Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

If so, now's a time to ask more questions about Us. And also to get our kids in the know about things that we readers have picked up on.
What do you want to know, then? The only things the readers know that Luce doesn't are the things mentioned in the Chapter intros. There isn't a lot.

And the kind of things I want to know is the kind of things Geneva is unlikely to divulge... or even know himself. For example, I am interested in what Moth was trying to say when he told us to run.
Mars - no, Moth, keeps shaking, the layers of armour looking more and more like some sort of horrible predator from the depths of the Amazon that strangles and constricts its prey. "Run. We have hope, if you--"
What are we supposed to do?

Hmm, we can get through the door now, yes? Why not have these conversations in person?
He is somewhere in the same wing, not directly behind the door to the Medical Bay. He also pretty explicitly doesn't want to meet us... which could mean we can expect further obstacles between us. The intercom is right here, though, so since it's uncertain if we meet again or if we'd be on talking terms once we do it might be better to ask him the more pertinent questions now.

Marinette about Charles Brighton:
"I'm looking for my father. I can't find him. He's a red-haired man with glasses, he's very important, and I can't imagine he's not in this very building. If you're any sort of detective, you'll help me find him." She takes a deep breath. "Please."
"The last time I remember seeing him, he was having an argument with Dr. Paris and Mr. Stockholm. It was about... me, I think. Something of some sort has gone horribly wrong here, and they wanted... something or other, from me. He refused. I wasn't supposed to be listening, but I did anyway. The next thing I knew, I was here. I suppose if anything's happened to him, it's my fault."
Elaine Paris about the situation:
"Sol?" Her tone is resigned. She knows what the answer will be.

"Still loose, somewhere in the west wing. I haven't heard back from Marshal Kyoto's team in three hours. I think we can assume they're done for."

"Goddammit. Any sign of Brighton, the bastard?"

"None. I've been able to find Ankara, though. She's in the maze, for whatever reason."

"Soft-hearted idiot. This is all her fault." The hatred in her voice is like tar, choking, thick and boiling.

The man shrugs. "Any orders, Doc?"

"Don't call me 'doc', that's an order for you. Make sure Gaia's secure."
Dr. Ankara about the situation:
"The world, children, is in grave danger. There is... something approaching, that is beyond our understanding. Or at least, that was beyond our understanding, before the institute you're standing in right now figured it out. To protect the world, we needed a weapon. And you... not just you three, others as well, you were needed to help us create that weapon.
Dr. Ankara about the staff:
"And as for personnel... this facility is on lockdown. I cannot tell you exactly where my colleagues are, but I can guess. The elevator at the end of the Labyrinth will take you to the main part of the facility, the east wing, specifically. That's the medical wing. I think, in the case of an emergency, Dr. Geneva would have stayed there.
"In the west wing, you may meet other staff members trying to escape: Klaus Helsinki, perhaps. If you see him... tell him I said he's an idiot, and that I'll meet him when I can. He'll help you. If she was anywhere, Kyoto would be there too, the bull-headed woman that she is, still trying to do her job amidst all of this chaos. Paris, that horrible assistant of hers, and your father," she gestures at Mari, "Should all be on the above-ground levels."
Jack Brighton's 'Emergency broadcast':
"Good evening, everyone who's listening. I know it's been a hectic day, hasn't it? A little more hectic than I presume you'd hoped it would be, Elaine. By the way, I'm surprised you don't seem to have worked this out yet, darling, our superiors - well, your superiors, I should say, I've chosen the winning team - aren't going to be arriving to salvage you or this project any time soon. I've blocked all signals entering or leaving this facility, including your distress signals. I know a miserable fucking psychotic bitch like yourself," he adds, tone and smile remaining at exactly the same level of mild affability despite his words, "Might have a neurotic breakdown now that you're not in control of absolutely everything there is to be in control of in this situation, but I'm afraid that you'll have to live with it, for however long you live. Which, seeing as Sol is on her way to meet you, can't be long. Ta-ta!"
Helsinki's admission to Kyoto:
Pressed against the door, the man's taut grin of anxious terror only stretches a little wider, a bead of sweat trickling from his hair and down his face. "Look, look, okay, come on, this whole thing," and at this he makes a grand sweeping gesture to indicate the whole building, "Didn't work out. It's all going to hell, and the only people who are going to have a career or, you know, a chance to be alive and not dead at the end of this, are going to be the ones who get out of here and wash their hands of it. So let's part ways, and we can just-"

"You're dodging the accusation. Have you taken part in Ankara's sabotage of this project? Yes or no."

"Now, I wouldn't call it sabotage, actually, it's just..." he trails off as his eyes widen, hands trembling as the woman in front of him fingers the trigger and he realizes he's said the wrong thing.
Geneva's conversation with Jack Brighton:
"Don't fuck with me, you prick," the voice on the other side of the phone growls like a furious animal, all pretense of civilization lost for an instant before there are a few seconds of silence and he resumes with a touch more composure. "Might I remind you, my good man, that we had a deal? And may I, perhaps, go so far as to suggest that letting Helsinki through your wing unscathed was a glaring act of de facto betrayal?"

The man in the coat smirks, a smile like a knife wound. "Ah, yes. Well, I'm going to have to tell you, Jack, I really don't think that the reality of this situation is living up to your pitch. Besides, what can I say, he surrendered himself into my care. I'm hardly going to harm a patient, you know. I'm a man of medicine."
"Is this it, then. Am I not going to be able to get a serious word out of you?"

"Well, let me see… after you betray me and leave me for dead, the only serious thing you are getting out of me, Mr. Brighton, is that I hope your ridiculous plan backfires and kills you horribly, and painfully." This last word is punctuated by the man in the white coat driving the scalpel into the table in a movement so fast it would be difficult to follow with the naked eye.

"Be reasonable, Geneva, for God's sake. Ankara's off in some corner of her own maze, bleeding to death, Paris is holed up in her bunker waiting for her demise to come to her, my idiot brother's mad as a hatter - I'm the only one here offering you a way out."
So, let's see if I got this right.

When Mari said her father had 'disappeared', I initially thought he went rogue after his daughter had been kidnapped, and the project fell apart. I based this on Elaine's quote which indeed talked about 'that bastard' Brighton going AWOL. What I got wrong, though, is that she referred to the different Brighton - Jack, not Charles.

It is unclear who set fire to the powder keg, and what exactly did they do. My money is on Ankara releasing the test subjects, and Helsinki assisting her. Apparently, somewhere along the road Jack Brighton decided to switch sides, ally with whatever is coming, and let the project burn. He convinced Dr. Geneva to join forces with him. Some time later, he betrayed Geneva and left him for dead, but miscalculated. Not only did Geneva survive, but he also rescued Helsinki from an almost certain death by Kyoto's hand, and let him through his - eastern- wing. Meanwhile, one of the children, Sol, is approaching Elaine's bunker in the western wing, presumably with the intention to exterminate her former captors.

It looks like Charles Brighton is still the head of the project and working together with what is left of the staff now that Ankara, Helsinki, Jack and Geneva have taken a leave. I didn't expect him to still support the project after the kidnapping of Marinette, but apparently he isn't exactly right in the head, and the completion of his wife's goal is all he can think about right now. Which might be for the better, considering that it may involve the survival of our species.

Gaia is the weapon Ankara mentioned that should be able to repel the threat. She is currently somewhere under Elaine's control, and Charles is attending to her. We might want to hurry to get there first.

[x] What happened to the rest of the children injected with the serum?
[x] What does Dr. Geneva know of Gaia?
[x] How do we get to wherever Gaia is kept before Sol does?

Anything else we want to talk to Geneva about?
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Hello! I've been taking final exams for the last month or so but now that I'm back we should hopefully be back to (much more) regularly scheduled mystery-scifi-horror-comedy-coming-of-age-fantasy content now that I never have to worry about who fought at the battle of Amphipolis ever again! Also, congratulations to @TheBiggerFish for backreading through a shocking amount of this nonsense. I appreciate you.
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> Lucy, Owen & Mari: Confront Dr. Geneva
[X] If you and the other adults are the hunters, then what were the wolves? And just what were the wolves running from?
[X] Given how wolves tend to be the top predators in their environment, probably more hunters. Why do you assume that whatever scared off the scary thing you saw running away is itself hostile? I assume there's something, because you seem very sure that the world faces doom.
[X] Lucy- congratulate Mari on not blowing us up and ask if any of this sounds familiar
[X] Owen- Ask how turning us to space children helps the problem we're not super heroes.

"Alright, so in this metaphor, you're the hunters," you say.

"Correct," Dr. Geneva replies over the intercom.

"And the wolves?"

"The wolves are the symbiotes."

"What's the forest," Owen whispers, and Mari elbows him.

You decide to pretend you know what SYMBIOTE means, but from context clues you can only assume it means SCARY CRYSTAL SERUM THAT GIVES CHILDREN SUPERNATURAL POWERS.

"And what are the wolves running from?" you ask.

"Total annihilation. Although I suppose the wolves are not simply running... ah, but dear Melody understood that better than I did. She understood it all better than anyone did, which made it such a terrible shame when she died. My condolences, Marinette. We are not playing guessing games in the dark, children. We had a lot of information to work with."

"How is doing any of this to us meant to help!" Owen says, voice indignant. "I'm not gonna-- not gonna stop any kinda annihi-thingy! I'm just a kid!"

"Well, for now, yes, you are. But you're also more than that, are you not?"

A silence lingers in his air as you all consider how human you really are.

[X] LUCY: Bust down the door for a dramatic entrance!
[X] Owen: Shut the door
[X] Owen: Bust down the door for a dramatic entrance!
With the PIPEDAD no longer posing a direct danger, there's nothing stopping you from entering the MEDICAL WING. Looking over at Owen's injuries, it seems like the best course of action, even if it means coming face to face with a DASTARDLY, MALEVOLENT DOCTOR. You turn to whisper to Owen and Mari. "Alright, we're going in on the count of three," you begin,

"Wait, so we go in on three, or after three?" Owen whispers back, "And can I be the one that busts the door down, all dramatic-like?"

You stop to consider both these questions very carefully. As a JUNIOR SLEUTH, you really feel like you should be the one busting doors down, but whether to go on three or after three is a much more serious matter that merits your EXTENSIVE CONSIDERATION. It is while you are thinking over these TRICKY CONUNDRUMS that Mari quickly says "Onetwothree!" and shoves the door open herself, stepping forward with her typical brand of EXTREME CONFIDENCE. Well, that works too, you suppose.

As you and Owen step in after her, you're confronted with the sight of a TALL, LANKY MAN in a BLOODSTAINED DOCTOR'S COAT laying back with his feet up at a desk, a variety of PUZZLES sitting on the desk, most of them solved. You can appreciate a WELL-SOLVED PUZZLE, but not enough to discount the fact that putting your feet up on your desk is unforgivably rude, not to mention the fact that he's been a part of CHILD KIDNAPPING AND EXPERIMENTATION, which, while you're not sure most social etiquette guidelines account for this possibility, is something you're more than happy to decide is quite possibly the rudest thing one can do.

"Oh," DR. GENEVA says in that peculiar accent of his, grinning lopsidedly, "You solved my explosive puzzle. Very well done."

You're about to say something CUTTING and CONFIDENT when you're interrupted by Marinette walking directly up to the doctor's desk and jabbing him pointedly in the chest with her index finger, a gesture that seems to leave him a little taken aback.
[x] What happened to the rest of the children injected with the serum?
[x] What does Dr. Geneva know of Gaia?
[x] How do we get to wherever Gaia is kept before Sol does?
[X] Is there anyway of helping the kids who went "crazy"? There must be something we can do right?
[X] Do you have any potential theories as to why it didn't work? Maybe, that might help.

"Where's the rest of them," Mari says, "Sol and Venus and Gaia?"

You furrow your brow a little. It seems like Mari might have known more than she was letting on.

"Venus is somewhere in the west wing, and the reason that the other entrance to this wing," he gestures vaguely through a door on the opposite side of this room, "Is also trapped. Sol and Gaia are on the top floors. Along with what I can only presume will be your next topic of inquiry, your father and his brother. As far as I know."

Mari closes her mouth halfway through what was clearly intended to be the exact question that just got pre-empted. You take this opportunity to step up with your arms crossed confidently, standing next to Marinette so that the two of you are collectively STRIKING A COOL POSE as a TEAM. After slouching with his hands in his pockets for a few moments, Owen realizes what's going on and hurriedly stumbles forward, trying a few different poses before deciding they look silly and just crossing his arms slightly less decisively.

"I hope you don't mind me asking this," you begin before rethinking it and amending, "Actually, you're a thoroughly nasty man, so I don't really think it's important if you mind, but what happened to everyone else? Other than myself, and Owen, and Mari, and Kala? All the ones you injected with the serum?"

"What happened," Owen specifies anxiously, "to Moth?"

"Ah, yes. Mars. Well, that's an unfortunate case. You see, as the symbiote establishes itself more and more firmly, its nature can take hold in ways where, ah... the software conflicts with the hardware. Mars in particular is... combative, belligerent, destructive, aggressive. Despite the compatibility, this did not lead to the healthiest of bonds."

"Can we help him?" Owen asks, tugging at the end of one of his bloodsoaked sleeves.

Dr. Geneva shrugs. "I'm going to be perfectly honest, I do not know. Reversing or minimizing the effects of the serum was never one of our priorities."

"Well, go to hell," Mari says with surprising force. "Why shouldn't it be!!

Dr. Geneva gives another limp shrug, before tilting his head to one side, grin expanding ever so slightly. "Now, now, as much as I'd love to spend all day arguing, your young friend there is losing quite a lot of blood. Allow me to treat him, then perhaps I can answer some more questions." His eyes are unblinking, his grin taut. You look at Owen, who is starting to look progressively paler and woozier, and then back at Dr. Geneva.

[] Accept Dr. Geneva's medical help.
[] Refuse Dr. Geneva's medical help.

[goes back to read]

[hesitates to vote until he's figured out if anyone can think of a reason to refuse the medical help]
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[goes back to read]
Something about it being the three-year anniversary of this quest's beginning (!) has galvanized me to use my upcoming summer mostly free of obligations to finally dust off my notes and finally get this back on the road. I did consider leaving it dead and maybe posting a summary of the rest of the plot, but in doing so I realized that we were already so close to the intended endpoint it seemed like it would be worth the effort to finally get back into it and finish it properly, if anyone is still interested after nearly a year of absence, that is.
I was extremely fond of this quest and hoped it would come back and thought about it more than once after I read through it but before the hiatus. I will be sorely disappointed in everybodyelse if they aren't still interested.


That would be very rude of them.
I'm thrilled to see this back! Three years, wow...

As for the vote...
[X] Accept Dr. Geneva's medical help.

Why not? It's not like he's going to make him more injured...hopefully.

[X] Accept Dr. Geneva's medical help

I really hope that's a good idea. Tbh I do feel like we're more or less unsafer than Owen, who at least has Geneva's vows...?
[hesitates to vote until he's figured out if anyone can think of a reason to refuse the medical help]
Other than it being administered by the good old Doctor Mr. Geneva who would sell your organs piecemeal on a black market without breaking his smile? There isn't one.

On the other hand, Dr. Ankara has said that's perhaps the only area Geneva could be counted on.
"And as for personnel... this facility is on lockdown. I cannot tell you exactly where my colleagues are, but I can guess. The elevator at the end of the Labyrinth will take you to the main part of the facility, the east wing, specifically. That's the medical wing. I think, in the case of an emergency, Dr. Geneva would have stayed there. Whatever he tells, you, it is imperative that you do not trust him. He will adhere to his Hippocratic Oath at all costs if you are injured, but in every other respect he is not to be trusted." She looks at you all with a serious gaze to make sure you've understood before she continues.
Might be a matter of pride for him? Though how he reconciles his Hippocratic Oath with... everything around us, really, is anyone's guess. And before he goes for 'saving the world' excuse, let's remember that he sided with Jack, however brief their alliance was.

[x] Accept Dr. Geneva's medical help.

Sure, let's have Doc stick his needles in Owen. Might be marginally better than the alternative.
Besides, we'll be watching him. With very disapproving eyes, at that.
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