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"Into a brave new world, fighting every step of the way. Do not be discouraged. Death is very possible." - My philosophy from February 2022

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Yumi's Theme Song?
I think I have the perfect theme song for Yumi:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHHW_EoZZS0
The lyrics match up perfectly for her in my mind. Don't care if its the second Railgun OP, Misaka already has several other bangers.

and an english version, so you don't need to read the lyrics

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXLyFfFXUSw

Edit: also, this makes me think we shouldn't rely on Null Physical, if someone tries a magical melee attack we are done for.
Thankfully Yumi hasn't internalized her invulnerability and still dodges
A Recommendation
If you haven't already seen it, I cannot recommend the web series "Angel Hare" enough. It is...

...I can't even find the words. It has short episodes, but they are quality videos! I recently watched it, and I just wanted to share something that wasn't the overhanging dread of Walpurgisnacht or the--

Nevermind. Anyways, voting closed!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 10, 2023 at 10:57 PM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] "I mean, I did tell dad about magic a few days ago. But the stuff I just told you all happened today, and he kinda has a job... So there really hasn't been a moment I could tell him."
    [X] Melt into the couch. "This is just what happened TODAY, and this is the first chance I've gotten to sit down and rest from it. Haven't had a chance yet."
    -[X] "It's not like I can stop time and take a breather when I need to."
    -[X] "Besides, he didn't take me entirely seriously when I told him, at first."
    --[X] "And honestly? I don't want to strip him of his coping mechanism, or he'll start to worry he'll lose me too."
"Voting Closed" Media!
Team Rocket Grunt, standing menacingly in front of Yuma: Prepare for tr-

View: https://youtu.be/__bNBn0MS_k?si=PcudKws9Q7pXiJbP
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Oct 16, 2023 at 11:19 PM, finished with 18 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "Anything from an eldritch abomination that can avoid making people insane -- if only because we're already insane to it -- to an out-of-control paperclip-maximizing artificial intelligence. Made by an eldritch abomination."
    -[X] "Perhaps the body is puppeted from a distance? After all, it seems to always be the same entity even when the body is destroyed. And since they don't understand magic very well, it may be technological in origin."
    [X] "Perhaps the body is puppeted from a distance? After all, it seems to always be the same entity even when the body is destroyed. And since they don't understand magic very well, it may be technological in origin."
    [X] "Anything from an eldritch abomination that can avoid making people insane -- if only because we're already insane to it -- to an out-of-control paperclip-maximizing artificial intelligence. Made by an eldritch abomination."
    -[X] Pull The Bucket out of the Gauntlet, and spin it on one finger with a manic grin. "I mean, does anyone feel crazier than they were before that conversation? Bucket-chan will help fix it!" Relax to a normal grin, "Kidding, kidding." Put... **that THING** away.
    -[X] More seriously, "Perhaps the body is puppeted from a distance? After all, it seems to always be the same entity even when the body is destroyed. And since they don't understand magic very well, it may be technological in origin."
    --[X] "Or it's a swarm of individually-independent bodies with identical rules of operation sharing data rapidly."
    ---[X] It's a bunch of possibilities, probably not important exactly which one it is right now -- we don't have the information needed to figure it out and Kyubey's self-preservation would probably involve not sharing the details.
    [X] "Perhaps the body is puppeted from a distance? After all, it seems to always be the same entity even when the body is destroyed. And since they don't understand magic very well, it may be technological in origin."
    -[X] Call Mami on the phone. "So, Kyubey says you agreed to mediate between us as part of its 'plan to strengthen relations with me,' so I was wondering what the context for that was on your end." You're pretty sure torpedoing Kyubey's relationship with her would be against the truce, so unfortunately you can't tell her why it's gotten so bad that a mediator is necessary. You need this peace to prepare for the war that's coming to you, after all.
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