:

5,000 Saurus per turn
10,000 Skinks per turn
1,000 Kroxigor per turn
Slaan are no longer spawned

These numbers increase per increased city level - a level 2 city will spawn 10,000 Saurus per turn, a level three 15,000, and so on. This happens regardless of the level of the geomantic web, to represent additional spawning pools being created.

As the geomantic web increases in strength, so do the frequency of spawnings - a level 2 Web will cause all cities to spawn twice per year, effectively doubling the base spawn rate from 5k/10k/1k to 10k/20k/2k. This increases to three times per year at level 3, four times per year at level 4, and so on. Research into the nature of the spawning pools may unlock further enhancements.

Each level of city has a soft population cap that once hit will cause the pop growth in those cities to go to other cities that are empty, or until that city falls under the cap again. This is primarily for my aesthetic enjoyment of nice even numbers, but also has a fair amount of thematic connection to the lizardmen. The caps go like this:
Level 1 City: 50k Saurus, 100k Skinks, 10k Kroxigor
Level 2 City: 500k Saurus, 1m Skinks, 100k Kroxigor
Level 3 City: 2.5m Saurus, 5m Skinks, 500k Kroxigor
Level 4 City: 6.25m Saurus, 12.5m Skinks, 1.25m Kroxigor
Level 5 City: 12.5m Saurus, 25m Skinks, 2.5m Kroxigor

Slann may be dedicated to spawn lizardmen during a turn. The base amount of each type the differing generations of slann can spawn per turn are as follows:

5th Generation: 1,000 saurus, 2,000 skinks, and 200 kroxigor per slann
4th Generation: 5,000 saurus,10,000 skinks, and 1,000 kroxigor per slann
3rd Generation: 25,000 saurus, 50,000 skinks, and 5,000 kroxigor per slann
2nd Generation: 125,000 saurus, 250,000 skinks, and 25,000 kroxigor per slann
1st Generation: 625,000 saurus, 1,250,000 skinks, and 125,000 kroxigor per slann

However, this rate is affected by the Geomantic Web's multipliers to regular spawning - Magnitude 3 would multiply these figures by 3, for instance.
It is also possible to focus on a specific breed of lizardmen - consult this post for more information.

In addition, each slann passively spawns 1/100th of its capacity in lizardmen per turn - a 5th generation would thus spawn 10 saurus, 20 skinks, and 2 kroxigor per turn at Web Magnitude 1, 20/40/4 at Magnitude 2, and so on.


The slaan are afflicted by a curse of the mind designed by the personal attention of the Ruinous Powers, a cloying mental fog that traps them in skeins of muddied thought without them ever realizing they have been trapped. It affects them in the following proportions.

1st Generation: 100%
2nd Generation: 90%
3rd Generation: 80%
4th Generation: 70%
5th Generation: 60%

Each turn a d100 is rolled for each generation of slaan with living members, save for the player character. The percentage of the generation is the minimum strength of the curse, and thus the minimum number of slaan within that generation that will be asleep for the turn. The d100 decides how many slaan will be able to shake off the curse for the turn. Example:

500 alive 5th gens x 0.4 = 200
1d100 = 20
200 x 0.2 = 40 active 5th generation slaan

Afflicted slaan are not capable of doing anything save for passively defending their minds from hostile intrusion.

Living slaan numbers (not counting Mazdamundi):
3rd generation: 26
4th generation: 109
5th generation: 348

Each increase in magnitude of the geomantic web drops the pervasiveness of the Mind Fog by a percentage amount.
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Hero Units


The last surviving saurus from the lost temple-city of Xhotl, Kroq-Gar has been fighting against the enemies of the lizardmen for over 8000 years. Ever since Mazdamundi's awakening, Kroq-Gar has been the leader of his armies and the executor of his will, riding atop his fearsome carnosaur Grymloq. Saurus only grow more formidable as they age, and Kroq-Gar has been fighting against a large variety of foes for a very long time. His hard-won experience supplements his inborn instincts as a saurus, granting him great prowess at both commanding entire armies and riding down hapless foes from the back of a ten ton lizard.

Ancient Saurus: Kroq-Gar was spawned before the Great Catastrophe swamped Lustria in daemons, and has been fighting ever since. Over eight thousand years of combat and leadership experience has made Kroq-Gar into a military virtuoso, who excels in the role of command even compared to Saurus Oldbloods. Additionally, his ferocity in combat has only grown throughout the years, and has proven the end of many a foe, from Ork Warbosses to ancient Daemon Lords.

Carnosaur Rider: Born and bred to hold dominion over the beasts of the Lustrian jungle, Kroq-Gar has done his best work from the back of a carnosaur. He enjoys significant bonuses to personal and group combat when riding theropod beasts, and is highly adept at warfare suited to the ultraheavy cavalry they are. Even on an armywide scale, he is able to impart some of the speed of his chosen mount, moving entire hosts around incredibly quickly on the strategic and tactical levels.

Xhotl-Spawned: Xhotl was the City of Heroes, and Kroq-Gar is no exception. He is naturally more formidable than his younger kindred (accounting for age), and possesses a general bonus to all his actions, particularly regarding dueling enemy leaders and champions. The fact that he considers trampling a foe with a carnosaur a duel is merely a technicality.

Revered Spear of Tlanxla: Supposedly wielded by the Old One Tlanxla as he went to battle aboard his sky chariot, this ancient spear hums with hidden power. Its attacks deal magical damage, and it has the special ability of striking a target with doom-laden visions, destroying their will to fight. This may be targeted at anything up to entire units of enemy infantry, making it an excellent tool for shattering morale in key spots on the battlefield.

Hand of the Gods: An ancient piece of magitek gifted to Kroq-Gar by Mazdamundi, the Hand of the Gods is a metallic gauntlet humming with searing magical energy. Kroq-Gar can use the gauntlet's energy to launch a bolt of incandescent energy at a target that explodes upon impact, or grasp onto an enemy and messily detonate whatever part of theirs is in his fist.

Grymloq: The twelfth carnosaur Kroq-Gar has claimed as a mount throughout his long life, Grymloq is a fearsome specimen even for a carnosaur, much like his master compared to other saurus.

Kroq-Gar is best suited for military actions, and cannot assist in actions that have to do with building things. Consult GM if unsure when assigning him.

Chakax, Eternity Warden of Xlanhuapec​

Part of the elite pedigree of saurus known as the Temple Guard, Chakax has guarded the Mage Priests of the Lizardmen for over six thousand years. Spawned in Xlanhuapec, he rose to the position of Eternity Warden, charged with protecting the Slaan in their Eternity Chambers, during their most vulnerable moments where they block out the material realm in deepest contemplation. Eternity Wardens are rare, and Chakax has proved the greatest living example of them. Not a single Slaan under his vigil has fallen from the intrepid Fifth Generations to his supreme master in the Second Generation, Lord Chaacalot. Whether in the jungle or in the depths of the temples, alone or aided, Chakax has slaughtered thousands that dared to approach his charge with hostile intent, from Daemon Princes to Skaven Deathmasters to whole Ork bands. A quiet sort even for the Temple Guard, he kills and moves with a cold intensity, a near emotionless embodiment of the Lizardmen race's dedication to their Slaan masters.


Ancient Guardian: Chakax is not the eldest of Saurus, but he is still a venerable Oldblood who has lived through the passing of whole civilizations. As a Saurus, time has been kind to him, and over six millennia of life and service have seen his warlike instinct focused to near unrivaled precision, and his scales hardened to rival the great primordial lizards of the land and sky, with skill bolstered by raw experience that surpasses many lifetimes of younger races.

Eternal Warden: Even among the small ranks of the Eternity Wardens, Chakax stands out. Temple Guard are among the greatest bodyguard units in existence, hyper-vigilant saurus with extremely keen senses and awareness, instinctive experts of defensive positioning and formations capable of mechanically precise movements and statuesque immobility that gives the impression of them being more machine than biological. Whole centuries and layers of dust can come and go without the Temple Guard stirring, but the very concept of distraction is unknown to them, be it mundane or arcane. Normal Saurus are frightening, Temple Guard mesh warlike ferocity and supreme guardianship to become terrifying in their single-minded vigilance. The Eternity Wardens are the greatest individuals of the Temple Guard, natural ability meshing with the necessity of fighting alone to produce individually supreme warriors. And Chakax, the Eternal Warden, is the greatest of them.

An Existence Defined by Vigilance: Temple Guard and Eternity Wardens are unusual in character for Saurus, born and living lives dedicated to guarding the lynchpins of their race. Chakax is unusual even for them, sheer age and focus leading to a reality where individuality is eschewed in favor of service. Every thought, every twitch, is based on how it might advance his cause of guardianship. His mind races between potential threats and possibilities that might affect the Slaan under his charge, every inch of movement is carried out in the interest of even a fractionally greater percentage of vigilance. This ridiculous focus has made him somewhat blind to more innovative methods and actions, even those that might better protect his masters as such actions would involve a present decrease in protective efficiency, but has turned him into perhaps the single greatest duelist and individual fighter among the living Saurus.


Star-Stone Mace: An enormous, double-handed mace older than the oldest Temple-City with lost magics and materials beyond earthly and spiritual understanding. Chakax has wielded it for most of his life, and all enchantments and psychic resonances are unmade at its touch. It has the special property of nullifying magical enchantments of items it strikes, and itself counts as dealing psychic damage when advantageous to do so.

Helm of the Prime Guardian: In the primordial times when the Saurus legions purged Mallus of monstrous races and creatures that are nightmarish even to the current age, the first of all Temple Guard, the Guardian of Origins, was spawned to guard the Slaan from these horrors. An individual that faced the worst of the Old World's terrors for the sake of protecting his masters, his spirit, though long dead, lingers and heightens Chakax's already phenomenal senses to outright supernatural capabilities. Beyond the increase in his regular senses and serving as excellent armor, even arcane shrouds and disguises are pierced by the exalted vigilance of the Guardian of Origin's successor, while regular stealth techniques even utilized by grandmasters are reduced to the fumbling of drunken oafs before the eyes and ears of the Eternal Warden.

Eternity Chamber Key: The Eternity Chamber of Xlanhuapec is not only guarded by the muscle of the Temple Guard, but also intricate wards and arcane defenses, all of which can be bypassed with a special key. Such a key is granted only to the one allowed to guard the Slaan at their most vulnerable as the last line of defense, and the mystical effects of the key are clear. Saurus are not innately specialized in agile movements, but the Key affects time itself around its wielder, allowing one to match lighting-swift foes through temporal distortion and dodge blows with effectively precognitive awareness from the distorted passage of time.

Chakax is best suited for protecting specific individuals or things, and may be assigned to any military-focused action, though he functions best with leadership to give him direction. Consult with GM if unsure when assigning him.


Teninhuan, Prophet of Sotek​

Born in the lost Temple-City of Chaqua, Teninhuan was, like many of that city, a Skink with a red crest atop his head. When the plagues of Clan Pestilens spread virulently and laid low Chaqua, Teninhuan was afflicted with visions of a coming god and led the population, predominantly Skinks, in a great migration out of the city. For years Teninhuan and his followers preached of the coming god, Sotek, a god of serpents and war, and were at the forefront of the conflict against the rat plague. At last, as the plaques Teninhuan had taken foretold, the Serpent God was born after uncountable thousands of bloody Skaven sacrifices, instilling might in the battling Lizardmen and terror in the ratkin. The Prophet of Sotek, his dream realized at last, led the Red Host and their allies to drive the Skaven out of Lustria. A strong warrior for a Skink and a highly capable mage, Teninhuan predominatly favors harmony with the bestial side of life, and instilling savage and primal spirit unto himself and others. Despite the many centuries since the War of the Rat, Teninhuan persists, an enemy of chaotic and foul life and the supreme nemesis of the Skaven.


The Prophet of Sotek: Supremely blessed by Sotek, the Prophet wields the savage miracles of the Serpent God in their arcane forms. Serpentkind flocks to him, to the point that in battle the ground appears to be alive with slithering, hissing life. Even higher intelligence and arcane creatures related to the snake pay homage to him and offer aid in battle and out. Bloody slaughter rejuvenates him and his followers, and instills the instinctive fear all creatures born of the wild have of the serpent in its deadly form. While rodents and other ratkin are those predominantly fearful of him and his deity and useful as sacrifices, the more bestial races and those aligned to Chaos are a close second. Sotek's protection hangs low on his scaly shoulders, and blows are often deflected by unseen forces or dodged with precognitive aid from divine visions. Poisons, even the terrible kind employed by Warp entities and the Daemons of Chaos, have no effect on him.

The Shed Skin: Teninhuan, or at least, the Prophet of Sotek that arose from Chaqua and ensured the birth of the Serpent God, may or may not have died long ago. But he still exists regardless. Just as a serpent sheds its skin and renewed, Sotek's Chosen emerges in the form of another red-crested Skink Priest appearing seemingly from nowhere. Death is no obstacle to the continued legend of the Prophet of Sotek. If there exists a way to sever this form of reincarnation, it has not been discovered in over twenty-five hundred years of brutal war.

Striking Serpent: Though Skinks and their Chieftains and Priests fulfill many of the leadership and administrative duties not requiring the direct attention of the Slaan most of the time, they are not predisposed towards war and commanding armies. Teninhuan however proved a very able leader from the beginning in the first century long war against the Skaven, and has honed his skill in successive reincarnations. Though there are many Oldbloods that can call themselves his equal or superior, Teninhuan is still quite capable and bolsters his command abilities with innovative and unorthodox tactics outside the prerogative of most, though not all, Saurus. He favors and excels at stealth attacks and warfare in dense battlefields like ruins and jungles, maneuvering whole armies out of sight and sound of the enemy, while perceiving and striking at critical points where devastating damage might be dealt to a whole enemy legion. The pincer assault is a favored maneuver, and one the Prophet has utilized many times to great success.

Beckoner of the Divine: Teninhuan counts as 10 slann for the purposes of researching any project that is related to Sotek or general divine interactions.


Blade of the Serpent's Tongue: A sacrificial dagger crafted and enchanted by the most skilled Skink artificers of Chaqua, it is blessed by Serpent God, perpetually dripping a terribly deadly poison said to come from Sotek's fangs themselves.

Plaque of Sotek: A direct sign of Sotek's favor, the Old One plaque retrieved from Chaqua is inscribed with the mysterious Prophecy of Sotek. Only Teninhuan and the most favored by Sotek may read it in its entirety, and it serves as a link between the Serpent God and his Prophet, allowing communion and understanding. To those who favor or serve Sotek, is as much a source of strength and inspiration as his Chosen.

Teninhuan is a talented general and may also research divine-oriented projects. Consult with GM if unsure when assigning him.

Tiktaq'to, Master of Skies​

When Mazdamundi set forth to begin his attempts to restore the proper order to the world in the years before the End Times, he did so with several capable lieutenants. One of them was Kroq-Gar, greatest of all Saurus generals, and another was Tiktaq'to, Master of Skies. The Master of Skies is a preeminent position among Skink Chiefs, holding command over all aerial affairs, and Tiktaq'to was almost literally born for the position. Like Kroq-Gar he bonded with a species of bestial steeds quickly, in his case the Terradons. Unlike many of the leaders and generals of the Lizardmen Tiktaq'to is comparatively young, but his natural aptitude towards flying was apparent in the very first flight he took, where his ability to guide and control the particularly fierce Zwup outshone those centuries his senior.

Unusually given to martial matters in both ability and personality, the Skink spends much of his time in the air, maintaining a constant vigilance. His personal hand in the breeding and raising of Terradon and Razordon flocks has seen those of Hexoatl become increasingly able to work with their Skink riders, as well as physically more capable when it comes to endurance. When not in the air, he is often spending time among his subordinates or the flights of skybeasts under his command. He prefers high places, and often rests among in mountain caves and tall jungle canopies, or the pens of the Terradons and Razordons. He is a restless soul when active even for Skinks, but finds a sort of tranquility the higher up he is, or simply atop Zqup's back, even in the harsh midst of combat.


Master of Skies: There are those who are born in circumstances they do not belong. Many would say that is true of Tiktaq'to, and that he should have been born one of the Terradons he so favors. The air is as much home to him as the ground, perhaps even moreso, and whether it beast or aircraft, his comprehension of aerial tactics and dogfighting is as natural as breathing. All aspects of the air, be it direct combat, formation maneuver, strategy, unit-tactics, even his instincts are understood, analyzed, and turned into a guided symphony of which he is the conductor. He has an instinctive level of skill in all levels of flight-based warfare regardless of the technology employed, from Terradon to spacecraft, though he is most talented at commanding strikecraft equivalents.


Blade of Ancient Skies: In the times before the Great Cataclysm, when the Lizardmen first appeared on Mallus, terrible and mighty creatures roamed every level of the planet. Among those were great monsters of the sky, and like many others they were exterminated or driven into hiding by the Saurus legions and their Slaan overlords. One of those creatures was later found dead and buried in Lustria thousands of years later, fossilized. Its dense jawbone was carved into a curved blade bristling with jagged-edged tips and enchanted, granting it enough sturdiness and cutting power to allow Tiktaq'to to use it in flyby attacks without fear of it breaking or being wrenched from his hand.

Mask of Heavens: With enough discipline, training, and honing of instincts and senses, units can maneuver and act together with near mechanical efficiency and precision. Though they are beasts, Terradons and Ripperdactyl find themselves reacting under their Skink riders' orders as if they were veteran soldiers when led by Tiktaq'to. The Mask of Heavens takes that even further. An heirloom from a time when the Old Ones still guided the Great Plan in person, the mask allows its wearer to meld his mind and consciousness with beings of the air. When utilized by Tiktaq'to, the aerial forces under his command are more like a single entity than a group, maneuvered as if by gods looking down on the battlefield from above, nudging and pushing them precisely where needed in feats of micromanaging capable of competing with advanced AIs and cogitators.

Zwup: A particularly fierce Terradon and the first met by Tiktaq'to when he took to the air, he has carried the Master of Skies for many decades, bolstered by innate vitality, especially good caretaking, and an arcane connection to his master. Capable of flying higher than any other Terradon or Ripperdactyl, he is as much a warrior as the Master of Skies, skilled in maneuvering and attacking even without Tiktaq'to's lead.

Tiktaq'to is best suited for military actions, and cannot assist in actions that have to do with building things. Consult GM if unsure when assigning him.

Awanabil'tat, Elder Architect​

An ancient skink architect hailing from the lost city of Zlatlan, Awanabil'tat's story stretches over many thousands of years, all of which he has spent honing his inborn talent for construction. He has even ventured into realms thought inaccessible for his kind, gaining proficiency in geomantic construction though he lacks any magical talent save for the enchantment laid upon him by his slann master.


Ancient Builder: Awanabil'tat is an engineer and builder of infrastructure with a natural talent that has only been honed over thousands of years. Such is his mastery of spatial reasoning and architectural principles that he has taken steps towards understanding the workings of geomancy, ordinarily the sole provenance of the slann. He will greatly aid any infastructural effort he is assigned to, and has an affinity towards researching topics in his areas of expertise.

Combat Engineer: Any lizardman as old as Awanabil'tat has made their way through their fair share of life-threatening situations, and the elder builder is no different. He is somewhat competent in a fight, and very skilled at setting up defensive fortifications and other related temporary structures on a very fast timescale.


Hissing Staff: A bronze-gold staff bearing alternating ventral patterns with a serpent's head and tongue at the end, this staff allows Awanabil'tat to examine the geomantic workings of any structure he embeds it in. Furthermore, it can store small amounts of ambient magic in the serpent's head, and can expel these as beams of energy out of the eye gems of the snake. It also lets him tap slightly into the geomantic energies present in the earth if firmly rooted in the ground, though this is a slow and taxing feat to enact.

Awanabil'tat is best suited for actions that have to do with building, and counts for 5 slannpower if researching infrastructure projects. He is also capable of leading military forces. Consult with GM if unsure when assigning him.


Krom'tli, Herald of Ayotzl​

A massive kroxigor with bone-white scales and eyes the color of the void, Krom'tli presents a figure akin to a freshly-carved statue, his movements always calm and deliberate, and his demeanour more relaxed and observant than his ordinary kin. His scales are perpetually beaded with a thin coating of dew, a sign of the Mist-Swimmer's favor, and he is far more articulate than an ordinary kroxigor, able to hold a reasoned discussion with even the eldest of skink priests. No one save the slann who crafted his god are sure of his origin, but a common guess is that he was once a casualty of an Ayacmanik incursion, brought back to life by Ayotzl to serve as his messenger on the mortal plane.


Herald of Ayotzl: Krom'tli is the voice of Ayotzl in the mortal realm, and speaks with the voice of his master. A cloak of fog and shroud of silence billow around him, and he is able to command the miracles of the Mist Swimmer with unparalleled potency. He can forestall death in mortally wounded allies or pronounce its inevitability in his foes, breaking their wills with existential revelation. With his touch he can take away pain, and he can cast forth clouds of mist that blind and paralyze his foes. In times of greatest need, he calls to the souls held within his god's shell, beseeching them to return to the mortal world for a time as spectral warriors immune to material weaponry.

Flesh of Mist: The being that was Krom'tli died a long time ago. His presence now is only a sojourn back to mortality, one he shall one day return from. Krom'tli's flesh is made of solidified mist taken from Ayotzl's realm, rendering him extremely difficult to damage with non-magical weaponry. If his bodily form is destroyed, he will simply reform elsewhere, stepping froth from the mists whole once more. Without directly attacking the realm of souls he hails from, he cannot be permanently destroyed.

World-Spanning Shelter: Krom'tli is not innately skilled in the art of warfare, but his powers do provide unique benefits. Ayotzl grants him visions of death that he may consider to determine which course of action is likely to lead to fewer fatalities. He and his priests may belay the death of severely injured lizardmen by wrapping them in a fog that induces a sort of stasis, allowing armies to reduce their casualty rates. Lastly, while he and his god are in no hurry to bring about the end, Krom'tli is an experienced hand at what causes it - at a glance he may size up an enemy force and discern the most probable way to slay them, if not necessarily the most effective.

Beckoner of the Divine: Krom'tli counts as 10 slann for the purposes of researching any project that is related to Ayotzl or general divine interactions.


Guiding Oar: Said to be crafted in the shape of Ayotzl's own flippers, this massive oar is a smooth, unbroken length of bone nearly twenty feet in length. Mist perpetually swirls about its edges, and Krom'tli can conjure up great walls of the stuff with a single sweep.

Shell of Slumber: A great shell of stone worked to resemble that of a turtle, it is Krom'tli's holy symbol even more than his oar, for it represents the world-shell that great Ayotzl shelters the souls of the lizardmen within. Aside from serving to protect the prophet's back with its bulk, it also functions as a focus for channeling Ayotzl's miracles, and it seems to radiate an aura of quiet.
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Omake Policy

I GM games more as interactive stories than actual games with exploitable mechanics. So I'm always eager to see people writing fanwork if they consider my quests worthy of the effort - it's immensely flattering and creates a better experience for everybody. However, just be aware that since despite appearances this quest is actually quite light on exploitable mechanics, omakes won't grant you mechanical bonuses or anything. At most I'll label them canon, which basically just means that I consider those events to have happened in the world of the quest, if such things are motivating to you.

Basically if you want to try to affect the course of the game with fanwork, the best way to do so is to give me new ideas to play with instead of directly trying to boost your results with omake power or anything like that.Add tools to the proverbial sandbox and all that.

I'll threadmark any fanwork I see, and label it thusly: Title - Canonicity (If Any) - Author.


With thanks to Red Flag, torroar, CrossyCross, ganonso, and everyone who's done anything even remotely Warhammer-related in a quest, even if I didn't end up directly asking you for assistance like the ones I named.
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[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]

Let's make the End Times truly the End Times! Blood for the blood go...
I mean For the Old Ones!
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]

Personally, I would have far preferred maintaining to play Lizardmen in a not "everything is fucked" situation. Just...a few decades of hilarity as Lizardmen ROFLstomp some gits as they're mobilized would have been fun, before major threats arise that become too difficult.
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...

[X] Skaven - The youngest race, but in many ways the most dangerous, the skaven were held back only by their inherent inability to unify or cooperate on most any large-scale venture. But their Horned God saw the End Times coming and acted as he had only twice before, placing a dread Underlord in command of his verminious children. Uneasily unified under Thanquol the Great, the Under-Empire rose up and crushed the surface world beneath their endless numbers, stealing the technology of those they defeated it and improving upon it with their dark ingenuity. Now their armies crash into the New World from three directions - the east, where terrible geoshaping weapons unleashed by the skaven have torn a rent in the sea between Cathay and Naagaroth, allowing their legions to assault the dark elf homeland, the west, where their insane navy battles the asur in a series of tooth-and-nail battles while a force led by the Underlord himself marches across Ulthuan, bringing ruin with every step, and from below, for the skaven have bored many tunnels into Lustria in addition to those already present and even now attempt to overwhelm the lizardmen with sheer numbers and spite. The lizardmen fight on tooth and claw, as they always have, but they are only so many, and the Vermintide hungers.
[Comparatively light casualties during evacuation. The skaven will hijack the mechanisms of the Old Ones for use in their own designs, and will pose a serious threat in the future]
[x] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] Skaven - The youngest race, but in many ways the most dangerous, the skaven were held back only by their inherent inability to unify or cooperate on most any large-scale venture. But their Horned God saw the End Times coming and acted as he had only twice before, placing a dread Underlord in command of his verminious children. Uneasily unified under Thanquol the Great, the Under-Empire rose up and crushed the surface world beneath their endless numbers, stealing the technology of those they defeated it and improving upon it with their dark ingenuity. Now their armies crash into the New World from three directions - the east, where terrible geoshaping weapons unleashed by the skaven have torn a rent in the sea between Cathay and Naagaroth, allowing their legions to assault the dark elf homeland, the west, where their insane navy battles the asur in a series of tooth-and-nail battles while a force led by the Underlord himself marches across Ulthuan, bringing ruin with every step, and from below, for the skaven have bored many tunnels into Lustria in addition to those already present and even now attempt to overwhelm the lizardmen with sheer numbers and spite. The lizardmen fight on tooth and claw, as they always have, but they are only so many, and the Vermintide hungers.
[Comparatively light casualties during evacuation. The skaven will hijack the mechanisms of the Old Ones for use in their own designs, and will pose a serious threat in the future]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of thedruuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coastcommit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of orkwarbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destiniesfight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in thatunmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]

The Wheels Of Fate Are turning.

And yet...

All is not yet lost. Dim though the flickers are, Hope is not yet extinguished. There is a chance, however slim, that the End Times May yet be survived, and even overcome.

All is not yet lost, Children of the Eldest. The final battle for this world commences. What will You do, in the face of Total War?
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[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, and perhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]

In the uncertainty, there is the potential for greater success than railing against a known end.
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]
[X] ??? - It is impossible to tell. Everywhere there is war of a scale never seen, as all the inhabitants of the world battle for not only their lives, but their very fates. Human, elf, dwarf, ogre, greenskin, undead, skaven, halfling, ancient monster, and daemon, all battle against the forces that seek to destroy their destinies. Ulthuan battles against Naagaroth as the Witch-King seeks to finally realize his ambitions, the Old World fights a desperate battle against the Everchosen and all the might of Chaos, undead legions clash in the Southlands, the Ogre Kingdoms scrap with ancient beasts awakened by the storm, the dawi zharr fight a grinding battle against one of the largest hordes of orks the world has ever seen, the skaven are everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit, and in the east, Cathay deals with all of these problems and the issue of their populace being increasingly corrupted by the Changer of Ways. Even as the saurus fight off hordes of daemons and daemongors cascading from the southern Chaos Wastes and the Cult of Pleasure of the druuchi, now given fully over to Slaanesh, from the north, the skaven clan Pestilens boils up from underground in its grotesque multitudes, the undead of the Vampire Coast commit to a serious offensive against the nearby temple-city of Huatl, the Scar of Xahutec vomits forth legions of warpspawn as it did in times past, and dozens of ork warbands blunder into the jungles, their primitive instincts drawn to the many raging battles. In the midst of this chaos, the slaan peer into the mists of fate and find them a nigh-incomprehensible storm, as multiple competing destinies fight for the fate of the world and all in it. It is impossible to say who will come out on top, andperhaps in that unmitigated chaos there is opportunity...
[Unknown casualties during evacuation. Unlocks additional options]

Sometimes, when it seems like everything is lost, SV can still loot the cooling cropices for their tech, and seal some of their people for us to use.