Cenotaph (AP 1, REPUTATION 3, OPERATIONS 2): You've had your private ceremony, but your team was beloved by many in the city. You owe it to them to let them mourn too. You owe it to your team. You owe it to yourself. Have a public ceremony to honor the fallen members of Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: No public ceremony has been held in honor of those who fell in the QZ . . . or for Justice Unlimited's former members. The closest was that debacle at Christmas, and that self-indulgent insult cannot stand as the only memorial to those who actually gave their lives to protect Horizon. It would draw a clear distinction between Crusade and ourselves—namely that we actually served in the QZ—and it would give us an excellent opportunity to scout for potential candidates for Project Prometheus without arousing suspicion.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Recruit 2 to 4 low and medium tolerance candidates, Encounter with Crusade)
Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REPTATION 4, ESPIONAGE 6. OPERATIONS 5): The public needs to meet the newest members of Justice Unlimited. Surely, a carefully vetted interview will be a harmless way to introduce Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, Handyman, and Châtelet, as well as yourself? What could possibly go wrong?
Lady Leizi: Takanashi Chihiro was Nora's old roommate in college and a current anchor on the Ọsanyìn Centralized News. She is also a fiend for hero culture. She has been salivating at the chance of an exclusive interview with the new interaction of Justice Unlimited. Doing her this favor would put her in our debt, and perhaps let us poach her from OCN.
Following the advent of Crusade, she has been messaging me nearly daily. She's been begging me to let her "strike back". It seems she too feels enraged at the attack on a dead woman's reputation.
(Chance of increase to REPUTATION for Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, Handyman, Châtelet, and Lady Leizi, Encounter with Crusade, Chance of recruiting Takanashi Chihiro as a Public Relations Manager—+1 Global Action and New Global Actions Unlocked)