OK, rolling for Prussia's Economy's status for this round.

Edit: and that means I lower my Economic status by 1, from Booming to Growing.
IcePickLobotomy threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Economy Total: 4
4 4
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Oh well, Off to war then.
U wot mate
You need to take a look at this:

The Sadat-Alro'i Treaty
@Theravis @Havocfett

The Palace of Peace; 1 Rajab, 1093 - 1 Tamuz 5442
I can't believe this was the only thing going through Beit Tsiya's Muram Me'am, David Alro'i, as he stood near a podium in the grand courtyard of the Safavid flying Palace of Peace. If someone would've told him a year ago that he will be standing near the Wali of Al-Taltanis, preparing to sign a peace treaty with him, he'd have called that someone an ill-winded fool. Now, though? Thanks to the High Priest, the Chamber of Gentiles sent a letter to the Shahdom, and they agreed to mediate; the Al-Taltani government - surprisingly - agreed to sit to the negotiation table, and here they were, just ten months afterwards.
He glanced at the jellabiya-wearing man next to him, who was busying himself with the 'iqal holding his keffiyeh in place. Up until the negotiations started, David knew very little about Anwar Sadat, but grew to respect the balding ex-officer during their stay in the Palace of Peace; he had a world-weary quality to him and a quiet intelligence that facilitated honest debate.
So there he was, ready to sign a peace treaty in front of the cameras, put an end to the thirty-year-long war between his people and their immediate neighbours and avert the fate of Uptimer Israel, forever destined to fight its near cousins. He spotted his aide d' on the other side of the courtyard, and she nodded to him. The ceremony will begin soon.

The Sadat-Alro'i Treaty
  1. This is a peace agreement between Al-Taltanis and Beit Tsiya, the signing of which signifies the end of the war between them.
  2. Any land of Beit Tsiya taken by citizens of Al-Taltanis will be returned to Beit Tsiya's sovereignty. Any citizens of Al-Taltanis on this land will either be naturalised as equal citizens of Beit Tsiya, or returned to Al-Taltanis, based on their choice; in the latter case, the costs of resettling them will split 3:1 between Al-Taltanis and Beit Tsiya.
  3. A Trade agreement will be set up between Al-Taltanis and Beit Tsiya.
  4. Beit Tsiya will send agronomists, hydrologists, etc to help with Al-Taltanis' farming problem.
  5. Beit Tsiya may not colonise south of its current border with Al-Taltanis. Similarly, Al-Taltanis may not colonise north of its current border with Beit Tsiya.
  6. The Safavid Shahdom will serve as an arbitrator in case of dispute.
  7. Upon conclusion of the peace talks, the Safavid Shahdom will provide *1 TP/EP*'s worth of agricultural aid to Al-Taltanis for the next five years, as a peace offering and an apology for the late Shah's actions against the Sunni population of the Shahdom.
I am perfectly willing to remove you if you're more trouble than you're worth.

Don't be.

Here's a brief:

Al taltanis is a democracy with a significant native presence. They signed a peace treaty with Beit Tsiya to their North pretty recently, guaranteed by Persia. And they all gate Spaniards.

They aren't going to be fond of, say, the spanish fascists in Columbia who enslave natives and you can expect losses at the voting booth or other social issues from trying to do stuff your populace will hate.

Read your nation profile in the second post before doing shit in the IC.