And it's real fucking convienent that it was specifically the safety mechanisms that Nora forgot to write in with the instructions. That's too convenient to just be accidental, especially given the importance. The implication to me is that Rebound is at least partially intelligent and actively seeking to fuck you over rather than 'Just' being Super Dementia. It makes you decline in the Worst Way Possible to taint everything you've done, doesn't it?
That's a very strong conclusion being drawn from very weak evidence. Even if we accept the thesis that the safety instructions being omitted was:

a) actually the only thing Nora intended to/should have included but did not (which is not at all established; we have no idea how much may have been omitted or elided in the instructions, and probably won't have a clue until we do extensive power testing and compare the results to whatever actually got included in the manual - and speaking of what got included in the manual, the very fact that half of the instruction manual for her incredibly experimental and dangerous new armor is erotic SI fanfiction that never got taken out of her draft doc prior to printing seems to rather strongly suggest the manual-writing process as a whole was affected by her Rebound symptoms)


b) the result of hostile action,

I still don't think "the Rebound effect is sapient and malicious" is the most reasonable conclusion to draw.

Even in that case, it seems more plausible that it was the Symbol crew (at least, they're currently looking like the most likely notional culprits) pulling some fuckery on Nora and banking on it slipping through as a Rebound symptom if it was discovered at all; the fact we got Rebound-related memories from Nora right after the omission was discovered would be a natural function of Nora's extensive Rebound-related trauma and the general memory leakage, with a side order of it potentially being a narratively-reasonable red herring from the author.
. . . I was so mad at that luck check, you have no idea.
Hope this doesn't come off as too blunt, but I'm just putting this out there: nobody's making you use luck checks for events like this. I get the idea of using rolls to make the risk of failure and such feel real, but luck rolls by their very nature have nothing to do with anything anyone is deliberately attempting to do. If you don't like their impact on the narrative you want to tell, that's one type of roll that I don't think would harm anyone's suspension of disbelief if they were done away with in future (IMO, anyway). Fate putting a thumb on the scales when it comes to advancing the narrative (though not necessarily for things like keeping characters alive) is something of a time-honored practice in superhero fiction anyway.
except with certain ones, I'm fairly neutral with a lot of the names, including Gold and Sapphire, of which I'm fine with either one.

Also @Arcus I got the impression the bodysuit's the base color rather than the armor itself (based on Nora's artwork on the frontpage) personally, so Gold armor's sorta alright to me unless I'm wrong. I'm still mulling over whether I want Red Ranger tho.

Yeah if it's the bodysuit is the bulk of what's visible gold armor is fine but then going with mainly red is a weird callback to the first Valiant, who I assume must have had the Red Ranger colour scheme.

I don't know how armoured or unarmoured it is in comparison to the previous version though, so I'd prefer to describe things in terms of base colours and highlights.
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I mean thats what it means for armor to be gold, the bodysuit is the main Color atleast thats how Noras image presented it.

Also Nora was talking about her Algernon power not frying her brain thanks to being connected to Noelle. With her figuring out Algernons needs to somehow share the burden of using the power with a partner to use it safely.
You know what could help share the brian
A purpose grown creature from the wonderful duel of doctors massive ibis, and mammoth ibis

Think of it every mad scientist with a personaly unique familiar
Leaving the colour scheme aside, I do thing Valiant Gold ends up being too close to Valiant Silver.

It's kinda saying "hey we found someone to be Nora Kim 2.0". I mean, yes, she is a direct successor, but it's just way too tied up with the parallels and that kind of overwhelms everything else. So I think I would prefer a name with a bit more separation.

(And if Sapphire or Emerald wins we get to sneak in a Pokemon joke)
To me sapphire and emerald feel completely arbitrary. I don't really understand the reasoning for them over any other color, gem, or concept. but also a pokemon nerd i feel the need to mention that literally all the prewritten names in the vote are also Pokemon games, so that's not really a distinguishing factor lol
Gold as a colour base honestly sounds gaudy. So please, not that.
I was thinking of primarily dark blue with gold accents.
It makes everything about being her successor. I want Ellie to have her own identity instead of perpetually existing in the shadow of her predecessor, because she's already going to get enough of that as is.

And it's not like "she's Valiant Silver's successor" is something that we need to expend particular effort into making clear.
I also like the way it links back to certain stuff in Kintsugi, and our general connection towards goldnine
To me sapphire and emerald feel completely arbitrary. I don't really understand the reasoning for them over any other color, gem, or concept. but also a pokemon nerd i feel the need to mention that literally all the prewritten names in the vote are also Pokemon games, so that's not really a distinguishing factor lol

It's just that it's from the third generation, but now that I've explained it I've ruined the joke.

I mean the actual reasoning is I want a colour scheme in the blue spectrum for the armor, and was thinking of turquoise at one point.
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A tiny girl sits down with a diagram and meticulously explains to you that if you dress as a "rocker chick" then you won't overlap with her "goth" aesthetic and you two can be natural allies. She also explains her friend is a dumbass and chronic fumbler and tells you not to take it personally.
I know I've said this before, but every chapter just confirms more that Maddie is in fact the best character, lmao.

"Aaaaand there we go! Okay, I can fix this now! Gotta use my power, but I've Rebounded anyway. At a certain point, you can only get so wet."
This is wholly conjecture based on this paragraph, and I haven't read much of the thread discussion so maybe this has been discussed before, but I'll put it out there that the Nora we met this issue isn't so much Nora proper, but the accumulation of all the parts of Nora she lost to the Rebound. I'd propose that what Rebound is, is that the same way that (I assume) Algernon types use the Stage to pull information out, part of the Algernon type supe gets forcibly pulled out of reality and into the Stage in the Rebound from that first pull, leaving their physical bodies without those memories and the typical symptoms of Rebound.
The Nora we met seemed pretty coherent in her memory/personality, while we know that she used her power extensively and suffered the accompanying memory loss back outside of the Stage, so I wouldn't be surprised if at this point an accumulation of everything she lost would be more coherently Nora than the parts that were left by the time of the Movement.
So now that she is already on the Stage it's not like more of her can be pulled there, she can't get any "wetter". The second person needed to use Algernon type powers would then be someone who either psychically stabilizes the user to protect against the pull from the Rebound or steals back what was taken somehow.
[] Plan: Shining Gold
-[] Name: Valiant Gold
-[] Colour: dark blue with gold accents/scarf. Constellations are etched upon the breastplate.
-[] Emblem: the alchemical symbol for the sun (a circle surrounding a dot), wrought in gold. A small golden rose is located on the circle of the symbol, a little to the left, making it resemble a hydrogen at first glance

Made a plan, what do you guys think of it ?
I vote for Valiant Rainbow. :p

Name wise, I want to keep naming our most pivotal Prometheans after stellar phenomena. Black Swan was a double meaning for the black hole, so maybe Valiant Star? Valiant Sun's good too. Oh, maybe Valiant Comet or Valiant Aurora!
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". . . using it doesn't hurt? How . . .?"

". . . can think so clearly . . . I was fucked up . . ."

". . . Oh. Two. . . power always meant for two . . ."

". . . too much for one. Need two . . . so obvious . . ."

". . . kid. Too late for me, but thanks . . . love . . .

... Algernon type powers are designed to share the strain across two people at once, each bearing half the load. That's what the Rebound is caused by, why it's inevitable - no single person can handle it, there has to be two to use it correctly! But... we failed our luck roll... Nora couldn't tell us.

... I want to find her. Wherever she is, right now.
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Wait, if two people are needed to prevent Rebound in a Algernon, then doesn't that mean if we have 2 Tolerance 10 Candidates, we can give them both of Vulcan's DNA profile? Resonance is still a potential problem of course, but as we saw with Ellie and Nora, it's possible to survive it with psychic help.

Another reason to get a super psychic on our team.
I vote for Valiant Rainbow. :p

Name wise, I want to keep naming our most pivotal Prometheans after stellar phenomena. Black Swan was a double meaning for the black hole, so maybe Valiant Star? Valiant Sun's good too. Oh, maybe Valiant Comet or Valiant Aurora!
I mean we didn't name her after space but because she's a black hole
Black Holes count as stellar phenomenon, and Black Swan was named after the very first Black Hole ever discovered and after the Black Swan Event.
yeah but it feels like very strange to name all our heroes after important things about their characters but the "important" ones use a naming scheme that only makes sense for one of them

It just feels like that's how you get Hiver as a name for a gravity user
Alright, after thinking about it, I don't think I'm a fan of mixing red and gold together. This is not to say they can't go together, but eh, it doesn't feel right for Ellie, at least in my opinion.
. . . partner running interference. Her telepathy is stronger than what's available. Psychic strikes won't work. Can also catch physical attacks. Need something invisible. Radiation? No, wised up to it. Shielded. She won't fall prey to that trick again. Sound? Same issue. What then? Needs to breathe. Slowly up concentration of oxygen in the air. Oxygen toxicity for both. Won't notice until it's too late—

Huh a Hero with Telepathy strong enough to counter The Interlocator. Welp guess thats were Valkyrie is and what her redemption arc is about.
Do you have a suggestion for a color besides red?

Part of the reason I like it is she's the dantie of the equation
Just cause EB's been compared to Dante to Prevail's Vergil doesn't mean we have to go with it. While Gold may not be the main base, pairing it with Red can come off as gaudy, which I'm also not a fan of. It's only slightly offsetted by the green scarf.

[] Plan: Shining Gold
-[] Name: Valiant Gold
-[] Colour: dark blue with gold accents/scarf. Constellations are etched upon the breastplate.
-[] Emblem: the alchemical symbol for the sun (a circle surrounding a dot), wrought in gold. A small golden rose is located on the circle of the symbol, a little to the left, making it resemble a hydrogen at first glance

Made a plan, what do you guys think of it ?
This one is....fine, tho I'd change the color of the scarf specifically to add more variance.

Emblem-wise, I'm completely all over @Wing101r 's Sun and Moon contrast. I do like that everyone's putting golden roses on theirs.
. . . tactile telekinesis to hold everything in place. He was expecting that. Grown predictable. Trap. Fusing atoms you're holding together. Abandon top most layer, convert energy into hard-light shell. Strike. No, ineffective. He made his atoms hyperdense, would need the Big Bang to even dent them. Switch tactics. Attack his mind. Psychic wail—no, emotional control. He feels guilty. Shame. Thinks it's his fault things are the way they are—abandoned everyone without a word and left good heroes to die. Doesn't know if it was the right choice. Doesn't know if any of this is the right choice. Name is bitter for the man on top of the mountain. Amply feelings, twist, guilt into despair, despair into nihilism—
Well, that's a fascinating insight into what Stockpile's suit is capable of. I'm assuming the person who ran is Jules?