Introducing the new and improved Dutch Factions pending mod approval:
Four-Flag Unionists: Francophiles, Catholics, Regionalists, Loyalty 3, Power 3
A party organization and political machine encompassing the provinces of Leige, Luxembourg, Flanders-Brabant and Arras, organized mainly on the basis of confession and Francophile orientation. The Catholic Church's major presence in these provinces means that they have a strong hold on the (majority) rural electorate, especially those afraid of the "wicked Calvinist menace" of the northern provinces. Have been losing their hold over the non-Walloon cities of the United Provinces since many Flemish members defected to the Dutch States Party after extensive effort by the States Party to flip the Flemish cities (at the cost of some of their more radical Calvinist members, who defected to the Orangists). Their regionalist sympathies and political Catholicism have grown deeply unpopular with the youth of these provnces even as the Orangists and States Party are both unappealing choices, which may mean a major political re-alignment in the near future.
The Orangist Party: Monarchists, Religious (Protestants), Militarists Loyalty 2, Power 4
The Orangists are one of the two traditional factors in the politics of the northern provinces, focused on a militant calvinism, an assertive Dutch Republic in the European sphere, and the restoration of the stadtholder, a quasi-monarchic position in the Netherlands that has been left without a holder for decades. The Orangists are deeply unhappy with the trajectory of the country, seeing the long rule of the Dutch States Party as thanks to an arbitrary Republican mob. The flood of rhetoric from the United States of Europe has made their anti-democratic positions less popular, but some Orangists are looking to rework the party to stand for militarism and an independent Dutch state that can "stand on its own two feet".
The Dutch States Party (In Power): Republicans, Germanophiles, Imperialists, Loyalty 5, Power 4
The Dutch States Party are by now the traditional ruling party of the United Netherlands. Thanks to guile, machine politics, corruption, and manipulation, they have been able to maintain power for a shockingly long period of time under the careful statesmanship of the universally popular Johann De Witt, who has managed to weather almost every struggle and controversy in Dutch Politics for thirty-five years. However, the party has grown enormously complacent after a long time in power, and De Witt's popularity and pre-eminence has drowned out many younger voices that could oppose him and his iron grip over the party's machine. With De Witt looking, possibly, to retire after an exceedingly long tenure, the specter of a squabble for leadership could detonate a party that has seen the Netherlands to expanding its navy, colonial empire, and ties with the other Germanies at the expense of English, French, or other continental ties.
The Tychonaut Society for Progress: Scientific Posivitists, TO THE MOON, Modernists [Rocketry and Aeronautics], Loyalty 3, Power 4
A very strange but popular society named after the famous astronomer Tycho Brahe, the Tychonauts are a group of positivist scientists and enthusiasts who believe that the way to the Netherlands' future is not on any sector of the globe at all, but in space. They advocate the building of a "mass cannon array" that will defend the Netherlands against any threat and potentially "locally destroy the atmosphere of an enemy force". More realistically, the Tychonauts have been at the forefront of encouraging public education, and although their faction has only a few members of the States-General on their side, they exert considerable influence on the Dutch States Party, pushing them to adopt new technology faster than De Witt is necessarily comfortable. In particular, the Tychonauts have been extremely successful in building a popular coalition based heavily on farming mechanization for smallholders, better and cheaper consumer goods, and medicine for the poor of the country. Of course, they are also fond of enormously harebrained schemes, and they despise the Orangists and Four-Flag Unionists as being "fanatic reactionary cradle-lovers" (cradle-lovers being a derogatory term applied by the Tychonauts to anyone who questions their plans to colonize the moon, as they see these opponents as being obsessed with "staying forever in our cradle, the Earth").