[] Plan Have Faith
-[] Yara equips the Shield Generator and Holds the symbiote to use for emergencies on herself or someone else. Position herself away from the windows in case another chains comes to try and kidnap her.
-[] Have DS put the Hustle on both Chatelet and Belle Sabreuse. Put 1 Shield on Chimera, and 2 on Handyman. Find where that Chain came from and tell MW about to send her Menagerie there. Stay besid Yara and ready to take hits in her place.
-[] MW makes a Hit Chimera and send it to attack Seraph along with Nevermores to keep her away from Mona. She sends the rest of her Menagerie to flush out the 3rd part that tried to kidnap yara. Stay besid Yara and ready to take hits in her place.
-[] Belle Sabreuse and Chatelet take on Brass Shield. Belle on Offense using her sword and Power to break the armor. Chatelet on Defense to stop him from taking Yara and give Belle an opening to attack.
-[] VG on Scissors to take Silvio to the area loaded with C4 and make sure everyone is away from his Range. Use Telekinesis to throw him and Taunts to keep his attention. Call him a Faker, a Parasite, how steadfast is ashamed of him and hell the fact public is making fanfics about them.
-[] Handyman and Leizi take on Joules and Ete. Leizi using Lightning to deflect Joules plasma and Handyman Armors himself up with anti flames and pummel ete in H2H.
-[] Have Mona Conserve her Energy in her Core and try and absorb SK light to heal up. Use her Core to ram either WH or SK with it at sonic or supersonic speeds.

Have Faith really leaves us at a disadvantage. Not only does it not commit our full resources to immediately beating Brass Shield by sending the Menagerie to go search for clones while the Chimera goes to fight Seraph, the woman guarded by White Hawk and Sunlight Knight, it leaves Handyman and Lady Leizi out in the open against Ete and Joules. Ete in particular is really dangerous in a open melee because she has numbers and disposable meat shields on her side, while Lady Leizi and Handyman can't utilize their best stats because there's nowhere to hide in the frontyard. Thanks to the enemy's superior numbers, they will get surrounded in quick order and beaten to a pulp.

Meanwhile, Mona's hoping that the Chimera sent after Seraph will last long enough while she conserves her energy and plays it safe fighting White Hawk and Sunlight Knight. This really isn't the time to be slow and conservative when we're on a timer and she has the advantage in firepower up in the sky. White Hawk can keep her occupied (and he will, because the plan has her try to attack him) while Sunlight Knight goes and ties up the Chimera, in which case, Seraph is free to fight Mona who is on her last point of HP and incredibly weak to psychic attacks. It would have been better if she just focused on beating Seraph since she's the only person in the sky who can actually harm Mona.

Have Faith leaves Black Swan incredibly vulnerable to getting knocked out by Seraph, and the same goes for Lady Leizi and Handyman who are going to be outnumbered and outgunned by Ete and her summons, not to mention Joules. It's making a bunch of tactical blunders we could avoid, takes risks where it doesn't need to, its targetting priority is all over the place and doesn't prioritize the main threats, and just generally leaves us in a worse position than when we started this fight.

If we lose Black Swan or Lady Leizi now, and Have Faith puts us in a incredibly precarious position where both are increasingly possible, we'll have effectively lost the mission on our first turn.
Turns out the plan based on having faith in Mona relies on having faith in Mona. Especially since you are discounting the fact the clones are still around. The plan could use an addition where if White Hawk tries to disengage Mona she just takes the opportunity to shoot him. I don't think Sunlight Knight would take a blow for him, and if he does Leizi has a shield generator if she doesn't manage to evade him, so Black Swan can just shoot him again the next turn.
You are taunting her with her dead husband.
But if the terrain is as you say, then it could work? Idk, LL and Handyman can only attack hand to hand so that is limiting if the enemy doesn't get close.
Besides, please, if not the Chimera, at least have MW spam Nevermores to target Seraph. If Black Sawn is interrupted in taking her down then she is done for. Having something to bother Seraph with would help reach that positive result.
my plan does have chimera and nevermore targetting seraph.

Edit: Also I'm pretty sure Mina still has the highest Hit out of everyone here. SIne we know Breaking through the Stat cap requires big feats. And if WH had broke through he wouldnt be scared of mona enough to go for 3v1.

As for Brass Shield. Hes already injured Belle has power suited against Objects and a sword nearly as tough as Mona and Chately has Hit 7 i trsut the 2 to handle brass shield when his already injured.
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You are taunting her with her dead husband.
But if the terrain is as you say, then it could work? Idk, LL and Handyman can only attack hand to hand so that is limiting if the enemy doesn't get close.
Besides, please, if not the Chimera, at least have MW spam Nevermores to target Seraph. If Black Sawn is interrupted in taking her down then she is done for. Having something to bother Seraph with would help reach that positive result.
Taunting her with her dead husband is necessary to make sure Ete and Joules take the bait and go into the woods rather than marching into the house.

That said, Handyman actually does have crude range attacks like his bone crossbows. Good point on having MW spam Nevernores at Seraph though, I'll edit it in.

Turns out the plan based on having faith in Mona relies on having faith in Mona. Especially since you are discounting the fact the clones are still around. The plan could use an addition where if White Hawk tries to disengage Mona she just takes the opportunity to shoot him. I don't think Sunlight Knight would take a blow for him, and if he does Leizi has a shield generator if she doesn't manage to evade him, so Black Swan can just shoot him again the next turn.
There's Having Faith in Mona, and then there's giving Mona bad orders and hoping it works out somehow. One is based on trust, and the other is just praying we roll high enough.
Good point on having MW spam Nevernores at Seraph though, I'll edit it in.
Wait, no. Something even better, have some Nevermores come with several somewhat small copies of her spider, whose name I don't remmember, on their backs. So if they get close enough, have the spiders jump at Seraph as the Nevermores attack. I think that could do the trick.
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I don't remmember what Joules can do, but Ete can summon an army of fire soldiers, she doesn't need to move.
I suppose it could work, but it depends too much on Ete acting the way needed.
She doesn't need to move, but we know that Ete is emotionally vulnerable, a really spiteful control freak, and not that bright considering how she acted in the meeting with Powers.

Considering her personality, and her already existing animosity for Lady Leizi and her friends, she absolutely will want to wring Handyman's neck herself.

Wait, no. Something even better, have some Nevermores come with several somewhat small copies of her spider, whose name I don't remmember, on their backs. So if they get close enough, have the spiders jump at Seraph as the Nevermores attack. I think that could do the trick.
Nevermores having extra cargo will slow them down and limit their mobility since they need to keep the spiders from falling. They'll already have a difficult time getting past Seraph's bodyguards, so I don't think it's worth doing.
Stockpile is priority target so I just feel like its a risk we have to take if we want to make to sure atleast get stockpile away from the others.
I am sure VG can do it by herself, push him away, that is. Either way any attempts could be render naught, depending on how good VJ's teleportation is. Ignoring the other 2 is just too risky, is injustifiable for such low dps chance.
Nevermores having extra cargo will slow them down and limit their mobility since they need to keep the spiders from falling. They'll already have a difficult time getting past Seraph's bodyguards, so I don't think it's worth doing.
The thing with spiders is that they can stick themselves to surfaces somewhat so they can grip. Besides I was thinking of spiders the size of spiders and like only 10 or 15 in each bird. Either way, I don't really know if MW can make such small summons. But if you believe it would be too much, then fine. I was just thinking it could be funny and advantageous taking into account the natural fear of spiders many people have.
[X] Plan: Get back inside.
-[X] Yara equips the Shield Generator and Holds the symbiote to use for emergencies on herself or someone else. Position herself away from the windows in case another chains comes to try and kidnap her.
-[X] Have DS put the Hustle on both Chatelet and Belle Sabreuse. Put 1 Shield on Chimera, and 2 on Handyman. Find where that Chain came from and tell MW about to send her Menagerie there. Stay besid Yara and ready to take hits in her place.
-[X] VG on Scissors to take Silvio to the area loaded with C4 and make sure everyone is away from his Range, if thats not enough ever further away. Use Telekinesis to throw him and Taunts to keep his attention. Call him a Thief, Faker, a Parasite, Liar, how steadfast is ashamed of him and hell the fact public is making fanfics about them. Once there try and shut his armor down.
-[X] MW makes a Hit Chimera and send it to attack Seraph. MV use 1/2 of her mimions to help LL/Handyman, another 1/2 to find and force the clones out in the open.
-[X] Belle Sabreuse and Chatelet take on Brass Shield. Belle on Offense using her sword and Power to keep him busy, while Chatelet used her power to force him out of the house.
-[X] Once Brass is outside, Chatelet surport's LL and Handyman their retreat back to the house. Once their are inside, she used her power to fort down most of the house.
-[X] Have Mona keep SK and WH busy, so they dosen't goes of and help their teammates.
-[X] LL/handyman do a figthin retreat back to the house and help with fortning down the house.
-[X] Once the two enemy fations are figthing each, take a break and come up with a plan to get Yara

The idea here is to fort down the house, and had ours two enemy fations fitgh each others.
You know what may say. If you want to capture a snake, you must force it out in the opening.
I could use some help with the plan, to make it better.

Edit: I add some new part to the plan, and make a little change to one part of it.
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Amazing how there's still so little consensus. Let me try a compromise:

[] Plan Bases Covered
-[] Mona fights Sunlight Knight and White Hawk, avoiding Seraph's range.
-[] Handyman and Lady Leizhi take on Ête and Joules, using the forested area as cover to hamper the summons.
-[] Valiant Gold uses Telekinesis to throw Stockpile towards the C4 and generally away from the group.
-[] Menagerie Witch makes a flying HIT Chimera; Châtelet rides it and goes to fight Seraph. The rest of the people in the house fight Brass Shield. Doc puts a shield on Handyman and Châtelet and Hustle on the Chimera and Belle Sabreuse.

How about this?
Amazing how there's still so little consensus. Let me try a compromise:

[] Plan Bases Covered
-[] Mona fights Sunlight Knight and White Hawk, avoiding Seraph's range.
-[] Handyman and Lady Leizhi take on Ête and Joules, using the forested area as cover to hamper the summons.
-[] Valiant Gold uses Telekinesis to throw Stockpile towards the C4 and generally away from the group.
-[] Menagerie Witch makes a flying HIT Chimera; Châtelet rides it and goes to fight Seraph. The rest of the people in the house fight Brass Shield. Doc puts a shield on Handyman and Châtelet and Hustle on the Chimera and Belle Sabreuse.

How about this?
I can live with this, yeah. My only worry is that without taunting Ete, they might not decide to chase after LL and HM and just march into the house to reinforce Brass Shield.
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Yeah, we don't even know if Ete is still boosted or not. I doubt it, but they still are addicted to that healing one so who knows what else she now takes just because she's doomed either way.
Yeah, we don't even know if Ete is still boosted or not. I doubt it, but they still are addicted to that healing one so who knows what else she now takes just because she's doomed either way.
Isn't the SM boost permanent?
I can live with this, yeah. My only worry is that without taunting Ete, they might not decode to chase after LL and HM and just march into thebhouse to reinforfe Brass Shield.
[X] Plan Bases Covered
-[X] Mona fights Sunlight Knight and White Hawk, avoiding Seraph's range.
-[X] Handyman and Lady Leizhi take on Ête and Joules; Handyman will taunt Ete before using the forested area as cover to hamper the summons.
-[X] Valiant Gold uses Telekinesis to throw Stockpile towards the C4 and generally away from the group.
-[X] Menagerie Witch makes a flying HIT Chimera; Châtelet rides it and goes to fight Seraph. The rest of the people in the house fight Brass Shield. Doc puts a shield on Handyman and Châtelet and Hustle on the Chimera and Belle Sabreuse.
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[X] Plan Bases Covered

This plan covers most of what I want. We get Valiant Justice away from everyone else, Lady Leizi and Handyman fight in their preferred terrain instead of having go against a battalion of summons in melee, Seraph gets tied up so she can't attack Mona, and Mona will beat the stuffing out of White Hawk which will be incredibly satisfying.

We bruised his face last time. Now let's see if we can knock a few teeth loose.
I don't like how this situation is so chaotic that every time a new plan comes up it feels like someone points out a flaw in it... But for now I gotta switch my vote to this.

[X] Plan Bases Covered
Handyman will transform into Printemps to taunt Ete
I really don't like this though. It doesn't seem mecessary too, since I am fairly sure Handyman and LL (barring outside interference) are able to keep Été and Joules occupied.

And there's no mention of the third party interference at all. The plan seem to just ignore them and hope for the best? When their focus will most likely be all in on getting at Yara?
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Hey guys.
I would still like some feedback on my plan.
I'm not that good with free write-in votes, so my plan may had a few holes in it. That's why I want some feedback on it.
What flews is there, what could be done better, or different. I am not asking much, am I?
My plan is to turn the house into a fort, and force SB clones to figth Crusade instead of us. Is just so we can get some rest, so we had time to come with a plan, to get Yara back our HQ.
-[X] MW makes a Hit Chimera and send it to attack Seraph. MV use 1/3 of her mimions to help LL/Handyman, another 1/3 to find and force the clones out in the open, and the rest to surport BS.
I believe that actively searching for the clones doesn't really help. They will appear on their own, just have those summons focused on defense of MW and Yara.
There are too many foes to escape without beating most of them.