Not really a fan of any of the leading plans, so I'm going to try my hand at one.

Victory Condition: Evacuate Yara to the Apiary.
  • Sub-objectives:
    • Keep Yara safe.
    • Limit Crusade's ability to chase after us by destroying their mobility, but since nearly everyone in their team has mobility options, that basically means defeating them here and now.
      • Prioritize Valiant Justice due to his damage aura and Seraph as these two are the only ones who can exploit Black Swan's weakness.
    • The clones are staying hidden for now, but they'll likely jump in to kidnap Yara if the opportunity presents itself. Ergo, someone needs to be besides her all the time.

[X] Plan: Blitz and Ambush
-[X] Sky:
--[X] Black Swan should utilize her speed and range to keep her distance from Seraph. White Hawk and Sunlight Knight will try to keep her from blasting Seraph out of the sky, so play into that expectation during the initial exchange and when her two bodyguards are expecting another barrage from afar, maneuver and blitz Seraph up close as hard as you can.
-[X] Frontyard:
--[X] Valiant Gold will open the fight by using Module "Scissors" to telekinetically and physically throw Valiant Justice away from the frontyard and into the piles of C4. Her goal will be to keep him away from everyone else, and analyze if there's some way to disable or sabotage his psychic siphon.
--[X] Handyman will transform into Printemps to taunt Ete before running with Lady Leizi to disappear into the foliage opposite of wherever Valiant Gold and Valiant Justice are fighting. Utilize the cover provided by the foliage to hide and hit from unexpected angles. He should maintain a armored form when on the attack and on the retreat, but otherwise be more fluid when hiding.
-[X] House:
--[X] Menagerie Witch immediately summons a HIT Chimera which shall charge Brass Shield with the goal of grappling him to the ground, while the rest of her grounded minions bodily shield her and Yara. Her Nevermores should instead go and attack Seraph.
--[X] Doctor Silver will shield Belle, Châtelet, and Yara, while giving the Chimera the Hustle the moment it's summoned. Additionally, he and Yara should move away from any windows and similar openings. Hunker down together behind some furniture and see if he can spot some flaw or weakness in Brass Shield's power armor for the others to exploit.
--[X] Châtelet will constrain Brass Shield's movements with her barriers and gravity manipulation in order to help the Chimera and Belle get within melee range of him.

Seraph needs to go down, ASAP. She's the most vulnerable of the group and I think Black Swan has a good shot of taking her out right now if we play our cards right.

The fight in the House shoudl be easy-ish since we outnumber Brass Shield and he can't use his entire arsenal properly with the VIP being danger close and the room limiting his movements, not to mention Chatelet interfering with him. We pin him to the ground and have Belle and the Chimera crush him.

The fight in the Frontyard is trickier. We're all in agreement that Valiant Justice needs to get pushed out of the fight, so a 1v1 with Valiant Gold it is. Lady Leizi and Handyman are at a severe disadvantage against Ete who I must remind everyone, can summon a ton of minions with very scary weapons. A brawl out in the open will see Handyman and Lady Leizi overwhelmed by the numbers advantage. Considering Handyman and Lady Leizi are espionage specialists, let's bait them into ground that's more favorable for the both of them.

Yara's safehouse is on a hill with enough foliage to hide tons of C-4, so they ought to perform better there.
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Just gonna note that I made some edit to my plan. With QM reminder I realize that theres no reason for Mona to conserve energy so instead I'm having her support VG in fighting Stockpile. Also made it clear that if the C4 arent far enough to throw him away even further. Having both our P13 should be enough to either take him down or force him away.

[X] Plan Have Faith
-[X] Yara Takes the shield Generator and Symbiote then takes cover inside the house.
-[X] BS fights WH and SK with a focus on SK to force him to attack which BS can try and absorb to heal.
-[X] Chatelet Rides Flying Hit Chimera and Fights Seraph to take her down and atleast keep her away from BS.
-[X] MW Creates a Hit Chimera, then Sends her Menagerie to support DS and Belle Sabreuse againts Brass Shield.
-[X] DS Puts a Barrier in Chatelet and Handyman. Puts the Hustle in Belle, Chimera and The House.
-[X] Belle Sabreuse Fights Brass Shield supported by DS and MW.
-[X] VG uses Scissors to throw Stockpile Away into the C4 or beyond until everyone is out of his range. Insult him in order to keep his focus on VG.
-[X] LL and HM fights Ete and Joules with Handyman using Ant-Flame armor and taunts so he can pummel ete H2H.
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The idea that Black Swan can just ignore White Hawk, Sunlight Knight, and Seraph to help deal with Valiant Gold is deeply dangerous in that even if she does successfully disengage from them, that leaves those three free to interfere whereever they want.

They see Handyman and Lady Leizi outnumbered fighting Joules and Ete out in the open? Their combined might can trivially crush the two of them and use Lady Leizi as a hostage to get the rest of Justice Unlimited to stand down. Is it dirty? Yes, but as we've seen again and again, White Hawk is not above playing dirty to get what he wants.

If they decide to chase after her while she's assisting Valiant Gold? Black Swan's back to square one except she is now near the teleporting suit of armor that did 3 damage to her in an instant.
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sleepy late night brain blast

I wonder if Butterfly's power is Potency locked, meaning she can only have clones of Heroes up to a certain number of Potency.
Of course this assumes that normal people without powers count as Zero Potency, so ehhh maybe not.
The idea that Black Swan can just ignore White Hawk, Sunlight Knight, and Seraph is deeply dangerous in that even if she does successfully disengage from them, that leaves those three free to interfere whereever they want.

They see Handyman and Lady Leizi outnumbered fighting Joules and Ete? Well, their combined powers can trivially crush the two of them and use Lady Leizi as a hostage to get the rest of Justice Unlimited to stand down. Is it dirty? Yes, but as we've seen again and again, White Hawk is not above playing dirty to get what he wants.
I sent the chimera to seraph. WH isnt stronger that SM and She can just absorb sk light and trusting on her Invulnerability.

Edit: I did add to attack them instead if they try to interfere in others fiht though. That should BS a free hit on them.
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I sent the chimera to seraph. WH isnt stronger that SM and She can just absorb sk light.
Great, Seraph is occupied. You think White Hawk and Sunlight Knight are just going to whale on Black Swan their entire turn when they can instead, take out the head of our organization right now and use Lady Leizi as a hostage to force everyone else to stand down, thus effectively neutralizing Black Swan without even fighting her?

Lady Leizi knows she's the weak link in a combat situation. Crusade knows that too. Alternatively, they can go reinforce Brass Shield and grab Yara since our team there doesn't have the firepower needed to stop White Hawk. By leaving White Hawk and Sunlight Knight free to act on their own, you give them the tactical freedom to crush any one of our two fronts that doesn't have Black Swan in it.

Edit: I did add to attack them instead if they try to interfere in others fiht though. That should BS a free hit on them.
Then you're back to square one with Black Swan forced to engage White Hawk and Sunlight Knight instead of contributing to defating Valiant Gold. She's going to need more than one free hit to take down White Hawk and Sunlight Knight, not unless she's willing to kill which we know Justice Unlimited doesn't do out of principle.
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Great, Seraph is occupied. You think White Hawk and Sunlight Knight are just going to whale on Black Swan their entire turn when they can instead, take out the head of our organization right now and use Lady Leizi as a hostage to force everyone else to stand down, thus effectively neutralizing Black Swan without even fighting her?

Lady Leizi knows she's the weak link in a combat situation. Crusade knows that too. Alternatively, they can go reinforce Brass Shield and grab Yara since our team there doesn't have the firepower needed to stop White Hawk. By leaving White Hawk and Sunlight Knight free to act on their own, you give them the tactical freedom to crush any one of our two fronts that doesn't have Black Swan in it.

Then you're back on square one with Black Swan forced to engage White Hawk and Sunlight Knight instead of contributing to defating Valiant Gold. She's going to need more than one free hit to take down White Hawk and Sunlight Knight, not unless she's willing to kill which we know Justice Unlimited doesn't do out of principle.
The armor should be storng enough to take a strong blast tbf.

Plus your plan relies on outrunning ete and Joules and catch up enough to give them an opening to attack Stockpile. While also risking BS in getting close to Seraph and actually getting taken down.

End of the day we just have to trust our Team and roll the dice. I believe The shields can protect are frontliner and Belle and Chatelet can beat brass before The Fliers can intervene.
The armor should be storng enough to take a strong blast tbf.

Plus your plan relies on outrunning ete and Joules and catch up enough to give them an opening to attack Stockpile. While also risking BS in getting close to Seraph and actually getting taken down.

End of the day we just have to trust our Team and roll the dice. I believe The shields can protect are frontliner and Belle and Chatelet can beat brass before The Fliers can intervene.
Who are you talking about in regards to the armor? My point is that Black Swan can't keep White Hawk who has invincibility from interfering with the other fights unless she forces him to, and if we give him the opening to act on crushing either Lady Leizi and Handyman, or reinforcing Brass Shield to kidnap Yara, he will go and do that unless Black Swan gets in his face and stops him. Frankly, Black Swan is strong, but she can't keep White Hawk still and bombard Valiant Justice at the same time.

That said, I'd rather risk eating some damage to get into a environment that actually favors Lady Leizi and Handyman since their best stat is Espionage, than thinking they can win a fight with a summoner on open ground where numbers will make melee incredibly futile.

Similarly, the idea that Belle and Chatelet can beat Brass Shield before White Hawk and Sunlight Knight can intervene is unfounded. We have never beaten another metahuman in a single round.

Black Swan will never be able to take out Seraph from ranged while White Hawk with his Invincibility is there to eat shots for her. If we want to down the 2nd biggest threat on the field, then getting up close where White Hawk can't intercept her shots is needed. My plan has a logical route to being able to do so, and much like you said, we just have to trust our team and roll the dice.

In terms of failure states, any plan that leaves White Hawk and Sunlight Knight free to act is incredibly bad as it exposes our squishiest members to them. If Lady Leizi goes down here because White Hawk and Sunlight Knight dogpiles her because she's out in the open surrounded by a horde of Ete's summons, we've already lost the mission. It's why I have them hide in the forest of C4, so they have a harder time of doing so in case the worst happens and we lose Black Swan. The plan has contingencies if things go wrong.
Paper can make Ete a non-issue by hijacking her flames and using them against both Joules and Stockpile, and the fact that it locks-on and can do area coverage means that it can still force Stockpile towards the C4-hell, it can detonate it by sparking it instead of having to knock him into it.
Great, Seraph is occupied. You think White Hawk and Sunlight Knight are just going to whale on Black Swan their entire turn when they can instead, take out the head of our organization right now and use Lady Leizi as a hostage to force everyone else to stand down, thus effectively neutralizing Black Swan without even fighting her?
The GM confirmed they are afraid of Black Swan, so I actually don't think they will just ignore her. Yes, they can try to interfere in other fights but Mona is literally threatening their strongest ally in Stockpile. If they try to blitz Lady Leizi instead of trying to contain Mona they are also giving her free rein.
Paper can make Ete a non-issue by hijacking her flames and using them against both Joules and Stockpile, and the fact that it locks-on and can do area coverage means that it can still force Stockpile towards the C4-hell, it can detonate it by sparking it instead of having to knock him into it.
Relying on ranged attacks to keep a shielded teleporter away seems futile to me. We can neutralize Ete's flames with Paper, sure, but that means Valiant Justice and his damage aura are still in the frontyard instead of getting thrown around by TK away from everyone else.
The GM confirmed they are afraid of Black Swan, so I actually don't think they will just ignore her. Yes, they can try to interfere in other fights but Mona is literally threatening their strongest ally in Stockpile. If they try to blitz Lady Leizi instead of trying to contain Mona they are also giving her free rein.
White Hawk has a really easy method of neutralizing Black Swan without fighting her. Go beat up Lady Leizi in what is now a 4v2 or 3v2 if he decides to send Sunlight Knight on a suicide mission to keep BS busy, and use Lady Leizi as a hostage to get everyone else to stand down.

He's afraid of Black Swan, but he's also smart, and we know White Hawk has ambitions of leadership. This lets him accomplish two things with one move: Get JU to stand down and give him Yara, and let Valiant Justice get injured enough that he's out of action for a while due to having to fight 2 Potency 13s at once so leadership naturally falls on White Hawk.

I really don't see a reason why White Hawk wouldn't go down this route. He's competent and ruthless enough to do it if given the opportunity.
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I don't actually think he can do this for free even if he sends Sunlight Knight on a "suicide mission", if he is even loyal enough to accept that. We can literally can just let him wail on Mona while she shoots White Hawk because it turns out they don't actually have the DPS and are relying on Seraph. Like, how can Sunlight Knight not let her ignore him in this) hypothetical?
I don't actually think he can do this for free even if he sends Sunlight Knight on a "suicide mission", if he is even loyal enough to accept that. We can literally can just let him wail on Mona while she shoots White Hawk because it turns out they don't actually have the DPS and are relying on Seraph. Like, how can Sunlight Knight not let her ignore him in this) hypothetical?
Yeh as Long as the chimera can handle Seraph which it should be able to since it has no mind to affect. Mona really can jsut ignore the WH and SK since franly speaking there too weak to do anything but stall against BS.

SM showed that mere physical aint enough to put her down and Mona can jsut eat up any energy based attacks to heal up as a blackhole. Hell SK can only fly due a horse of light Mona can just eat that up if SK gets close.

I also feel the idea the 2 can utterly crush leizi and Handyman before BS can even react is too much. WH and SK are definately Top Class but they havent shown anything on the level of the S Class that mona and SM has shown. With the shields up LL and HM should be able to survive long enough for BS to help.

Them going for Yara is a Point but thatd be a 4v3 so again manegable for a single scene.
I don't actually think he can do this for free even if he sends Sunlight Knight on a "suicide mission", if he is even loyal enough to accept that. We can literally can just let him wail on Mona while she shoots White Hawk because it turns out they don't actually have the DPS and are relying on Seraph. Like, how can Sunlight Knight not let her ignore him in this) hypothetical?
Why wouldn't he be able to do that for free? Black Swan will be busy trying to defeat Valiant Justice with Valiant Gold, all her focus will be on helping Valiant Gold and avoiding Valiant Justice who might just teleport in her face with his damage aura to defeat her.

Black Swan can keep ignoring WH and SK, but if no one ties those two up, they can just go crush LL and HM or the team in the house. They're afraid of Black Swan, but they aren't going to avoid the quick and easy win condition we'll hand them since it actually helps them defeat Mona without having to fight her. If Mona decides that no, she has to go help Lady Leizi and gang, then they'd have effectively thwarted the plan to crush Valiant Justice immediately since Valiant Gold will be on her own.

Black Swan can ignore them if they decide to fight her, but fact of the matter is, under the conditions we'll be giving them, they won't need to fight her to win. Don't expect them to keep ineffectively attacking the hardened part of our shell when we expose our soft underbelly to the enemy.

There is no losing move for Crusade here if we let White Hawk go do his own thing.

Them going for Yara is a Point but thatd be a 4v3 so again manegable for a single scene.
White Hawk is another Potency 13 metahuman isn't he? At least Potency 10. Just because he can't beat Black Swan doesn't mean he's no longer a threat, especially when he's still a massive threat to everyone else and can use that against Black Swan. The Horae Guard are supposed to be top shelf metahumans and White Hawk is their leader, they will absolutely crush our team if we let them act freely without Mona to keep them in check.
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Why wouldn't he be able to do that for free? Black Swan will be busy trying to defeat Valiant Justice with Valiant Gold, all her focus will be on helping Valiant Gold and avoiding Valiant Justice who might just teleport in her face with his damage aura to defeat her.
The winning plan, as I understand it, says Mona goes back to shooting them if try to disengage. I don't think they want to be distracted by going to interfere in other fights and eating a full blast from Mona.
The winning plan, as I understand it, says Mona goes back to shooting them if try to disengage. I don't think they want to be distracted by going to interfere in other fights and eating a full blast from Mona.
Right, which is a failure point since that means Mona is no longer attacking Valiant Justice to immediately crush him. Instead, she is now physically closer to one of the two people who can defeat her, a person who can teleport and bypasses her defenses.

Crusade knows their win con is to either defeat Black Swan or Lady Leizi, and the best way to do so is by using Valiant Justice's damage aura. If they can effectively stop Black Swan from targetting Valiant Justice, then we'll have wasted a turn and put Black Swan in a worse position than when she started in.

If they can't grab Mona's attention by attacking her, then they'll grab her attention by attacking the people she cares about. Our enemies are both smart enough and ruthless enough to do so. This isn't Scarlet Maturity who just wants to go blow for blow with Black Swan, Crusade will use underhanded tactics if it gets them the win.

Black Swan decides to keep attacking Valiant Gold? Then they can attack Lady Leizi and use her as a hostage to get everyone else to stand down, or just grab Yara and make a run for it while everyone is busy. Black Swan decides to intercept White Hawk? Then Valiant Justice will still be around and his damage aura will defeat us all in time. Either way, they advance their win condition and we make no progress on ours.
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-[X] Have Mona ignore WH and Absorb SK attacks to regen, keep away from seraph. Support those in the yard by shooting at Stockpile. Work with VG to get Stockpile away from the others and destroy armor by attacking him, slam at him with supersonic dash if she has too. If Horae Guard tries to interfere in the other fights shoot and focus at them instead.
Yeah, no please. It would be better if Black Swan deals with WH and SK now instead of adding more pressure to VJ. VG alone should be able to do it and if anyone else defeats their opponent before, they can help her.
Is just as they say, is not really worth spreading BS's attention like that.
Besides, if we send the Chimera at Seraph then WH and SK are gonna defend her since they need her, I don't know if they can kill it easily but is better to keep the Chimera alive to help in the second round when it starts. So have BS deal with WH and SK while the Chimera and Nevermores deal with Seraph.
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[] Plan Have Faith
-[] Yara equips the Shield Generator and Holds the symbiote to use for emergencies on herself or someone else. Position herself away from the windows in case another chains comes to try and kidnap her.
-[] Have DS put the Hustle on both Chatelet and Belle Sabreuse. Put 1 Shield on Chimera, and 2 on Handyman. Find where that Chain came from and tell MW about to send her Menagerie there. Stay besid Yara and ready to take hits in her place.
-[] MW makes a Hit Chimera and send it to attack Seraph along with Nevermores to keep her away from Mona. She sends the rest of her Menagerie to flush out the 3rd part that tried to kidnap yara. Stay besid Yara and ready to take hits in her place.
-[] Belle Sabreuse and Chatelet take on Brass Shield. Belle on Offense using her sword and Power to break the armor. Chatelet on Defense to stop him from taking Yara and give Belle an opening to attack.
-[] VG on Scissors to take Silvio to the area loaded with C4 and make sure everyone is away from his Range. Use Telekinesis to throw him and Taunts to keep his attention. Call him a Faker, a Parasite, how steadfast is ashamed of him and hell the fact public is making fanfics about them.
-[] Handyman and Leizi take on Joules and Ete. Leizi using Lightning to deflect Joules plasma and Handyman Armors himself up with anti flames and pummel ete in H2H.
-[] Have Mona Conserve her Energy in her Core and try and absorb SK light to heal up. Use her Core to ram either WH or SK with it at sonic or supersonic speeds.

Have Faith really leaves us at a disadvantage. Not only does it not commit our full resources to immediately beating Brass Shield by sending the Menagerie to go search for clones while the Chimera goes to fight Seraph, the woman guarded by White Hawk and Sunlight Knight, it leaves Handyman and Lady Leizi out in the open against Ete and Joules. Ete in particular is really dangerous in a open melee because she has numbers and disposable meat shields on her side, while Lady Leizi and Handyman can't utilize their best stats because there's nowhere to hide in the frontyard. Thanks to the enemy's superior numbers, they will get surrounded in quick order and beaten to a pulp.

Meanwhile, Mona's hoping that the Chimera sent after Seraph will last long enough while she conserves her energy and plays it safe fighting White Hawk and Sunlight Knight. This really isn't the time to be slow and conservative when we're on a timer and she has the advantage in firepower up in the sky. White Hawk can keep her occupied (and he will, because the plan has her try to attack him) while Sunlight Knight goes and ties up the Chimera, in which case, Seraph is free to fight Mona who is on her last point of HP and incredibly weak to psychic attacks. It would have been better if she just focused on beating Seraph since she's the only person in the sky who can actually harm Mona.

Have Faith leaves Black Swan incredibly vulnerable to getting knocked out by Seraph, and the same goes for Lady Leizi and Handyman who are going to be outnumbered and outgunned by Ete and her summons, not to mention Joules. It's making a bunch of tactical blunders we could avoid, takes risks where it doesn't need to, its targetting priority is all over the place and doesn't prioritize the main threats, and just generally leaves us in a worse position than when we started this fight.

If we lose Black Swan or Lady Leizi now, and Have Faith puts us in a incredibly precarious position where both are increasingly possible, we'll have effectively lost the mission on our first turn.
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[X] Plan: Blitz and Ambush
-[X] Sky:
--[X] Black Swan should utilize her speed and range to keep her distance from Seraph. White Hawk and Sunlight Knight will try to keep her from blasting Seraph out of the sky, so play into that expectation during the initial exchange and when her two bodyguards are expecting another barrage from afar, maneuver and blitz Seraph up close as hard as you can.
-[X] Frontyard:
--[X] Valiant Gold will open the fight by using Module "Scissors" to telekinetically and physically throw Valiant Justice away from the frontyard and into the piles of C4. Her goal will be to keep him away from everyone else, and analyze if there's some way to disable or sabotage his psychic siphon.
--[X] Handyman will transform into Printemps to taunt Ete before running with Lady Leizi to disappear into the foliage opposite of wherever Valiant Gold and Valiant Justice are fighting. Utilize the cover provided by the foliage to hide and hit from unexpected angles. He should maintain a armored form when on the attack and on the retreat, but otherwise be more fluid when hiding.
-[X] House:
--[X] Menagerie Witch immediately summons a HIT Chimera which shall charge Brass Shield with the goal of grappling him to the ground, while the rest of her minions bodily shield her and Yara.
--[X] Doctor Silver will shield Belle, Châtelet, and Yara, while giving the Chimera the Hustle the moment it's summoned. Additionally, he and Yara should move away from any windows and similar openings. Hunker down together behind some furniture and see if he can spot some flaw or weakness in Brass Shield's power armor for the others to exploit.
--[X] Châtelet will constrain Brass Shield's movements with her barriers and gravity manipulation in order to help the Chimera and Belle get within melee range of him.

Changing my vote to this
Ete has Fire Powers, the foliage is not gonna be a factor at all. There is nowhere to hide.
If she starts a fire in the hill, then she risks harming the VIP who notably, lives in a house surrounded by said foliage. Considering she's already on thin ice with her superiors due to previous failures, I don't think she'll risk it.
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If she starts a fire in the hill, then she risks harming the VIP who notably, lives in a house surrounded by said foliage. Considering she's already on thin ice with her superiors due to previous failures, I don't think she'll risk it.
You are taunting her with her dead husband.
But if the terrain is as you say, then it could work? Idk, LL and Handyman can only attack hand to hand so that is limiting if the enemy doesn't get close.
Besides, please, if not the Chimera, at least have MW spam Nevermores to target Seraph. If Black Sawn is interrupted in taking her down then she is done for. Having something to bother Seraph with would help reach that positive result.