[] Advanced Apothecarion: Apothecaries oversee the implantation and harvesting of their Chapter's gene seed from the fallen. If granted additional recourses then they would be able to expand their remit into more then the Chapter's upkeep.
[] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might.

I think these two would combo together well with everything else.
[ ] Plan: the Steel Phoenix
- [ ] Chapter Name: Steel Phoenix
- [ ] Chapter Symbol: a steel-colored bird raising from the flames
- [ ] Chapter Color: Steel Primary Red Secondary
- [ ] Chapter Creed: Like the bird of legend, We raise from the ashes!
- [ ] Supreme Adaptability: Rather then focus upon one specialty this Chapter believes in superior discipline and training. Each Battle Brother should be capable of acting within any role upon the battlefield as required.
- [ ] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might.
[] Plan Making Papa Ferrus Proud
-[] Chapter Name: Burning Hands
-[] Chapter Symbol: A Burning Skeletal Hand
-[] Chapter Colors: Primary red, secondary silver
-[] Chapter Creed: "Our Deeds Endure!"
-[] Chapter Battle Cry: "We Are The Gorgon's Wrath!" (General), "Burn For Ferrus Manus!" (Against Chaos Space Marines)
-[] Expanded Chaplaincy: This Chapter fields additional and more effective Chaplains. They will prove more effective at inspiring their brothers to greatness upon the field and helping them find peace outside it.
-[] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might.
[ ] Plan: Tenacity is Our Middle Name
- [ ] Chapter Name: Solar Hands
- [ ] Chapter Symbol: A Clenched Fist in Front of a Sun
- [ ] Chapter Color: Primary Red Secondary Silver-Steel
- [ ] Chapter Creed: Fear not the dark, for the Sun will rise again.
- [ ] Advanced Apothecarion: Apothecaries oversee the implantation and harvesting of their Chapter's gene seed from the fallen. If granted additional recourses then they would be able to expand their remit into more then the Chapter's upkeep.
- [ ] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might.

The super Hope focused build.
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[] Plan: Break the Silence
-[] Chapter Name: Chorus of Cerberus
-[] Chapter Symbol: Three Canine Heads Howling
-[] Chapter Colors: Jade, Bronze, and Black
-[] Chapter Creed: "Cheer in Triumph, Sing in Sorrow, Never Stay Silent."
-[] Expanded Chaplaincy: This Chapter fields additional and more effective Chaplains. They will prove more effective at inspiring their brothers to greatness upon the field and helping them find peace outside it.
-[] Expanded Assault Companies: This Chapter has a fondness for jetpacks, and are noted for fielding extra Assault Squads on the battlefield.

Aesthetics Bits: Given the Iron Hand's originate from a planet called Medusa, I wanted to keep a bit of that Greek naming feel, and I stumbled upon chorus perhaps being an interesting title. While yes canine like creatures may be associated more with Space Wolves, doesn't mean they have to have a full monopoly on it.
Jade, a Stone and being green associated with growth and nature, Bronze, a metal that can patina but be buffed clean, Black, a solid color referencing back to our roots as Iron Hands as well as often the fun color of Cerberus. With this we have something connected to nature, with metal and machine, and finally with our past.
Our Creed is ultimately about being reflective of where we've gone wrong, but to not forget our successes, to not suffer silently, to not repeat what led us to where we are now, to improve so that we can Cheer more loudly and often than the day before.

Expanded Chaplaincy is I think very useful, to both keep us focused both in and out of combat I think is paramount for a chapter descending from the Iron Hands like ours to truly break free of what we easily could become, to properly TOUCH GRASS.
I wavered a bit on which equipment, but I fell on Assault because Jet Packs are loud, but also I think mobility is very impactful in general and I was a bit inspired by the post above mine here that suggested we Explore our urban jungle.

Still good to see synergy is a thing.

I couldn't see anything else winning that slot. So I cheated so that people wouldn't feel obligated for what was otherwise the 'best option (tm)'.

I'm hoping to avoid making it too easy/incentivized to double down on each Legion's most obvious strengths (hence Palladia Mor). I would also love to explore weird or corner case chapters. Like how the White Scars do sieges, or the raven guard handling combined arms, or how less psyker focused Chapter's would use their upgraded Librarians, etc..

As a sidenote going to note when planets like Grand Quixote and Golgotha Minor give guaranteed super traits in the future. So you guys know you'll be getting something to make up for the lack of obvious synergies others might have.

Honestly, I think we can all agree that theSC Machine God pitied Canto and the bitter wisdom he hath learned. RNGesus has ensured Canto-6 may have this one mercy for the Long Night ahead.

Canto is actually non-binary (they were that way long before becoming Admech). I need to update the tags and put up a character sheet honestly.

Fun fact! I threw the Mars connection in as a bit of flavor text since I was pretty confident Jundyr or Eventide would win and I would never need to follow up on it.

It was fun to improvise what it all meant after the fact.
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I couldn't see anything else winning that slot. So I cheated so that people wouldn't feel obligated for what was otherwise the 'best option (tm)'
This does make me wonder.

Will we get a purchase turn after this first chapter or would it be right next to the next chapter?

Also love your inclusion of first chapter master I was never able to figure out a good place to put it my own quest and I think it's a nice thing to have.
[ ] Plan: Tenacity is Our Middle Name
- [ ] Chapter Name: Resilient Sons
- [ ] Chapter Symbol: A Clenched Fist in Front of a Sun
- [ ] Chapter Color: Primary Red Secondary Silver-Steel
- [ ] Chapter Creed: Fear not the dark, for the Sun will rise again.
- [ ] Advanced Apothecarion: Apothecaries oversee the implantation and harvesting of their Chapter's gene seed from the fallen. If granted additional recourses then they would be able to expand their remit into more then the Chapter's upkeep.
- [ ] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might.

The super Hope focused build.
Oh I like this, aside from the name of the chapter, I think that its bit blant. Maybe something like "Gorgon's Scales" or "Sons of Medusa" with 2nd one having a silent answer that the other "parent" is Mars.
This does make me wonder.

Will we get a purchase turn after this first chapter or would it be right next to the next chapter?

Also love your inclusion of first chapter master I was never able to figure out a good place to put it my own quest and I think it's a nice thing to have.

Right now I'm leaging towards no.

I'll likely add or subtract options based on what task/crisis is chosen.

The *one* thing I don't like about Long Founding was the sense that we decide our builds during part 1 of a chapter and tend to hyperfocus from there. One of my goals with The Chapter Masters is that they can provide some more variance both mechanically and thematically.

And please, I have the absolute advantage of following in the path you tread. Without your running multiple Chapters through I wouldn't have had the faintest clue where to begin.
Oh I like this, aside from the name of the chapter, I think that its bit blant. Maybe something like "Gorgon's Scales" or "Sons of Medusa" with 2nd one having a silent answer that the other "parent" is Mars.
Ngl, I was triple checking in my head whether ot not I had seen Resilent Sons before because of how generic it sounds.

I like Solar Hands though, kinda a reaching up to the sky symbolism, in addition to the healer/builder combo.
Not sure how people feel about my including Not-Votes. It should happen less going forward but this felt like a good way to show a quick glimpse into how the combination of homeworld and chapter master interacted here. You took the one person who would only accept one choice.
I like it. It gives our guy personality and opens up possibilty of sometime in undifined future being able to chose
Before I forget.

The biggest travesty in all of 40k isn't anything Ward did.

... It's the fact that a chapter named the Iron Fists actually exists yet writers just made them from all accounts a standard Iron Hands successor.

You could do so many crazy things with that... and so many oppression jokes given the nature of the Imperium.

What a waste of a name.
The Iron Hands and thier successors did combine the Chaplaincy and Techmarines into the Iron Father. Is this going to happen to our boys here?

Since you're Iron Hands with the tech priest training there was always going to be some overlap. Your rolled traits also push for that. So right now it's definitely a hybridized role ala the forge fathers.

The chaplain, librarian, and Apothecarion options change how that will be expressed and handled.
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[X] Plan: Tenacity is Our Middle Name
- [X] Chapter Name: Solar Hands
- [X] Chapter Symbol: A Clenched Fist in Front of a Sun
- [X] Chapter Color: Primary Red Secondary Silver-Steel
- [X] Chapter Creed: Fear not the dark, for the Sun will rise again.
- [X] Advanced Apothecarion: Apothecaries oversee the implantation and harvesting of their Chapter's gene seed from the fallen. If granted additional recourses then they would be able to expand their remit into more then the Chapter's upkeep.
- [X] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might

[X] Plan Making Papa Ferrus Proud
-[X] Chapter Name: Burning Hands
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Burning Skeletal Hand
-[X] Chapter Colors: Primary red, secondary silver
-[X] Chapter Creed: "Our Deeds Endure!"
-[X] Chapter Battle Cry: "We Are The Gorgon's Wrath!" (General), "Burn For Ferrus Manus!" (Against Chaos Space Marines)
-[X] Expanded Chaplaincy: This Chapter fields additional and more effective Chaplains. They will prove more effective at inspiring their brothers to greatness upon the field and helping them find peace outside it.
-[X] Expansive Forges: This Chapter's Fortress Monastery features an expanded forge complex. Thus marines are better able to maintain and customize their gear to a greater degree then their cousins might.
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