Questionably Soteriological: A Puzzle/Mystery Quest with Kids, Science, and Fun!

Why hello there, new child to adopt. I love Kala so much. I love this entire cast.

[X] +5 VIGOR


[X] IT'S ALARMING HOW CHARMING I FEEL: When you're a JUNIOR SLEUTH, it pays off to make sure you can get grown-ups to do what you want them to. A few polite words, a smile, and perhaps a boost to their ego, and it's easy as cake. This CLASS MACHINATION lets you double your MOXIE STAT bonus when interacting with a NON-HOSTILE ADULT.



[X] MARINETTE RUINS THANKSGIVING: Sometimes, something cannot simply be shoved under the carpet and ignored forever. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to SEE AND TELL THE TRUTH WHEN IT MATTERS, even in situations where doing so is DIFFICULT or SCARY.


It takes a lot of luck to get a second chance. Fortunately, you've always been, as long as you can remember, inordinately lucky. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to REROLL your FIRST failed ATTACK or DEFENSE ROLL in any instance of COMBAT.
[X] MARINETTE RUINS THANKSGIVING: Sometimes, something cannot simply be shoved under the carpet and ignored forever. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to SEE AND TELL THE TRUTH WHEN IT MATTERS, even in situations where doing so is DIFFICULT or SCARY.

Undecided about the rest but we definitely need this. >.>
Oh right, another thing, I can't recall if anyone has asked yet in all this time....

But, if you're okay to, @causticAccolade I'm kind of wondering what would have happened if we picked alternative traits for our player character? Would we be Luna or Mercury or...? Would we always be Saturn? Would Mari always have the strengths she had and be the character she is or did all of the cast depend on who we were?
Aha, bet you weren't expecting an answer a month after the question! Always enigmatic and inscrutable am I! Anyways, I can't quite give a full answer to this, but I can give a few explanations:
The kids were always going to have different arrays of stats - so, if at the character creation, Lucy had been built as a GUMPTION/VIGOR-based DAREDEVIL DAEDALUS, then Mari's class and stats would have been different. General personality for the kids and, for the most part, corresponding planets were figured out from the beginning. However, the exact aspects of these planets represented in them, and their classes and interests would have different. Mari, say, was always going to be a snobby, rude, sarcastic little girl, but had Lucy been a DAREDEVIL DAEDALUS, she might have been a snobby, rude, sarcastic, self-styled detective.

I'm more than happy to be asked questions! In fact, there are several times where I simply have the strong urge to ramble about rather inconsequential QS trivia in general, although that usually gets directed towards my dear friend Criminal Limes - I am curious, though, firstly, if any of you would be interested in hearing such rambling, and secondly, if so, where would an appropriate place to post it be? A pair of mysteries. Anyway, enough self-indulgent rambling, here's a vote tally so far: I'll be writing up the next update tomorrow afternoon.


3x [X] +5 GUMPTION
11x [X] +5 VIGOR

12x [X] NOIR FOR NUMBNUTS: You can't see the future, that would be ridiculous - but if you know enough about the present, you can make an educated guess. That's what deduction's about! This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to figure out where somebody you are FOLLOWING is HEADED and PREDICT which path they've taken.

3x [X] IT'S ALARMING HOW CHARMING I FEEL: When you're a JUNIOR SLEUTH, it pays off to make sure you can get grown-ups to do what you want them to. A few polite words, a smile, and perhaps a boost to their ego, and it's easy as cake. This CLASS MACHINATION lets you double your MOXIE STAT bonus when interacting with a NON-HOSTILE ADULT.



5x [X] +5 GUMPTION

8x [X] MARINETTE RUINS THANKSGIVING: Sometimes, something cannot simply be shoved under the carpet and ignored forever. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to SEE AND TELL THE TRUTH WHEN IT MATTERS, even in situations where doing so is DIFFICULT or SCARY.

8x [X] WELL, DOES IT DEFRACULATE?: You're an expert at fixing machines, and breaking something is basically just fixing it in reverse. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you make a GUMPTION CHECK in order to DISABLE ANY MACHINE that you're able to GET AT THE INNER MECHANISMS OF.



2x [X] +5 VIGOR

7x [X] THAT WAS A PRACTICE TURN: It takes a lot of luck to get a second chance. Fortunately, you've always been, as long as you can remember, inordinately lucky. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to REROLL your FIRST failed ATTACK or DEFENSE ROLL in any instance of COMBAT.
8x [X] OHGODWHAT: You talk so much, and so quickly, that people often have difficult telling what you're talking about unless they know you well. Usually, this is a problem, but if you're lucky enough, even the most irritating of problems can be a useful asset. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to communicate information to your PARTY MEMBERS without anybody else being able to UNDERSTAND it.
Yeah... i think so too, I can confirm the vote switch to Marinette Ruins Thanksgiving. I didn't think much of it, but then I realized that it's also SEE the truth when it matters. Which is cool
> Lucy: Crack knuckles and get to work!
Now that you've got Kala on your side, you feel a little more confidence as you look around the room. At last, you think to yourself, you've reached the end of that horrible LABYRINTH, and without encountering... you don't even want to think about what the creature that chased you was. You feel a sudden pang of guilt and worry for allowing Dr. Ankara to run into the maze alone, labcoat stained a deep, hideously rich red - and it doesn't pass, like such emotions usually do, but lingers horribly, making a home for itself nestled inside your heart, like an irritated roommate you woke up in the middle of the night telling you he's going back to sleep for now but when he wakes up you're in trouble, and where's the goddamn rent anyway, buddy, pal, friend, amigo?

After all of this running around, navigating, dreaming, and emergency medical care, you're pretty grateful that you have a simple task in front of you: Solve the puzzle of why the ELEVATOR isn't working. Looking towards the side of the room where the ELEVATOR DOOR is situated, you notice a LARGE TOOLBOX sitting by the ELEVATOR DOOR, and a SIGN on the wall that's MOSTLY OBSCURED by an UNCOMFORTABLY LARGE SPLASH OF DRYING BLOOD. To the LEFT is a COUCH, in front of which is a SMALL TABLE, and behind the COUCH is a STRANGE-LOOKING PORTRAIT. To the RIGHT, a TELEVISION is mounted on the upper wall behind a GLASS CASING, and in the corner of the room are situated A PAIR OF LOCKERS.

You crack your knuckles, and Mari glares at you. "That's not good for your joints, stupid," she rebukes. You stick your tongue out at her, and despite herself, she laughs.

"Actually, I think that's one of 'em, you know, a thing that people think is true but isn't," Owen murmurs, scratching the back of his head - but you're too focused on the SITUATION AT HAND.

[] Time to solve a puzzle - write-ins as far as the eye can see!
[X] Examine the TOOLBOX


  • [SILENCE IS GOLDEN] You've always been the sort of person whose outdoor voice is comparable to others' indoor voice, and whose indoor voice is comparable to the tread of a cat's paw. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to remain UNDETECTED in a room without taking a NIMBLENESS check as long as you don't affect your surroundings.
  • [DISORIENTING ORIENTEERING] Maps, compasses, that sort of thing has always confused you. And, with a flawless sense of direction and an eye for details, you don't see why you'd need them anyway. This CLASS MACHINATION allows you to SPOT and make use of any ALTERNATIVE ROUTES that exist to get to your destination.
  • [SNEAK ATTACK, BITCH!] Sometimes, being quiet and stealthy is just no substitute for a punch to the jaw. When beginning a round of combat UNDETECTED, this CLASS MACHINATION allows you to make TWO ATTACKS and use NIMBLENESS instead of FISTICUFFS on your FIRST TURN.
  • [INVISIBLE INC.] You've never really liked attention. Why stay in the center of a room or, you know, talk to people, when you can curl up and hide in a corner like a sensible person? This CLASS MACHINATION increases your ÉLAN by HALF YOUR NIMBLENESS STAT while you go UNDETECTED BY ENEMIES.
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A good story, the best story. Also, Actions!

[X] Search the COUCH! Couch cushions always have stuff in their crevices. Like coins! Or pens! Or even snacks maybe!
[X] Examine the PORTRAIT. Still Mari's dad? Any changes?
[X] Check the LOCKERS. Are they locked? They are probably locked. Still, assuming makes an ass out of you and- wait, is ass a curse word? Hmm.
[X] read the blood covered sign.
-[X] If you can't lift it up to a light, if that isn't strong enough use a flashlight.
[X] Examine the ELEVATOR DOOR.
[X] read the blood covered sign.
-[X] If you can't lift it up to a light, if that isn't strong enough use a flashlight.
[X] Examine the TOOLBOX
[X] Search the COUCH! Couch cushions always have stuff in their crevices. Like coins! Or pens! Or even snacks maybe!
[X] Check the LOCKERS. Are they locked? They are probably locked. Still, assuming makes an ass out of you and- wait, is ass a curse word? Hmm.
[X] Examine the PORTRAIT. Still Mari's dad? Any changes?
[X] Give Kala the box of CRAYONS
[X] Examine the ELEVATOR DOOR.
[X] read the blood covered sign.
-[X] If you can't lift it up to a light, if that isn't strong enough use a flashlight.
[X] Examine the TOOLBOX
[X] Search the COUCH! Couch cushions always have stuff in their crevices. Like coins! Or pens! Or even snacks maybe!
[X] Check the LOCKERS. Are they locked? They are probably locked. Still, assuming makes an ass out of you and- wait, is ass a curse word? Hmm.
[X] Examine the PORTRAIT. Still Mari's dad? Any changes?
[X] Give Kala the box of CRAYONS
Actually, you don't need to vote on other people's ideas. Everything will be used regardless, so it's usually better to come up with something new to add.
[X] Pick up TOOLBOX

[X] Take sample of blood on SIGN
[X] Wipe SIGN clean, so we can read it
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> Kala: Receive a gift
[X] Old wives tale? Myth? Urban legend?
"Don't be dumb, Luce, I don't even have a wife." Owen shakes his head disappointedly.
[X] Examine the TOOLBOX
[X] Pick up TOOLBOX
It's relatively light, but also LOCKED. You consider KICKING IT, but you don't want to STUB YOUR TOE,and a good JUNIOR SLEUTH should avoid any danger that isn't strictly necessary.


You can tell from the pattern of dust on it and where it's worn - this TOOLBOX has been here for a long time, and is never moved, but isn't used often. It's probably for ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE.
[X] Search the COUCH! Couch cushions always have stuff in their crevices. Like coins! Or pens! Or even snacks maybe!
[X] Ask the others about what their favorite TV shows are as you work. Maybe if you can find a remote...
Although the couch looks like a TEMPTING PLACE TO NAP, you've already had enough naps here in this life-and-death situation, so you instead lift up the cushions and look for anything of use. As you do so, you casually listen in to Owen and Mari's conversation. Perhaps they're getting along!

"Don't be so stupid, that's obviously not right!"

"Oh, wow, I, uh, I see, I'm the one being stupid, right, yeah, of course, yeah. Right."

Perhaps they're not getting along. Rolling your eyes, you call out a change of subject. "What's your favorite television show?"

"How It's Made," Mari says instantly, turning away from an indignant Owen who seems torn between continuing his argument with her and replying to the question. In an attempt to get him to choose the latter, offering him an encouraging smile.

"I like the show with the, with the..." He stomps a foot on the ground, gesturing wildly with his hands. You're about to suggest he's been watching Nike advertisements when Mari cuts in.

"Monty Python's Flying Circus?"

Owen frowns, and then grins. "Yeah! It's, uh, it's weird, and very old, and I don't always get it, but I just think it's funny, is all."

Mari seems to be smiling, just a little. "Oh, it is, isn't it? Maybe your tastes aren't complete rubbish after all. What about you, Calloway?"

You roll your eyes, and think. "Hmm... I really like that Sherlock Holmes one that's set in America, but they changed a lot of things from the books, but on the other hand there are very clever mysteries, but on another hand-"

"You have three hands, now," Mari points out with a smirk.

"On another hand," you continue unfazed, "I really just like any show that has a clever detective in it."

At first, you're not sure what you've heard - then your brain is able to process, it wasn't the rustling of leaves, the whistle of wind. It was a voice. Kala suddenly stands among you. "I like the news. The people who read it are always calm. And safe. And warm. With nice clothes. That is how I would like to be. Safe, warm, calm, and wearing nice clothes while reading things."

You nod thoughtfully, thinking this over, before suddenly remembering you're supposed to be looking through the couch. Looking down, you see what you've missed - it seems like all you'll find here is a CHEAP HAIRPIN and what appears to be an INSTRUCTION MANUAL of some sort, as well as exactly SEVENTY-THREE CENTS IN LOOSE CHANGE. Wow, think of all the things you could do with that! You could buy a newspaper, or a chocolate bar, or one two hundred billionth of the International Space Station!
[X] Examine the PORTRAIT. Still Mari's dad? Any changes?
The PORTRAIT, seems to depict... wait, that's not Charles Brighton! That's not even a real portrait! It's a POORLY DRAWN CRAYON SCRIBBLE of a woman, with a speech bubble saying "BLUH BLUH, KLAUS, STOP WATCHING TELEVISION DURING WORK HOURS" that's been affixed to the wall with THREE PIECES OF BLU-TACK and ONE PIECE OF CHEWING GUM. Huh.
[X] Check the LOCKERS. Are they locked? They are probably locked. Still, assuming makes an ass out of you and- wait, is ass a curse word? Hmm.
You would never curse, of course, but in the context of a CLEVER SAYING, you're pretty sure it's acceptable. The TOP LOCKER is UNLOCKED, and contains a few ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, while the BOTTOM LOCKER is... huh. It FEELS like it should be unlocked, but it WON'T OPEN. Maybe the LOCK IS JAMMED?
[X] read the blood covered sign.
-[X] If you can't lift it up to a light, if that isn't strong enough use a flashlight.
The SIGN reads:
SIGN said:
The rest is COVERED IN BLOOD. You briefly consider trying to find a FISH to try and get it to RESET THE ELEVATOR for you, but then you instantly drop-kick that idea into the IDEAS GUTTER, to roaring applause from the referee. That's how SPORTS goes, right?

Instead, you try to prize the SIGN off the wall, but you can't! It's firmly affixed! You shine the FLASHLIGHT onto it, but to no avail. All you achieve is BRIGHTER BLOOD, which, while a GREAT NAME FOR AN INDIE BAND, is not very useful.
[X] Give Kala the box of CRAYONS
As you investigate, you see Kala standing in the corner of the room, occasionally flickering out of existence and flickering in again somewhere else. She seems... more than lonely, like a person should be, she seems alone, like a ship on the sea with nothing on the horizon, like an oasis in the middle of a desert. Slowly, you stop your investigation to gesture for Owen to give you the CRAYONS, before walking over to her and slowly, gently, as if petting a skittish animal, holding them out. She stares, tilting her head to one side, flickering between her position and one a few steps to the right, before speaking up.


"They're for you. If you want them."

She seems confused. "For me."

"... Yes." You're starting to feel a bit weird, holding them out in front of you with Mari and Owen staring, and your arm is getting sore. You wait what feels like a second, a minute, then an hour, the moment stretching on and on and on, until in one swift motion she snatches it from your hand, leaps forwards, and just as you're about to raise your hands above your head to defend yourself, wraps her arms around you in a hug.

It's a curious hug, flickering and shimmering and not quite there, but it's something - although after a few seconds she slips through your arms like water trickling between your fingers, back to the corner of the room, watching with dark and inquisitive eyes - as if nothing had happened.
[X] Examine the ELEVATOR DOOR
Well, it sure is a DOOR, and it belongs to an ELEVATOR. You might be CONCUSSED and looking at a GAZEBO WINDOW, though, you never know for sure. There's probably some sort of MECHANICAL FAULT going on here, but you wouldn't know how to recognize such a thing if there was. Maybe you should get SOMEONE ELSE to look at this.
[X] Take sample of blood on SIGN
[X] Wipe SIGN clean, so we can read it
The BLOOD is too long dried to be wiped off, and you have nothing with which to take a SAMPLE.
[X] Mari: Try to open the TOOLBOX with either the SCREWDRIVER or the GOLD CROWBAR.
[X] Mari: In a stunning display of originality, try to open the BOTTOM LOCKER with either the SCREWDRIVER or the GOLD CROWBAR.
[X] Take the not really a PORTRAIT of the wall. There is always important stuff hidden behind portraits.
[X] Owen: Try to UNSTICK the LOCKER DOOR with your strength.
[X] Provide an ART CRITIQUE on the portrait.
[X] Kala: Hide in the corner, thinking about how you could leap out at people and say 'boo' at them, but be far too nervous to actually want to scare other people like that.

...I admit, for this Quest, I'm best for joke votes.