Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
While this is good for ramping up dramatic tension, isn't this the kind of Idiot Ball trope that tends to turn away more than a few readers? ("You have a brain resource! USE IT!")
Quicksilver is currently a probationary Avengers member. I would actually find it implausible if he had the time to act as Noa's protective detail. And bodyguarding isn't one of those things that speed really helps with. Its purely passive/defensive.
You do know Kingpin has access to a lot of supervillains, right? The Rhino alone would WRECK Daredevil and even Spiderman sometimes has trouble with him. If he sends a big team and she doesn't have Superhero support, Noa is fucked.

Not to mention testimony alone is not enough for conviction, they also need actual evidence and good defence lawyers can delay things a whole lot.
It's a lot more efficient to get rid of the witness rather than the lawyer or the cops if you are going to resort to that.
Not to mention that using "soft" power, whether carrot or stick, against the target and their loved ones is historically the best first move.
That doesn't mean that Kingpin will not resort to violence when the other options are not viable, or when there is need to send a message. He usually has specialists on assassination on retainer for that. Bullseye is one, but he should be currently in jail. I wonder if Elektra is already working for him...
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Is more that just dealing with the witness, he is Mafia/Maggia and is about sending a message, because if he doesn't keep people scared of him, more witness will show up.
Not a bomb, and neither of those things.

Cmon, folks, it's not hard to google search the entity that sent it to her!
One of them had some substantial heft to it. And just from testing the width with my fingers, I could tell it held at least fifty sheets of paper in it. Then there was the last bit of weirdness – the return address.

It was to Universal Television. In Los Angeles.
Something about their new show, Law & Order? Or is it something to do with the production on Schindler's List being about to begin in earnest?
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Cmon, folks, it's not hard to google search the entity that sent it to her!
Do you think I'm stupid?
It was to Universal Television. In Los Angeles.
Alright thread, we all need to put our individual brain cell together to crack this enigma.
What do you think Universal TELEVISION does as a business?
Lets really scratch our heads here. Hmmmm, perhaps its a galactic radio show about survivors of Galactus.
Hmmmmmm, perhaps they want to ghost write Noa's Godfathers biography and they need to get in touch.
Something about their new show, Law & Order? Or is it something to do with the production on Schindler's List being about to begin in earnest?
Well, if we look at shows produced by Universal Television, there's technically one other legal drama set to air in 1991: The Antagonists. Depending how far out we want to go for anything legal related, Dick Wolf's content mill has a few independent projects set to come out over the next decade. Swift Justice, Feds, Players, and so on. Depends how far out we're going for production.

As for Schindler's List, right now IIRC it's technically still Martin Scorsese's project, which if that's the script, would make it the Steve Zaillian's "short" 115 page version. Kurt Luedtke gave up on his script I think three years ago in-story. Spielberg contractually can't touch that project until Jurassic Park's done, and if I'm remembering the timeline of that production, Crichton's first of several scripts hasn't even been turned in yet.

Spielburg's work on Schindler's List is two-ish years away, if I'm synching the productions up right.
With Scott and Jean, I think it's some version of the "fine with Those People existing, but do we want them around our communities (especially our kids)?" level of (in)tolerance. They picked up a child (who they feel responsible for) in distress, asked her why (she's in distress because her found family is One of Those), and drew the shortest-line conclusion. Probably something along the lines of "sure, you can see her, but maybe it would be better if you came back to the mansion, if being in her house is just going to make you unhappy." Common sense behavior.
Something about their new show, Law & Order? Or is it something to do with the production on Schindler's List being about to begin in earnest?
Can't imagine what Law and Order would want with her, though. They're a show about, as we all know, "two separate, yet equally important, groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders" (these are their stories, dundun). Maybe an interview, hoping to write another "Ripped From The Headlines" story with a focus on mutants. But given the show's general politics regarding how the police and prosecutors function, I don't imagine it'd be all that positive towards a character like Noa.

If it is Marvel related, then who's out there in LA? I can't imagine the West Coast Avengers have formed quite yet with the way this timeline's progressing, and I don't think Wonder Man started as an actor either, so he wouldn't be working at Universal...
If it's a very thick package, the only thing I can think of is a contract or a script to review? So like "we want to do this episode about you, make comments on this script and send it back" or "here is our employment contract to consult with us on X"
Is the trend of the kingpin in comics finding a legal loophole to get out of prison each time he is arrested a charachteristic of the character or just a method of the Marvel writers to avoid having to invent a new mafia character?(maybe a critic of america legal system or a mix of the 3 ?)
I would just like to know if it's the first to know if I should lower my expectations of seeing him really get caught for good in this story.
sometimes Kingpin arranges his own arrest/incarceration to stir up conflict among his subordinates/rivals as they try to become the new kingpin. In those cases, he can have evidence saved to be revealed later that 'proves his innocence/alibi' or otherwise invalidates the conviction, at which point he swoops back in, and stomps on the surviving competitors for his seat.

Nope! She completely forgot.

Care to guess what's inside?~
My thought was a script for a TV movie/miniseries/etc based on either the Pyro trial or the Tennis Star one (she did 'save' Pro sports with that case)

It's a lot more efficient to get rid of the witness rather than the lawyer or the cops if you are going to resort to that.
yeah but in this case the witness is The Blob, he's not an easy mark.
If it's a very thick package, the only thing I can think of is a contract or a script to review? So like "we want to do this episode about you, make comments on this script and send it back" or "here is our employment contract to consult with us on X"
Honestly, its where my mind went first as well. The issue with that as a suggestion though, is that I'd actually expect them to reach out with an agent rather than cold calling her an entire damn contract. Scripts and stuff are usually kept under NDA's aren't they? This would basically be them putting the cart before they even know if they have a horse.
Maybe the package is just blobs paperwork? (Advisory role contract thingy for law and order is my guess)

Also goddam why does Scott and Jean always seem to be the shittiest xmen? Old man Logan saving the day, but I really want to know more about this spicy personal drama now.
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Can't imagine what Law and Order would want with her, though. They're a show about, as we all know, "two separate, yet equally important, groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders" (these are their stories, dundun). Maybe an interview, hoping to write another "Ripped From The Headlines" story with a focus on mutants. But given the show's general politics regarding how the police and prosecutors function, I don't imagine it'd be all that positive towards a character like Noa.
They might want her to be an advisor for the recurring defense attorney Danielle Melnick, who was McCoy's friend and rival - his equal as a defense attorney. She was a zealous, crusading attorney, who often took on cases to make political points. Sound like Noa?
AU Omake — Better Than a Pacifier
Crossposting from SB.

In a timeline a few steps to the side...


Rifka Schaefer put another stitch in a torn pillowcase, idly clucking her tongue at the damage. Raising a mutant infant was a surprise which brought constant minor difficulties. Such as pillowcases that had caught on Noa's tiny little horns and torn. Still, Rifka couldn't begrudge the extra work. So her daughter was a bit unusual, she would be loved all the same. And it did have the occasional advantage.

Rifka glanced over at where Noa was sitting in a basket, sucking on the tip of her tail. Who else's baby came with a built-in pacifier? Rifka chuckled as Noa clutched at her tail with her chubby little hands. She went back to her sewing.

She nearly stabbed herself when Noa started wailing. Instantly, Rifka scooped up her daughter and began rocking her. "Come on sweetie, what's wrong?" Rifka asked. It was rather confusing, considering Noa had just been fed and changed not even an hour ago, but whatever was distressing her was enough to keep her crying fit to wake the dead.

Aaron Schaefer arrived in the living room with a concerned look on his face. "What's happening?"

Rifka looked up at her husband with a confused expresion. "I have no idea, she was fine a moment ago."

Aaron leaned over to look at the screaming bundle in Rifka's arms. "What's the matter, bubbeleh?" He reached out and poked her nose, getting the infant's attention and pausing the crying. "See, it's not so bad, baby girl?" She reached out and grabbed his finger in her chubby little fists, pulling it closer so she could gum it. "Ow!" Aaron exclaimed, gently pulling his finger back.

"Ow?" Rifka asked, surprised.

"She bit me!" Aaron explained. He peered into their daughter's open mouth. "Dear, look, her teeth are coming in!"

Rifka looked herself, then chuckled ruefully. "That must have been what happened, she bit her own tail."

Aaron chuckled as well, poking Noa in the tummy. "You shouldn't do that, little bubbeleh!"

Rifka sighed with relief, lowering Noa back into her basket. "What if she'd really hurt herself though?" she asked, frowning. "Who would we take her to?"

"The doctor-"

"Do they know what to do with a tail?" Rifka countered. "What if- what if one of her horns falls off, or her scales grow in wrong, or there's something wrong with her tail, or- or-"

Aaron nodded slowly. "You're right. I'll talk with the doctor, see if they can point us to anyone who knows how to treat people like Noa. Hopefully they won't be too strange."

Rifka nodded. "Good, we should-" she paused. Noa was being too quiet. That was never a good sign. She looked over to see her daughter had her tail back in her mouth and was gnawing vigorously. "Well. I think she's probably okay."

"I'm getting the camera," Aaron whispered.

"You should still see about the doctor."

"After I get the camera!"
AU Omake — Attack of the Fifty-Foot Lizzer
In a timeline a few steps to the side, where things take a bleak turn...


People ran screaming through the streets of the city, fleeing before the might of the rampaging mutant. Beams of light tore through buildings, scattering them like matchsticks. The city's defenders rallied, but would it be enough against this all-powerful threat?

Captain America began the battle, hurling his mighty shield at the enormous foe, but his shield was batted aside. A single kick from an enormous, building-sized foot sent him hurtling to the horizon, thoroughly defeated. The Hulk attempted to strike from behind in a mighty leap, only to be struck down by the scaly tail of the mighty foe, leaving him flattened against the pavement.

Noa Schaefer, the unstoppable... uh... she was going to have to workshop that, actually, she couldn't think of a good name... roared her triumph, the sound reverberating through her horns to bring the city to its knees!

Iron Man and the Falcon swooped past, firing on her with their weapons, but to no avail, their strikes like pinpricks against her might. In desperation, Iron Man readied his central chest laser to deliver a single overwhelming blow to the rampaging mutant, but she seized control of the beam of light, directing it into Falcon. The winged Avenger was struck from the sky in a ball of fire, crashing to earth a Noa clapped Iron Man between her hands, smashing the armored Avenger like a fly.

Bellowing her anger, Noa turned on the largest tower in the city, a laser beam from her hand slicing from base to roof, cutting the building in twain. The two halves collapsed to the sides as she turned on her newest foes, ready to-

Rifka Schaefer poked her head into Noa's room. "Dinner's almost ready Noa, come help set the table please."

Noa, frozen with her foot in the air, poised to kick another block tower down, nodded. "Okay, mom."

"And make sure you clean up before going to bed," Rifka chided, surveying the tableau of destruction, scattered blocks and dolls everywhere. "You've made quite a mess."

"Yes mom," Noa grumped in the way only a sullen six year old can.

The rampaging mutant departed the city, her appetite for carnage sated... for now.


Okay, maybe not that bleak a turn...
Actually, those omakes of baby Noa triggered some thoughts on my end.

What's the dividing line between pre-suicide Noa in 1981 and October SI'd into Noa? Is it Noa gaining a set of memories from October, October overwriting the "old Noa" entirely (something I don't think is the case given post-SI Noa still remembers and cares for her parents), a personality merge, something else?

EDIT: It's just, I don't these child memories to mean nothing to the current Noa. That's the trouble with SIs.
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Noa Schaefer, the unstoppable... uh... she was going to have to workshop that, actually, she couldn't think of a good name... roared her triumph, the sound reverberating through her horns to bring the city to its knees!
Civilian 1: "Run! She's Lawzilla!"

Civilian 2: "Technically, due to international copyright law, she isn't."

Civilian 1: "Still, we should run away from her as if she is Lawzilla!"

Civilian 2: "Even though she isn't."

Both Civilians: *then scream and run away*
Civilian 1: "Run! She's Lawzilla!"

Civilian 2: "Technically, due to international copyright law, she isn't."

Civilian 1: "Still, we should run away from her as if she is Lawzilla!"

Civilian 2: "Even though she isn't."

Both Civilians: *then scream and run away*
So the basic concept behind this was that it's a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, one of the ones where it's unclear if Calvin's just imagining things or if he's actually a reality warper of some kind.

About the only reason I can't see that conversation happening in one of those strips would be space limitations.
Actually, those omakes of baby Noa triggered some thoughts on my end.

What's the dividing line between pre-suicide Noa in 1981 and October SI'd into Noa? Is it Noa gaining a set of memories from October, October overwriting the "old Noa" entirely (something I don't think is the case given post-SI Noa still remembers and cares for her parents), a personality merge, something else?

EDIT: It's just, I don't these child memories to mean nothing to the current Noa. That's the trouble with SIs.
So this line has actually blurred a fair bit. To the point that the old timeline document is effectively defunct.

Call it some early installment weirdness.

Basically: since the initial conception of this idea, that bright line "it happened here" kinda no longer exists. If you absolutely need some clear "it started happening here" marker, Noa's mutation was basically the opening of a sluice gate, slowly letting the past fully mingle with the present, beyond just the personality and habits filtering through.

EDIT: Noa's childhood memories 100% mean everything to her. She does have knowledge, memories, and opinions from a life once lived, but most of it is growing more and more abstract by the day. There's several things that are rock solid in there, but a lot of it... well, she has the life she's living now. There's no point hurting herself trying to desperately hold onto something that once might have been, but never will be.

EDIT2: and lastly, she is still, largely, the same person both before and after. You can make "nature vs nurture" arguments all you like, but I've always viewed it as "some of column A, some of column B, some of a certain je ne sais quoi in a weird column C". Plus, well. The culture and location are familiar to me.
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EDIT: I wonder, does this start the chain of events that put us back at the prologue? Ooh, can't wait!

That's still 6 years away. And my bet is the "betrayal" being something with Magneto since ethr X-Men usually aren't dealing with street level crimes like Blob.

Nope! She completely forgot.

She isn't the only one, things got distracting.

I wonder if Elektra is already working for him...

Kingpin sends Elektra after Noa:
N: "Are you flirting with me?"
E: "My knife is literally at your throat"
N: "that's not a no".

(Just a meme reference, Noa's not that much of a useless lesbian ;p )

Honestly, its where my mind went first as well. The issue with that as a suggestion though, is that I'd actually expect them to reach out with an agent rather than cold calling her an entire damn contract. Scripts and stuff are usually kept under NDA's aren't they? This would basically be them putting the cart before they even know if they have a horse.

I was wondering if it was a case of "hey we're depicting you in an upcoming show here's how, if we don't get any objections before a certain date you can't complain later" type thing. Not sure on if those are real or just exaggerations though.

Rifka glanced over at where Noa was sitting in a basket, sucking on the tip of her tail. Who else's baby came with a built-in pacifier? Rifka chuckled as Noa clutched at her tail with her chubby little hands. She went back to her sewing.

That's overwhelmingly adorable 😍
I was wondering if it was a case of "hey we're depicting you in an upcoming show here's how, if we don't get any objections before a certain date you can't complain later" type thing. Not sure on if those are real or just exaggerations though.
Well, I don't think she signed for it, so its not legally binding? They can't actually prove she received the mail and started the countdown. Dunno NY law someone correct me but I think thats the process.
Setting aside that I think places with a well funded legal department would rely on something as juvenile and stupid as that trick if they think theres a real issue of this becoming a slander case.