Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
@October Daye did you intentionally set of to distill the sum of feelings a young upper middle class woman has about rape culture and her place in it in a single chapter? Or were you just aiming for such feelings in the late 80s early 90s? Or were you going for something else with this chapter and just did this as a way to get that something else in?

As someone who was consulted for this chapter - the answer is yes.

Why wouldn't Doctor Steven Strange trust the government?
Nick Fury being a colossal asshole, because it gets him what he wants and he doesn't really care about the harm done to this single woman, and Strange being a paternalistic asshole, and Noa just having to deal because they're two ridiculously powerful men who she can't really do anything about, was not a fun read, but it did make for a good chapter.
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You know, I understand that having / using a gun on Nick Fury wouldn't really work / amount to much positively...

But honestly, unloading a full clip into him (deflected by magic bullet shields, it just being a robot, etc...) would probably be the finest form of therapy for many, many people.
In the 80/90s why would someone who's basically made of psychedelic drugs not trust the government?
Because that's Strange's big central flaw: An ego that can rub shoulders with Tony Stark and Reed Richards. Even after the stereotypical "journey of self-discovery", he still acts like the guy who knows everything. It never occurred to Strange, or as anything more than a clinical note, that someone from a different background would take a guy breaking into their home and destroying all sense of privacy differently than him.

It's not the mind-altering magic, it's the authority with a side order of absurd amounts of money. As Sorcerer Supreme he is, unironically, sponsored by The Shadow Government.
Showing up uninvited at some people's homes like Fury did here can have really bad consequences. One guy living (lived? Don't know if he's dead, if not he's probably 80 or so now) out in the boonies near where my family has a cabin is rumored to have built his own cabin on top of two crates of high explosives with two detonators, one inside the cabin and one a hundred yards outside the cabin on the access road to it.

Seems he got drunk and bragged about it one night 40 or so years ago. The guy was a local kook with what I imagine was a pretty serious case of paranoid delusion that made him sort of hostile to people at times. I don't think he ever sought help and any official files would probably just list him as a guy that occasionally got into fights with the police when he was drinking.

The story about him got passed around and I heard it as a kid along with a warning to stay away from the cabin since if he was having an episode and a stranger started approaching the cabin he might very well set it off.

Considering the type of people Fury and company deals with it wouldn't surprise me if one day he showed up at someone's home, broke in and got a shotgun trap to the face. Not a smart idea to surprise paranoiacs and their cousins, spies.
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You know, I understand that having / using a gun on Nick Fury wouldn't really work / amount to much positively...

But honestly, unloading a full clip into him (deflected by magic bullet shields, it just being a robot, etc...) would probably be the finest form of therapy for many, many people.

Nah go full Mortal Kombat with a Fatality/X-ray/Brutality/Whatever else makes Ed Boon cream his pants to break whatever he is using to be there to inform him you are miffed about the privacy intrusion. If you're going to hit the superspy, hit him hard.
Fury smirked. "You've had quite the string of good fortune with Stark Industries, Ms. Schaefer. Then there's how heavily you've indexed into tech, except IBM."

So he was here about her ring tones! I knew it!

In the meantime. If you want the elevator pitch...

"We chose to go to the moon. We chose to go to the moon in that decade, not because it was easy. But because it was hard, and because we needed to reinforce the Seal. We succeeded that day. But half a century later, we failed. And now the Moonrise has come. The old gods have returned, and their Law has struck down those who abused their trust. In the blink of an eye, almost every figure of power and authority died. Now, fifteen years later, we struggle to rebuild."
So... yeah.

Well, this certainly has my attention.
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Following the rules does not work. Marvel is a world of big bullies who do as they will.
Only way to survive is with a bigger stick.

You neither want nor are able to stand against evil. You just bend. So you'll be just another skull for the pile. Having horns doesn't make that meaningfully more interesting.
You know, I understand that having / using a gun on Nick Fury wouldn't really work / amount to much positively...

But honestly, unloading a full clip into him (deflected by magic bullet shields, it just being a robot, etc...) would probably be the finest form of therapy for many, many people.

'Clips' is for stuff like stripper clips (and those nowadays are mostly rifles or very ancient pistols like the earliest Lugers). You mean 'magazine'.

Fury being Fury, he probably would react to a gun going off in his face a half-dozen times (LMD or not) with some snarked line about Noa having a temper and file it away as an additional note to search her apartment for weapons or send someone to pickpocket the gun in advance to another visit. Or have sniper support.

On the other hand, Eighties Fury is a bit different from later "I-steal-Uatu's-eyes" Fury. As in earlier interpretation is less "always prepared" and more "oh, crap, she's got a gun. Oh, well, I guess I needed to test that Kevlar, anyway."
… you want the daughter of a German Jew who survived Auschwitz to own a LUGER!?
... No? I was explaining why I was saying clip instead of magazine. And then I remembered Fury is a WW2 character so I mused he's probably had a Luger emptied at him in canon. If Noa wants to use a Webley Revolver that's fine too.
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I read a post on the Spacebattles thread about how Noa could sue Dr. Strange. No. Just no:

It's the 80s/90 so Noa can maybe drag Strange into the Crypto Wars, but he's her magic teacher so that is not likely to happen without Noa taking damage in Knowledge if not anything else.
Loot from Nazi hunting, obviously :V
This is a big side-note / off-topic divergence because I got curious and went googling after October's earlier response, but Mauser actually sold a bunch of stock in Haifa in 1938 / 1939 to the Electrical Company of Palestine that later wound up being sold privately to Israeli collectors and officers. There was also individual purchases that the Haganah and Irgun factions made, probably from Austrian, Czech and Slovakian agents who would have had access to the Austrian-originating Luger. Which makes sense, early Israel couldn't afford to be picky about gun-types when facing an existential crisis. But anyway, by 2005 there was still a private collection of Luger pistols in Israel that got sold to a foreign enthusiast.