Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

[X] Use INTERROGATION FOR IMBECILES while questioning Dr. Ankara.
You study Ankara's face - that kind, thoughtful, impossibly sad face. She doesn't seem like she's lying, at the very least. Not even a little. Mostly she simply seems regretful.
[X] Do you have any idea where we could find Kala? She's been following me, or maybe leading me, since I woke up here.
[X] What about any of the other children or personnel?
"Kala has been hiding since things started going wrong. When Kala wants to hide, the only way to find her is for her to find you. If you see her, tell her I'm sorry. For everything." She shakes her head, balancing on her own two feet and still looking a little weak. "It is not in your best interests to approach the other children as they currently are," she murmurs, voice tinged with bitter regret.

"And as for personnel... this facility is on lockdown. I cannot tell you exactly where my colleagues are, but I can guess. The elevator at the end of the Labyrinth will take you to the main part of the facility, the east wing, specifically. That's the medical wing. I think, in the case of an emergency, Dr. Geneva would have stayed there. Whatever he tells, you, it is imperative that you do not trust him. He will adhere to his Hippocratic Oath at all costs if you are injured, but in every other respect he is not to be trusted." She looks at you all with a serious gaze to make sure you've understood before she continues.

"In the west wing, you may meet other staff members trying to escape: Klaus Helsinki, perhaps. If you see him... tell him I said he's an idiot, and that I'll meet him when I can. He'll help you. If she was anywhere, Kyoto would be there too, the bull-headed woman that she is, still trying to do her job amidst all of this chaos. Paris, that horrible assistant of hers, and your father," she gestures at Mari, "Should all be on the above-ground levels."
[X] what makes us qualified to be saviors?
"The Consortium does not believe in searching for saviors we don't already have. In this place, children, we created saviors. Well. That was the intention, at any rate."
[X] Why is security after you?
"I disagreed with Dr. Paris on certain ethical matters. I was able to quell these for... longer than I'd be able to admit without showing me in the cruel, harsh light that would reveal the sort of person I truly am. Eventually, I could bear it no longer, and took action. This... perhaps it did not work. Perhaps I have only done something foolish and terrible. But I am a selfish woman, I am afraid, and all that mattered to me was that I'd be able to say, I did something. The security system of the Labyrinth in particular is... well, a Labyrinth must have a monster, mustn't it? It's really something very fearsome, but I helped to design it. It's meant to frighten and distress, but I know how it works, and that makes it easier to deal with."
[X] How long have we been here?
"Months. One of you" she's addressing you and Owen here, Mari clearly being a special case, "May remember more or less than the other, but the both of you should remember little of it. Stolen time. I am sorry."
- [X] Disclose that we tried to BREAK INTO *Ahem* INVESTIGATE her phone and other belonings
[X] Ask Dr. Ankara whether we can keep some of her money.
Feeling a little AWKWARD, you hand Dr. Ankara back her MOBILE PHONE, WALLET, and NOTEBOOK. She smiles warmly and thanks you, with an earnestness that you've only ever felt from the sort of grown-up who takes you seriously - the sort of grown-up who knows that you're a person, who realizes that you have thoughts and feelings of your own, and cares. All of a sudden, you feel a little sad that she will soon be in danger.

When you attempt to hand her her KEYCARD, she hands it right back to you. "I can use the biometric systems. The computer systems aren't functioning well enough for Jack or Paris to have revoked my privileges, and if they could, then that card would be useless too." She pauses. "Plus, you'll get 30% off on the cafeteria food."

"Speaking of discounts..." you say, quietly. "Do you think we could borrow some money? Just a little, so that once we leave we can take a taxi, or something. I promise I'll return it! Even if it means I have to track you down across the world!"

Ankara smiles sadly, and hands you twenty dollars. That's as many as two tens, and four times as much as was stolen in your previous case, the Adventure Of The Grand Lunch Money Larceny.
[X] Say goodbye to Dr. Ankara, wish her luck.
As Ankara is about to open the door, you see something remarkable, and you almost feel the urge to squint to make sure you're not seeing it wrong, because Mari takes a step forwards and throws her arms around Dr. Ankara, sniffling a little. "Thank you, doctor," she mumbles. "Don't be stupid and let anything happen to you, understood? My father and I would be very unhappy." Both you and Owen share a glance that communicates 'this is slightly awkward, so we'll just avoid looking at them and each other until Mari has stopped being emotional.' What an unusually communicative glance! Dr. Ankara lightly pats Mari on the head, and after a few seconds she pulls away and gives both you and Owen both a 'what the hell are you looking at' glare.

Stepping up, you give the politest little bow you can and hold out a hand for Dr. Ankara to shake. "Goodbye, Dr. Ankara. Perhaps I will meet you again on my adventures," you say, because you feel it's the sort of DIGNIFIED and MEANINGFUL thing that Sherlock Holmes would say in this situation. Finally, Owen, feeling like something is expected of him, offers a thumbs up, his usual sheepish grin, and a hurried exclamation of:

"Good luck!"

"Be safe, children. And once more," Dr. Ankara says over her shoulder as she turns to vanish into the darkness of the Labyrinth, "I'm sorry."
[X] Venture off into the Labyrinth.
[X] Take the SATURN TILE with you.
[X] Oh, and take off your sunglasses before going into the labyrinth.

With Ankara gone, you turn around to face Owen and Mari, who look nervous and irritable, respectively. You take a deep breath. "We're going to get out of here," you say, with only the confidence that a JUNIOR SLEUTH can have, "Come on."

Clutching the SATURN TILE in your hand, you lead the way, pushing your COOL SHADES up so that you can see even in the DEEP DARKNESS of the LABYRINTH. After getting everything in order and making sure that everyone has what they need, you leave through the DOOR that you didn't enter by, confident, somehow, whether it be by intuition or deduction or perhaps some deep, unfathomable part of you that can see the strings of destiny and is determined to tightrope-walk across them in the most dangerous way possible no matter how many people tell it that the tightrope doesn't mean health and safety standards. Perhaps it is this same daring, assured, purposeful part of you that knows, in what flickering, faulty light you're allowed, to follow the arrows drawn in red marker.

You feel a connection to this person, as you wander, Marinette and Owen in tow, through the dark corridors, sometimes clambering over debris, sometimes treading carefully around suspicious-looking puddles. You feel lost in this Labyrinth, drawn through it by only arrows and the occasional silver thread you find has been set up for you to follow in the dark. You think that the one who writes in the red marker feels lost, too, but lost in the world. It's an easy way to feel, lost in the world. A world where billions and billions of people have never heard your name or seen your face, a world where there are billions of people to whom your own existence doesn't matter - is a nothing. Perhaps, you reflect, everyone is lost. Perhaps people like Marinette and Dr. Ankara who seem so sure of themselves are simply better at hiding it than you are.


What's that sound? You have just turned at a crossroads, and you hear a terrible creaking, a screeching sort of noise, and with a start you realize that the floor is shaking beneath you. When you look down, you realize that the floor is cracking like ice, screaming with concrete straining against metal like the sound of some unholy beast, chained up and tortured. This is a structural instability, and it only takes you one, two, three seconds to realize that if you don't run then the floor will fall out from beneath your feet, like the feeling you get when you think everything's been completely figured out and then you're suddenly proved entirely wrong except this feeling will be deadly. With the ground already giving way beneath and in front of you, you run.


You run, and somehow managing to keep your eyes on everything at once - struts, grates, pipes, and all of it collapsing around you - you see calculations flash before you, working out the mathematics in your head in what must be fractions of a second. Trajectory, angles, velocity, inertia, all of these things are factored in with every step, with every tiny shift in weight or posture. You feel like you're dancing, except your partner is not another person but the forces of gravity and air resistance and whatever primal destructive thing is causing what seems like the very world to collapse around you. You have no trouble breathing, strangely enough. You are perfectly, flawlessly, efficiently calm in a way that would terrify anyone who happened to look at you to the very core.

Besides you, you are aware of (but are too focused on yourself and the world around you to acknowledge) Owen, and you can see how he dances, too, how the trajectories and vectors start to fall away around him, twisting and bending like a straw in a glass of water when they get too near him. He's not truly dancing, not taking the thought to move every moment like you are, but nonetheless he is in the right place at the right time, and if the numbers on the right place are off then they blur and bend in ways that make your head hurt if you try and consider them in any more detail than a casual glance from your peripheral vision until he's safe. It's not surprising at all, with what you see, when the ground is finally stable again, you hear Owen leaping from one last part of crumbling infrastructure to land with a painful-sounding thump by you.


And Mari, of course, Mari is...


Mari. Where is she? In an instant, the calm has faded and a dull panic is building up, a panic that starts out small and grows and grows until it seems to take up so much room in your head that it forces you yourself out. "Mari!" you shriek at the darkness behind you, at the yawning chasm that has opened up as if following you on a pleasant stroll. "Marinette! Mari! Mari!" you shriek, until you're red in the face and your throat hurts and you want to curl up into a ball and give up.

She can't be gone, you tell yourself, (but she is), she can't have fallen, you continue, (but she did), she can't be gone. (But is she?)

She can't.


- from one last part of any more detail than he's not dancing, the very core no trouble breathing primal destructive thing you feel like you're dancing fractions of a second collapsing around you you run you run this feeling will be the floor will fall structural instability sound of some unholy like ice when you look screeching sort of noise turned a crossroads -


The SATURN TILE burns in your hand like you're touching a hot stove and you can't let go. Owen and Mari are looking at you strangely, and eventually Owen speaks up. "So, uh. Aren't we going to. Take this turn, then. At the crossroad. Or, uh, is that, a thing which, is going to be a thing which we're not doing."

You respond with what you think is an eloquent and reasoned argument as to why that turn leads to a structurally unsafe area that could very well collapse underneath the weight of the three of you, but is actually more along the lines of an incoherent groan. The tile in your hand burns like an exploding star has been concentrated into a pinprick.

When Mari raises an eyebrow in concern, you cleverly add the conclusive point that brings your argument together by passing out on the floor.

Yay, plot developments! Of a sort, anyway. This is the end of Questionably Soteriological's Chapter 2, and a post beginning Chapter 3 will be on its way to you by the end of this weekend. In the meantime, if one of you could be ever so kind and remind me of what exactly you'd all planned to do with inventory items and the distribution of such, I would appreciate it dearly. By the by, I'm awfully sorry if my prose is too esoteric or self-indulgent. There's a point where having a signature style turns into being incomprehensible, heh.
Last edited:
> Questionably Soteriological: Chapter 3: Begin

"Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so." - Lemony Snicket


A skinny, pale man with longish, messy, dark-brown hair is standing in front of a door, glaring at it. His sunglasses are missing, and this is bothering him. He may also be dead by the end of the day, he suspects, and this is also bothering him. Glaring at inanimate objects is a regular part of his day-to-day life, but the door has earned his ire with more immediate urgency than the typical table he resents for having stubbed his own toe on it, or the photograph of one his co-workers which he occasionally prints out for the sole purpose of glaring at. He is glaring at the door because he is fairly sure that if it does not open at some point in the very near future, he will die because of a stuck door.

"And that," he mutters out loud, "Would be really embarrassing. Fuck, I don't want that on my epitaph. Of all the things for Dad to be right about, 'you're going to die alone and unloved, Klaus' had better fucking not be one of them." He's grumbling to himself, he knows fully well, to try and cover up the fact that he's scared. He is, he also knows, not doing a very good job of it. Losing what little patience he has, he waits one, two, three seconds before giving the door a hefty kick and then yelping in pain as he strikes the metal door with his decidedly softer-than-metal foot. "Fuck!" he yells inelegantly, swiping his ID card over the reader for the third time and looking over his shoulder nervously to make sure his pained hopping hasn't moved him out of the camera blind spot he's occupying.

"Helsinki." The cold voice comes from the doorway, and the skinny man whirls unsteadily on one heel to see who it is - a tall woman, in a black uniform stained with blood. Her hair is drawn back into a long ponytail, and the look on her face indicates nothing but hostility. He is acutely aware of the gun at her hip.

"Uh, hi, wow, fancy seeing you here, Kamaria! Weird to think I'd see you, uh, here of all places, in this facility where we, both work..." he trails off, grinning nervously and trying so hard to come across as casual that he's left as obviously tense as a spring that's just heard someone insult it while they think the spring's not listening.

"Helsinki," she repeats, unamused in the same way that a punch to the face is unfriendly. "Shouldn't you be with Security Team B?"

"Well, I think should is a very strong word," he replies, leaning back against the door and running a hand through his hair. "Should anyone be anywhere? Isn't the human condition, inherently, one of not belonging? Should I have been outside an Arby's at four AM on my nineteenth birthday, preparing to fistfight fucking Carlos from my cell biology class? It doesn't matter, I was there anyway and I went home with a bloody nose and twelve dollars!"

"What. Wait, no, don't tell me. I don't have time for this." The woman reaches down to her hip and, in one fluid, practiced movement, brings up her pistol and shoots three rounds into the door, above and to the left of the pale man, who screams out loud and jumps to the right.

"FUCK! Okay, look, calm down, Kyoto, we don't have to do this, you and I, we both want to live, right, we both want to walk away from this alive, so how about we just - FUCKING FUCK!"

This last exclamation is the result of the slow, perfectly collected leveling of the gun so that it points directly between his eyes. "You are abandoning your post in a time of crisis, Helsinki. I suppose Dr. Paris doesn't know where you are? Perhaps you've been working against the Consortium all of this time. Let me warn you, before you answer for yourself. One word wrong, and I shoot you between the eyes."

Pressed against the door, the man's taut grin of anxious terror only stretches a little wider, a bead of sweat trickling from his hair and down his face. "Look, look, okay, come on, this whole thing," and at this he makes a grand sweeping gesture to indicate the whole building, "Didn't work out. It's all going to hell, and the only people who are going to have a career or, you know, a chance to be alive and not dead at the end of this, are going to be the ones who get out of here and wash their hands of it. So let's part ways, and we can just-"

"You're dodging the accusation. Have you taken part in Ankara's sabotage of this project? Yes or no."

"Now, I wouldn't call it sabotage, actually, it's just..." he trails off as his eyes widen, hands trembling as the woman in front of him fingers the trigger and he realizes he's said the wrong thing.

"I always thought you were a liability," she says, allowing just the slightest hint of emotion into her voice - an unpleasant, prickly vindication.

"Well, I always thought you were an ass-" And then she pulls the trigger.

And then the reinforced, electronic door finally opens, the overloaded computer systems finally finding it in themselves to process the request, and the bullet flies through the space where Helsinki's head was as he abruptly falls backwards, turning the motion into an ungainly roll and staggering to his feet with a grin as the door begins to close in front of him. Kyoto is too shocked to react for a moment, and in that moment he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue out before he turns and runs, calling out over his shoulder before it closes fully behind him, moments before Kyoto can attempt to get through it.

"Suck a dick, dumbshit, see you never!"



Your name is LUCY CALLOWAY, and you are a JUNIOR SLEUTH.

But in your dream, you do not have a name. You are moving at a million miles an hour, racing towards an infinite yawning void without fear of wind or vertigo. You are sailing through the sky, not like a sailboat sails the sea, but as a rock sails a well into which it has been dropped. You are sailing upon solar winds, your course charted across a galaxy and planned to last decades. You will accelerate and accelerate until you do not even have the energy to think. At the conclusion of your journey, it will all be worth it.

You do not hurtle through the abyss alone - you are seven, the eight yet to be. The eighth will be, can only be, once you have reached your destination. This, you all know. You are seven. You are seven, and even if you succeed in your journey you may only ever be eight, and if you fail you will certainly only ever be seven. But it is better to be seven than to be none.

One to conceal, so that you are not followed by those who would not see you arrive intact.
One to gamble, to twist around the chances that are unfavourable and make them favourable.
One to persuade, to whisper in ears and seduce to the cause those who might stand in your way.
One to illuminate, to draw in light the path through the dark and burn away obstacles with searing brightness.
One to destroy, to strike down with great might what few things are left that might still pursue and persecute you.
One to understand, to see the mechanics behind the others and to bring them together with art and science.
And finally, the failsafe - one to see what was and will be, one to dive into the weres that shouldn't be and make them the werent's that should.

You are fleeing. You are flying.

You are falling.

You are falling.



You awaken to find yourself with a splitting headache, giving out an irritated little whine that's meant to say "Would you very kindly turn off that light, it's exacerbating the pain caused by the headache I'm currently having," but due to the circumstances in question instead comes out as something along the lines of "MnmnnmlightsoffI'mmnmnmnmnheadacheowwwwwww."

"Oh, she's awake," Mari sighs, rolling her eyes and beckoning imperiously at Owen, who seems to have wondered off a little. "She wasn't out for long, at the very least."

"That's, good, probably, according to what I know about being unconscious. Which is, uh, nothing, actually, it's nothing, I know absolutely nothing about unconsciousness so honestly I don't even really know why I'm talking-"

"Do you ever?" Mari sharply interrupts, offering you a hand and turning her focus to you, her voice quieter and a little more gentle. "Are you alright, Calloway? I don't care, mind you, it's just... polite to ask, is all."

By this point, the pain in your head has subsided considerably, and you're able to offer a small nod, taking her hand and accepting her help up. You feel a sense of overwhelming joy at seeing her here, in front of you, safe - well, as safe as any of you are in this situation, at least. Mari seems visibly relieved that you're alright, although she only helps you up with a haughty eyeroll and disapproving sniff.

"All right, well, we're not going to go that way if the very thought of it makes you fall into unconsciousness. Let's take the other path, shall we?"

And with that, the three of you are off, and although Mari and Owen talk, mostly trading barbs and jokes at each other's expense but without ever really entering the realm of genuine hostility, you stay unusually quiet, thinking about what you dreamt. Somehow, you don't feel like it was just a dream. You walk through the labyrinth, Mari leading the way, and now that you've alerted her to the possibility she's able to point out other areas of potential structural instability, guiding the trio of you to other pathways, following red arrows drawn on walls and silver threads tired around. Sometimes, you feel like you see a flicker out of the corner of your eye, and when you turn, there is nothing there - but a red arrow that... no, surely, it was there before. You just hadn't noticed it, is all.

But no. The more you make your way through the labyrinth, sometimes hearing those dreadful, dreadful footsteps in the distance (but thankfully never nearby; it seems like Ankara is doing as she promised), the more you'll find yourself with no indication of where to go, then you blink, and suddenly, an arrow, written clear as day. But you've been able to trust these markings so far, and you see no reason to stop as the corridors gradually widen, and the lighting gets brighter, and suddenly you find yourself looking into a large, brightly lit room. It's dominated by what seems to be a fountain in the center, although the water seems to have stopped flowing. On the other side of the fountain is what appears to be... an elevator! You take a step to enter the room, but... something flickers in the doorway. You frown. It's like one a mirage, your eyes are seeing something but your brain tells you it's not there.

You blink, and suddenly, just for a few seconds, the mirage flickers, becomes tangible and visible and there, and it's a dark-skinned girl dressed in much the same outfit as yourself and Owen, albeit with a MOON symbol on her nametag. You can only see her this clearly for an instant, but when it's over, the mirage remains in place.


Oh dear God, this is very late, I'm so sorry. "Struggling with mental health" has become a succinct description of every action I take as of late, and this has affected my ability to get anything much done. But, here it is - I'm really, truly sorry if the quality isn't up to scratch, I've been very tired while writing it - but here it is! Coming up after this will be leveling up, followed by another good old puzzle room before we move on up the elevator. Yay!
> Hello. You are detective girl. (Lucy, Mari, & Owen: Level up!)

"Hello," you begin, holding out a hand politely. You're fairly sure that earlier in the evening, the shimmering, transparent, half-there figure of a girl in front of you would have frightened you. But after what this day has been like, you're not sure anything will ever frighten you again. Well, except spiders. They're pretty gross. "My name is Lucy Calloway, private detective. These are my associates, Marinette, a technological genius, and Owen, a... boy." You offer her what you think is a reassuring smile - the same smile you offer your clients when they're distraught over their missing pets, or lost homework, or defaced books. Of course, she's probably had much worse happen to her than losing a piece of homework - probably even worse than losing even a really important piece of homework - so you're not sure if your smile will do. But it's what you have to offer, and so you give it.

It's hard to read a response in the shimmering, flickering mirage of a girl in front of you, but she does extend a hand to shake yours, a light touch that almost feels like there's nothing there at all, like the wind blowing upon your hand on a cold day. You're worried for a second that she won't be able to speak, but then you hear it, a voice that sounds a little like wind rustling through trees in the autumn. A voice so soft that you have to strain to hear it properly.

"Hello. You are detective girl. And particles girl. And lucky boy. I am the moon. I have a name, but names don't matter here. It's Kala, if you want to know it. Now that we know each other's names, we can get along. That's good." She flickers into being again, and offers a tentative smile, before vanishing altogether. You frown, taking a step into the room, and after a few seconds of concerted squinting, spot her reclining on a bench and staring directly at you.

"You're here to take the elevator. You made it through the maze. The elevator isn't working. It's broken. If the elevator wanted to go through the maze, it couldn't. Because it is broken. But fixing it is like a puzzle. And you can do puzzles. You're smart. Smart kids. Clever kids. Maybe not still kids. But still clever. If you do your clever thing and fix the elevator, we can go. You can do your clever thing, and I can do my thing, which is different. It is only fair that you help," she continues, a tone of suspicion in her voice, like she's been betrayed too many times to see anything coming but an attack, "Because I already helped you. With writing. I liked your letters. You are very polite. It was nice. Nobody is polite to me. So," and then, a flicker, and she's gone - and the mirage is back, right in front of your face, a face shimmering into existence with pleading eyes.

"Will you help?"

Before Mari can open her mouth and say something impolite, you nod. "Naturally."




[] +5 VIGOR


[] NOIR FOR NUMBNUTS: You can't see the future, that would be ridiculous - but if you know enough about the present, you can make an educated guess. That's what deduction's about! This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to figure out where somebody you are FOLLOWING is HEADED and PREDICT which path they've taken.
[] IT'S ALARMING HOW CHARMING I FEEL: When you're a JUNIOR SLEUTH, it pays off to make sure you can get grown-ups to do what you want them to. A few polite words, a smile, and perhaps a boost to their ego, and it's easy as cake. This CLASS MACHINATION lets you double your MOXIE STAT bonus when interacting with a NON-HOSTILE ADULT.

She has ascended from [RISK-TAKING RASCAL] to [AFFLUENT PRODIGY]




[] MARINETTE RUINS THANKSGIVING: Sometimes, something cannot simply be shoved under the carpet and ignored forever. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to SEE AND TELL THE TRUTH WHEN IT MATTERS, even in situations where doing so is DIFFICULT or SCARY.
[] WELL, DOES IT DEFRACULATE?: You're an expert at fixing machines, and breaking something is basically just fixing it in reverse. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you make a GUMPTION CHECK in order to DISABLE ANY MACHINE that you're able to GET AT THE INNER MECHANISMS OF.

He has ascended from [LUCK'S BEGINNER] to [FORTUNE'S FOLLY]


[] +5 VIGOR

It takes a lot of luck to get a second chance. Fortunately, you've always been, as long as you can remember, inordinately lucky. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to REROLL your FIRST failed ATTACK or DEFENSE ROLL in any instance of COMBAT.
[] OHGODWHAT: You talk so much, and so quickly, that people often have difficult telling what you're talking about unless they know you well. Usually, this is a problem, but if you're lucky enough, even the most irritating of problems can be a useful asset. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to communicate information to your PARTY MEMBERS without anybody else being able to UNDERSTAND it.
> Lucy: Crack knuckles and get to work!
Now that you've got Kala on your side, you feel a little more confidence as you look around the room. At last, you think to yourself, you've reached the end of that horrible LABYRINTH, and without encountering... you don't even want to think about what the creature that chased you was. You feel a sudden pang of guilt and worry for allowing Dr. Ankara to run into the maze alone, labcoat stained a deep, hideously rich red - and it doesn't pass, like such emotions usually do, but lingers horribly, making a home for itself nestled inside your heart, like an irritated roommate you woke up in the middle of the night telling you he's going back to sleep for now but when he wakes up you're in trouble, and where's the goddamn rent anyway, buddy, pal, friend, amigo?

After all of this running around, navigating, dreaming, and emergency medical care, you're pretty grateful that you have a simple task in front of you: Solve the puzzle of why the ELEVATOR isn't working. Looking towards the side of the room where the ELEVATOR DOOR is situated, you notice a LARGE TOOLBOX sitting by the ELEVATOR DOOR, and a SIGN on the wall that's MOSTLY OBSCURED by an UNCOMFORTABLY LARGE SPLASH OF DRYING BLOOD. To the LEFT is a COUCH, in front of which is a SMALL TABLE, and behind the COUCH is a STRANGE-LOOKING PORTRAIT. To the RIGHT, a TELEVISION is mounted on the upper wall behind a GLASS CASING, and in the corner of the room are situated A PAIR OF LOCKERS.

You crack your knuckles, and Mari glares at you. "That's not good for your joints, stupid," she rebukes. You stick your tongue out at her, and despite herself, she laughs.

"Actually, I think that's one of 'em, you know, a thing that people think is true but isn't," Owen murmurs, scratching the back of his head - but you're too focused on the SITUATION AT HAND.

[] Time to solve a puzzle - write-ins as far as the eye can see!
> Kala: Receive a gift
[X] Old wives tale? Myth? Urban legend?
"Don't be dumb, Luce, I don't even have a wife." Owen shakes his head disappointedly.
[X] Examine the TOOLBOX
[X] Pick up TOOLBOX
It's relatively light, but also LOCKED. You consider KICKING IT, but you don't want to STUB YOUR TOE,and a good JUNIOR SLEUTH should avoid any danger that isn't strictly necessary.


You can tell from the pattern of dust on it and where it's worn - this TOOLBOX has been here for a long time, and is never moved, but isn't used often. It's probably for ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE.
[X] Search the COUCH! Couch cushions always have stuff in their crevices. Like coins! Or pens! Or even snacks maybe!
[X] Ask the others about what their favorite TV shows are as you work. Maybe if you can find a remote...
Although the couch looks like a TEMPTING PLACE TO NAP, you've already had enough naps here in this life-and-death situation, so you instead lift up the cushions and look for anything of use. As you do so, you casually listen in to Owen and Mari's conversation. Perhaps they're getting along!

"Don't be so stupid, that's obviously not right!"

"Oh, wow, I, uh, I see, I'm the one being stupid, right, yeah, of course, yeah. Right."

Perhaps they're not getting along. Rolling your eyes, you call out a change of subject. "What's your favorite television show?"

"How It's Made," Mari says instantly, turning away from an indignant Owen who seems torn between continuing his argument with her and replying to the question. In an attempt to get him to choose the latter, offering him an encouraging smile.

"I like the show with the, with the..." He stomps a foot on the ground, gesturing wildly with his hands. You're about to suggest he's been watching Nike advertisements when Mari cuts in.

"Monty Python's Flying Circus?"

Owen frowns, and then grins. "Yeah! It's, uh, it's weird, and very old, and I don't always get it, but I just think it's funny, is all."

Mari seems to be smiling, just a little. "Oh, it is, isn't it? Maybe your tastes aren't complete rubbish after all. What about you, Calloway?"

You roll your eyes, and think. "Hmm... I really like that Sherlock Holmes one that's set in America, but they changed a lot of things from the books, but on the other hand there are very clever mysteries, but on another hand-"

"You have three hands, now," Mari points out with a smirk.

"On another hand," you continue unfazed, "I really just like any show that has a clever detective in it."

At first, you're not sure what you've heard - then your brain is able to process, it wasn't the rustling of leaves, the whistle of wind. It was a voice. Kala suddenly stands among you. "I like the news. The people who read it are always calm. And safe. And warm. With nice clothes. That is how I would like to be. Safe, warm, calm, and wearing nice clothes while reading things."

You nod thoughtfully, thinking this over, before suddenly remembering you're supposed to be looking through the couch. Looking down, you see what you've missed - it seems like all you'll find here is a CHEAP HAIRPIN and what appears to be an INSTRUCTION MANUAL of some sort, as well as exactly SEVENTY-THREE CENTS IN LOOSE CHANGE. Wow, think of all the things you could do with that! You could buy a newspaper, or a chocolate bar, or one two hundred billionth of the International Space Station!
[X] Examine the PORTRAIT. Still Mari's dad? Any changes?
The PORTRAIT, seems to depict... wait, that's not Charles Brighton! That's not even a real portrait! It's a POORLY DRAWN CRAYON SCRIBBLE of a woman, with a speech bubble saying "BLUH BLUH, KLAUS, STOP WATCHING TELEVISION DURING WORK HOURS" that's been affixed to the wall with THREE PIECES OF BLU-TACK and ONE PIECE OF CHEWING GUM. Huh.
[X] Check the LOCKERS. Are they locked? They are probably locked. Still, assuming makes an ass out of you and- wait, is ass a curse word? Hmm.
You would never curse, of course, but in the context of a CLEVER SAYING, you're pretty sure it's acceptable. The TOP LOCKER is UNLOCKED, and contains a few ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, while the BOTTOM LOCKER is... huh. It FEELS like it should be unlocked, but it WON'T OPEN. Maybe the LOCK IS JAMMED?
[X] read the blood covered sign.
-[X] If you can't lift it up to a light, if that isn't strong enough use a flashlight.
The SIGN reads:
SIGN said:
The rest is COVERED IN BLOOD. You briefly consider trying to find a FISH to try and get it to RESET THE ELEVATOR for you, but then you instantly drop-kick that idea into the IDEAS GUTTER, to roaring applause from the referee. That's how SPORTS goes, right?

Instead, you try to prize the SIGN off the wall, but you can't! It's firmly affixed! You shine the FLASHLIGHT onto it, but to no avail. All you achieve is BRIGHTER BLOOD, which, while a GREAT NAME FOR AN INDIE BAND, is not very useful.
[X] Give Kala the box of CRAYONS
As you investigate, you see Kala standing in the corner of the room, occasionally flickering out of existence and flickering in again somewhere else. She seems... more than lonely, like a person should be, she seems alone, like a ship on the sea with nothing on the horizon, like an oasis in the middle of a desert. Slowly, you stop your investigation to gesture for Owen to give you the CRAYONS, before walking over to her and slowly, gently, as if petting a skittish animal, holding them out. She stares, tilting her head to one side, flickering between her position and one a few steps to the right, before speaking up.


"They're for you. If you want them."

She seems confused. "For me."

"... Yes." You're starting to feel a bit weird, holding them out in front of you with Mari and Owen staring, and your arm is getting sore. You wait what feels like a second, a minute, then an hour, the moment stretching on and on and on, until in one swift motion she snatches it from your hand, leaps forwards, and just as you're about to raise your hands above your head to defend yourself, wraps her arms around you in a hug.

It's a curious hug, flickering and shimmering and not quite there, but it's something - although after a few seconds she slips through your arms like water trickling between your fingers, back to the corner of the room, watching with dark and inquisitive eyes - as if nothing had happened.
[X] Examine the ELEVATOR DOOR
Well, it sure is a DOOR, and it belongs to an ELEVATOR. You might be CONCUSSED and looking at a GAZEBO WINDOW, though, you never know for sure. There's probably some sort of MECHANICAL FAULT going on here, but you wouldn't know how to recognize such a thing if there was. Maybe you should get SOMEONE ELSE to look at this.
[X] Take sample of blood on SIGN
[X] Wipe SIGN clean, so we can read it
The BLOOD is too long dried to be wiped off, and you have nothing with which to take a SAMPLE.
> Lucy: Be a public menace
Apologies for the delay! As I've said, it's been a very rough month for me. But here it is! Sincerest apologies if it's typo-written and shoddy - I just felt that it was for the best to make sure I could get something out, at least.
[X] Examine the clothes. Do they have pockets or hidden sewn up panels? Feel them up.
You briefly consider donning the CLOTHING, but quickly realize that it is far too big for you. You have a fashion sense, after all. Sure, at the moment it might consist of a gaudy CROWN, a pair of SUNGLASSES, and a MEDICAL GOWN, but... it's the thought that counts, with fashion, right? You take a few of the ITEMS OF CLOTHING and EXAMINE THEM. It seems like whoever this clothing belongs to was FOND OF LABCOATS, although there's also a BOMBER JACKET, a pair of JEANS, and a GAS MASK. One of these is NOT LIKE THE OTHERS. All of the POCKETS seem to be EMPTY.
[X] Skim the instruction manual.
You open it, hoping to at least find out what channels they get down there, but all that you can see is HOPELESSLY COMPLICATED TECHNICAL LANGUAGE and CONFUSING DIAGRAMS.
You attempt further investigation, but the only LOGICAL CONCLUSION you can come to is that this MANUAL must follow what you, in your career as a JUNIOR SLEUTH, have come to call "The IKEA principle", which states that the human ability to interpret any given text without fainting from confusion or bursting into tears of boredom is inversely proportional to how many POORLY-LABELLED BLACK-AND-WHITE DIAGRAMS it contains.
[X] Take the hairpin, since you can pick locks with it, right?
You're not the best at picking locks - and you shouldn't be, considering that it's a CRIME and unfitting of a PARAGON OF JUSTICE such as yourself. But you've had luck in the past using hairpins to open JAMMED LOCKS. "Just one of the many talents of the brilliant Lucy Calloway," you think to yourself. It takes Mari's amused little smirk to make you realize that you said it aloud, and you immediately start loudly whistling and walk directly into the LOCKER in an attempt to seem casual.
[X] Mary: Use HIW in the ELEVATOR.
Once Mari is done snickering at you, you smile your most DISARMING SMILE at her and ask her if she could take a look at the ELEVATOR, since she's so clever and brilliant and brave. "Resorting to simple flattery, are we," she comments, rolling her eyes, but you can tell she's pleased at the compliments. She strolls over to the ELEVATOR DOORS in order to make an assessment.

The CLASS MACHINATION [HOW IT WORKS] has been activated!

"I think the elevator mechanism itself is working fine," she says thoughtfully, fingers distractedly fiddling with her hair, "But the electronics for getting this door to open are totally busted. The whole thing will have to be rewired, I think. Some of the electronics in this place have been faulty for a long time. Father always complained about it. It seems like this one's picked the worst of all possible bloody times to give up the ghost."
[X] Provide an ART CRITIQUE on the portrait.
[X] Take the not really a PORTRAIT of the wall. There is always important stuff hidden behind portraits.
You briefly consider CRITIQUING THE PORTRAIT, before realizing that in order for something to receive an ART CRITIQUE it must be able to be classified as ART. You instead take the INELEGANT SCRIBBLE WHICH YOU REFUSE TO DIGNIFY WITH THE WORD 'PORTRAIT' off the wall, and squint at what's behind it: a SAFE, with a POST-IT-NOTE affixed to it reading "Put my work of art back on the wall this instant, and stop looking for the remote control. I get to decide what's on TV because I'm the coolest person here. And good luck cracking the code on this safe, which definitely doesn't have the remote control in it. You'd have to be a world expert on Helsinki to manage it."

You roll your eyes at how ridiculously childish this man is. (And you're eleven!)
[X] Mari: Try to open the TOOLBOX with either the SCREWDRIVER or the GOLD CROWBAR.
[X] Mari: In a stunning display of originality, try to open the BOTTOM LOCKER with either the SCREWDRIVER or the GOLD CROWBAR.
While you're reading the NOTE, Mari comes up behind you and proudly declares "I hit everything in the room with the crowbar, except Luna and Owen," she pauses, "Although that second one was close." From the other side of the room, Owen glares daggers. "Anyways," continues Mari, "It wasn't able to get anything open."

"Thank you for trying," you say, quietly suppressing the urge to ask 'Did you just want an excuse to hit things with a crowbar?' because you're fairly certain you already know the answer to that question.
[X] Owen: Try to UNSTICK the LOCKER DOOR with your strength.
[X] Try to pick ALL THE LOCKS with the HAIRPIN. Toolbox and Locker and whatever else that might occur to you.
"Owen, do you think you might be able to get that locker open?" you ask politely, trying to make him feel a little better after whatever surely terrifying encounter he had with Mari while your attention was otherwise occupied.

"Uh. I don't think so. But not because, I think I couldn't, I just haven't thought anything about it, so..." he makes a hang gesture before shaking his head and focusing, pulling on the LOCKER DOOR with all of his STRENGTH. Unfortunately, it doesn't budge.

"I think the lock is, um. Jammed. Like a traffic jam, because it's not moving. But, uh... with less rude words, probably." Your GOOD IDEAS LIGHTBULB suddenly lights up, and you gently push past him to try and use the HAIRPIN you found to UNJAM the LOCK. After a few seconds of careful FINICKY HAND GESTURES, the LOCKER swings open! Score!

"The many talents of the brilliant Lucy Calloway!" you say again, except this time you know full well that the other three can hear you and don't care, because it's true. Inside the LOCKER is a small KEY and an OLD PAMPHLET of some sort with the GSC'S LOGO on the front. You'd like to dream, but you unfortunately suspect it's not a TV guide.
[X] Kala: Hide in the corner, thinking about how you could leap out at people and say 'boo' at them, but be far too nervous to actually want to scare other people like that
Kala is always hiding. Other humans scare her far too much for her to do anything else.
[X] Examine the SMALL TABLE.
It's a RATHER ORDINARY COFFEE TABLE, although you note with DISDAIN that some TERRIBLY RUDE PEOPLE must have been placing drinks on it without using COASTERS, like some sort of UNCIVILIZED BARBARIANS. You have half a mind to find whoever did this and teach them an IMPORTANT LESSON OR TWO about the PROPER TREATMENT OF FURNITURE. One of the TABLE LEGS is a little shorter than the others, and so an UNREASONABLY LARGE BOOK of some description is being used to prop it up.
[X] Examine the glass casing the TELEVISION is behind
It's presumably there so that YOUNG HOOLIGANS, HOODIES, AND VANDALS like yourself aren't able to VANDALIZE the TELEVISION. It seems to be THICK, although the fact that it's in TWO SEGMENTS suggests that it's possible for the GLASS CASING to SLIDE BACK. The mechanism by which this might be accomplished, unfortunately, is not in the slightest transparent to you.
Get it? Like, transparent, like glass? You shake your head and sigh. If you have to EXPLAIN A PUN to YOURSELF, it might be a lost cause.
[X] Loot the scribble, and the blu-tack, and the chewing gum.
You have no desire to carry this TRAVESTY TO THE WORLD OF ART around with you, or to touch some GROSS OLD CHEWING GUM. You've sworn you'll never do that again, not after all the chewing gum you were made to scrape off of desks when you went into deep cover for three weeks to solve the Case of the Detention Backpack Bandit.
[X] Examine the coins! 73 cents is oddly specific. Perhaps they are part of the CODE. (Or maybe its a coincidence. Who knows.)
They seem like ordinary money to you! You beckon Mari over. "Hey, Mari," you say, grinning impishly, "I bet you what I have in my hand makes me smarter than you."

She frowns, confused and slightly offended. "I beg your pardon? How on Earth can that be true, Calloway?"

Your grin widens as you open your palm to reveal the 73¢. "I've got common cents." You barely have time to identify the miniature seven states of grief that Mari goes through as she processes the pun before she groans, furrowing her brow and punching you lightly on the shoulder.

"You're a public menace," she complains, before storming off, presumably to make a big show of sulking where Kala and Owen can see her better.
> Kala: Watch Lucy remember
[X] DFD the newest KEY.
[X] Do the thing with the key. You know, the weird flashbacky thing.
[X] Lucy: DFD KEY
-[X] Have the others watch you while you do so.
You take a look down at the KEY and frown. What on Earth could possibly be so interesting about a key that it would require other people's attention while you

You're in the relaxation room, dipping your feet in the water and sulking. Dr. Ankara sighs sadly. looking at you with an earnest expression. "Lucy. I promise, once we've done what we need to do, you can go home. It's very important, you know that, right?" You answer by sticking your tongue out. You are dormant, asleep in a thousand tiny fragments, yet voices are whispering to each other in places the children could never hope to hear, not as they are. Perhaps as they will be. WE STILL DO NOT KNOW IF WE WERE FOLLOWED. IT IS TOO LATE FOR WORRIES. THE HORIZON BECKONS. You must respond - as quickly as you can, divided and asleep and dead, you dream, and your dream is a reply. IT WILL NOT HAVE HAPPENED. WHEN IT DID, I DID NOT ALLOW IT. SO THINGS WERE AND SO THINGS HAVE BEEN. Your words bear weight. They always do.

Your head hurts. But you know if you tell Dr. Ankara, she'll act all concerned about you, and worry, and offer you some painkillers, and ask if you're alright. And she'll know the answer to that question, that you're not alright because you've been kidnapped by some mysterious organization that's keeping you locked underground. So you let your head keep hurting. You're a JUNIOR SLEUTH, for God's sake. You'll get out of here before you know it, you're sure of it. You're

look at it, you mean, it's really only a key - wait, why are Mari and Owen staring at you? You give them a quizzical look, folding your arms in your best hardboiled 'whaddaya lookin' at, pal?' pose. You seem pretty hardboiled for the few seconds before you let out a tiny shriek because of the soft voice whispering from just over your shoulder.

"I understand. You remembered." You turn around, but Kala is still across the room, flickering softly. You frown. You're not sure what she's talking about, but you make a note to ask her later. Right now, you have a PUZZLE to focus on.
[X] Take the UNREASONABLY LARGE BOOK out from under the table and read it. Also do your best to ignore the table's FRAZZLING LOPSIDEDNESS.
-[X] Use BOOK to prop up COFFEE TABLE if keeping table upright is necessary to remove the ULBook
With all of your ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD STRENGTH, which is to say, NOT VERY MUCH, you prize the UNREASONABLY LARGE BOOK free from its place, replacing its TABLE-SUPPORTING DUTIES with the BOOK you currently have. Taking a closer look at it, it seems to be an ATLAS of MAJOR WORLD CITIES, from AACHEN to ZWOLLE.
[X] See if the KEY can open the TOOLBOX or BOTTOM LOCKER.
Putting the ATLAS down on the TABLE, because as much as you like PRETZELS, you have no wish for your spine to become one because you've spent all day carrying around UNREASONABLY HEAVY BOOKS, you go to see if the KEY you found can open the TOOLBOX. As you expected, the KEY fits neatly into the LOCK like a key into a.... you frown a little, trying to find a different simile, a task which preoccupies you so much that you don't notice Mari walking over to you - the girl seems attracted to all things mechanical like a young person with a passion for engineering to something mechanical.

"This is quite interesting," she says happily as you reel in confusion from what on Earth you thought you were doing with your last simile. You shake your head, snapping back to reality, and turn your gaze to what she's looking at. As well as a bunch of COMPLEX TOOLS YOU DON'T KNOW THE NAMES OF, it also contains some sort of BLUEPRINTS for... something or other.
[x] If the TOOLBOX is opened, ask MARY to try and fix the busted electronics. Really nicely. Maybe with the help of the MANUAL she can manage.
Mari is so enthusiastic about the prospect of working with this mechanism that it only takes a single compliment to get her reading the MANUAL and trying to work out how to FIX THE ELEVATOR DOORS instead of the usual several. After a few moments of the sort of quiet 'mhm's and 'ah's that somebody could only possible make when trying to make themselves seem smart while reading something, she looks up with a SERIOUS EXPRESSION, idly twirling one of her HAIR RIBBONS with her finger.

"I could use this wiring kit," she gestures at the contents of the TOOLBOX, which might as well be a PARMESAN SANDWICH as a WIRING KIT for all you can tell, "To fix the elevator doors. But I'd need some electronic components from somewhere. And I'd need the reset code to get it all working again afterwards. And I'd need Owen to say 'I am actually wrong and Mari Brighton is the best' five times over." You nod thoughtfully. She drives an unforgiving bargain, but it's a sacrifice that you're willing to make on Owen's behalf.
[X] Examine SAFE DIAL
[X] KALA: Consider if she has any idea about possible SAFE codes, given her ownership of HELSINKI'S MISSING JOURNALS and the POST-IT-NOTE's hint.
You examine the SAFE DIAL. The code has FOUR DIGITS, and the dial is FREE OF DUST, making it likely that it's USED VERY REGULARLY, as if what's inside is a BASIC HOUSEHOLD ITEM THAT REALLY SHOULDN'T BE IN A SAFE.

"Looking," a voice says softly right beside you, and you're nearly terrified out of your skin by Kala for the second time in five minutes. "Looking at. Words. Words are interesting. I know.... lots of words. Words. Words words words. Words are... for birds. I wish I was a bird."

Not really certain how to respond to that, you instead just SMILE at Kala. "What do you think the code might be?" you ask her, partly because she might know more about Dr. Helsinki than you and partly because you're fairly sure this poor girl has never felt welcome or included in her entire life.

"Unless it is 'I am Klaus Helsinki and I am really great and better than everyone,' I do not know what the password is." You nod. Kala looks a little happier - probably, at least, it's hard to tell when she's translucent and shimmering - than she did beforehand.
[X] Equip sunglasses.
You're already wearing your HELSINKI STYLE!
[x] Examine GSC'S LOGO
You pick up the PAMPHLET, taking a look at the logo of the GSC - a stylized G, S, and C, all put together to form the shape of a GLOBE such as the FOUNTAIN in the center of the room. The PAMPHLET is titled "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The History Of The GSC But Lacked The Security Clearance To Be Told". Some of the INK is slightly SMUDGED, making some segments ILLEGIBLE.
Pamphlet said:
For years, the Global Soteriology Consortium has kept the world safe from people and things that would bring it harm. Through research, diplomacy, and clandestine operations, the globe has been kept a quiet place. Perhaps not the best place in all the universe to live, in some areas, but a quiet place. A world where the abnormal is quickly forgotten about and no cause for alarm. A world where we can all wake up in the morning and know that the world hasn't been transformed overnight. A world that is safe. But how did the Consortium come into being? That question takes us back to nineteenth-century Britain and a man named Edmund Brighton.

A theologian, physicist, sailor, businessman, and amateur oracle, Edmund Brighton had the professional acquaintance of many interesting and intelligent people, and, after being directly involved in the [illegible] incident in [illegible] he decided that the best purpose that this collection of great minds could be put to would be to the one cause that mattered above all else - the protection of humanity. Using a large part of his fortune, Edmund founded the Consortium in the latter half of the nineteenth century as an international research organization comprised of the world's leading scientific minds.

However, although nations all around the world were willing to invest in the project, popular opinion was much against it. It was because of this that John Brighton, son of Edmund Brighton, took his father's organization into secrecy when he inherited the control over it previously held by him. The Consortium continued its vital research over the decades, adding a covert operations wing to its structure in 1923, an assassinations department in 1931, a xenosciences department in 1947, and a retail & catering department in 1952. Although John Brighton did not pass his leadership of the organization to his son, as his father did, but instead to a qualified team of international directors composed of people who do not officially exist according to the governments of most modern nations, his family continues to do vital work for the GSC.

Since the landing of the Prometheus Meteorite in [illegible], the focus of the Global Soteriology Consortium's research has been on ways of averting [illegible] which was judged to be overwhelmingly likely after detailed analysis by [illegible]. Remember: by working for us, you make a difference, and also do not legally exist! Be proud of the history of the place you work, just be sure to be proud about it silently and in total secret.

Elaine Paris, PhD.
Taking a CLOSER LOOK at the pamphlet, you can tell from the SMELL OF THE PAPER and the BRAND OF INK that this was printed in MELBOURNE. You can also tell that from the small text in the bottom right corner that reads "PRINTED IN MELBOURNE." That helps too.
[X] Have Mari use HiW on the GLASS BARRIER
"While you were reading," Mari announces proudly, saying 'reading' in the same tone one might say 'playing tiddlywinks' or 'rolling around on the floor gurgling', "I looked at that television. I reckon that if I could get it open, I'd have the parts I need to fix the elevator. But it's got a glass panel over it that I think we'll need the remote to remove." She pauses, sighing. "It's always the bloody remote that you can't find when you need it, isn't it?"
The GAS MASK is very modern, and seems to have been created ESPECIALLY FOR USE AT THIS FACILITY, judging from the GSC LOGO present on the FILTERS. The PORTRAIT is...

You can't bring yourself to examine it beyond the fact that it was drawn by someone with the artistic talent of a soggy cabbage.
> Owen: Carry a broken defraculator
[X] MARI: Recite the name of every tool in the TOOLBOX just to show off.
"Hey, Martinez," Marinette calls out, holding out an unidentifiable gadget as she goes through the toolbox, "Can you hold this?"

"... sure?" says a slightly confused and mildly concerned Owen.

"Do you know what it is?" she adds over her shoulder, smirking smugly.

".... no?" says Owen, not getting any less confused or any less concerned.

"It's a potentiometer. Can you hold this?" she continues, holding out another piece of equipment.

"Uh," Owen replies nervously, but takes another one nonetheless. You think you'll leave them to this.
[x] Examine the FOUNTAIN
The FOUNTAIN is very decidedly not producing water, but you don't really feel QUALIFIED to to tell why. Instead, you just admire the way it's shaped like an ORNATE GLOBE. You can see your house from here! At least, a vague representation of the rough geographical location of your house. Tomato, tomato.

"...and this is a manual wire wrapping gun," you hear from the other side of the room, and turn around to see Owen with a rapidly growing pile of electrical components in his arms, struggling to balance them all. Mari is smirking at him, obviously pleased with herself.
[X] Look up MELBOURNE in the ATLAS (and maybe HELSINKI just for fun!)
[x] Check the ATLAS for things that can be entered as the SAFE CODE. Coordinates maybe?
You look up MELBOURNE and discover several interesting things, such as that it was originally going to be called BATMANIA, which sounds like EXACTLY THE SORT OF HARDBOILED CITY you'd GIVE AN ARM AND A LEG to live in. Well. Maybe not quite an arm and a leg. You need your arms. And your legs. Really, you ideally need all your limbs at basically all times. The page for HELSINKI has been DEFACED IN MARKER PEN to show a STICK FIGURE WEARING SHADES AND A BOMBER JACKET, with the words "COOLEST CITY EVER FOR COOL PEOPLE" written on it. Looking closer at the entry, you see that the LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE of the city are 60 N, 24.9 E.
-[x] Try the coordinates for Helsinki.
Whistling cheerfully, you walk over to the safe, listening in on the conversation as you go.

"... and that's a broken defraculator,"

"Okay, no, I'm sorry, okay, look, you have to have made that one up."

"Well, is it defraculating?"

"I don't- That's not fair, I don't know what defraculating is! For all I know it's defraculating a hundred.... a hundred blah blah sciency words a lightyear!"

"It does not look like it is defraculating," Kala adds quietly. "But I also do not know what that is."

"Well," Mari presses confidently onward, "If it's not defraculating, what you've got is a broken defraculator and that's that."

You manage to supress your giggling for long enough to concentrate on the safe, and try inputting 6-0-2-5. It works! You punch the air, and open the safe to find a TV REMOTE. Dr. Helsinki must really feel strongly about having control over the channel changes, you think to yourself."
> Lucy, Mari, Owen, & Kala: Watch emergency broadcast
[X] Indulge in harmless television if the remote works. Maybe Jeopardy's on.
[x] See what kind of shows are running on TV. What's going on in the world?
[X] Use the TV REMOTE to open the GLASS CASING.
You take a close look at the T.V. REMOTE and see that it has TWO SLIGHTLY UNUSUAL BUTTONS, one with a pair of RECTANGLES, which, when you tap it, reveals itself to be responsible for OPENING the GLASS CASE, and one that just says "EMERGENCY BROADCAST." Throwing yourself back onto the COUCH, you turn the TELEVISION on, and see... nothing. Well, it's not quite nothing. It's static, white noise blaring through the speakers. After a few seconds, an automated electronic female voice speaks up.

"The facility is currently on lockdown, and is unable to receive signals right now. The GSC apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause. Please relax, follow standard emergency protocol, and wait for the emergency to be over, at which point we will once more receive all channels as usual. Thank you for your co-operation." Mari sticks her tongue out at the TV, presumably irritated that an inanimate pre-recorded message is somehow able to match her in the 'smug self-satisfaction' field in which she excels. Curiously, you press the button marked 'EMERGENCY BROADCAST' and are treated to a a screen that is TOTALLY BLACK except for the words "Please stand by."

You're about to dismiss this completely and tell Mari she's free to disassemble the television so that she can repair the elevator, when all of a sudden there's a loud beep and the screen bursts into static, which soon resolves itself into an image - a human face, brown-haired and smiling softly, in the same way that a pillow smothering someone in the night is soft. You recognise him from one of the portraits you've seen. He's Jack Brighton. He appears to be sitting on an office chair, leaning back and absent-mindedly cleaning his nails. After a few seconds, he pretends to just have noticed that he's being broadcast, and leans in (one might uncharitably say uncomfortably close) to the camera.

"Oh, hello! Sorry, I forgot I had this running, oh silly old me." He runs a hand absently through his hair, his smile widening into a grin. His tone is pleasant and conversational, jovial and almost intimate, but with something sly about it, as if he was sharing a secret with you. "Good evening, everyone who's listening. I know it's been a hectic day, hasn't it? A little more hectic than I presume you'd hoped it would be, Elaine. By the way, I'm surprised you don't seem to have worked this out yet, darling, our superiors - well, your superiors, I should say, I've chosen the winning team - aren't going to be arriving to salvage you or this project any time soon. I've blocked all signals entering or leaving this facility, including your distress signals. I know a miserable fucking psychotic bitch like yourself," he adds, tone and smile remaining at exactly the same level of mild affability despite his words, "Might have a neurotic breakdown now that you're not in control of absolutely everything there is to be in control of in this situation, but I'm afraid that you'll have to live with it, for however long you live. Which, seeing as Sol is on her way to meet you, can't be long. Ta-ta!" He gives a jaunty wave, stretches, yawns, and relaxes back a little in his chair, before starting as if he forgot something, leaning back in with an even wider smile and a glint in his eye like light gleaming off a sharpened knife.

"But the good Doctor Paris isn't the only one tuning in, is she? No, no, it would be terrible rude of me not to say anything to my darlingest niece." In your peripheral vision, you see Mari tense up, still as a statue, making an expression like a rabbit who had just robbed a bank caught in the headlights of a police car. "Marinette, my sweet little girl, I'm very disappointed." He starts to tut, shaking his head sadly, and he really does look disappointed. Mari moves, but only slightly, taking a small step away from the screen and putting her head down without seeming to realize she's doing it. "I mean, conspiring with experiments, abetting traitors, what would your dear old mother think of any of this?" He chuckles lightly, as if he just told an excellent joke about the weather, and claps his hands together, a gesture which, despite being performed through a screen, makes Mari flinch ever so slightly. "Well, I'm certain you'll come to your senses sooner or later, or I suppose you'll just give me no option but to bring you to them. I assure you, Marinette, either option is fine with me." He makes the word 'fine' sound like a knife being twisted into someone's gut. "If you decide to do the smart thing and choose the sensible option over your sad, ragtag little group of fair-weather friends, my arms are always open for you, dear girl." His smile widens, and something about that smile makes your skin crawl. You're not even sure Mari is breathing at this point. "It's been lovely addressing you two beautiful ladies, but I really have other things to be getting on with, so if you'll all excuse me-"

And that's the last word you hear of the emergency broadcast before the GOLD CROWBAR that Mari had been holding onto goes flying through the air and crashes directly into the center of the television's screen with a loud CRACK. Breathing heavily, Mari glares at the TELEVISION, a bead of blood forming on her lip where she seems to have bitten it hard enough to draw blood.
[X] Rescue Owen by pointing Mari toward the TELEVISION.
-[x] Err, on second thought, let Mari do it to get the components she needs to fix the ELEVATOR DOOR.

There are a few seconds of utter silence, before you take a step, slowly, towards Mari, hands up to make sure she knows you mean no harm. "Mari," you say softly, "Maybe you should start taking the TV apart, okay? You said you needed parts to fix the elevator, right?" Mutely, Mari nods, and, taking a bunch of tools in hand, walks over to the TV and begins taking it apart with a sort of methodical fury that gives you the suspicion she'd be just as willing to take apart a human being instead right now.
That does it!
[x] Put the BOMBER JACKET on.
-[x] Yes, you know it's too big. Roll up the sleeves if need be. Find something sharp in the TOOLBOX to trim it down. Fashion demands sacrifice!
Feeling a little unnerved by Jack Brighton's broadcast, you walk over to the LOCKER and wriggle your way into the BOMBER JACKET, pushing the sleeves up so that you can at least use your HANDS. It's far too big for you, but goddamnit, it's warm and comfy, and even more importantly, it looks COOL.
GARB MEDLEY ASSEMBLED: WHAT THE HELSINKI? [+2.5 VIGOR for every equipped item from the WHAT THE HELSINKI? GARB MEDLEY, Dr. Helsinki will now think you have STYLE.*]
*Whether this is a buff or a debuff is subject to individual interpretation.
[X] Look up all the other cities in the ATLAS that correspond to the names of the GSC people.
You look up ANKARA, PARIS, STOCKHOLM, KYOTO, GENEVA, AND BRIGHTON. There's nothing ANOMALOUS about any of these entries, except for CHILDISH DOODLES of the associated staff members saying RIDICULOUS THINGS which were presumably scrawled by Dr. Helsinki. Like the entry for HELSINKI, they all have their CO-ORDINATES listed, as well as a FUN FACT.
[X] Mari: HIW the fountain.
"I disassembled the television, since I'm quite certain you wouldn't be smart enough to," Mari says as she walks over to you, arms crossed, head high, the very picture of her usual arrogance. You smile at her, and she frowns at you. "I have the parts and tools to repair the elevator, but it'll be completely useless to do so if we don't have the elevator reset code."

"Do you have any idea why the fountain isn't working?" you ask her, thinking to yourself quietly.

"Of course I do, Calloway. I thought we'd already established that I was the clever one. There's a problem with the pipes. A quick tightening of the bolts should do the trick, I think. The schematics for the whole thing were in the toolbox. There'll be seven or so maintenance hatches for something that ornate, but I have no idea where on the blasted thing they are."
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> Owen: "That's probably not good, uh, whatever it is,"
[X] Show off the new jacket.
The HELSINKI AESTHETIC doesn't need showing off! It has so much FLAIR that everyone in the room automatically notices it! (Whether this is a buff or debuff is up to individual discretion.)
[x] Read FUN FACTS.
[x] Examine the GLOBE FOUNTAIN
-[x] Check the places corresponding to the COORDINATES of the cities.
[X] Check the seven continents on the globe, or maybe the seven geographic locations for the GSC staff's names. Perhaps that's where you'll find the maintenance hatches.
[X] Retrieve the GOLD CROWBAR
-[X] Help Mari pry the maintenance hatches open when you find them
After going through the ATLAS to discover all the relevant coordinates, you look up - god, the book is so thick you almost feel like you spent TWO MONTHS looking up the information, but that's just silly - and wave Marinette over. "I think they might be here. Although... I don't know, it would take someone with a weirdly inflated sense of melodrama to put them th-" Marinette interrupts you as soon as you begin that sentence.

"Then they're definitely there." In a few minutes, Mari, using the CROWBAR and SCREWDRIVER, has begin her maintenance on the FOUNTAIN, which, after a ghastly gurgle from the PLUMBING, begins to HAPPILY FLOW again. You turn away, trying to gather your thoughts, when you feel something cold on the back of your head and turn around to find Mari has splashed you with water. You stick your tongue out at her and attempt to splash her back, but she's anticipating it and neatly sidesteps out of the way. "Get on with solving the puzzle, detective," she says, smirking. You stick your tongue out again and get back to work.
[x] If you manage to get the water running again, try to wash the blood off the SIGN to get the RESET CODE for the ELEVATOR.
Using someone's JEANS, you are able to wash the BLOOD off the SIGN to get the RESET CODE: 1453

[X] Examine elevator, just in case.

You go to take a closer look at the ELEVATOR, and -

Crash! A deafeningly loud sound of something breaking sounds out, sending you spinning on your heels trying to work out what it is - Mari has her hands over her ears - before you realise that it's coming from outside the room. Then, you hear a scream - not a voice you recognise, hell, it barely even sounds like a voice at all. Something is off about that scream, like it's two voiced melded into one, and it echoes for far longer than you think it should. Peering through the door and down the corridor you entered from, you see nothing. But you can hear footsteps, echoing down the dark corridors of the maze.

"That's probably not good, uh, whatever it is," Owen remarks, frowning, as if he's thinking about something. Marinette has taken her hands off her ears, and is now setting about repairing the ELEVATOR. "I hope it's not coming towards us,"