Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

So I'm not entirely clear on how the safe works-
"It's a five-digit code mechanism, I think, but there's ten numbers for the input?
From what I gather, there are 5 distinct numerals we can enter, and it requires 10 numerals of input?
If so, directly plugging in the laptop's numbers row isn't even an option.

As for the laptop- I suspect this is a cipher, and we'll need to replace the digits 1-5 of some other number with FIVE, FOUR, SIX, EIGHT, and NINE.
[X] If the SHINY TOKENS happen to be INSTITUTION TOKENS, put enough of them into the VENDING MACHINE to get the ELECRTRICAL TAPE.

@causticAccolade, I don't quite understand the code? If there are ten numbers to be entered, then it what way is it a five-digit code?
Didn't Andelevion solve it already?
"It's a five-digit code mechanism, I think, but there's ten numbers for the input? There's a very curious little logo on it too, look." She holds up the STRONGBOX to show the picture on the TOP, a HAND growing out of some ROOTS where you'd normally expect a TREE.
[X] Does the HAND ROOT LOGO possibly mean that the combination is the square root of five?
I mean, not entirely, given that she didn't have the data, but the principle behind it? We have a 5-digit code, and a 10-digit input, with one being a square root of the other. So if 5 4 6 8 9 is the key, the corresponding input would be 25 16 36 64 81.

Granted, I thought it would be something more complex, like 'find another 5 digits, combine them with the existing ones to form squares, then enter the resulting combination', but I don't think any of the number puzzles we've seen so far had that many steps in them.
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Ok, so to disarm the bomb we need:
"If I wanted to disarm this so we can move it safely, I'd need both a key and a passcode to take this panel off, and then a pair of tweezers and something sharp to actually work on the inside of it. And even then, I'd need some information from whoever set the blasted thing up."
A key (missing), a passcode (missing), a pair of tweezers (got 'em), a scalpel (got it), and some additional info (missing). At least some of those will likely be handed down via an intercom, which needs to be fixed with the tape.

Other points of interest include the watch, and the strongbox. I don't think there is anything else of interest in this room. Strongbox will likely contain the key... though the watch I am not sure about. Maybe it will point to a passcode somehow?

[x] Enter 25 16 36 64 81 in the strongbox

If there aren't any more puzzles inside the watch and/or strongbox, we will have everything we need to have Mari disable the device and proceed to the Med Bay to treat Owen's injuries.

(Is this the right time to wonder why a door to the Med Bay is booby-trapped at all? At least the lower levels were designed as a puzzle, but this area is for staff use. Presumably, for Geneva's use. Is Klaus inside?)
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[X] DFD the newly acquired INSTITUTION TOKENS to buy TAPE, CAKE, and CHIPS.
-[X] Pass Mari the TAPE to fix the staticy INTERCOM.
-[X] Hold a SNACK BREAK!
> Lucy, Owen, & Kala: Snack break
[X] DFD the newly acquired GOLDEN WATCH.
- [X] Is it broken? If so, perhaps that highly convenient PILE OF WATCH PARTS will do the trick!
Before you even think to suggest it, Mari has already idly reassembled the WATCH, leaving only an ODD ASSORTMENT OF LEFTOVER GEARS. It ticks magnificently.
[X] Plug the bloody numbers row of the LAPTOP into the SAFE
You input the numbers on the LAPTOP'S NUMBER ROW into the STRONGBOX, - 5468967890. You hear ten NEUTRAL BEEPS and then an eleventh, DISAPPOINTING BEEP. No dice.
[x] Enter 25 16 36 64 81 in the strongbox
Looking down at the ROOT DESIGN on the STRONGBOX, you are struck by a BOLT OF INSPIRATION. "Eureka!" you shout, striking a COOL POSE.

"Isn't that where France is?" Owen asks, as you type the digits 2516366481 and the STRONGBOX makes ten NEUTRAL BEEPS followed by an eleventh VERY ENCOURAGING BEEP. As Mari instantly leaps on the chance to mercilessly mock him, the STRONGBOX opens to reveal a SMALL KEY--

Endless visions. A planet made of glittering crystals, interlaced and fractal and infinite in their recursion. Shattering. Falling among the stars. Being followed. Being followed. You wake up, and you're back on the table, syringe in your arm almost empty but still lingering with the barest traces of glowing liquid, electric blue.

--and a NOTE, which reads 'well done!' in SQUIGGLY, BORDERLINE-ILLEGIBLE HANDWRITING. How nice!
[X] If the SHINY TOKENS happen to be INSTITUTION TOKENS, put enough of them into the VENDING MACHINE to get the ELECRTRICAL TAPE.
[X] DFD the newly acquired INSTITUTION TOKENS to buy TAPE, CAKE, and CHIPS.
-[X] Pass Mari the TAPE to fix the staticy INTERCOM.
-[X] Hold a SNACK BREAK!
The VENDING MACHINE accepts the TOKENS, and you punch in the numbers for the TAPE, as well as a single packet of CHIPS, which you rip open and are about to eat when Owen reaches over and takes a large handful, which he messily shoves into his mouth. Well, you intended to share anyway! You think about conserving the REST OF THE TOKENS in case they're useful later, but you can see Kala looking wistfully at the two of you and put in YOUR LAST FEW in exchange for a smaller pack of RICE CAKES, which you hand to her -- she looks at it suspiciously, then up at you, then back at it, and then snatches it from your hand only to reappear in the other corner of the room. She looks down at the bag as if to make sure it's still there, and then looks up at you with a small but grateful smile.

Meanwhile, Mari has been hard at work on the INTERCOM. After a few more seconds of CRACKLY STATIC, you can hear a more coherent sound from it: a viola, being played with admirable skill, and a singing voice in a very curious accent that sounds like a mix of Central European and East Asian. The voice, unlike the viola, is about as far from pleasant as Central Europe is from East Asia.

"My father makes book on the corner, my mother brews illicit gin, my sister sells kisses to sailors, my God how the money rolls in!"

Mari takes a step back and scowls at the intercom, turning to you and whispering "Dr. Geneva." Kala looks very nervous for a few seconds, and then flickers out of existence. Mari then leans in to press a button on the intercom, lighting up a little green light. The meaning is clear: it's on.

[] Introduce yourself politely
[] Ask him to stop singing
[] [Write-in]
[x] This is DETECTIVE CALLOWAY, and I am making a CITIZEN'S ARREST! Um... as soon as I figure out a way out of this room?

Are we in conversation mode, or can we still examine things?

Endless visions. A planet made of glittering crystals, interlaced and fractal and infinite in their recursion. Shattering. Falling among the stars. Being followed. Being followed. You wake up, and you're back on the table, syringe in your arm almost empty but still lingering with the barest traces of glowing liquid, electric blue.
Am I to assume that this qualifies as DFD'ing it, and we do so automatically from now on.
[jk] Tell Owen to Stab you with the TRIDENT. Then ask for immediate medical help.

Though, seriously, appealing to him as a doctor and asking for medical help is probably the only thing that will work. As Dr. Ankara said:
Dr. Geneva would have stayed there. Whatever he tells, you, it is imperative that you do not trust him. He will adhere to his Hippocratic Oath at all costs if you are injured, but in every other respect he is not to be trusted.

And hey, Owen is actually injured. Lucky us.

[X] Tell Dr. Geneva that one of you is injured and ask for medical assistance.
You know, a lab coat is only one word different from a trench coat- and every detective needs a trench coat.
When we're not mid conversation
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> Lucy: Sing along
[X] Sing along. Make up the words, if you have to, of course.
[X] Put on our METAPHORICAL CRITIC'S HAT and provide an in depth critique on Geneva's musical abilities.
[X] And then show him how it's done!
[x] Join in with your violin because it's been FOREVER since you played, but also try to interrupt his singing bits with an improvised introduction of you in song form because honestly nobody sings like that seriously.
[x] This is DETECTIVE CALLOWAY, and I am making a CITIZEN'S ARREST! Um... as soon as I figure out a way out of this room?
After a moment's consideration, you pull out your trusty VIOLIN. It's been a while since you've gotten the opportunity to play it, but any worries that you might be rusty are quickly vanished as you begin to play it and it suddenly feels as natural as riding a bicycle, as natural as breathing, as natural as seeing the possibilities unfold and expand and unravel in front of you in thousand and thousands of directions. You don't play the same melody -- it's a simple one, after all, 'My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean', so instead you play a countermelody, complementing and contrasting to the viola, adding in little flourishes that may be a little extravagant but serve the very important purpose of showing off.

As he's about to launch into another, probably very rude verse, you interrupt.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting,
Though I'm afraid that I have to insist,
'Cause what I have to say is important,
And your singing voice will not be missed!"

The viola comes to an abrupt stop, and you stop in turn, feeling a little triumphant. "It's very nice to make your acquaintance, Dr. Geneva, even if it is through a scratchy intercom. My name is Lucy Calloway, private investigator, and on behalf of myself and my client I would like you to be aware that I fully intend on bringing you to justice for all your crimes!" You strike a cool pose, before pausing awkwardly. "Although it would help a lot if you could help us figure out how to get through this door."

"Pretty please," Owen adds.

There's a somewhat concerning silence, and then Dr. Geneva replies, sounding amused more than anything. "Oh no! The long arm of the law has finally caught up with me. Or rather, the short arm, yes? I would say it is nice to make your acquaintance, but I already know all of you test subjects. Whoops! Did I say test subjects? I meant children. Ha ha. Young Marinette, how are you doing? Hopefully better than your father is!"

Mari looks like she's about to reply to that, scowling, so you quickly step in and pre-empt her.

"I'd take us seriously if I were you, Dr. Geneva. I'll have you know that I've got a long track record of solved cases, and I fully intend on being back home for supper." Given the TIME, you don't think that's a very realistic goal, but it sounds cool, so you say it anyway. Sometimes being a JUNIOR SLEUTH means that dramatic impact takes precedence over fact-checking.

"Oh, don't worry, I am very aware of what you are all capable of. Why do you think I've trapped the door? It certainly wasn't to keep my fellow faculty out of my wing, not that that hurts. I mean, nothing personal against you, but I had no way of knowing that you weren't elaborate alien killing machines by the time you got up here, yes? Call it a precaution."
[X] Tell Dr. Geneva that one of you is injured and ask for medical assistance.
[X] Ask if he can help Owens wounds

As Dr. Geneva talks, Owen looks down at his injury nervously, and then at you, and then at the large sign that reads MEDICAL WING. You remember Dr. Ankara's advice on Geneva, and nod.

"Dr. Geneva," you say, keeping on your best JUNIOR SLEUTH COOL, "One of us is injured. You're a medical professional, aren't you?"

"Well..." he begins, but you cut him off.

"Your..." you look to Mari for assistance, and she mouths 'hypocritical oath' to you. "Your Hypocritical Oath means that you're bound to treat someone injured, which means you have to help us get through this door."

There's a pause. "Well, you've got me there. The world might be crumbling around me, but what would I be without my self-respect as a physician, yes? I will treat your friend, no problem. However, you might want to disarm the bomb on the door first. It's simple. The passcode to get it open is 1113, and then you simply have to cut... the blue wire. Or is it the red wire? Or is it the green wire? Or... does it matter? Perhaps the bomb's chances of going off are completely random no matter which wire you cut." You can hear the grin in his voice. "It's fun! Like playing roulette, yes?"
[X] Trust Mari To disable the bomb
[X] Lucy: Use interrogation for imbeciles to review the conversation.
-[X] Ask how often he encountered evil alien children that he has to prepare for that now?
Right. We have the passcode, so we can take the panel off and look inside at least. Maybe Mari will have some insights, or there is a puzzle inside.
Alternatively, the only things in the room we haven't examined are these:
Before you even think to suggest it, Mari has already idly reassembled the WATCH, leaving only an ODD ASSORTMENT OF LEFTOVER GEARS. It ticks magnificently.
Perhaps either the watch, or the leftover gears, contain something pointing to the necessary steps. The watch was lying in the aquarium, after all, so they must be a part of this room's puzzle.

[x] DFD the WATCH
I suspect we may need to save-scum this with REWIND & REVERSE. Let's try to avoid that. (Or maybe we can start a fight to get some cheesy free gambits? "[X] Punch the bomb to establish BELLIGERENCE" sounds like a bad idea.)