Warning! Tentacles are for enemy use only!
Owen: "How are you gonna catch that Houndour?"

Alchemist: "I'm not."

Owen: "But it clearly wants to be caught!"

Alchemist: "Does he?"

Owen: "It's been following us for literally days. Why else do you think it'd do that?"

Alchemist: "Okay, I guess. Houndour, I...um...choose you?"

Owen: "It's a wild pokemon. I think you have to damage it first, and then throw the pokeball at it."

Alchemist: "Is that how that works? I guess it is just like the games, then."

Owen: "But you don't have a pokemon. How are you gonna damage it? I don't think attacking it with that knife you got is such a good idea."

Alchemist: "I guess not. Well, here goes nothing. Fireball! Lightning Bolt! Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion!"

Houndour: "Houn! Houn! Houn!"

Owen: "Whoa."

Alchemist: "Okay, so that wasn't the Spiked Intrusion version. But still! Do you think he's ready, yet?"

Houndour: "HOUNDOUR!!!!"

Owen: "I...think that's a yes?"
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Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 5
Lieutenant Colonel (That was his name, not his rank) Surge did actually keep abreast of the comings and goings of his city. As much as one man could, at any rate.

It was a -City-, not some dinky little one-Mudsdale town in the heart of Unova. There were more ships coming in than he could name, more cargo passing through his port than any other part of Kanto and more wealth trading hands in any one week than the rest of the League saw in a year.

He couldn't keep track of everything. The Jennies couldn't keep track of everything. Not even the Rockets really knew what all was happening. More than most, sure, but the thing about the Black Market was that nobody trusted anybody, especially if they did business with 'em.

Today was a slow day for the massive Unovan. No gym challengers meant he could focus on other pursuits. Sometimes that meant special training with his PokeMon, today that meant following up on something one of his own informants had tipped him off about.

A kid was coming in to his informant's shop, a little hole-in-the wall pawnshop off the main road, and was dropping off some high-dollar stuff. Not a lot, not all at once, never more than he could carry by hand...

But it was like clockwork. Kid shows up, drops off something in pristine condition-

Factory new, according to the squealer.

-gets ripped off and then goes on their way.

Once or twice wouldn't be too noticeable. If the kid was dropping off the same thing, it'd be questionable albeit in a different direction. Wouldn't be the first time someone found a 'Lost' shipment and didn't understand how to move stuff quietly.

It was unusual enough that Surge decided to take the time to get a personal look at things. He was in the pawn shop 'Jack & Hoff's Pawn and Trade', waiting. Not obviously, he wasn't an infiltration expert but he knew how to not stand out like an Unovan in Kanto...

No, he really didn't.

Surge was in the middle of examining a good looking television, sitting on the floor of the cramped store with its remote taped to the top of it. The price wasn't great but the unit itself looked brand new.

Probably one of the ones the potential thief had dropped off.

Surge heard the doorbell jingling and had to restrain himself from turning around, choosing instead to look at the reflection off of some of the other devices to see who'd come in.

A kid, a bit on the bulky side. Weird features, though. Fuzzy brown hair and bright yellow eyes. Not what Surge would normally expect from the locals. The kid had a couple of VCR players stacked on top of each other.

"Yo, Jack!" The kid yelled, his head tilted to the side to see around his haul. "Got somethin' for ya!"

"What?!" Jack Hofferson shouted from the back, squeezing his rotund figure out through a narrow door situated behind the counter. "Aww, come on, kid! I ain't got room for more junk!"

"Alright." The kid turned right back around. "Later."

"Wait!" Jack shouted as the kid tried to balance his electronics between one hand and knee so he could open the door, making him pause. "Fine, geeze. You got no patience brat, you know that?"

"Patients are for doctors, you fat prick." The kid mocked, turning right around and gently placing his stack on the counter. A few seconds later and he'd fished the remotes to them out of his pockets. "Just got done fixing these up. How much you gonna offer for 'em?"

"What are you doing when you fix 'em up?" Surge raised a blonde eyebrow at the pawnbroker's question. Jack didn't usually bother being overt. "Pullin' these right out the boxes?"

"We both know they'd be worth more in the boxes, asshole. Not my fault your regulars think spit and wishes will fix somethin' enough to be worth somethin'." Looking around the kid, Surge had to admit that the units looked like they were brand spankin' new. Heck, one looked like the unit he'd thrown away the year before, looked the same as the day he'd unboxed it! "Think I'm alright on cash at the moment. How about trying some of that trade you promised?"

"Finally decide I've got somethin' you want?" Jack grinned, an ugly look considering he was missing several teeth.

Surge had been there when the man, drunk, had decided to try picking a fight with a Machop. It hadn't gone at all as Jack intended.

Jack was plastered, Jack was thick. Jack fell down when he got low-kicked.

"Finally decided everything nearby is trash." The kid disagreed, an unimpressed look on his face. "Jerkoffs at the docks are trying to upsell some dull trash because it's foreign. More respectable places ain't willing to sell to me at all. So here's what I'm thinkin'. You get both of these and I get that hunk of rust on the back wall."

Surge and Jack both followed where the kid was pointing to. A short sword, the blade pitted and tassel torn which sat in front of a scabbard that clearly suffered from dry-rot. There was an orb in the center of the cross guard but it looked like it was made of glass instead of anything valuable.

"That was my grandfather's sword." Jack lied immediately. "I can't let it go for that!"

"Alright." The kid instantly agreed. "Cash it is, then."

"...Trio feathers, kid." Jack sighed, running one hand down his face. "You're bad at this, you know that? You tell me what you want, I give you some grief, we bicker back and forth over the price- Hagglin' is an artform, kiddo. What do you even need that antique hunk a junk for?"

"I know what haggling is." The kid rolled his eyes, the little shit. "And I'm bad at it. I've made an offer, you didn't make a counter offer. And for the sword, I'm planning on hitting the road soon. I'll need something to stab people with if they decide to get a little too handsy."

"Geeze..." Jack shook his head and turned around, stretching pretty hard to reach the old thing. "We got newer stuff, kid. This thing has got to be about thirty percent rust, at the least."

"Newer, yeah, but it's all junk. The survival knives here are those hollow-handled pieces of crap. I don't trust myself with a switch blade or butterfly knife, so those are out." The kid accepted the sword carefully when Jack held it over the counter. "What? No cleaning kit?"

"What do you think this is, kid?" Jack laughed, his belly jiggling. "You want to get your rust all sharpened up, go talk to the blacksmith on the main road. I sell goods, not cleaning kits."

"Fine, fine." The kid held the scabbard of the sword in his off-hand with more surety than Surge was expecting. Shimmying the blade into it was a slow, awkward affair but again, the kid actually looked like he knew what he was doing. "I'll see if I can find anything decent tomorrow. How quickly do computers move for you?"

"They don't." Jack immediately replied. "At least this crap I can move to some other sellers. Nobody knows what to do with a computer if it ain't one of the video-conference units at a PokeMon Center."

"Gotcha, gotcha." The kid turned around and headed for the door, hunk of rust held under one arm. "Alright, I'll catch you tomorrow."

The bell over the door jingled merrily as the kid stepped out. Surge moved towards the window at the front of the shop as the boy got on to a scooter and pushed off.

It was a bright red scooter, no engine on the back. It had a wide platform to stand on and had large, inflatable tires that would have fit right in on a heavy-duty wagon.

Not long after the kid got moving, Surge saw a Houndour reveal itself from behind a post office box, sniff at the air and then take off after him.

Surge shook his head and turned around, leaning over the counter.

"Weird kid, right?" Jack asked him, picking up one of the VCR units as he did so. The man started off by checking the plug, then opening the flap and peering into the unit itself. "No idea where he's gettin' this stuff. Some of it, had to look it up, ain't been made in years."

"That is pretty odd." Surge agreed as he picked up the unit that looked just like his old one. "I remember buying one of these almost a decade ago. Real Mudsdale of a unit, just kept chuggin' along. Real quality Unovan manufacturing. Not like the crap we're gettin' these days."

"Might be a Psychic?" Jack asked as he began to inspect the other unit. "Heard some of those fellas can levitate stuff. Rumor is, that girl up north? Sabrina? Some folks are saying the nutjob can Teleport."

Surge winced and very cautiously began to look around, his eyes on the shop window as he saw a flash of purple hair outside. The soldier held his breath but there was no sign the lunatic or her crazy little doll had heard them.

Sure, she was kilometers away... But psychics like Sabrina were scary for a reason.

"Don't even joke about that." Surge whispered angrily. "You know there's a Drowzee colony nearby! They might be listening!"

"...You know that's just a hoax, right?" Jack asked, obviously concerned. "It's not like every psychic PokeMon nearby is answering to her just because she's really gifted."

"I know that!" Surge agreed, still whispering angrily. "It's not every psychic! Just..."

Surge sent another panicked glance at the window but saw nothing.

"Just... Most of them."
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Mmm, pie
Omake: Literally making a stand

"... This is so boring." Mew had shapechanged to look like an old pink haired woman using Transform then got real clothes by basically stealing them and leaving behind some Elemental Evolution Stones. The stones were worth way more that the clothes but it made her felt less guilty.

The fake old woman was waiting for the darn troublesome SI to show up in the road. She was running a Berry Stand... in freaking Kanto, if the kid wanted Berries for that Garden of his, he would have to come to her eventually.

She even left posters in town with drawings even a Team Rocket Grunt could understand and even paid actually freaking money so the things wouldn't get removed.

But Mew had forgot how boring playing human was, heck no one even had even tried to rob her yet!

Even if the SI didn't know any Translation spell surely he could understand the drawings right?

*At that exact same moment...

"Hey Jo, what the heck are Berries?"

"I am sure it is that expensive fruit they use as part of the ingredients to make Potions."

"Huh, it is worth buying them?"

"Maybe if you make your own Potions or want to get your Pokemon really strong, otherwise it is usually too expensive."

"Think some of them would do good in a pie?"

"Mmm... Maybe the Oran or Citrus Berries perhaps?"

"Okay, gonna try buying a few, always willing to try new things."

Then Alchemist passed down with his Scooter ignoring everything but the road in front on him and so he didn't see the posters.
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Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 6
Alec checked his pack and scratched at the back of his head with a pen.

He had most things figured out, preserved foods, bed roll, he'd picked up a few odds and ends that he knew were going to be necessary. A good, solid knife with a sturdy handle had been a must.

The sword he'd picked up, he'd been working on it when he wasn't digging through trash. Repair on the sheathe had been necessary but the sword itself wasn't as badly off as he'd expected. The rust on it was surface-level, ugly to be sure, but it hadn't eaten into the metal itself. It had actually flaked right off with a little bit of oil.

Polishing and whetting the blade rather than just hitting it with a spell to fix it served a very critical purpose. It let Alec get a feel for the blade, the length, the heft, its balance. It didn't match up with any of the legendary blades he'd held in the past but it was still a good weapon none the less.

If it were a bit shorter, he'd be able to affix it on the back of his belt. As it was, he'd found it had to go across his back.

The tassel had been a point he'd debated on for the better part of a day. Alec didn't like it as a matter of course, they got caught on things far too easily. Still, it just seemed to fit the aesthetic of the sword. Finally, rather than cutting it off, he went ahead and cast Repair on it, returning the frayed and faded piece of cloth to a solid, dark blue strip of silk.

It had always made a good end to his day. Alec didn't mind exhausting himself to get his tasks completed and honing the edge was calming, relaxing. The fatigue let him sleep deeply enough to keep the doubts and worries from edging into nightmares.

"Digimon, digital monsters..." Today, rather than repairing scrap or trying to find a PokeMon that wasn't petrified by his presence, Alec was finishing up the tasks of finding a few things. PokeBalls were more expensive than he'd remembered and he'd strongly debated telling the shop clerk where he could stuff a string of 'em before biting his tongue.

There was literally an extra zero on the price tag. He could afford a few, and he did actually purchase three extras, but that had actually taken more money than he'd earned on any single piece of salvage!

"Digimon are the champions!" He was hunting through the stalls set up near the docks where people hawked their foreign goods.

He pushed along slowly on the scooter he'd found and repaired, scanning the people manning their little shops. There were a few folks actively selling PokeMon, representatives for breeders. One stall advertised Snorunt eggs, they had a little sign up top that had a badly drawn rendition of the frigid little snow PokeMon.

"Cha~ange into digital champions. To~o save the digital- World!" And was among the PokeMon that Alec would be avoiding. Snorunt were cute. What they turned into, Glalie and Frosslass, were in the habit of killing people.

One person had a group of little red robins, Fletchling, each kept in individual bird cages. The shrill, screeching chatter as they all screamed at each other and any passers by had Alec passing them without a second glance.

Rude, all of them.

Dejected, Alec turned to leave. He was no Goh, he didn't have delusions of perfection in finding -just- the right PokeMon to partner with... But he had standards.

"-did I tell you about eggs!" But Alec paused and slowed down as he was passing by one of the large cargo ships, something named 'Bountiful Treasure'. Someone was shouting overhead. "I can't take care of any more eggs!"

Watching the ship, Alec saw a sailor stomp up to a guard rail. The man, his arms were probably about as thick as Alec's current thighs, threw something over the edge and into the waters below.

"There!" The man shouted back as he stomped out of view. "Done! No! More! Eggs!"

Alec stared for a second as his brain worked on what he'd just seen.

That hadn't just happened, had it?

No... There was no way someone could-

Alec knocked over his scooter as he sprinted to the edge of the docks, shedding his backpack and rusty length of metal in the process. He jumped over the rope guardrail-

His foot caught, the jump misjudged, and he spun over to hit the edge of the dock instead before he fell into the waters below with a graceless belly flop.

It took a precious second and a lungful of water for the shock to clear but the deep, sudden fury did wonders to clear his mind.

He pushed down, unable to see anything in the murky green waters. He couldn't see the egg. He couldn't see his own hands once he got far enough down. The burn in his lungs and the desperate panic-

Alec shifted, water displaced as something far larger took his place. Midnight black scales burst through torn clothing and the vague impressions he felt before became more solid. He still couldn't see, but now he simply knew.

The few curious Tentacool and Goldeen swam away in a panic as a creature, larger than a Rapidash, slid through the water as though it were air instead.

In the far depths below, a dozen pairs of lamplight yellow eyes watched on in rapt fascination as something so similar to themselves caught up with the dwindling life force and held it gently in claw.

Wings unfurled and flapped, propelling the haunting thing up to towards the surface and out of sight.

Nearing the surface, Alec twisted the magic once more and assumed a lesser form. His clothes, the few still on him, sewed themselves back together in a glitter of golden light. Breaching the surface, egg clutched to his chest, Alec inhaled deeply-

And then began hacking, salty water still in his lungs.

"Man Overboard!" Someone shouted from nearby, a direction Alec started to paddle towards blindly. "To the left, son!"

Alec began to move towards something that had splashed nearby, practically blind with the saltwater in his eyes. His free hand hit against something and he latched on to it desperately. It quickly began to drag him towards something.

He blinked rapidly, tears quickly working to clear his eyes of the burning sting, and the world came back into blurry focus. He'd grabbed a life preserver, thrown by a sailor on the ship he'd been under. As it dragged him towards the ship, he tried to force himself to relax.

Instead he just ended up hacking and spitting up more water.

Several harrowing minutes later, Alec was pulled on to the deck of the ship and he had a chance to properly take stock of his situation.

His shoes were gone. One sock was missing. His underwear was sitting oddly but everything else seemed to be in place, at least. Even his wallet.

"Boy, what in Yveltal's name were you thinking?!" Someone, one of the sailors, shouted in Alec's face.

"...Egg." Alec tiredly gasped, the little flickering life still clutched in his arms.

Next time he had to do an aquatic rescue, Alec was going to go in Dragon. And come back out Dragon. Trying to play nice with reality absolutely sucked and he wasn't going to do this a second time. The locals would just have to deal with him breaking their perceptions on the world.

"It's just an egg, kid!" One of the other sailors tried to berate Alec as he properly stood. "There's lots of PokeMon out there, no reason to risk yourself like that!"

"Don't-" Alec was interrupted, his lungs demanding he work just a little bit harder to get their salty contents back out. More hacking and a bit of vomiting over the guard rail left Alec unwilling to try and continue to talk. Instead he just wanted to leave, to go lie down for a while.

"Son of a-" Another sailor shouted, the voice familiar. "-I just got rid of that damned thing!"

Rough hands grabbed the egg out of Alec's hands, the same sailor from earlier, and the man began to stomp back towards the... Whatever the side of the ship faced away from the port.

Starboard. That was it.

A surge of spite pushed Alec's feet and he interposed himself between the sailor and the edge of the ship.

"Get outta the way, kid." The sailor growled, holding the egg under one arm. "Got enough of these already, don't need no- Urk!"

Alec extracted his fist from between the sailor's legs, grabbing the egg as the man dropped to his knees.

"Critical Hit." Alec growled, starfire burning the water out of his lungs, steam streaming from his lips. His yellow eyes practically glowed as fury pulsed under his skin, right in tune with his heartbeat.

Rather than following through, Alec stepped around the man that was clutching his broken treasure in both hands and began to walk away. Two of the other sailors went to check on their colleague but none of the others got in Alec's way.

He left, unmolested.

Alec wasn't even sure his stuff would be where he'd left it but to his surprise, it was! It had all been gathered together, there was even a PokeMon watching over it. A little black puppy with bony protrusions banding its back, shackling its feet and even acting as a helmet directly over-top the dog's head.

"You do this?" Alec asked the sitting dog.

"Houn!" It barked at him, glaring at him.

Reaching around the creature, Alec grabbed his bag. It took a little work but he managed to fit the egg into it and he extracted a smaller bag. The mage dropped down on the concrete and nestled the backpack against his side before opening the little ziplock baggie.

"C'mere." Alec patted his other side, uncomfortably out of breath. The dog tilted its head in confusion but it seemed to understand when Alec pulled a sandwich out of his bag and tore it in half, offering part of it to the dog.

"Houn!" The PokeMon barked, greedily taking the offered portion.

Cautiously, Alec ran a hand down the PokeMon's back. The transition between short, rough fur and smooth bone was strangely pleasant.

The dog seemed to think so, too, given that its stubby little tail started wagging.

Alec bit into his own sandwich hunk and tried not to pay attention to the flips his stomach was doing.

He could live without doing any more water rescues. In fact, he'd greatly prefer it. But this part?

This part wasn't so bad.
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 7
Houndour shook himself awake as the red beam re-materialized him into reality.

It had been a few days since the human had become His Human. It was a strange thing to think. His packmates had never been shy about how much they didn't like humans, the frail, bad tasting creatures were in the habit of taking over their space, breaking up their packs as they hunted for the strongest members and took them as their own.

Humans were strange creatures and his was no different.

"You ready to go, buddy?" Maybe his human was different. Looking up, the strange thing that he called his human reached down and put his hands over Houndour's head, rubbing his ears.

He couldn't help it, his tail started wagging and he leaned in to the touch. He crooned, a soft and low "Ho~und..."

"I got something for you, Sirius." His human had even felt it necessary to give him a name. Houndour didn't quite care but his human seemed to like it.

And his human gave him snacks when he responded to the name.

He struggled and tried to pull away as his human wrapped something around his head, being careful even as he fought. Humans weren't fragile, Houndour had seen some of them take on the flames of his old pack's master, Houndoom, and come back for more.

"There we go." His human pulled away, leaving the thing wrapped around Houndour's head. There were a pair of clear things in front of his eyes and he could feel a strap wrapped around his head. "Got you some goggles, buddy. They'll protect your eyes from the wind while we're moving."

Houndour blinked, adjusting to the way things looked. The edges of his vision were a bit closed in, edged in the bright red material that surrounded the clear stuff in front of his eyes. He nearly missed the sight of something long and green slipping into his human's sack thing.

"Hou-!" He started to growl, trying to warn his Human when they instead picked him up in one hand and grabbed the bag with the egg and green thing in his other hand.

"Alright, just stand right here, okay Sirius?" His human told him, setting him on the middle of the red piece of floor that stayed solid while it moved. "We're gonna head out and I want to get to Celadon City before nightfall."

Disgruntled, Houndour sat and watched his human slip the sack over his limbs so it rested on his back, overtop the old rust. The human had one leg of the platform behind Houndour while the other was on the ground below.

With a kick, they started moving. With another kick, they were moving even faster!

Houndour backed against his fearless human's leg, tail under his belly as the ground moved under them and everything moved by in a blur!

"You're fine, buddy!" His human laughed, kicking the ground again and pushing them both even faster forward. "I'm not gonna let you fall!"

Cautiously, Houndour nervously stepped forward on the wobbling platform. He watched the world change around them, watched the human dens fade away to be replaced with lush greenery. He could hear water moving and they quickly found themselves on a path running parallel to a stream.

His nose was smelling so many things, so many other PokeMon. There were Meowth nearby, probably watching. Pidgey and Spearow darted between the trees. Oddish would briefly poke their heads up and out of the ground, watching them pass.

Houndour's mouth opened and his tongue lolled out the side, the smells of so many PokeMon, so many trees and plants, this was fun!

He made the right choice, following the scary human!


G: Well, found out where he's ended up this time.

J: This time? I thought he finished up whatever he was doing!

G: Mostly. He did leave behind a beacon so he could find his way back there, later. This time, though, he got trapped by a crossover god.

J: A... What?

G: Look, you know how I sort of have dominion over a lot of realities that are expressed as video games? Those have all got their own administrators, I don't have the time to micromanage countless thousands of realities.

K: You mentioned it's a 'Crossover' god? What does that mean?

G: Right. That. It's in an in-between space because two completely different forms of reality converge on that space. I have access to one side, the trio have access to the other. The Creator God there has a duty to deal with both of us and usually that involves telling us both to go get stuffed.

J: So, what? There's still nothing we can do?

G: It's a really weird branch. I'd suggest we get some popcorn. I'm gonna go place bets on how long it takes for A to get mixed up in time travel shenanigans.

K: He hates Time Travel, though?

G: I know. That's why it's so funny.

AN/ Short chapter but it gets done what needs doing. A bit of reactions up next, then pushing on to Pallet! Hopefully. If I don't get distracted.
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 8
May Joy had known her newest resident wouldn't stick around for very long. The boy had a drive to him, a sense of direction that she'd seen in countless Trainers during her years as a nurse. He didn't know where he was going but by golly, he was going to get there.

Many of the children that she'd watched would end up doing the same thing. Going off on a journey, half-cocked and full of pith and vinegar. Ready to find their parents or, if they weren't... Around... Anymore, then the kids would get it into their heads to go off on a proper journey. Gather up a handful of badges and go off to be a Ranger or Professor, some even made a solid effort at the Champion's seat!

She was a bitter old woman and she knew it. Nothing made her happier, made her feel more satisfied, than for one of the children's parents to turn up at her door, asking her after their children. Hat in hand, shame on their face, asking her to tell them about -their- child. Begging her to tell them that their boy or girl had been alright, had been healthy, if they'd been doing well in school.

She just wished Alec had the nerve to say something. Or write a proper note.

Instead all he'd left was a blank paper on the bed he'd been using and a decent wad of money under his pillow.

Well, the note wasn't entirely blank. The boy had scribbled something on the bottom. A series of loops that didn't make sense to her.

Holding the letter up, she tried tilting the paper to see if she could actually read the signature when something caught her eye.

There -was- writing on the paper. Or... There had been? She could clearly see the indentations where the boy had pressed his pen against the paper.

May pursed her lips in confusion and set the sheet against the table, grabbing a pencil from the cup she kept full so the children could do their schoolwork. She slowly, carefully ran the pencil across the sheet, revealing the words that had been there. Once.

She... Couldn't make it out. The symbols looked familiar but it wasn't written using letters she was familiar with. Something that should be nearly impossible, given the global standardization of the language a bit over a century prior to her own birth...

"I know this, though...?" The old woman muttered, staring in confusion at the words that she'd revealed. There was definitely something familiar, something known about what she was looking at...

"Miss Joy!" One of the children shouted, drawing her attention away from the paper. "Miss Joy! Owen's Growlithe caught the toilet paper on fire!"

"What?!" The old woman shouted, grabbing her cane. "Not again!"

She hobbled to her feet and rushed off, the letter left forgotten.

~~ I can't thank you enough for your hospitality. I know it's not much but it's everything I can spare right now. I hope it helps.

With any luck I'll be home soon.

The world could use a few more people that actually care, even if they're tired of doing it.

Good luck and stay safe. -@**&@%$#%


Sabrina felt nervous. Something was coming. Something big.

Something that left her nerves raw, something that had her PokeMon glancing at shadows and huddling together out of fear.

It felt worse than the time she'd challenged Agatha and the old woman brought out her full team of Gengar.

Sabrina hadn't been able to sleep for a week after that. She'd been sure there were eyes, watching her from her own shadow.

She didn't know what it was. She couldn't imagine what kind of PokeMon could exude such an Aura. All she did know was that it was coming from the south, coming from Surge's domain.

If the buffoon had woken something up, accidentally unleashed an ancient horror like the Black Fog she would be very... Irate.

The methods she'd tried to calm down hadn't helped in the slightest. Meditation didn't work. Communing with her PokeMon had actually made it worse because they'd started a feedback loop. Tea...

Sabrina was out of tea.

She needed to- Sabrina wanted her to get more tea. So, Sabrina did.

At the PokeMart, she had the strangest encounter. She had to get her own tea, get her PokeMon's nutrition supplements herself. Her assistants never got things right.

And at the PokeMart, after she'd taken a wide path around a Houndour that was guarding a scooter, she found a strange young man. He looked to be half her age but his aura, his aura said he was far older.

It was a conundrum.

The boy, looking at him unsettled her, had a simple little bento in hand. A pre-made mixture of PokeChow made up of a mix of beef, organs and berries.

Her Kadabra loved it, though she had to add extra berries herself. He needed the extra glucose.

"That's a good brand." She found herself saying, her tongue wagging in spite of herself.

"Is it?" The thing asked her, its inhuman eyes moving from the ingredients list on the back to meet her own eyes. It wore long pants and a blue hoodie with a straw colored bucket hat. The shadow its hat cast over its eyes made the yellow glow stand out stronger. "I thought I'd read about something with PokeMon meat being more nutritious?"

"Marketing." Sabrina answered curtly, forcibly ripping her eyes away from the thing. "In the wild, fresh meat still carries traces of Type Energy. It can be more nourishing for PokeMon, yes, but it offers no benefits to us."

"Huh..." The creature put the package of food away in its arm basket and carried on through the shelves, grabbing several more items. Packets of sausage, noodles, roux and the like. "I wonder if it has any impact on Aura?"

"...You'd have to eat it fresh and raw." Sabrina figured, at least. She didn't understand why she was still talking with the thing. It... Something about the creature wearing human skin drew the words out of her.

"I'll have to pass." It even looked queasy at the prospect. "I'm not interested in eating things that can think."

That was surprisingly comforting for her. The creature walked past her and she genuinely felt her skin crawl at his passing.

"I'm Alec Mist." It introduced itself, picking up a bottle of tea from the shelf next to her.

Her favorite brand.

It... Knew. It had to.

"And you are?" It asked, acting as though it didn't already know her.

"Sabrina." She said, withholding her family name. It couldn't do anything to her if she didn't introduce herself fully, could it? "The gym leader of Saffron City."

Or was that the Fae? Was he a Fae?

"Pretty sure you're not." The creature said, humming some arcane tune. "Everyone knows Sabrina is actually a pair of Jynx in a trench coat."

"...Excuse me?" Sabrina had to make sure she heard that correctly. She'd never been told such nonsense before.

"Well, let's be realistic here. What's more believable? A person born with an absolutely immense amount of Aura that they succeed at turning towards psychic powers..." The creature was heading towards the front of the store and Sabrina found herself following it against her will. "Or two mediocre psychic PokeMon with a penchant for manipulating people... Manipulating people."

That... Was a valid point. Except that Sabrina remembered being Sabrina.

...Didn't she?

There were a lot of recorded instances of Jynx PokeMon dragging people into irresistible dances, making them sing, pulling men off into the night and leaving husks behind covered in the obvious marks of their Lovely Kiss...

Sabrina ran her tongue over her dry lips. She was Sabrina... Right?

"Look, don't take my word for it. Ask yourself this- Have you noticed anything especially strange, lately? Missing time, missing numbers, talking dolls?" The creature continued to speak as it set its purchases out on the checkout counter. "One of them might be disguising itself while the other one is off doing something else."

There was the doll Sabrina had made. The one that looked like herself when she was young.

Sabrina had recently taken to having it particpate as a prop in her Gym Battles. A means of unnerving challengers. She would speak through it, act through it, obey... It...

'Alec' took the backpack off of its back and opened it on the counter, his purchases in hand, when a green serpentine PokeMon darted out of it, smacking him in the face. He fell backwards, arms clutching the bag and Sabrina could see there was an egg inside.

She didn't recognize the PokeMon that had attacked Alec, however. It had a pair of large yellow eyes set high on an angular head. The back of which ended in red-tipped frills. The creature had a set of forelimbs but they looked more like flippers than hands or arms and its back trailed off in a tail, no legs but it did have what may have been a trio of fins about two-thirds of the way down its body.

"Dra~ah!" It called, nuzzling against the abomination's face.

'Great One!' it had called him.

"Where in blazes did you come from?" Alec asked, struggling to stand back up.

"Drah-Py." The depths.

"Okay. Fine. Which depths?" Alec asked once he'd gotten to his feet.

"You can under- Who's that PokeMon?" Sabrina asked, thoroughly out of her depth.

"The danger noodle of the deep." The 'boy' grumbled, poking the PokeMon in the head with one finger. It nuzzled against it, calling Alec 'Great One' again. Alec focused his eyes on the PokeMon and asked it "Do you want to come with me?"

Watching Alec tap the strange, floating serpent with a PokeBall, catching the weak little thing without a fight, Sabrina felt incredibly confused.

He hadn't answered her questions, any of them.

And he was walking out the door before she'd finished thinking about how to force it to answer her.

Sabrina looked down to the bottle of tea in her hands, then went back to the shelves.

She needed something a little bit stronger.

Or maybe a whole lot stronger.


Alec could barely withhold a hissing laugh as he left the PokeMart.

"Come on, Sirius." He called down to his Houndour as he hit the kickstand on his scooter. "Let's get going."

Sabrina probably thought she was going to mess with his head, psyche him out with her powers. He hadn't been able to feel her poking around but he also hadn't been able to tell when Miss Martian would do it, either.

Well, he knew the secrets to keeping her from using her normal tactics. The Joker used them all the time!

He just had to baffle her with bullshit.

Seriously, a pair of Jynx in a trenchcoat?

Someone would have to be crazy to think that was serious!
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 9
"I think this is good." Alec said aloud for his two companions as he slowed to a halt, just off the trodden path between Saffron City and Celadon City.

He hadn't been able to cover the distance from Vermilion all the way to Celadon in a single day, not with something as small or slow as a scooter.

He definitely wasn't in the video game version... But then, he already knew that.

Didn't he?

"Houn?" Sirius asked, pointing with his nose to indicate the path forward.

"Dra!" The newest addition to the eclectic group shouted.

The Dreepy had been very eager to coil itself around Alec's hat, helping to keep it in place. It wanted to keep going whilst Sirius was just wondering why they were stopping.

The pup was slow to wake up in the mornings but he just didn't stop once he got going.

"I'm gonna show you guys a secret." Alec explained as he stepped up to a tree and took off his backpack to root around for a moment. His hand came back out holding a box of chalk. Quickly taking a stick out, he placed a large 'T' on the tree in front of him. "Here, back up a bit and let me get to work."

The chalk marking was mostly unnecessary, but Alec would need something to focus on later. Even a temporary landmark would work for the spell he was about to perform.

Gathering the magic for a larger spell felt... Slower. Like Alec was pushing against something. Not necessarily resistance, at least not anything solid. It felt like there was more... Distance?

Which... Was distinctly possible, he supposed. Alec knew there were several sub-dimensions around the core world of PokeMon. The one the Unown used, the Reverse World, there was another Ghost Realm, too, but its inhabitants, the only ones Alec had ever seen at least, were a bunch of assholes.

Alec snapped his fingers as the spell finished forming and a hole rippled into the air in front of them, an unusually slow process as it expanded outwards from the middle, revealing a location that still seemed to be in the midst of its day as the current location transitioned into an orange and purple twilight.

"Alright you two-" Alec paused mid-step as he was about to enter the Gate into his private domain. There was a gap. A small one, but still. A gap in between the two sides of the Gate. Maybe only a few centimeters wide...

Alec got close to the edge and looked through it, jerking back in surprise when something massive and gray darted past it.

"Nope!" Alec was not dealing with those kinds of shenanigans! Not today! "Come on you two, hup-hup!"

Sirius hopped right through but Alec had to grab the Dreepy and drag the curious ghoul into his home so he could cancel the Gate.

"Welcome to my home." He spread his arms out, leaning his scooter against his side.

The realm he'd revealed to the two PokeMon was large, three buildings stood out among the flat plain. Directly before them was a cabin, the one Alec had once used as his home. On their right, a bit away, was another cabin. His workshop.

To their left was a modest, two-story house. It... Had many of Alec's things, many important things like his laptop and collection of spellbooks. It lacked, however, in the most important thing.

His family.

Alchemist huffed and shook his head. He was working on it. Every setback just meant he was going in the right direction.

"Lets get you both fed and we'll see about getting some training figured out." Alec said, walking towards the house. On the way they passed by a group of smaller square buildings. A giant made of metal, easily the size of a Golurk, raised itself just slightly to look at the odd group.

Alec waved and the golem waved back, returning to its slumber. Leading the creatures into the house, Alec paused to leave his shoes next to the door on an empty rack.

Sirius seemed incredibly curious. His nose was sniffing away, his tail wagging as he tried to dig his way into the cushions of the couch. The Dreepy seemed more interested in lingering with him though that didn't stop the small creature from turning every which way it could from its spot around his neck.

Alec gently placed his sword on the ground, leaning against the dining room table and took off his bag, extracting the egg from within.

The egg. That had really been the part that told him which reality he was in. In the games, there were only two egg models. A standard one, white with green flecks and a special one for a kind of legendary pokemon that was blue and yellow. After someone took enough steps, the egg would hatch and reveal whatever PokeMon was inside.

In the anime, things were... Different. While the eggs still certainly had a generic egg shape, they also took on the colors of the PokeMon inside, sometimes in a pattern that would look like what it would change into.

And change was the key word. Eggs in the anime didn't hatch. They evolved. Usually.

The egg that Alec had pulled from the water was red and black. Not colors he typically associated with water types. Not even fighting types. Alec didn't think it would be a Sneasel or Misdreavus egg, possibly a Litten? He wasn't sure.

And he wasn't going to worry about it. The egg would hatch, or evolve, or whatever it did whenever it did it.

Instead, he turned on the stove and grabbed a pan. Spaghetti with sausage sounded pretty good tonight.

While the water was heating up, he dug through the cabinets to retrieve a pair of plates. About half of the pre-made chow went on to one, for Sirius, and two tablespoons were put on the other one.

He wasn't actually sure what the Dreepy would eat. On the one hand, deep-sea dragon and he knew they liked to knaw on the claws of some crab or lobster PokeMon back when they'd been alive. On the other... Ghost.

Well, he'd figure it out.

"Sirius, come here!" Alec called as he crouched to set down the food. The mage looked up when he heard the dogs nails clicking against the hardwood floor and froze.

Sirius had a rope toy in his mouth, his stubby little tail was wagging away.

"Food..." Alec tugged on the rope but Sirius didn't want to let go, happily pulling on it. Alec almost ripped it from the dogs mouth, his hand shook with how hard it was clenched.

"Dr~ah?" Dreepy asked, pushing its head against Alec's chin.

Sirius didn't notice how the man had frozen, too busy trying to twist the rope out of his hand.

"Food, food first." Alec swallowed, the pit in his stomach felt like it had been filled with lead. He didn't think he'd be able to eat much. "Then we'll get to some training."

Alec let go of the rope and Sirius nearly fell backwards at the lack of resistance. Instead, Alec pointed at the dish of pureed meat and berries.

The dog stood in place, looking painfully conflicted as it tried to decide if it wanted to play or eat. Eventually, as it always did where dogs were concerned, food won out.

"You, too." Alec told the Dreepy, running a finger over its head before placing the floating serpent down in front of its own dish. "We won't get much done on an empty stomach."

Something Alec knew from constant, personal experience.

"Just keep moving forward..." Alec told himself as he stepped back into the kitchen and towards the pot of simmering water. "Even if it's only one step, keep moving forward."
Yeah, Shuckle!


Yeah, Shuckle! Part 1/?

Alec didn't really mind carrying the egg with him as he traveled to and fro across Kanto. Between his other PokeMon, it was nice to have something that was so... Non-committal. He didn't need to talk to it, tell it what he intended, convince it to do something crazy as part of a battle plan.

Just, keep the heavy thing in his backpack.

The mage was humming to himself as he watched his Dreepy playing among the waves on the beach south of Fuschia when he felt something. There was jerking and jostling coming from his backpack!

He turned sharply, one hand resting on the hilt of his blade and ready to draw, but he found nobody. He did, however, still feel the shifting on his back.

"I'd rather not get attacked. Again." Alec said out loud as he pulled off his struggling pack and set it in the sand. Keeping it at arms length, he slowly unzipped it-

And saw a yellow tentacle wriggle its way out of the opening.

"What the hell?" He asked, quite ready to stab whatever had snuck into his backpack.

Instead of needing to do anything too drastic, his backpack flumped over on its side and another yellow tentacle reached out, the two limbs working together to unzip his bag the rest of the way.

"Ooh, yeah!" A voice called as something wormed its way out and on to the sand. "That's the stuff!"

Well, it actually said several variations of the word 'Shuckle' but Tongues was absolutely amazing at translation.

"You're pretty talkative for a newborn." Alec stated, watching the small mass of yellow tentacles attached to a holey red rock.

"Oh yeah, that's me! Shuckle! I'm awesome, baby!" The critter shouted, turning one tentacle towards Alec's face. "Got sent to the PokeMon world, even got ol' Arceus to gimme some tentacles! The ladies love it!"

"...I'm pretty sure they don't." Alec seriously debated stabbing the creature immediately, before it could lay eggs.

"Woah, wait, what? Bro, you understand me?" The Shuckle looked deep into Alec's eyes and then waved its stubby tentacles in what Alec assumed was excitement. "That's awesome! Oh yeah! Arceus, you godly goat, you! Even put me right in line with the perfect person to make my dreams come true!"

"...Do I want to ask?" Maybe fire, Alec debated. You could always kill it with fire.

"Maybe. Maybe. How would you feel about getting me a Galarian Ponyta? Maybe naming her Rainbow Dash?" The Shuckle tried to wiggle its non-existent eyebrows.

"Doubt that'll work out." Alec immediately disagreed. "We're in Kanto. No rainbow ponies here."

"Aww, Shucks." The disgusting little pile of worms drooped slightly before perking back up. "But that means Misty is here!"

"She's, like, ten." Alec was not going to deal with this. He picked up the main body of the Isekai-cel.

"I ain't read about no age of consent in Kanto, brah!" The Shuckle wiggled it's little tentacles and Alec threw up a little bit inside his mouth. "Besides, I'm a PokeMon! It's totally okay!"

"Right..." Alec disagreed and looked out over the shoreline. "No."

"...What?" The new-born Shuckle asked, confused, as Alec took a pitcher's stance and reared back his arm. "Dude, no, wait!"

Alec did not wait.

Alec used Fling.

As the Shuckle disappeared over the seas to the south, screaming about his ladies, Alec allowed himself a grim smile.

"Super Effective."
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 10
The Dreepy listened intently as the Great One led it about the lair. The lingering creature could feel many things hidden out of sight. Sources of great power and moments of great joy.

"I don't know how to explain what you all are, not really." The Great One spoke to them both, her and the black-burning coals. "Not in a way that would really matter. Calling you imagination given form, vessels filled with a spark of power and a font of potential is all well and good but it doesn't explain anything or help at all."

Before she'd followed the Great One to the surface, she hadn't interacted with any Humans at all. Of course, it only looked Human for the benefit of the others. Deep benath its surface, she could feel the immeasurable power of a Ghost beyond compare and a Dragon that was greater than even the ancient Dragapult that had spawned her and the others.

Briefly, as he had shown them the Doorway, she had felt another like him. Something powerful beyond measure and filled with Chained Malevolence. A stark contrast to the immeasurable Great One. His will was Steel and he'd shown himself to be mischievious rather than cruel.

She could see the appeal in either direction, really. She and the other Dreepy liked to tickle and tease, fading just out of reach when their playmate for the day grew tired of them.

The black-burning coals listened happily, ignorant of the great wisdom that their 'Trainer' was bestowing upon them. Dreepy did not understand yet, no, but she would listen. She would learn.

"And I could tell you all a bunch of numbers but those aren't real and as such, they don't matter." Her 'Human' continued to speak as he led them into the dark of his realm. Down a well-trod path, past the den that echoed with the memories of an old lair and into another building that radiated pure Fire to her senses. "So we're going to move on to the real meat of things."

Dreepy licked her stubby teeth, remembering. She could dine on misery and sadness, the same as most any other Ghosts. Feed on stolen life as readily as any Zubat... But her Trainer had bid her eat meat, solid food. Mixed with the juices of some tangy fruit.

It was an altogether different experience. She wasn't sure if she'd enjoyed it but she certainly hadn't disliked it.

Her trainer opened the door of the den and raw Fire seeped out. She poked her head up from where it was pressed against his neck to look at the source. A great, grated pillar stood in the center of the room. Flames eternal licked at the air from within.

The black-burning coals stopped to stare, sniffing at the air in confusion as it finally understood that it had been led to something impossible. Something which Dreepy had never heard of in all the legends the few lingering Drakloak had told her and her brood.

"Sirius? You're a very direct kind of fighter. Your physical capabilities are limited, not unexpected given that you're part of a pack and not supposed to be all alone." The black-burning- Sirius. Sirius, he'd been named and so Sirius she would call him. Sirius's ears drooped at the blunt statement of his weaknesses. "But you have good native strengths in raw elemental manipulation and you can learn abilities that can cover most of your native weaknesses. Maybe even all of them. I don't remember if you can learn the Psychic bite attack."

Dreepy tilted her head and looked down at the Sirius. It had perked up quite readily at being told that its weaknesses could be resolved.

Her trainer paused in his explanations as he made way to the middle of the room, then all the way to one side. He kicked the ground, moving aside a panel of wood and revealing a ring of all things.

Dreepy's confusion was cleared when he leaned down, nearly dislodging her, and pulled on the ring. In so doing, he moved a panel that had been placed on the ground, blocking off a tight and narrow stairwell.

"Dreepy- We need a name for you." Her trainer stepped down the stairs, one hand firmly holding against a rail that led down.

If her trainer so wished, she would accept a name. She may even cherish it, should it be a good one.

"First thing first. It's the same question Oak always liked to start with- Are you a boy or a girl?" The room below was dark but for a single pillar in the center that glowed white with enough pure Fire that Dreepy felt dehydrated just by being in the same room.

It was actually rather exhilarating. She was descended of the great and ancient dragons! She'd never heard of a fire that could so much as touch their skin!

Sirius, of course, was absolutely excited and had to press his nose against the impossible fire.

"Drahp." She told her trainer. Girl.

"Alright. Can work with that. Let's see... Speed, that's a given. Something to reference speed- wind maybe? What's a good word for wind... Kamika- No, not happening. Save it for an Electrode..." Her trainer began mumbling as he crossed the room, passing the flame without so much as a second look.

How powerful was the Great One that he had contained the very essence of fire to his command?

"Fast... Fast winds... Not Squall, can't turn you into a brat like that." Dreepy had no idea who this 'Squall' was but she did wonder what he'd done to dissatisfy the Great One so. "Zephyr? God of... Hope. West winds... Maybe something like Zeph? Shorten it to one syllable for convenience, makes it easier in battle?"

Dreepy tilted her head left, then right. Being given such a lofty name was doing a fantastic job of stroking her ego.

Yes... Zeph would do quite well.

"Dree-py!" She cried, acknowledging her agreement.

"Well, I'm glad you like it." Her trainer told her as he bent low and wrapped his hands around nothing on the opposite side of the steps they'd already descended. He raised his hand, grunting loudly before shoving something unseen against the wall. "Sirius, come on. This will be important."

Her lantern-like eyes watched in rapt curiosity as they descended -through- the floor. An illusion? Like the trickster ghosts of the surface?

Her trainer's talents were beyond compare!

There was no light to be found, not at first. Her trainer snapped his fingers and a glowing ball of light rose overhead, illuminating a room filled with boxes... And something else. Something very different.

Standing upon a metal pillar in the center of the room was a glass orb. Inside of which a series of strange stones violently slammed into the sides. All about the room were strange lines and symbols, glowing with a malevolent anti-light that darkened the little light they had and drained the very colors from everything.

"Zeph? You're pretty similar to Sirius. You'll always be fragile." Her trainer told her, revealing the shameful truth of her kind. He did not seem to be cruel about it, at least. "You're incredibly fast and you can hit things very hard, but your strengths lie more in the physical realm. The intent behind your claws, teeth and tail will always be a bit more impactful than if you'd breathed fire or summoned lightning. Even your weaknesses can be covered, from the Dark to the Fae, if we can find the right tools or figure out the methods ourselves."

Zeph pushed her head against her trainer's neck, watching as he opened a box and pulled out a strange, purple crystal.

"...And I just realized I never labeled these." The 'human' sighed before he grabbed the lid from the box he'd just opened and... Changed it. What had once been simple wood became the same black metal that supported the screaming Dark he'd caged in the center of the room.

He held the crystal up in one hand, aimed towards the freshly made sheet of steel and she could feel him maneuver his Energy into his hand and into the crystal.

For a brief second she was confused, for nothing happened.

Then there was a brilliant light, brighter and more cruel than the noon-time sun!

She hissed in pain and burrowed under his clothes while Sirius whined and dropped to the ground, his paws covering his eyes.

"Well... That's Tis Rozain. And not the one I'm looking for." Her trainer sighed and Zeph could hear a loud 'Clink!' as the crystal was dropped into the box, nestled among a hoard of others.

What madness did the Great One perform to touch such a wicked light? How did he wield it with such ease?!

She popped her head back up as he moved on to another box, full of identical purple crystals.

This time, when he picked it up and filled it with his boundless strength, a thin beam of blackened purple fired from the crystal and into the steel sheet. It did nothing to it but Zeph could feel the Abyssal Dark in that action.

"There we go. I was half convinced I was going to grab Chisel Barrage. It'd be good for you both to learn, great against the Fairy types but that's a supplement." Her trainer bared his teeth in what she'd quickly come to understand was glee and closed the box. "For now, we're going to work on the core. Getting a feel for your native energies and what you can do with it."

Zeph had never heard of such a thing and sadly had no frame of reference to connect it to. Her own abilities were painfully limited, her body unable to handle much by way of energy. Even her native strengths, her Ghostly and Draconic powers were truthfully beyond her reach and would mostly remain so until she'd grown enough to become a Drakloak.

Sirius, whilst terribly confused, was also incredibly excited. The Dark beast had felt the innate power, the force it could bring to bear.

Zeph could hardly blame him for being so excited, really. If she could learn to imitate such a thing, she would be the greatest Dreepy to ever exist!

"Let's go." Her trainer called needlessly as they ascended the stairs and returned to the room from which the Fire sprang. "We'll probably hit Celadon in a few days and I'd like to see if the Gym there does one-badge challenges. For that, I'd like to make sure the both of you have a decent basis to grow from. So we'll be focusing on getting familiar with the different energy types and seeing what we can figure out from there."

Zeph didn't really understand everything. Not really. The Great One was likely older than her, had seen more of the world and learned its deeper secrets.

She would just have to pay attention and learn them too!
Anime Adjacent: PokeMon 11
Erika, the Gym Leader of the Celadon City Gym, a place in which PokeMon trainers learned to value the strength of Grass Types, slowly leaned forward and...


The kimono-clad woman caught herself before she could tilt over and shook herself, forcing her eyes open.

They were nearing the end of the traditional League season which meant the number of challengers for her Rainbow Badge were tapering off. As the representative of Celadon City, she was still obligated to remain publicly available until the Indigo League Challenge had concluded. Several more weeks.

Erika yawned, demurely covering her mouth with one long sleeve.

Several more weeks and then she could declare her Gym Challenge to be by appointment, freeing up her schedule immensely until the start of the next years League Challenge.

"Erika?" One of her Gym Trainers called gently, waking the dozing woman. "We've got a phone call. It's, uh, Sabrina."

"What?" Erika asked, standing up and stifling another yawn. "Sabrina? She never calls me."

Or anybody.

"Well, it's a woman who says her name is Sabrina." Erika's trainer, a young beauty with luscious blond locks named Bridget told her. "It might be best to take this call in your office?"

"Is something wrong?" Erika asked, following behind her trainer through the greenhouse that was used as the battleground of her Gym challenges.

"Well, I'm pretty sure she's drunk." Erika stopped in place, shocked at the blunt admission from Bridget. "And she's sounding pretty crazy. Crazier than normal."

"...I see." Erika really didn't. Regardless, she hurried past Bridget and into her office. Picking up the handset, she brought it to her ear-

"Took you long enough." The cold, dour voice on the other end was demanding. Definitely Sabrina.

"Sabrina!" Erika adopted a measure of cheer. It was only polite, after all. "It's such a rare delight to hear from you! Are you well?"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. You're fine. The gym is doing fine and your Weepinbell is about to evolve- I called you for something important, Erika." Sabrina's voice had a hard edge to it. "Don't sigh, you know I hate small talk."

Erika choked back said sigh, hiccuping into the receiver. Sabrina's abuse of divination was but one of several reasons why the cold woman was so difficult to speak with.

And why the poor dear was chronically single.

"I can hear you mocking me, Erika." Sabrina spoke again, cutting the Grass leader off before she could speak.

"Good. It saves me the time of having to actually say it out loud, crone." Erika very fondly remembered five minutes ago. When she wasn't having to deal with a neurotic psychic. "What did you call me for?"

"I've been augmenting my capabilities for the last few days. Dealing with an... Unexpected situation. A Fetch I'd accidentally made. It did not appreciate being revealed. Or cleansed with fire." Erika had no idea what a Fetch even was. She'd never heard of a PokeMon that had such a name. "You should be hosting a challenger soon. Some... Thing. I don't know what it is. The future fractures around it. Be on your guard. You must defeat it."

"I see..." Erika did not, in fact, see. "By 'augmenting' do you by chance mean 'drinking copious amounts of alcohol'?"

It wasn't a subtle thing. Sabrina was harsh and cold like a midwinter storm, biting and chilly.

That was normal.

The woman offering some measure of concern? Masking it behind her typical vitriol and abuse? That was almost unheard of!

"You know how Psyduck's psychic power grows with its headache?" Erika nodded, quite sure that Sabrina would be aware of it. "A hangover is an amazing power amplifier."

"Why-" Erika started to ask but was interrupted by a click and then beeping.

Sabrina had hung up on her!

"Rude..." Erika sighed and placed the handset back on its cradle. That had been... Whatever the opposite of enlightening would be.

Mystifying. That had been mystifying.

Still, at least the insanely powerful lunatic had told her something useful. She'd be entertaining a challenger soon!

Erika left her office and returned to her greenhouse. Her flowers were blooming, the birds were singing-


One fewer bird was singing as her Weepinbell enjoyed a fresh meal.

Erika looked around at the greenery and had to suppress another yawn. She was up in the early mornings and always felt tired in the afternoons. Honestly, a good battle right now would be just the thing she needed to wake back up!

Her eyes were about to drift shut again when she saw someone poking their nose into her little garden.

Eugh, no. Worse than that. Someone had brought a Houndour into her garden!

She'd posted a bounty with the Rangers to have the pack on Route Seven broken up so people would stop bringing wild PokeMon into her Gym and thinking they'd have an easy battle due to a type advantage!

"Hello?" The boy with that dreadful PokeMon called into her greenhouse. He seemed rather plain, really, though his eyes did look somewhat unique. "Are you Erika?"

"I am." Erika suppressed a sigh and stood up from her seat. Again. "Welcome to the Celadon City Gym. I am the leader, Erika. The Nature Loving Princess. Who do I have the honor of challenging today?"

"Alec Mist." And he had such a bland name. "I don't suppose you run any one-badge challenges? Sirius and I haven't been training long and we're a bit mixed up, so I know the-"

"We do not, I apologize." Erika didn't bother suppressing her sigh this time around. She could at least appreciate that he'd been up-front with his inexperience. "The Gym Circuit is designed to be followed in a specific route for a reason, to ensure that a trainer has acquired the necessary skills to earn each badge, showing prowess and excellence across a variety of fields which are critical in both raising and training your partners."

Erika looked down on the Houndour. She'd gotten very used to having them Growl at her when she educated their trainers on the reality of their situation.

This one, though, simply sat next to his trainer. Happily panting as though he were actually tame.

"I see..." The boy nodded to her and then leaned down, stroking the head of the vicious little Fire beast. "Thank you for your time. Hopefully I'll be back around soon."

The boy turned around and started to walk out the door, his Houndour at his side. "Come on, Sirius. Let's get lunch figured out and then I need to find a way to make some money. Should I set up a stall for repairs or raid the Rocket base...?"

Erika watched him walk away, talking with his Houndour as though the simple brute truly understood him. She settled herself back down and was almost ready to nod back off when what he'd said properly settled itself in her mind.

"Wait!" She cried, snapping to full wakefulness. "What Rocket Base?!"
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