Alright, what weapon should Akemi have?

  • Let her keep the gun!

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Give her a sword!

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • More Magic!

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Hand to Hand!

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Morrow's Liveblog 4: Why Can't I Hold All These Lemons (1.12 <-> 1.16)

I suppose it's an inevitable feature of both genres, based on what little I remember and know, that things will get complicated and the cast will get big. We've got spirit cards, we've got tech, we've got magic, we've got magitech, we've got a hacker insisting we call her by her first name and man that seem just a liiiiil' gay. Akemi makes a strong first impression and her solo journey through the Labrynth is entertaining but I'm already looking into the future of attempting to vote and the amount of factors to juggle is a bit intimidating already here at the end of Origins. Systems on systems on systems, resources whose fungibility with one another is not always clear, quite a few developing relationships of various kinds...Rei needs a fuckin' secretary. Honestly with the amount of stress she's under she needs a secretary, more time at that bar, some time at those maid cafes where cute girls are paid to slap you (look it up, it's real), a solid weekend off, like five uninterrupted hours just to masturbate with and a puppy.

Umbra's odd mix of completely blatant moves and plausible deniability tastes like a genre convention. I'm not sure if it is. On the one hand, from the perspective of what Rei sees and knows this is the world's worst criminal octopus, only really beaten out in the "failed to keep a secret" department by Umbrella Corp. On the other hand, Rei does comment, correctly, that Umbra is choosing targets whose deaths might cause an investigation, sure, but whose lives are already so illegal, so disconnected from the apparatus of their society, that the victim is also the cover-up. Given the assault on the Labrynth and the tragedy that befell the "demons" there, it almost seems like they had a leg up on magic compared to others. Forewarning of its arrival? Help from beyond this dimension? Do they have Lt. Columbo tied up in a basement?

The action writing really hits its stride with Archfiend & the maids. I could honestly take or leave the exploration segments, the But here you've got nice smooth prose, it flows well, and the perspective switches help build up and preserve tension in a nice way. It sells the chaotic nature of the scene while also ensuring that no one brand of being a smartass overstays its welcome, genuinely great to see. His death was surprisingly touching given our short time with him. Pour one out for a true knight.

The ending has me excited. I'm gonna see what I can't do to get current soon, but evidently there's Apocrypha and Sidestories to read and I should probably attempt to understand the mechanics at some point. Let's rock.
Glad to see your enjoing yourself but....

I suppose it's an inevitable feature of both genres, based on what little I remember and know, that things will get complicated and the cast will get big. We've got spirit cards, we've got tech, we've got magic, we've got magitech, we've got a hacker insisting we call her by her first name and man that seem just a liiiiil' gay. Akemi makes a strong first impression and her solo journey through the Labrynth is entertaining but I'm already looking into the future of attempting to vote and the amount of factors to juggle is a bit intimidating already here at the end of Origins.

Systems on systems on systems, resources whose fungibility with one another is not always clear, quite a few developing relationships of various kinds...Rei needs a fuckin' secretary. Honestly with the amount of stress she's under she needs a secretary, more time at that bar, some time at those maid cafes where cute girls are paid to slap you (look it up, it's real), a solid weekend off, like five uninterrupted hours just to masturbate with and a puppy.
This...whas a set of sentences I did NOT expect to read out loud.
I agree that Rei needs a personal planer... that or a Spirit that controls time somewhat (lol) but yeah thats an interesting take.
Morrow's Liveblog 4: Why Can't I Hold All These Lemons (1.12 <-> 1.16)
  • The resources are… plentiful, but they all will converge at some point into making Rei/Akemi/Himari better at (x) thing. I'm planning on just having a system where you can just sell any consumable you have for Income/Capital. Again, for me the mechanics are something to play around with. Sorry if they give you an aneurysm.
  • You'll see it more in the Sidestories, but Umbra oscillates between terrifying incompetence and terrifying intelligence on a weekly basis. There is a reason for this.
  • Can I talk to the entire thread for a bit? Back when I was writing the Labrynth arc… I still wasn't seeing myself as genderfluid. I accepted the fact that I'm bisexual (with a preference for girls, but anybody who'll listen to me'll do) early on, but the gender thing? I heard about trans people. I heard about genderfluid and GNC people. But it didn't really click.
  • And right now, I don't see Rei or Himari in a relationship ever. At best, they might both be queer (???) and supporting each other as best friends (???), but the details on that are foggy in my head.Maybe Rei and Akemi though, but we'll just let that one marinate for a bit. I just saw that Rei-Himari scene as a cute "call me by first name basis" scene.
  • But maybe, just maybe, I always wanted to be accepted like Himari was in those moments. Maybe that's where the strength of the Labyrnth arc came from. That feeling of grasping for togetherness or something, anything, despite the difficulty of it all.
  • The resources are… plentiful, but they all will converge at some point into making Rei/Akemi/Himari better at (x) thing. I'm planning on just having a system where you can just sell any consumable you have for Income/Capital. Again, for me the mechanics are something to play around with. Sorry if they give you an aneurysm.
  • You'll see it more in the Sidestories, but Umbra oscillates between terrifying incompetence and terrifying intelligence on a weekly basis. There is a reason for this.
  • Can I talk to the entire thread for a bit? Back when I was writing the Labrynth arc… I still wasn't seeing myself as genderfluid. I accepted the fact that I'm bisexual (with a preference for girls, but anybody who'll listen to me'll do) early on, but the gender thing? I heard about trans people. I heard about genderfluid and GNC people. But it didn't really click.
  • And right now, I don't see Rei or Himari in a relationship ever. At best, they might both be queer (???) and supporting each other as best friends (???), but the details on that are foggy in my head.Maybe Rei and Akemi though, but we'll just let that one marinate for a bit. I just saw that Rei-Himari scene as a cute "call me by first name basis" scene.
  • But maybe, just maybe, I always wanted to be accepted like Himari was in those moments. Maybe that's where the strength of the Labyrnth arc came from. That feeling of grasping for togetherness or something, anything, despite the difficulty of it all.

I understand. And please don't take my statement as a hard read; to be frank, my own journey to discovering being bi was some shit out of a sitcom, it's keenly embarrassing on my part, but it does give me a lot of sympathy for how odd such journeys get. I'm not out here hard shipping anyone at the moment, and while my preferences skew towards the messy with a blend of drama and comedy I'll read any romance that's done well and have a good time.


Maybe not Purrson, Harkness test or no Harkness test.
Omake: Old, New Things (Semi-canon)
Speaking of Shipping...

Omake: Old, New Things

Chicago has taken to the new world much more readily than...anywhere, in Michigan. Well. Okay, maybe not the Upper Peninsula, so long dying of not having access to logging and mining that when they produced their very own Archmage out of fucking nowhere with their innovative reforestation and metal-seeding spells a whole lot of extremely conservative woodsmen got real cool with gay people real fast. But that has nothing on the bustling metropolis that is the Windy City, where they built monorails that run on Glyphs and extremely friendly policies snapped up a skilled work force of HumaGears driven out from less understanding states and metro areas. Philadelphia is still king of the prosthetic limb, New York is still the capitol of the world, but Chicago's boom of other-than-human workers and residents alongside its fanatical adoption of magic has made it America's forefront of what has pretentiously been named 'thaumacode'. All attempts to troll that extremely stupid name have failed, and it seems to be in it for the long haul.

You and Trista take a rickshaw of all things back to her apartment, "driven" by a polite young man whose relationship with city traffic might be best described as 'if I die, I die'. She is not talking to you, but taking in the sights means you don't care. Glyphs are everywhere, on every person, the Mechanical Man Walks Among Us, you're pretty sure you just spotted a cop on a flying broomstick -

- Scratch that one, fuck the pigs -

- and it's amazing. Enrapturing. Ever since you began your...relationship, with the Lake, you've seen a side of the world that is, yes, still wondrous, this too is the law of the living world, but it's red in tooth and claw, blackened and cold, far from light and comfort and the sun. With dawn breaking over Chicago, you're reminded of why you love the land too.

When the rickshaw slows to a stop without anyone involved dying, you briefly catch Trista giving you a soft look. You don't comment, and she doesn't comment on your not commenting. She does, however, pay the young man four hundred fucking dollars and tell him he never saw the two of you.

She always was good at understanding the assignment immediately.

You walk into the lobby of Trista's apartment building and -

"Damn bitch, you live like this?" you murmur in awe. Marble tile. Lush carpets. There's a fucking doorman. A glass elevator, which you realize after a moment means nothing spicy on elevator rides like y'all had just after high school. Ain't that just the way of it?

"An undervalued employee can always be bought out by someone who chooses to recognize their worth," Trista says primly, but the look on her face is all smug satisfaction. She's earned it. You can let it go. You tuck your hands into your pockets as you follow her inside, and she surprises you by taking your arm, which brings a heat high on your cheeks. Okay. Mixed messages. Theme of your road trip. "Gibson," Trista says to the doorman, "it's my pleasure to introduce you to an old friend. This is Ms. Miller; she's to be permitted into my home unsupervised."

"Ms. Miller," Gibson says, tipping his hat to you.

"Uh, nice to meet yoooouuu -" you doppler effect as you're all-but-hauled into the elevator. The doors shut behind you and all sound from the outside world cuts out as if it never existed. "Trista what the fuck do you do?"

"I keep a great deal of very rich people from committing the kinds of financial crimes they would never notice but which would, in fact, get them sent to prison," Trista answers. "None of my clients are going to be the first ones arrested for violating laws on magical securities. Which I assume is what you need my help with. I'm not going to betray -"

"Hold the fuck up," you hiss. "...Let's get into your apartment. If I end up asking you to betray a client, trust me: you want 'em betrayed."

Trista glares at you, and you can see the words 'how would you know' forming on her lips, almost hear them, for they too are of the Voiceless. But she sees something on your face, and in your eyes, and she goes quiet, and serious. Her apartment is 'only' protected by a pretty sturdy lock, which uses an ordinary key, at least until you step inside and the part of you connected to the Lake starts going wobbly. The air is swimming with unused Glyphs, and you have to blink hard.

Trista holds something up to your face.


"...No, you do that to me," you say in confusion.

She sighs. "On the Glyph, Rachael. The Glyph."


Oh, magical biometrics, okay - you spit onto a Glyph that sits atop a little stone slate, almost like a whetstone. Instantly, that coiled, hostile feeling all around you goes away, and you take in the apartment of she who is evidently richer than God.

It's all IKEA furniture.

"Trista," you say slowly. "Are you still pulling girls by saying you don't know how to build furniture?"

"Yep," she answers, flatly, before she flops down on her couch. "Privacy protocol, authorization Isoldt." Energy thrums through the walls, and you breathe a sigh of relief. "Now what is going on?"

You look down at your clothes, certainly sweaty from the train ride, and decide not to sit down yourself. You just. Keep your hands in your pockets, and sigh. "...I've gotten tangled up in clashing with some kind of magical smuggling ring. They're pulling bones out of Lake Superior and shipping them overseas out of Chicago, and honestly all I wanted you to do was help me follow the money. You've been good at that since...fuck, we were twelve?"

"You'd just figured out you like girls," Trista muses nostalgically.

"You were still pulling my hair and telling me to leave the school," you muse back. "But you also accidentally uncovered a financial conspiracy for a fucking science report, so...I know they're piggybacking off of Evergreen, and either their contractors or their agents are buying and using ships out on Superior. That enough to go on?"

"It will be in the morning. Get in the shower."

"Damn, okay, be like that about -" you begin, and then you stop, because Trista is standing. "- uhhh?"

"Get. In. My. Shower." She repeats, with that Voice she does.


Hate sex was on the table.

"Ma'am," you manage, and you go to get in the shower. In a work of another age rating this would be where we cut to a rather extended scene with a great deal of detail, but unfortunately any hypothetical extradimensional observers will need to content themselves with a smash cut at the top of the next stage of your investigation.

Besides. Some things are private.
Y'all can expect this to continue for a bit as my read does, haven't been bitten by the Quest fanfic bug for awhile.
My god. 3 in a row?

And here I though i was crazy...
The fact that they are actual work instead of Constant quest inicials is frankly staggering.

You my good sir/maam/non-binary conneseur have TALENT.
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Instead of what now?
A couple of months back I made a bunch of omakes. Most of these where made in a "Quest start/Character generation format" instead of actual AU's. After a while Kermie asked that the omakes had actual meat to them intead of that. Thats what i meant. The fact you manage to pull out 3 actual omakes with a story to them just impresses me. Honestly the closest I have I think is a Prologue of a Paper Mario and Perhaps for Love or maybe Justice AU.
Hhhuh. Fascinating.

It helps that I know where I wanna take this. They'll end when Rachael gets in striking distance of her prey; get a nice walk there, characterize her & her friends, leave them in a usable state should Kermie elect to use them. At this point the hard part is trying not to write from my phone, that's the devil talking.
Hhhuh. Fascinating.

It helps that I know where I wanna take this. They'll end when Rachael gets in striking distance of her prey; get a nice walk there, characterize her & her friends, leave them in a usable state should Kermie elect to use them. At this point the hard part is trying not to write from my phone, that's the devil talking.
Yeesh... I remember when I wrote like 2-3 Omakes on a Tablet before getting my s*** together and actually using a computer.
*shudder* Never again....
Also I get ya. My "writing bug" ended with me making 5-6 omake in less than a week...
Omake: Old, New Things

Semi-canonicity was because I'm not 100% about all the states and American Archmages. Everything else was peak. +50 EXP, +10 EP, you're on a roll!
Fucking A' Morrowlark has pushed the Exp bar sooo close! One more and we have ourselves a level up!
After this next one there will be a level gate. Just telling y'all.

Also I was gonna give you EXP for completing Scout the Skies and Missing Piece, but I uh don't think you all need it anymore.
Huh so level 7 is the limit for arc 1.
Understandable, as previously stated level 10 would crush the boss of this arc... which means we need to decide if we want stats to gain another re roll or go for another skill... I say stats.
After this next one there will be a level gate. Just telling y'all.

Also I was gonna give you EXP for completing Scout the Skies and Missing Piece, but I uh don't think you all need it anymore.
Lol maybe.
Depends if another Omake comes around before then. I guess we will be missing exp till the next arc. I knew we shoud have use some of our AP to make an Exp bank!
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Semi-canonicity was because I'm not 100% about all the states and American Archmages. Everything else was peak. +50 EXP, +10 EP, you're on a roll!

Yeah I asked earlier & then went, fuck it, I'm from the Great Lakes I know our brand of bullshit xD