Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
No idea how to set up strawpolls, but given the ~99 people viewing the thread right now? It's just not working.
Well, this is long overdue.

A short while back, y'all sent me your suggestions for other "What If…?" prompts, with my one caveat being "we aren't going back for more of another one quite yet".

I finally took the initiative to actually make a strawpoll for those options.

Note. EITHER when 1) there is a clear standout favorite, OR 2) five days have passed, I will close the voting.

With all this said… please (EDIT: try this link instead [
View: )for the strawpoll.

Sorry to say, but I'm getting the 'zero votes' glitch in both posted polls as well.

I do want to see you take a swing at My Hero Academia though, since the only major legal-esque case is Lady Nagant. And hoo boy, is she wrapped up in a subscription and a half.
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Oh it worked alright. I've already gotten 44—wait no, 48—hold up, fifty o--tw--okay I'm gonna stop counting in real time this isn't working.
Awesome! Glad you found something that works! I can imagine how frustrating it can be when something doesn't work time after time after time, ad nauseam.
Dunno if I'd argue that's TOO shocking; while Worm is absurdly popular on SB/SV, it's also got a fair number of people around who just don't want to deal with it at all. That's why the Worm subforum was made in the first place, to let everyone who doesn't want their fanfiction browsing to consistently be "2/3rds of the front page is Worm crossovers".

Totally voted for Worm myself though.
All other links aside from the one that works have been edited out.

Just as an aside -- early voting is shockingly even.

The even more surprising thing is that one of the options is CONSISTENTLY EDGING OUT WORM.
Except for the one I linked. I deleted my post, but it still lingers on via quote
Sorry, all taken care of.

That said, really hoping to see Lady Nagant get... well, any kind of treatment. Were her missions lawful, does she bear any responsibility for unlawful conduct, can she claim self-defense, is the fabricated story by Public Safety grounds for a mistrial... That last bit really makes me think of In The Name Of The Father's finale.
Well, attorney stories in Worm would all be railroaded by Contessa if it goes against Path To Victory (+ as much misery and violence as possible teehee -Thinker) so IMO very limited as to how interesting it can be.. MHA on the other hand has a BUNCH of things that a lawyer can do to sway opinions against the idiots in the Heroics Committee (or however they're called).

And you can make your own laws for your lawyer character to fight with\against which can be just as interesting.
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Hmm, wonder how her dragon-esque appearance would factor in in Worm.
  • Changer could make sense, but normal changers don't have always-on features.
  • Not enough to count for case 53s, and one becoming a lawyer would be nigh-impossible.
  • Only way i can see it is a Cauldron vial, would be a complicated backstory though.
Worm isn't interesting unless Noa was/is some kind of outside context problem and being just a Parahuman lawyer wouldn't be that. Although, if her only power was being a Blindspot to everyone/everything else, that could possibly work. Maybe.
I went with HeroAca because they had the potential for reverse XMen scenario and a boatload of government corruption and grey areas regarding villains and squandered it.

I will never not be buttmad about Endeavor, what the HSPC did to Hawks, and Lady Nagant. Or quirkless issues, especially when we found out about Aoyama.


Salt aside, any one of those plots would make an excellent sidestory.
I went for MHA, because I suspected it would be more amusing than Worm. I know it's also got its dark bits, but its setting seems much less inclined to screwing over anyone trying to make things better For Reasons the way Worm does.
The even more surprising thing is that one of the options is CONSISTENTLY EDGING OUT WORM.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel like the Worm low-hanging fruit are either something Taylor-related (locker, replacing Calle) or Canary-related. I'm sure your spin on it would be interesting, but I think MHA (and Star Wars) has more possibilities.