Your world quest: by definition it kinda is. :p
If a few nations can't handle a few Munchies Cults, that's their problem. :V
Naglfar's stuff is straight up unrelated, poor Ingjaldr is just going to come back to everything on fire. Again.)
oh yes, Naglfar's quest about the Perfected Principle of Consumption has noooooooothing to do with the sudden case of the Munchies all around the world.

There's no possible correlation there at all.
It's the World Quest. Your World Quest. The Quest that you are undertaking that impacts the World. And involves much of the World in your Quest.

That you triggered.

(It's Irem. Irem is your Quest. :p)
But that can't be it, how do I benefit from getting an awful case of the Munchies! :V

Irem is clearly all Iran's problem, it showed up in Arabia after all!
World Quest Mechanics
New Faction Mechanic!
Cult (X): Cult indicates that one of your factions is now host to a secretive group of worshipers dedicated to the Thousand Tongued Worm. Cults begin at Cult (1) and take independent action to proselytize and grow. They are initially nonhostile to the government and any faction host to a Cult immediately gains +1 Loyalty/+1 Power to a maximum of 4/4. When a faction's Cult rating equals its power rating the faction is subsumed in its entirety, becoming a front for devotees of the New Eden...and unlocking new benefits and boons for the host nation. Governments may take actions to purge Cults from their factions, driving the worshippers into an underground insurgency, albeit at a cost to Loyalty/Power equal to the faction's Cult rating.

Regarding Irem
Nature of the Threat: The World Quest was designed with an eye to flexibility and the ability to accommodate plots outside itself. To be blunt: ignoring Irem and exploiting the chaos it creates is intended to be as viable as directly fighting Irem which is intended to be as viable as cooperating with Irem. While you probably shouldn't show up to the final battle with a fungal crown on your head it is 100% possible to exploit the resources and options Irem offers and walk away scot free. This doesn't have an asterisk attached. It is the Game Mod's absolute position.
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Governments may take actions to purge Cults from their factions, driving the worshippers into an underground insurgency, albeit at a cost to Loyalty/Power equal to the faction's Cult rating.
While you probably shouldn't show up to the final battle with a fungal crown on your head it is 100% possible to exploit the resources and options Irem offers and walk away scot free. This doesn't have an asterisk attached. It is the Game Mod's absolute position.
Only probably though, right? I mean, I have a significant pagan population located in an area well-known for insurgencies as part of a Mystic Egalitarian faction. Vietnam is about to go full cultist, and I'm almost considering encouraging it. There are no more internal tensions when everyone's been made a whole, right?
Clearly we just need to make our own cult to counter the actual cult. It's a foolproof plan.

I call dibs on the Worm that Waits
Cult (X): Cult indicates that one of your factions is now host to a secretive group of worshipers dedicated to the Thousand Tongued Worm. Cults begin at Cult (1) and take independent action to proselytize and grow. They are initially nonhostile to the government and any faction host to a Cult immediately gains +1 Loyalty/+1 Power to a maximum of 4/4. When a faction's Cult rating equals its power rating the faction is subsumed in its entirety, becoming a front for devotees of the New Eden...and unlocking new benefits and boons for the host nation. Governments may take actions to purge Cults from their factions, driving the worshippers into an underground insurgency, albeit at a cost to Loyalty/Power equal to the faction's Cult rating.
I believe you should edit 'Thousand-Tongued Worm' to 'Munchies Man'. :V

Regarding Irem
Nature of the Threat: The World Quest was designed with an eye to flexibility and the ability to accommodate plots outside itself. To be blunt: ignoring Irem and exploiting the chaos it creates is intended to be as viable as directly fighting Irem which is intended to be as viable as cooperating with Irem. While you probably shouldn't show up to the final battle with a fungal crown on your head it is 100% possible to exploit the resources and options Irem offers and walk away scot free. This doesn't have an asterisk attached. It is the Game Mod's absolute position.
Huh. Interesting.
1685 rolls:

(Quest lootening boni: +0 bonus from Quest Phase 1, +4 bonus from quest phase 2 (hero +2, dice +2))
Secretariat threw 4 3-faced dice. Reason: 1684 Journey Lootening Total: 10
3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3
Secretariat threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: 1685 Econ Status Total: 6
6 6
Secretariat threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Quest Final Status Total: 15
4 4 3 3 6 6 2 2
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I'm a bad person, sorry :S

+2, hero (Harmony Delgado)
+2, fluff post (see Internal Event #1)
7-8+4 = +3

Given that "nearby" I don't think includes a single nation with trains, the fluffpost changes between home/far.

Warfare (Military) - High bad / low good >> Given military is peacetime, that's a +2. Effortpost +1 (see Internal Event #4) , Take -1 to next econ roll (that's for 1687?) +1 total +4 Year 1.
shiverczar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Economy + a billion Total: 6
6 6
shiverczar threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Journey Total: 2
2 2
shiverczar threw 4 3-faced dice. Reason: Phase Two Total: 7
2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1
shiverczar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Institution Quest Year 1 Total: 4
4 4
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