Founding: 90
A War on three fronts: 80
Vs Kommandos: 82
Vs FreeBootaz: 90
Vs The Chaff: 55
Burning the Ships: 82
Breaking the Waaagh: 77
Survival Rate: 94
Did you kill Midir?: 12 (Nope!)
Chase him down? (DC 50): 50(!)
Dragon Slaying (DC 25): 31 (Barely. Let's see how it goes)
-Midir's Last Stand: 8 (Khorne intervenes...I'm genuinely unsure how though...)
--Is Khorne helping or hurting? (DC: 50): 2 (It'z Gork 'n Mork with da steel chair!)
---Does Midir get a special punishment?: 85 (An example is made)
Taking Credit: 91 (A Glorious Victory)
Recovery period: 51
A Wrathful Gaze: 1 ("Hello Brothers...")
-Rallying Allies: 54 (The Call is answered)
The first battles: 33
Turning the Tide: 9 (Tzeentch isn't in focus so their sacred number doesn't do anything)
The Burning Void: 44
-The Stalwart: 55
The Knights of New Cydonia: 19 (A House Divided)
Upon the field: 38
The Dogs of War: 82
-The Iconoclast: 33
For the Homeworld: 90 (Hell yes)
Righteous Fury: 55 (Good enough, you'll win this)
-The Messenger: 54
-Here Be Dragons: 80
Survival: 55 20
Recovery: 52
The Weight of the World: 85 (A long and storied history)
Spoiling the Despoiler: 95 (He lost quite a bit of sleep over your antics)
I am cursed and blessed with interesting dice.
While officially the Orks have no sacred numbers that two was too serendipitous to ignore. As such I am interpreting it as the Twin God's intervening in your favor (IE, against Midir). Please thank them for kindly saving you from an eternity of Discount Skarbrand.
Otherwise I had planned for you to face World Eaters, but you got something else instead.
Fun Fact: If Midir had lived long enough he was going to gradually become more draconic as he came closer to rivaling The Beast. So it's a fun bit of irony you chose Jundyr for the chapter that killed him.
Fun Fact 2: Sic Svnt Dracones is Latin for "Here Be Dragons". Used to denote places beyond the 'known world' (Usually covering Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East out to The Persian Empire). Though the more commonly used phrase was actually "Sic Svnt Leones" or "here be lions".
Genuinely shocked you guys chose to leave the dragons be. It'll make for some interesting things though.