Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Let's go, boyz! Time to become the greatest amateur sleuth again.

Of course you'd have to come back on the week I'll be moving. :p
> Owen: "That's probably not good, uh, whatever it is,"
[X] Show off the new jacket.
The HELSINKI AESTHETIC doesn't need showing off! It has so much FLAIR that everyone in the room automatically notices it! (Whether this is a buff or debuff is up to individual discretion.)
[x] Read FUN FACTS.
[x] Examine the GLOBE FOUNTAIN
-[x] Check the places corresponding to the COORDINATES of the cities.
[X] Check the seven continents on the globe, or maybe the seven geographic locations for the GSC staff's names. Perhaps that's where you'll find the maintenance hatches.
[X] Retrieve the GOLD CROWBAR
-[X] Help Mari pry the maintenance hatches open when you find them
After going through the ATLAS to discover all the relevant coordinates, you look up - god, the book is so thick you almost feel like you spent TWO MONTHS looking up the information, but that's just silly - and wave Marinette over. "I think they might be here. Although... I don't know, it would take someone with a weirdly inflated sense of melodrama to put them th-" Marinette interrupts you as soon as you begin that sentence.

"Then they're definitely there." In a few minutes, Mari, using the CROWBAR and SCREWDRIVER, has begin her maintenance on the FOUNTAIN, which, after a ghastly gurgle from the PLUMBING, begins to HAPPILY FLOW again. You turn away, trying to gather your thoughts, when you feel something cold on the back of your head and turn around to find Mari has splashed you with water. You stick your tongue out at her and attempt to splash her back, but she's anticipating it and neatly sidesteps out of the way. "Get on with solving the puzzle, detective," she says, smirking. You stick your tongue out again and get back to work.
[x] If you manage to get the water running again, try to wash the blood off the SIGN to get the RESET CODE for the ELEVATOR.
Using someone's JEANS, you are able to wash the BLOOD off the SIGN to get the RESET CODE: 1453

[X] Examine elevator, just in case.

You go to take a closer look at the ELEVATOR, and -

Crash! A deafeningly loud sound of something breaking sounds out, sending you spinning on your heels trying to work out what it is - Mari has her hands over her ears - before you realise that it's coming from outside the room. Then, you hear a scream - not a voice you recognise, hell, it barely even sounds like a voice at all. Something is off about that scream, like it's two voiced melded into one, and it echoes for far longer than you think it should. Peering through the door and down the corridor you entered from, you see nothing. But you can hear footsteps, echoing down the dark corridors of the maze.

"That's probably not good, uh, whatever it is," Owen remarks, frowning, as if he's thinking about something. Marinette has taken her hands off her ears, and is now setting about repairing the ELEVATOR. "I hope it's not coming towards us,"
[X] A detective always follows their instincts and they're screaming danger
-[X] move some stuff to block out the corridor till the elevator gets here. If ithe buy's even a second it was worth it.
"Although... I don't know, it would take someone with a weirdly inflated sense of melodrama to put them th-" Marinette interrupts you as soon as you begin that sentence.
Her dad's idea, no doubt.

Would NOIR FOR NUMBNUTS help us determine where they are heading, or help us in any way? Technically, fleeing for your life may count as following your pursuit by outrunning it. :p

[x] Take the TV REMOTE with you. Scorched earth tactics it is!

Also, the Elevator is still not working. Not yet, at least. Maybe we could try and make a contraption to delay whoever it is? We have a SHOVEL, a NET (albeit a small one), a BALL OF SILVER THREAD and a GRAPPLING HOOK. Oh, and a CROWBAR and an EXTREMELY HEAVY BOOK. We could potentially make a trap out of these parts, though it would probably infuriate whoever is after us rather than harm them.
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I'm worried the couch will be too heavy to move.

The table would narrow the entrance (or slow them down a bit) though. Kala has NIM 40 and is great at ambushing people. Can we spin that as her making an ambush that confuses, causes someone to slow down, not necessarily hurting them, and then running away invisibly?

Dare I suggest, we have a heavy bomber jacket that could be thrown over someone's head, covering their eyes for a moment. Stand invisibly by the gap, blind them *before* they reach the gap, and they will be slowed down.

I'm sure we can buy one second, but if it comes to it, this is sounding desperate. Perhaps enough time to open the doors and close them again, if Mari can fix them just in time.

[x] The elevator problem is only with the doors opening - but we need to make sure the elevator is on our floor and we're ready to go ASAP.
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Eh, forget it, I'm going for it!

[x] While Mari is busy opening the elevator, call a War Counsil and ask for Kala's and Owen's cooperation.
-[x] Conjure up a Devilishly Devious Device out of items on hand by connecting SILVER THREAD, the NET and the doorway in such a way as to drop the UNREASONABLY LARGE BOOK - temporarily supported by the NET - on whoever enters. Sometimes knowledge is power!

A primitive mechanism - a book is suspended by the net, a door opens, a string is pulled, a net is released (or dropped together with the book, not important). Hopefully, we don't use the whole BALL OF SILVER THREAD for this.

We have too many items we don't know if we ever need again. Might as well attempt to use them, and there is a nifty stat specifically governing item crafting. Ours is pretty low*, though, but it's not like we are building a defractulator here.

* would Owen's EVERYTHING YOU CAN'T DO I CAN DO BETTER apply in this case? Technically, Mari's presence makes our GUM average far from the worst stat, but she is indisposed for this action.
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@causticAccolade, I am not sure whether there is a door separating the room we are in from the labyrinth. Could you clarify?

Because if so, I certainly want to just close it before taking other, more intricate measures.
Thanks for the information.

[X] First things first: Close the door to the labyrinth. See if you can lock it, or if you can wedge it shut.
[x] While Mari is busy opening the elevator, call a War Counsil and ask for Kala's and Owen's cooperation.
-[x] Conjure up a Devilishly Devious Device out of items on hand by connecting SILVER THREAD, the NET and the doorway in such a way as to drop the UNREASONABLY LARGE BOOK - temporarily supported by the NET - on whoever enters. Sometimes knowledge is power!
> Lucy, Owen, & Kala: {BELLIGERENCE}
[X] A detective always follows their instincts and they're screaming danger

"Owen, you're great, but I'm going to have to question your judgement," you manage, as you try to pull yourself together and use what little time you think you have to think. "Mari, could you pretty please try and get the elevator working as fast as possible?"

"Oh, thank you for the instruction, Calloway, I was planning to go about it as slowly as possible just in order to spite you!" Mari shoots back, pulling out her trusty SCREWDRIVER and appearing to GET TO WORK on the ELEVATOR DOOR MECHANISM. "And you didn't even put a cherry on top of your please!"

[X] Time to leave everyone! Please keep hands and feet in the ELEVATOR at all times.
-[X] Enter the code and GET THE HECK OUT OF DODGE.
[x] The elevator problem is only with the doors opening - but we need to make sure the elevator is on our floor and we're ready to go ASAP.
[x] While Mari is busy opening the elevator, call a War Counsil and ask for Kala's and Owen's cooperation.

Marinette seems quite happily busy at work with the ELEVATOR, so you gesture to Owen, who almost trips over his own SNEAKERS scrambling over to you, and Kala, who seems a little nervous but with a shimmer is by your side. You look at them both, very earnestly, and explain your plan. "Have you ever seen Home Alone?" you begin. Kala shakes her head.

Owen frowns. "Is that the one where... he has no arms... and... a hat?"

You furrow your brow. "No. What? What... no, never mind. Okay, the point is, it's about a boy who sets up some traps in his house because he's getting robbed, and..."

"You think whatever's coming is going to rob us?" Owen just seems more confused.

"No, no, I mean, look, let me explain," you're about to launch into a detailed synopsis when you notice Kala struggling to drag furniture over to the door and shake your head. "Just... go help Kala, okay?"

[X] First things first: Close the door to the labyrinth. See if you can lock it, or if you can wedge it shut.
[X] move some stuff to block out the corridor till the elevator gets here. If ithe buy's even a second it was worth it.
[x] Conjure up a Devilishly Devious Device out of items on hand by connecting SILVER THREAD, the NET and the doorway in such a way as to drop the UNREASONABLY LARGE BOOK - temporarily supported by the NET - on whoever enters. Sometimes knowledge is power!

As Owen and Kala finish the task of BARRICADING THE DOOR with whatever they can find, you start working on a MAKESHIFT TRAP. However, as much as you enjoyed HOME ALONE as a piece of CHEAP AND TRASHY ENTERTAINMENT, you're not sure the WACKY ANTICS OF KEVIN MCCALLISTER hold up quite as well in the REAL WORLD... at the very least, you can't make HEAD NOR TAIL of the plans that are forming half-baked in your head.


You're on the verge of tears of frustration, and with the footsteps getting louder every passing second you can feel your resolve starting to slip away from you. You're tempted to just curl up and CRY, but then you feel - well you hardly feel it, really, it's almost like a soft breeze more than anything - a hand on your shoulder, a flickering, barely-there hand, and Kala's voice whistles through your head.

"What are you trying to do. Make a trap? Like in your movie about being alone and at home. I wish I was at home. And also alone. Not alone from you. But from everyone else. Most people aren't very nice here. It's scary and confusing and I do not like any of it at all. We are becoming angels. It is upsetting. Yes. Home would be better. I do not have a home, but if there was a home where I could be alone, I would want to be home and alone." She seems to catch herself rambling, and stops, staring at the parts in front of you. With a little effort, you try to articulate what you were trying to do, and she seems to understand, acting swiftly and decisively in order to create a MAKESHIFT TRAP.

[x] Take the TV REMOTE with you. Scorched earth tactics it is!
Right, priorities. You don't have long, what to do - of course! You run over and grab the TV REMOTE, pocketing it with an IMPISH GRIN that you can't HELP BUT ALLOW TO SPREAD ACROSS YOUR FACE. Owen frowns at you. "Luce, do you have a plan, like, a real clever plan that you're gonna use the remote for?"

You shake your head. "Nope. I just want to leave whoever's chasing us with a TV that has no remote. Can you imagine?"

Owen whistles, impressed. "I see. Photosynthesis warfare. Very clever. You can be cruel, Luce. Just... cruel."

Your GRIN only widens.

Unfortunately, this CORDIAL EXCHANGE is quickly interrupted, as the two of you notice a VIVID RED LIGHT shining through the DOOR, before hearing that TERRIBLE SCREAM again. Then, a crash, the sound of something very heavy moving fast, and the door, a heavy thing that must be about three inches thick, dents inwards. The roar sounds again, this time so overwhelming it almost seems to physically fill the room, taking up space like a living creature and forcing you and Owen to take a step back - Kala has her hands over her ears, while Mari remains completely focused on her work, sparks flying as she hurriedly makes her way through the instruments of the toolbox. The red light gets brighter, searingly so, and with another crash, the door goes flying off its hinges, slamming into the wall only a few inches from Mari - who barely even flinches, eyes not moving from her work for an instant.

It's difficult to see what comes barrelling through the door in the next few seconds, because the glow hurts your eyes to look at, like you're staring directly into the sun. After a few seconds, your eyes become accustomed, just a little, and you can make out the silhouette wreathed in that terrible glare of light that doesn't belong , taller than it should be tall with arms longer than they should be long ending in claws that shouldn't be at all, a mouth of jagged teeth stretched into a grin, eyes like searchlights flooding the room with red. Over all of this, stretched and torn, are the remains of an Institute gown, like the one you're wearing. You're stunned, looking at what's in front of you - because as much as you want to say it's inhuman, you can't bring yourself to think as it like that. It's inhuman in the same way a dog isn't a wolf, a tricycle isn't a motorbike, a biplane isn't a fighter jet. It's... beautiful.

It's about halfway through a leap towards an equally stunned-looking Owen when it triggers your MAKESHIFT TRAP, a HEAVY BOOK coming down on its head and sending it off balance, briefly, before it regains its footing and moves, nimbly, limbs aligning to angles they should never be able to, back towards the two of you. Broken out of his trance, Owen frowns, not quite able to bring himself to move. "... Moth?"

With the creature bearing down on you, you feel your head begin to hurt - first aches, then pain, and suddenly a splitting, uncontrollable agony that makes you close your eyes, press your hands to the sides of your temples, and...

You open your eyes again. Everything seems different. Sharper, somehow. Looking over at Owen, you see that he feels the same way - his eyes are open. Kala, you think, could see from the moment you met her. You don't understand anything at all, and yet... you feel like you know more than you did, now. As Mari continues her repairs, the three of you turn to face the creature.

You can now perceive SOTERIOLOGY ASCENDANTS.


You have now entered a {BELLIGERENCE}. For your enjoyment and convenience, enjoy a brief explanation of the mechanics of {BELLIGERENCE}

occurs when circumstances render some degree of PHYSICAL DISCORD unavoidable, and you find yourself facing a BOSS BATTLE. During {BELLIGERENCE}, QUESTIONABLY SOTERIOLOGICAL operates slightly differently to usual. First of all, the PARTY is controlled by a voting system, as opposed to the usual freeform command entering. Each PARTY MEMBER who is involved in the {BELLIGERENCE} can make ONE ACTION PER ROUND, from a choice of <ATTACK>, <ITEM>, <CLASS MACHINATION> or <SOTERIOLOGY GAMBIT>.

<ATTACK> will direct that PARTY MEMBER to ATTACK a specified enemy with their EQUIPPED WEAPON, pitting their FISTICUFFS or NIMBLENESS against the enemy's NIMBLENESS.
<ITEM> will direct that PARTY MEMBER to either EQUIP or USE an ITEM in their INVENTORY, with VARYING EFFECTS.
<SOTERIOLOGY GAMBITS> are ����█▓████�▓▓▓▓▓��?"£"£%@}{:}{���

While the <ATTACK> command functions on its own, votes for the <ITEM> <CLASS MACHINATION> or <SOTERIOLOGY GAMBIT> options require FURTHER SPECIFICATION, on which ITEM is selected and whether it should be USED or EQUIPPED, on which CLASS MACHINATION to use, and on which SOTERIOLOGY GAMBIT to use, respectively. To discover what OPTIONS are available to a character, you may issue the command [x] Examine <ACTION> to be given a DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of the OPTIONS that ACTION entails for that PARTY MEMBER - doing so does NOT USE AN ACTION and does NOT REQUIRE A VOTE.

Other than EXAMINING ACTIONS, there is another command that can be freely submitted: TALKING, either to other PARTY MEMBERS or to the ENEMY, is A FREE ACTION.


LUCY (300/300)

[] <ITEM>

OWEN (230/250)
[] <ITEM>

KALA (200/300)
[] <ITEM>

So, first of all, I have to apologise for again being so unreliable! Nothing like getting exams out of the way only to be hit squarely in the face with a large pile of coursework due in only a few weeks' time. The worst of it is behind me, at least, so here I am with... a lengthy update that introduces a whole new system, because I am really terrible at this. {BELLIGERENCE} has been in the works since the very start of this adventure, so I hope it works out okay now that I've finally brought it out! Again, the most heartfelt of thanks to all of you for sticking around this long and being this patient with me and my ridiculous story.

Would NOIR FOR NUMBNUTS help us determine where they are heading, or help us in any way? Technically, fleeing for your life may count as following your pursuit by outrunning it.
Unfortunately, you are not the one doing the FOLLOWING in this scenario!
* would Owen's EVERYTHING YOU CAN'T DO I CAN DO BETTER apply in this case? Technically, Mari's presence makes our GUM average far from the worst stat, but she is indisposed for this action.
Unfortunately, [EVERYTHING YOU CAN'T DO I CAN DO BETTER] takes into account the stats of the ENTIRE PARTY, regardless of current occupation.
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War Council session successful. We would make a great chairman. Shame there aren't many chairs around.
You shake your head. "Nope. I just want to leave whoever's chasing us with a TV that has no remote. Can you imagine?"

Owen whistles, impressed. "I see. Photosynthesis warfare. Very clever. You can be cruel, Luce. Just... cruel."
Why thank you, Owen! Of course, the effect is slightly diminished by the fact that there is a crowbar-sized hole in the TV, but it's the principle of a thing!

Riiight, BELLIGERENCE! I was wondering when those FISTICUFF skills will be put to test. So far Owen's our guy, and a TRIDENT gives +10% to the skill... perhaps it would make sense for Owen to have it?

LUCY (250/250)
[x] <ITEM>
-[x] TRIDENT - pass to Owen

OWEN (230/250)
[x] <ATTACK>
-[x] MARS

KALA (200/300)

Kala should be undetected as per her other Machination, SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

What I think we could do is lure Moth/MARS to the Fountain, then electrify it by throwing a severed cable... say, from the TV? If that doesn't buy us enough time, then we'll have to use a Gambit.

I'd like to get a feel for what exactly we can do before committing to a plan.

What I think we could do is lure Moth/MARS to the Fountain, then electrify it by throwing a severed cable... say, from the TV? If that doesn't buy us enough time, then we'll have to use a Gambit.

I don't know... That would require that we ourselves sever a cable first. Not to mention it presumes the fact that there is a cable long enough to stretch from the TV to the fountain to begin with.
LUCY (250/250)
[x] <ITEM>
-[x] TRIDENT - pass to Owen

OWEN (230/250)
[x] <ATTACK>
-[x] MARS

KALA (200/300)

Giving the trident to Owen is common sense.
LUCY (250/250)
[x] <ITEM>
-[x] TRIDENT - pass to Owen

OWEN (230/250)
[x] <ATTACK>
-[x] MARS

KALA (200/300)

Giving the trident to Owen iscommon sense.
[q] Pose as a team, cause shit just got real!

More seriously, good to see you back, CA. I have enjoyed every moment of this quest, and I can't wait to see what you have in store.
I feel bad, but we definitely can't manage to talk them down for now. (I want to rescue all of these children ; -; )

[x] <ITEM>
-[x] TRIDENT - pass to Owen

OWEN (230/250)
[x] <ATTACK>
-[x] MARS

KALA (200/300)

Since examining is a free action right?