Though depending on what we get from the results of our remaining actions, we may also want to endorse the merchandising which will probably be another one of Chihiro's extra GA, to get us extra funding.

I also wanna pick out Leizi's weapon global action eventually.
How are we feeling about shield generator distribution and the symbiote? Should we loan some out to Yara and Belle, or have Doc Silver cover 'em when things go south?
I'm not sure we can gift them shields them if we can I would be fine with it to make sure just in case anyone slips by us.

Dr Silver might used up all his shields before yara is attacked directly so best be safe.
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Wait. The Petit Prince was at wonderland until the breakout. So I'm going to assume he was empowered at elysium/the tower thingy.

But he became much stronger very quickly, not slowly. So if he was empowered at eleysium, then they can empower people much faster than how Ellie thinks they can be.

Maybe she's just wrong about the speed. Or maybe they had a breakthrough recently and the Petit Prince benefited from that.

So. Why are these people so desperate to blame Nora for the Movement?
It's not "We care about justice and truth."

And if, as someone uptread suggested, the confessional video that Wolong verified as real is from an alternate timeline, what are the chances of that being one of the things Crusade somehow acquired, by accident.

Hypothisis: The technology to empower people further was improved to be faster, but the first activation of it caused the Movement.
Crusade/their backers need someone to blame - to have everyone "know" that the Movement was this person's fault, so no one ever comes after them in case the empowering thing gets found out.

They went looking for an alternate universe/timeline in which Nora was doing sketchy shit.

Stockpile has no idea the video is from an alternate universe, and his sincere belief is very useful to the one's who provided the video.
Wait. The Petit Prince was at wonderland until the breakout. So I'm going to assume he was empowered at elysium/the tower thingy.

But he became much stronger very quickly, not slowly. So if he was empowered at eleysium, then they can empower people much faster than how Ellie thinks they can be.

Maybe she's just wrong about the speed. Or maybe they had a breakthrough recently and the Petit Prince benefited from that.

So. Why are these people so desperate to blame Nora for the Movement?
It's not "We care about justice and truth."

And if, as someone uptread suggested, the confessional video that Wolong verified as real is from an alternate timeline, what are the chances of that being one of the things Crusade somehow acquired, by accident.

Hypothisis: The technology to empower people further was improved to be faster, but the first activation of it caused the Movement.
Crusade/their backers need someone to blame - to have everyone "know" that the Movement was this person's fault, so no one ever comes after them in case the empowering thing gets found out.

They went looking for an alternate universe/timeline in which Nora was doing sketchy shit.

Stockpile has no idea the video is from an alternate universe, and his sincere belief is very useful to the one's who provided the video.
At work right now but:
  • Petit Prince was spared because he was "potentially useful"
  • Last we know of him he was much stronger than before
  • Only things that could do this are Scarlet Maturity and Jacob's Ladder
What are they cooking with Clovis?

(Also the elevator is named Jacob's Ladder. These people couldn't be subtle to save their lives.)
Wait. The Petit Prince was at wonderland until the breakout. So I'm going to assume he was empowered at elysium/the tower thingy.

But he became much stronger very quickly, not slowly. So if he was empowered at eleysium, then they can empower people much faster than how Ellie thinks they can be.

Maybe she's just wrong about the speed. Or maybe they had a breakthrough recently and the Petit Prince benefited from that.

So. Why are these people so desperate to blame Nora for the Movement?
It's not "We care about justice and truth."

And if, as someone uptread suggested, the confessional video that Wolong verified as real is from an alternate timeline, what are the chances of that being one of the things Crusade somehow acquired, by accident.

Hypothisis: The technology to empower people further was improved to be faster, but the first activation of it caused the Movement.
Crusade/their backers need someone to blame - to have everyone "know" that the Movement was this person's fault, so no one ever comes after them in case the empowering thing gets found out.

They went looking for an alternate universe/timeline in which Nora was doing sketchy shit.

Stockpile has no idea the video is from an alternate universe, and his sincere belief is very useful to the one's who provided the video.
At work right now but:
  • Petit Prince was spared because he was "potentially useful"
  • Last we know of him he was much stronger than before
  • Only things that could do this are Scarlet Maturity and Jacob's Ladder
What are they cooking with Clovis?

(Also the elevator is named Jacob's Ladder. These people couldn't be subtle to save their lives.)
Well, it's still in contention whether Princess herself may or may not be a power booster or not. Entirely possibly that Le Petit Prince's power got boosted in the duration of his stay of Wonderland, maybe got experimented on by Robot-man himself, who we know was doing something to Princess.
Also it's funny they are overdosing on copium so hard they think Opale's powers are stronger; they must be feeling crazy.
Well, it's still in contention whether Princess herself may or may not be a power booster or not. Entirely possibly that Le Petit Prince's power got boosted in the duration of his stay of Wonderland, maybe got experimented on by Robot-man himself, who we know was doing something to Princess.
Thing is, by the time Petit Prince was captured the Ladder was already a thing and he was spared specifically because he could be "potentially useful" according to the big shots. Now he shows up again with a stronger power and is seemingly the only Wonderland escapee who got this benefit? We got opportunity, means and motivation here so I think it's best to assume Clovis is another one of the Philosophers' pawns.
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Also it's funny they are overdosing on copium so hard they think Opale's powers are stronger; they must be feeling crazy.

Thing is, by the time Petit Prince was captured the Ladder was already a thing and he was spared specifically because he could be "potentially useful" according to the big shots. Now he shows up again with a stronger power and is seemingly the only Wonderland escapee who got this benefit? We got motives, means and motivation here so I think it's best to assume Clovis is another one of the Philosophers' pawns.
Perhaps, perhaps! I'm not denying what you're suggesting, it's certainly very plausible even with those evidences. It's just that until then, I'm holding onto other possibilities as well.
They would hate the idea that they've invested everything into a worse version of something that a lesbian communist came up with, which could empower literal nobodies to actually make the world a better place.
So, this comment has stuck in my brain for a bit, and it finally came up with something: a group about their own superiority, which came around from a combination of good luck, birth and yes, hard work for at least some of them, have created a way to empower themselves at great expense and risk to others by being a psychic parasite, which they slowly, inefficiently benefit from.

In contrast, Project Prometheus grants no direct benefit to its creator nor those who administrator it, it instead empowers others, allowing them to act and be stronger together, and in turn the group can help more and more people. It costs a lot, but is quick, efficient and recycles an otherwise useless and dangerous pollution.
Also it's funny they are overdosing on copium so hard they think Opale's powers are stronger; they must be feeling crazy.

Thing is, by the time Petit Prince was captured the Ladder was already a thing and he was spared specifically because he could be "potentially useful" according to the big shots. Now he shows up again with a stronger power and is seemingly the only Wonderland escapee who got this benefit? We got opportunity, means and motivation here so I think it's best to assume Clovis is another one of the Philosophers' pawns.
Doubly so since Opale hasnt gained any more HIT but more rep.

They really were just looking down on her already great skills and thinking she got atronger now.

As for Claus dont think he got elysium boost since id need a long time. Unless Steelheart was crazy enough to steal psychix energy from the ladder which boosted powers of those jnside it.

Its possible princess has powers similar to elysium though in that long contact with her can boost peoples powers.

Id explaie Horae Guard wanting Princess she provides some sort of quicker power boost. They do seem to obly think in powerboosting and not anyrhing else.

Hell wouldnt be suprised if SB got elysium boost too.
For the record, I still think that something, Hand possibly given how Fish talks about it, did affect her mind, even if it was just something as simple as "shut down logic and reasoning, leave only animal instinct" to Valkyrie.

I'm also still of the belief that the Nora combat-analysis-log from Kintsugi is about someone fighting both King and Valkyrie, not King and Valkyrie fighting each other. Admittedly, this is relying on the slightly meta info we have about what Wider Than The Mile will give us (both info on King and Valkyrie).


Does this indicate Moon River fully well knows what's up, given she's been in the Jacob's Ladder's systems? Is she trying to protect us from being mind-whammied by finding out too much? Could the 'psychic mine' Valkyrie stepped on be something like a memetic hazard, able to affect non-psychics too?
In contrast, Project Prometheus grants no direct benefit to its creator nor those who administrator it, it instead empowers others, allowing them to act and be stronger together, and in turn the group can help more and more people. It costs a lot, but is quick, efficient and recycles an otherwise useless and dangerous pollution.

Eh, maybe. There are plenty of ways to twist the work to self-serving or malicious ends.

There's a reason why we are keeping the whole project under wraps.
There are 4 really strong Voices in The Stage
-The Hand
-The 4th unkown but younger than the 3

Hoerae was using Leviathan for Power boost which cause the movement. Now this guys are selfish bastarda but even thwy know Leviathan waking up is bad for them.

But they dont want to give up their shitty Meta enhancement. son instead they replace parasiting on Leviathan to another target with really strong psychic energy that they can eat up to get stronger.

One thats far weaker and easier to manage compared to Valkyrie a complete unkown to the world but can be detected by device that works with a psychic siphon.
That was FUN! As far as White Hawk goes… Man that guy gets mad when he doesn't get his way, doesn't he? Hate enough to drown the world…
Alright, I think I have a decent plan.

[X] Plan: Basics
-[X] Give a shield generator to Menagerie Witch, Lady Leizi, Doctor Silver, and have Lady Leizi hold onto the fourth shield generator and symbiote to give to Yara and/or her bopdyguard if necessary.

This should cover the more vulnerable members of our team, while making sure that if Yara or her bodyguard need any emergency help, they can get it.

[X] Approach this like a lunch.
[X] Approach this like a lunch.
I'm willing to be convinced to change to extraction but I think we've got the wiggle room to let the girl decide that on her own.