Why the lockdown, anyway? Monarch is a known teleporter. She could be able to relocate at any time.
Yeah, it's weird, right?
I wonder, what are her limits with teleporting? Because a plausible reason for the Cordon is that by restricting any other options, it forces Monarch to spend more of her time and energy(possibly even meta energy) to maintain things, and if she can't, discontent will grow. And if she has limits, that makes moving elseehere harder. If she starts moving, they can attack only part of her forces. If she doesn't, they stuck in one area.

Not saying this is the real reason, but it's a reason Crusade could give.
We know that her power links points in space, so it's more the creation of 'gates' than personal teleportation of herself and anything she's holding, at the very least.

Teleportation + Construct Creation?
iys a P13 Build so yes.

Personally I like the Plan since Id want the original JU members DNA to all be used in atleast 1 hero.

Probably not Yara though since if we dont get the Psychic synergy in time id rather work on a Build focused on keeping her alive.
It uses JU dna? I thought it was that dragon one
For Yara, as builds go, in terms of Psychic synergy I'd be in favor of the Feth Fiada builds that includes Clairvoyance in its keywords (including the one I made personally). I'm also curious about 2000/20 vision, tho I'll admit that one's defenses leaves much to be desired. In terms of a non-psychic build tho, so far Zeno Whitebeard plan is the one I'm most in favor of. I could also be convinced of a revised version of Master of Waters.

For Homer, I've been convinced by Pawn Lelouch to look forward to Punchy Scaly Teleporting; it both works as an assassin build and a psychic one, which could be fun.
Is King's government name known, or has he hidden his identity?
First name Mister
Middle name .
Last name King
so far Zeno Whitebeard plan is the one I'm most in favor of.
We are going to have to adopt a whole lotta kids
For Homer, I've been convinced by Pawn Lelouch to look forward to Punchy Scaly Teleporting; it both works as an assassin build and a psychic one, which could be fun
If that means dragons I am for it
What percentage of metahumans become heroes?
On the whole what percentage of metahumans in Horizon have useful powers?
XHow come there were only like 4 major hero teams prior t Movement in Horizn (not counting whatever is up with Elysium)?

Who exactly controols Elysium?
So, I ended up making a list of the cheapest combinations that result in a formula having 1 | 2 | 3 copies of a power tag. I'm not including power synergies in this, just so you don't wonder why it's not included under FFM/Autobiokinesis:

Algernon-type: 13(All Algernon-types) | N/A | N/A

Ally Empowerment: 3([Wild Speaker/Fast Track]) | 6(Wild Speaker/Fast Track) | 10(Wild Speaker/Fast Track/[Chatroom/Bulwark/Solferina])

Autobiokinesis: N/A

Autonomous Creature Creation: 8(Man o' War) | N/A | N/A

Clairvoyance: 1(Mister Hunch) | 5(Mister Hunch/[iSpy/Chatroom/Memoria]) | 9(Mister Hunch/[iSpy/Chatroom/Memoria]x2)

Construct Creation: 2(Eastwood) | 5(Eastwood/Dragonsteeth) | 10(Eastwood/Dragonsteeth/Nephthys)

Elemental Manipulation: 1(Hydrocity) | 4(Hydrocity/Frostbite) | 9(Hydrocity/Frostbite/[Deadman/Golem])

Energy Manipulation: 1(Millions Minefield) | 3(Millions Minefield/Crimson Soprano) | 6(Millions Minefield/Crimson Soprano/[Dragonsteeth/Miss Conception/Antaeus])

Enhanced Senses: 1(Daggermaw) | 4(Daggermaw/Sewer Rat) | 10(Daggermaw/Sewer Rat/The Red Huntress)

Enhanced Speed: 3(Fast Track) | 9(Fast Track/[The Red Huntress/Nox Esurientem]) | N/A

Enhanced Strength: 1(Daggermaw) | 4(Daggermaw/[Adamant/Frostbite]) | 7(Daggermaw/Adamant/Frostbite)

Fitness: 1(Soldier X) | 7(Soldier X/The Red Huntress) | N/A

Flight: 2(Crimson Soprano) | 10(Crimson Soprano/[Automne/Novalight] | N/A

Force Fields: N/A

Fundamental Force Manipulation: 5(Epoxy) | N/A | N/A

Invisibility: 3(Miss Conception) | 7(Miss Conception/[iSpy/The Outsider]) | 11(Miss Conception/iSpy/The Outsider)

Invulnerability: 2(Steadfast) | 5(Steadfast/[Antaeus/Frostbite]) | 8(Steadfast/Antaeus/Frostbite)

Matter Conversion: N/A

Mental Manipulation: 2(Eastwood) | 5(Eastwood/Wild Speaker) | 9(Eastwood/Wild Speaker/Solferina)

Regeneration: 1(Soldier X) | 4(Soldier X/Adamant) | 9(Soldier X/Adamant/Deadman)

Self-Enhancement: 3([Sewer Rat/Fast Track]) | 6(Sewer Rat/Fast Track) | N/A

Solar Absorption: 2(Crimson Soprano) | N/A | N/A

Space-Time Manipulation: 9(Zeno) | N/A | N/A

Teleportation: 4(Memoria) | 10(Memoria/Nox Esurientem) | N/A

Transformation: 1([Daggermaw/Multiplex]) | 2(Daggermaw/Multiplex) | 5(Daggermaw/Multiplex/[Adamant/Sewer Rat])

Transmutation: 6(Printempts) | N/A | N/A
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What percentage of metahumans become heroes?
I'd say less than 20%. Most metahumans don't turn to crime though, they get hired by corporations or find a job. A lot of "heroes" are working through Heroes for Hire, too.
XHow come there were only like 4 major hero teams prior t Movement in Horizn (not counting whatever is up with Elysium)?
Most heroes statistically take contracts with Hero for Hire as independents, making some money off various odd jobs. And I don't think that there were only Global Justice, Justice Unlimited, Powers and New Dawn: the Four Seasons and SLAYERS make six for one, and it's possible there were other, less know organisations that are basically like four versions of Counterstrike teaming up so they can beat up store robbers more effectively.

I sometimes forget what you guys do and do not know and nearly posted giga-spoilers. I stopped myself though! You'll have to pick the right fill-in issue for those.
Was this related to my headcanons perhaps ?
Wait we have a guy who can do that dna?
Name: Man o' War, Julio Câmara Meireles
Power: Autonomous Creature Creation, Self-Enhancement, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength
Faction: New Dawn
Potency: 8
Ibis' Notes: Man o' War was a violent brute who somehow found himself gaining membership in New Dawn proper. I say "somehow", but it's very clear why: he was happy to follow orders and restrain himself so long as he could harm others to his heart's content when the time came. His powerset matches that of a famous villain who terrorized the Corporate Playground, and said villain disappeared around the same time Man o' War first debuted. Rumor has it he cut a deal to keep himself out of Wonderland, and I believe it. He was firmly in Novalight's faction, which only adds further evidence to the pile.
Man o' War could manifest extra limbs from his body that appeared with a melee weapon chosen at random—swords, axes, spears, nets, tridents, a golf club once, what have you. The arms moved autonomously and were masters of their chosen weapon. The more arms Man o' War manifested, the stronger and more durable he became. Pfft, growing extra arms? That's nothing! Dr. Mammoth Ibis could give you all the extra arms you could want!
. . . is that anything? I'm working on my flirtatious small talk. I'm not very good at it!
He or Zeno is Probably best for Max Invulnerability and Strenght. Since 8 Potency means his pretty strong and Tough already if needing ramp up from Self Enhancement.

Man O War(8) + Steadfast(2) + Frostbite (3)= Invulnelrability X3 at P13

So its definately an Invulnerability like Monas Flight were it has bunch of side powers or just really really strong Invulnerability that makes even gitting 1 Hit damage ridicolously hard. Since Mona shows even a P2 Invulnerability in a P13 Hero can take on SM punches once he was actually hitting Mona Invulnerable Core.
Most heroes statistically take contracts with Hero for Hire as independents, making some money off various odd jobs. And I don't think that there were only Global Justice, Justice Unlimited, Powers and New Dawn: the Four Seasons and SLAYERS make six for one, and it's possible there were other, less know organisations that are basically like four versions of Counterstrike teaming up so they can beat up store robbers more effectively.
Slayers were subordiinate to Powers as I recall.... also Four Seasons were minor....

By Major I meant the teams with organization that led to them having 8 or so members as heroes and support staff. like JU. While there miight not have been a lot in aciity of like 2000 metahumans I would have expected the 200 - 300 that become heroes there would have been been like 8 to 10 teams of 8 or more members even with the what 86 that were members of Global Justice, Powers, Slayers, Four Seasons, New dawn and Justice Unlimited
Slayers were subordiinate to Powers as I recall.... also Four Seasons were minor....
It seems like they were available through Hero for Hire, and that the Giant Slayer and Epoxy has dual membership.

And Four Seasons may not have done much, but Automne was one of the most powerful metahumans in the city.

I would have expected the 200 - 300 that become heroes there would have been been like 8 to 10 teams of 8 or more members even with the what 86 that were members of Global Justice, Powers, Slayers, Four Seasons, New dawn and Justice Unlimited
The thing is that starting a hero org on the scale of the major hero teams requires both some fairly powerful members and a decent amount of money/resources. Most of Justice Unlimited met each other through New Dawn's NuGen program, after all.

Otherwise it's much easier for you to simply join Powers or New Dawn or whatnot.
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Also Uirra practically funded JU by herself what with 8% stock on qsanyin. Sure they probably made sure not to be utterly reliant on it through jobs and other sponsorhips but still.

Anyone without decents members and founds wont be able to make a real team.

4 seasons is actually lucky with how teh had Automne and Hiver as A class power and a Natural synergistic one.
Personally I am interested in how large the entire New Dawn roster was before the Movement for Wolong to decide to pretend that they have a full 15 members Post-Movement despite obviously having to admit to substantial causalities (at least among their heavy hitters).

Of course their true Post-Movement roster was 5 + Arc on life support.
Sure they probably made sure not to be utterly reliant on it through jobs and other sponsorhips but still.
They made about 3000 a turn through their borough contracts (although they had to spend 1000 a month on the Apiary)

Personally I am interested in how large the entire New Dawn roster was before the Movement for Wolong to decide to pretend that they have a full 15 members Post-Movement despite obviously having to admit to substantial causalities (at least among their heavy hitters).
We got twelve DNA samples when we agreed to the alliance with Wolong, and we both already had samples of theirs and there's samples we don't have yet.

Based on the fact that 2/3rds of their roster was said to be alive thanks to Wolong's ploy, I'd say they had 20+ members.

Also, I've been wondering. Are the random rewards from the Events (Lost Lenore, You're not My Dad) decided when the mission is first made by the QM, or right before they get written ?
The Mill has the DNA of "The founders, and those with private identities like Heavenly Astrologian".

So, a hot list from what we know:

-Valiant Red (Algernon)
-Steelheart (Algernon? might have been a technokinetic, but weaker than Moon River, because I still find all of his creations shutting off after his death Very Suspicious)
-Valiant Astrologian (Fundament Force Manipulation: Inertia)
-Cisma (Probably Space-Time Manipulation? They locked people in different dimensions to create Wonderland)
-Ali Baba (turned into a ghost form. Intangibility?)

There are probably more that haven't been mentioned.
-Steelheart (Algernon? might have been a technokinetic, but weaker than Moon River, because I still find all of his creations shutting off after his death Very Suspicious)
He was an Algernon, it's mentioned multiple times. He also mentored Valiant Silver. It seems his drones required constant input from him.
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