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Nations of Smoke and Sabre
An Alt-Fantasy Nation Game

NSS Map - 1683

The year is 1680, AD...


A Knight for those Suffering
West Michigan

Nations of Smoke and Sabre
An Alt-Fantasy Nation Game​

NSS Map - 1683
The year is 1680, AD. Exactly 30 years ago, the twin cities of magic and science, Citallon and Grantville, were transported to our Earth, and while smaller wars have raged, the world has not yet seen a world war. Technology progresses more slowly, but the nations outside Europe have established themselves as independent states, and the world seems irrevocably changed. Technology, wizardry, and politics sweep men along in this age of change, and it will take a keen hand to steer mankind away from ruin.


This game is a continuation to Lily, Steel and Spell, diverging in 1653 from that game's timeline.

LSS started fairly smoothly, with nations trying to make contact with Grantville and Citallon, and the Austrians and Ottomans trying to lock down and monopolize contact with them. The English, Dutch, and Austrians made early contact with Grantville, Citallon lagged considerably.

Spain made all the Jews and Muslims move to California. They then got their asses kicked in several wars because they couldn't pay their men.

Then the English stole from Grantville's libraries, the Austrians staged a revolt in the city to get them to accept Austrian protection, and the Dutch had a succession crisis leading almost to civil war.

France banished the Frondeurs to America and married Henrietta Stuart. Charles II was captured thanks to the English having a historical record of his landing in Scotland.

Austria, Poland, Sweden, France, Spain, the newly reformed Knights Templar, the Papacy, Russia, Iran, and most of Italy went on crusade against the Ottomans to try to bust Citallon out of their control. The Ottomans responded by turning the Balkan campaign into the Napoleonic invasion of Russia. Unfortunately, after 4 years, the Ottomans folded, no longer able to feed their own capital. The crusaders broke up their holdings, basically pushing them back to just Turkey.

The English used this as an excuse to seize Dutch and Swedish holdings in the Americas. Their claims of being foreordained as masters of the world fell a bit flat, and the Dutch and Swedes invaded. This is where the two timelines diverge.

In MSS, Royalist sympathizers break Charles out of prison and depose Cromwell. The outbreak of WW1 and subsequent giant dogpile on Super!Austria settled the colonies issue by means of everyone being too busy to care. The important things to know about this timeline:
Iran and Austria were huge, swole buddies. Nobody liked them.
Austria was ruled by an immortal Kaiser Frederick Barbarossa. Nobody liked him either.
Russia/Denmark/Sweden/Netherlands/England/Japan had an alliance against Iran/Austria/Spain.
England switched sides after their allies kept telling them not to act like late 1600s colonial overlords. A huge bush war against the Incans ensued. Portugal was basically England's Italy, doing their level best to not help whatsoever.
The Mexicans joined Austria after a huge communist revolt.
Austria had a huge communist revolt... nobody trusted them after either.
Poland pretended to be on Austria's side, then ambushed them while they were passing through to defend Poland from Russia. Poland was run by Mina Harker. Everyone liked her. She married an Incan prince for some reason.
WW2 happened. The game collapsed in a pile of angry saltiness.

No world war happens, though smaller bush wars were common.
In MSS, a Dutch agent gets the Aztecs and Incans to think he is a reborn savior. The Aztecs figure out he's fake and start a republic. The Incans never do. in NSS, the opposite happens.
Germany doesn't completely consolidate under Austria.
Cromwell is still alive, and not a horrifying eldritch evil sword created through extremely poor decision making.

  1. Please request review of reports in private and calmly. If you cannot do so, I will ignore it. Repeated whining makes the GM write shittier war reports.
  2. Please read all the systems. If you have a question or contribution not covered in the rules, feel free to ask or suggest it politely.
  3. The GM reserves the right to vacate your claim if you do not post for a turn and do not request your nation be placed on GM autopilot while you hiatus.
  4. Please use the three-claim system
  5. Include me in all game - related PMs. If I'm not in them, they didn't happen IC.
  6. Be excellent to each other.

Each turn, please post your Turn Post in this thread in addition to the IC post. This is to help the mods and other players keep a better grasp of what everyone is doing without having to constantly flip through the IC thread to find someone else turn post.
The last turn of the game will be the 1699 Turn, after which there will be an epilogue and probably a debrief.

Kudos to @Estro for her work on this system. It's her brainchild and a damn sight better than mine.

State actions are based upon Economic Power or EP.

There are 4 components to generating EP. Base EP, Economic Rating, Economic Condition, and Trade.

All countries begin with a Base of 2 EP.

Each country also has an individual Economic Rating. This is affected by GM fiat, some general guidelines affecting it:
  1. Invading and occupying more land
  2. Concerted programs of economic reform, sustained industrialization are also valid ways to do it (the five year plans, the post war consensus (til the first oil shock, at least), etc, etc).
  3. Colonisation.
Each country's Economic Rating then has a Condition, from 1 to 6 - 1 Depression, 2 Recession, 3 Stagnant, 4 Stagnant, 5 Growing, 6 Roaring (stagnant counts as both 3 and 4 because it is fairly easy to be stagnant).
At the start of each turn, roll a dice. if you get higher than your current conditions, you improve your conditions by one step. If you get lower, reduce it by one step. This roll can be modified by factors such as the level of military mobilisation, as detailed under Military.

Lastly, there is Trade. Countries with a valid land or sea route between them can agree a Trade Deal between them, subject to Mod approval. Each trade deal generates 1 EP, up to a maximum per country of 5. A country can have more Trade Deals than this, providing benefit to a trade partner, but will not gain additional benefit itself.

The calculation for EP is thus = 2 [Base] + [Economic Rating] + [Economic Status]+ [Trade <=5]

EP can be spent each turn on:
  1. Boosting Technology, as detailed in the Technology section.
  2. Military Spending. Each point spent grants you 2500 MP as described in the Military section.
  3. A player can only loan EP, but the player receiving the loan only aquires TP. A player cannot be loaned more than floor((Econ Power + 1/4(Their Trade Power))/6), unless that number would be zero, in which case it is one.

    A loan must be explicitly agreed to by both players and must be explicitly agreed to turn by turn. Loans cannot go on for more than five turns.

    Once that loan has been finished, it must be repaid. The total that must be repaid is ceiling((total recieved)*1.05). It must be repaid in full in 6 turns after the end of the loan, but can be repaid before that. At least one EP must be repaid each turn, until you have paid it all off, but the remainder may be made of any combination of EP or TP.

    Failure to repay means your country had defaulted. I will write a series of events detailing the default that may alter a countries base EP, population, change your economic status, and/or provide a malus to economic status rolls for some period of time.
  4. Major actions (MA) are fluff actions that can be used for things such as establishing central banks, starting pension programs, building roads, or other actions. Major Actions are what is judged when looking to see if the country has met the requirements for improved economic power. As such, the more detailed they are the better they will be looked at.
The 12 Fields of Technology are:
  • Biology - hardier livestock; drought- and disease-resistant crops; ecology, genetics and the Green Revolution.
  • Electronics - vacuum tubes; transistors; semiconductors and beyond.
  • Organic Chemistry - plastics; fertilizers; explosives; anything made from oil.
  • Inorganic Chemistry - armor; depleted uranium; mining, smelting and resource extraction.
  • Industry - machine tools; mass production; automation and making things at scale.
  • High Energy Physics - cloud chambers; particle accelerators; superconductors and modern physics.
  • Medicine - human biology; anatomy; public health; antibiotics, vaccines, and the development of new medications.
  • Rocketry and Aeronautics - rockets, missiles, general flight efficiency unrelated to shooty stuff.
  • Infantry - What your dudes with guns on foot have
  • Armor - What vehicle technologies you have access to
  • Naval - What your warships and subs are equipped with
  • Airpower - what your airforce is equipped with
At the start of the game your countries rating in each of these fields are in your nation's sheet. These dates are in OTL years, and allow you to use techs that were developed in that field at that time.

Every year, your countries rating in each field increases according to your Development Level, listed in your nation sheet.
Development Level

Each country has a Development Level which gives you a basic tech progression for all of your techs and how many boosts you get per year. This is based on literacy, educational institutions, integration of these things into your country, etc.
-Development Level is harder to raise for populous countries and spread out countries, it is easier to raise for sparse countries and compact countries.
-Development Level will be assigned. In addition to a tier you have a Progress Meter/5, showing how close you are to the next Tier. If you go above 5 you reach 0/5 in the next tier at the start of the next year. You cannot progress to Grantville Tier without conquering Grantville.

The levels are:

Sporadic: Scientific endeavors are pursued by private individuals and the whims of the state. There is little organized scientific development and education is low.
Scholarly: A class of scholars helps organize and push forward research and scientific progress, but it is both unfocused and elitist. Mass Education remains an ambition.
Systematic: The development of universities and centralized education has led to widespread literacy and focused research, but the country's institutions and scientists are not respected on a global stage and they struggle to incorporate research from outside their states's borders.
Integrated: The Country's scientific institutions are well-respected and integrated into the world scientific network, benefiting from research across the globe, mass literacy, and strong academic structures like world-class universities.
Grantville: This country is the site of the city of Grantville, a marvel from the future and the world center for science. Without access to Grantville's scientists, libraries, and technology, no other country can hope to come close.

Base Progression Rates
Grantville: Base 2.5 year/year, pay an EP for 1 boost to 3
Integrated: 1.5 year/year 1 boost to 2.5
Systematic: 1.2 year/year, 2 boosts to 2
Scholarly: 1 year/year, 3 boosts to 1.5, pay an EP for an additional boost
Sporadic: 0.6 year/year, 4 boosts to 1.2, pay an EP for two additional boosts

Year Modifier - what year you're in alters your progression and boosts
1: Anything before 1914 : 2x 4x base progression (Fast Dev!)
2: 1915-1930 : 1x base progression
3: 1930-1939 : 0.6x base progression
4: 1940-1942 : 0.2x .1x base progression (Slow Dev!)
5: 1943-1945 : 0.2x .1x base progression (Slow Dev!)
6: 1946-1965 : 1.2x .6x base progression (Slow Dev!)
7: 1965-1985 : 1.2x .6x base progression (Slow Dev!)
8: 1986-Y2K : : 0.2x .1x base progression (Slow Dev!)

Fast and Slow Dev Thresholds are checked every five years.

Magitech that improves a field of technology lets you treat it as if it is one Generation higher for every two points invested. For example, the two point undiscounted magitech En-Djinns would allow you to treat your Aeronautics and Rocketry or your Aircraft field as if they were one generation higher than they are. A single point will increase by a half generation, so 1 point Magitech would take a pre-1915 faction to halfway through the 1915-1930 generation, or a tech level of 1922.5.

There are two Quest types available to boost your Tech Levels - Modernization, and Institution.
Modernization Quests:

Modernization costs 1/4 of your nation's Economy score in EP per year (Minimum one). By default it modernizes two fields, with an additional cost for every additional two fields you want to Modernize (Rounded down). This takes four turns + turn of Cooldown by default. Commit the cost each turn, then roll [4d3-9] and add appropriate modifiers, then consult the chart.

Successful modernization brings all modernized fields up to the Fast Dev Threshold (currently 1915). Failed modernization progresses modernized fields by 3 years per turn of Modernization, to a maximum of 15.

Roll a d4
1: (Scale) Population, high bad, low good: +2 Population 5 Million and below, +0 Population 5-15 Million, -2 Population above 15 Million
2: (Education) Institutions, high good, low bad: +2 Integrated+, +0 Systemic, -2 Scholarly-
3: (Backlash) Magic, high bad, low good: +2 8 and below, +0 9-16, -2 17+
4: (Influence) Factions, Modernist Good, Luddite Bad: +2 Modernist > 3 Power and > Luddite Power > 3 Power, +0 Tie/Inapplicable > 3 Power, -2 Luddites> 3 Power and > Modernist Power

+2: Commitment of Appropriate Artifact
+2: TP spent by someone with relevant technology at least one generation ahead of the current Mark.
+1: Economic Status is Growing or Roaring
-2: Economic Status is Recession or Depression
-1: Military Mobilized or Active
-4: Military above Active [Do Not Do This Terrible Thing]

-7 or Lower: Complete failure! The modernization project unravels entirely in a cacaphony of chaos, starvation hits the streets, mass hysteria. Pay two EP to prevent Famine from devastating your populace, or one EP to choose what part of the populace it will hit.
-6: Catastrophe! You go down two Econ stages, and take a -2 penalty to your next Econ roll.
-5: Stalled work. The Modernization project doesn't progress this year, and you take a -1 penalty to your next Econ roll.
-4: Famine! Mechanization in the fields and food distribution networks has hit unforeseen snags. Pay two EP to prevent Famine from devastating your populace, or one EP to choose what part of the populace it will hit.
-3: Riots! Mass hysteria takes the streets as Luddite sentiments surge and pollution and horrific inequality run rampant. You gain a Luddite Faction, as in the -2 result. Pay one EP to prevent deaths from chaos, looting, and a breakdown of food distribution. Alternately, pay 0 EP and add 1 Power to a faction of your choice to encourage the chaos and aim it at enemies, removing 1 Power from a non-Luddite faction of your choice and exacerbating the number of deaths.
-2: Social dysfunction! As new technology disrupts the fabric of society and obsoletes venerable jobs people begin to lash out at the modernization efforts, your faction with the lowest Loyalty gains the Luddite trait, if they already have the Luddite trait they lose 1 Loyalty [Minimum 1] and gain 1 power. In addition, you take a -1 Penalty to your next Econ roll.
-1: If you have Luddites, they gain one power or lose one loyalty unless you pay one TP.
0: Nothing happens
1: If you have Modernists, they gain one power or gain one loyalty.
2: A faction with a Luddite trait loses one Power, or a faction of your choice without the Luddite trait gains one Power.
3: Breakthrough! You gain a +1 bonus to your next Econ roll and an additional .1 Tech Progression to a modernized field this turn.
4 or higher: Great Success! Reduce turns necessary by 1, +2 to next Econ Roll.
Institution Quests are how you improve your development level. They cost an EP per turn, are tied to a single technology, and take three years. You can only start an institution quest once every four years. They represent a combination of two things:

First, a concerted effort to improve your national institutions. Raising literacy, creating and promoting schools and advanced training, etc.

Second, a concerted effort to advance a given field of technology towards a discrete goal. Things like the Space Race, the Human Genome Project, the Manhattan Project, curing Polio, etc. They won't always finish within the span of a single project, but will boost the relevant field of technology (Medicine for curing Polio, Aeronautics and Rocketry for GOING TO THE MOON).
Year One to Three: The Project

On the first year, pick a Civilian Technology to link the Quest to. This should be related to the fluff of your institution quest, Aeronautics for a space race, Medicine for a vaccination program, perhaps Industry for a literacy program (Though most things can be justified there). Then you gain 1 point, roll 1d6 on the following chart, and apply the relevant modifiers to get your tally for that year:
1: (Scale) Population: High bad, low good (-1 12mil and up, +0 11mil to 5mil, +1 5mil and down)
2: (Funding) Economic Condition: High good, low bad (-1 Recession and less, +0 Stagnant, +1 Growing and more)
3: (Loyalty) Factions: Loyal Good, Disloyal Bad (+1 Ruling Faction is most powerful, 0 Other Faction is most powerful , -1 Least Loyal Faction is most powerful or tied for it)
4: (Warfare) Military: High bad, low good (-1 Active or Higher, +0 Mobilized, +1 Peacetime or Expanded)
5: (Tradition) Magic Rating: High bad, low good (+1 eight or less, +0 nine to sixteen, -1 seventeen and up)
6: (Politics) Government: Educator good, Elitist bad (+1 Educators more powerful than Elitists, +0 Tie/NA, -1 Elitists more powerful than Educators)

Pick all of the following that apply, and any sacrifices that you are willing to make. Your maximum points from a phase are 4.
+1: Take a -1 to your next Econ Roll.
+1: Effortpost
+1: Commit one thousand military points (can't be used for troops)
+1: Hero committed to the Quest (Only one can be committed at a time)
+1: Appropriate Artifact (Only one can be committed at a time. No double dipping!)
+1: 1 EP investment from a country with higher Development level than you (Only one at a time)
+1: 1 EP investment from a country with higher Relevant Tech than you (Only one at a time)
+1: Lose 1 Loyalty from a faction with greater than 2 Loyalty that does not have the educator trait
+1: Under one million pop
-1: Gain 1 Loyalty for a faction that has the Elitist trait
-1: Over 100 Million Population
-1: Curse
-1: Enemy troops or rebellion on your land

Year Four: Moment of Truth

Consult your points against appropriate chart. All tech gains are before Generation and Fast/Slow Dev effects and so increase or decrease appropriately, and each Institution Point gained adds one to your progress to the next Development Level:

<4: +1 Institution Point
4-6: +2 Institution Points, +2 Years
7-9: +3 Institution Points, +3 Years to focused Tech
10-12: +3 Institution Points, +4 Years to focused Tech

<4: Four years to focused tech
4-6: Five Years to Focused Tech, one institution point
7-9: Six Years to Focused Tech, one Institution Point
10+: Six years to Focused Tech, two Institution Points

If you reach a new tier or exceed maximum (Integrated 6+/Grantville 6+) you gain an additional Boost during the Consolidation year

Tech boosts are effected by generation multipliers
Year Five: Consolidation

Nothing happens and you don't need to spend TP, you just can't start another institution quest this year. If you increased a development level the bonus boost happens here.

Units that are built on production license from a technologically superior country have to be built and trained at the expense of the producing country as if it was its own unit. Militia-level units take less time but are less experienced, vice-versa for trained units.
Once that unit is built and deployed, its maintained at the cost of the recipient nation.

The producing country must commit points when replacing losses. Otherwise a 1930s tank brigade getting repaired by a recipient 1918 armor country will obviously fill the ranks of destroyed vehicles with inferior replacements.
Otherwise, a military unit is considered to have access, if not a ubiquitous supply, of any equipment that was available to a military unit in our timeline in the year of your current tech level.

The one... apparently crucial exception to these rules are fleet vessels.
To make matters simple, naval vessels will lose 1 level of experience to a minimum of 'Trained' when advancing into the next technological generation. They will also be able to add/subtract any modifiers to the vessel at the time of re-fit.
For example, the Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes was launched in 1908, in the "Anything before 1914" of our tech generations.
Once Brazil reaches 1915 navy tech, then a Legendary experience Minas can choose to either lag behind the tech cap at peak veterancy, as their hull reaches the point where it cannot modernize any further, or be re-hulled as a completely new type of Elite WW1-era battleship.
Similarly, moving past 1930 would make it an early WW2-era battleship demoted the rank of Veteran. Then breaching the cap at 1940 would make it Experienced. By the beginning of the Cold War tech era, the Minas is practically unrecognizable from its dreadnought-era predecessor, and has hit the minimum cap of trained.

The main reason for this mechanical addition is to prevent the weirdness of a 1918 primitive submarine crew being able to operate a nuclear submarine with Legendary ability, while also allowing players to not have to wipe and then rebuild large swathes of their navy at these points in modernization.
Take EP spent on your army, Multiply by 2500, these are your Military Points (MP). If you are spending nothing on your Military you get 1250 free points that can only be used to construct a Peacetime army. EP expenditure and Manpower usage impact your Mobilisation level, explained below.

Units have characteristics set when they are ordered for formation.
Land Units

The base cost of a unit is calculated from its size:
  • Army: 200k (2000mp)
  • Corps: 50k (500mp)
  • Division: 25k (250mp)
  • Brigade: 5k (50mp)
  • Battalion: 1k (10mp)
  • Company: 250 (2.5mp)
  • Platoon: 50 (0.5mp)
  • Squad: 10 (0.1mp)
A unit costs as much manpower as the largest number in its bracket. If it ever loses manpower so as to be under the smallest number in its bracket, it must either be rotated home to recover, or broken into smaller units.

Note that equipment effects the whole unit. All costs are in modifiers. Modifiers are applied additively (Two 1.25 modifiers means 1+.25+.25).
As well as the below Modifiers, there can be unique ones related to Spells and Magitech, to be determined with the Mods.
  • [AT Solutions]- Allows the unit to reliably penetrate tank armor, even without tanks of their own. (x1.5)
  • [AA Solutions]- Allows the unit to reliably bring down aircraft, even without tanks of their own. (x1.5)
  • [Engineering Equipment]- Allows the units to fortify, cross rivers, or otherwise alter the terrain to their advantage. (x1.25)
  • [Recon Units]- Gives early warning and setup time for the army. (x1.25)
  • [Unarmed Support Crews]- If the unit loses a battle, casualties will be far heavier (x.75)
  • [Field Medics]- If the unit loses a battle, casualties will be lighter. (x1.25)
  • [Squad Mages]- Allows access to your National Spells. (x2)
  • [Motorized] - Adds motorcycles, APCs, and cars. (x1.5)
  • [Mechanized]- Adds IFVs and armored cars. (x2.5)
  • [Conscripts]- Cannot be combined with other modifiers, cannot advance beyond green (x0.5)
  • [Mounted] - Adds horses. Good in case of EMPs, gas shortages, or if you're just classic. (x1.25)
  • [Paras]- Allows deployment via Heavy Bomber squadrons. (x1.5)
  • [Marines]- Specialized in boarding actions and amphibious attack. (x1.25)
  • [Penal Legion]- lowers morale and leadership. (x0.5)
  • [Shock Troops]- Skilled in sudden attacks and close-order assaults. (x1.25)
  • [Reservists]: These citizen soldiers spend most of their time as civilians, only taking up arms when they are mobilized for war. (0.75x, Do not count towards manpower cap when in reserve, Cannot go above Green)
  • [Terrain]: These troops are specialized towards operating in a specific type of difficult terrain. e.g. Mountaineers, Jungle Fighters, Ski Troops. (1.25x)
  • [Special Ops]: These elite troops are specially trained to participate in espionage and insertion operations. (1.5x)

Units can have organic attachments of heavier equipment, paid for in a cost in manpower from their unit size.
  • Artillery Battery- Adds towed artillery pieces. If the unit also has AT or AA solutions, these can be towed AT or AA guns. Each Battery consists of 4 artillery pieces and costs 10 soldiers.
  • Tank Platoon- Adds tanks. If the unit has AT or AA solutions, these can be Tank Destroyers or SPAAGs. Each Tank costs:
  • Light Tanks- 3 soldiers
  • Medium Tanks- 5 soldiers
  • Heavy Tanks- 6 soldiers
  • Superheavy Tanks- 12 soldiers

Vessels use manpower equal to their MP times three.

Gunboat= 10mp: A 19th Century approach to naval fire support, the gunboat is capable of coastal and river-based bombardment for a navy on a budget. Most effective against low-tech nations.
  • -Torpedo Boat x 1.25: A counter to battleships and other slow and heavily armed ships, the Torpedo Boat uses speed, agility, and the power of their an en masse torpedo salvo to overwhelm a larger ship's ability to fight them off using its large but cumbersome guns. An inexpensive fleet of torpedo boats can pose a threat to much larger and more expensive fleets of capital ships, albeit only in coastal areas that can accommodate their small size and limited fuel load. Countered by faster, maneuverable capital ships and patrol craft.​
  • -Fast Gunboat x 1.25: Equipped with strong motor engines, these fast attack craft perform reconnaissance and support duties in smaller numbers, while large formations can be used to threaten enemy flanks and supply lines. Countered by patrol craft.​
  • -Minesweeper x 1.0: Loses the firepower of a normal gunboat. Used to counter mine-laying tactics employed by surface fleets and patrol craft. Pre-1940 minesweeping was slow, costly work, and it is often said that naval mine technology had grown beyond the ability of minesweepers to counter them in the interwar period.​
Submarine = 20mp: Submersible attack craft that can engage enemy surface ships, devastate shipping traffic, run blockades, and covertly transport small units of spies and special forces operatives. Extremely effective at inflicting merchant fleet damage until late in the WW2 period, where they were countered by significant strides in anti-submarine technology and the proliferation of patrol aircraft.
  • -Cruiser Sub x 1.8: Larger, better armed submarines designed to remain at sea for long range missions and extended patrols. Much more vulnerable to sonar detection and aircraft attack by the late WW2 period.​
  • -Sub Carrier x 2: Cruiser submarines with the added ability to carry seaplanes for reconnaissance and observation. Much better at detecting enemy ships in remote areas, though are not capable of countering armed patrol craft.​
  • -Missile Sub x 2.5: Designed to carry cruise missiles and nuclear weapons in Uptime use, the Missile Submarine only exists in niche roles on contemporary battlefields. While not yet used with any effectiveness, technologically advanced nations have feared the ability of magically integrated rivals to field their own weapons of mass destruction on submarine platforms.​
Destroyer = 40mp: Originally tasked as a counter to torpedo boats, the destroyer is a versatile warship intended to escort larger vessels against smaller powerful short-range attackers and attack enemy capital ships with torpedo salvos. Interwar period destroyers are also typically armed with depth charges, sonar, and anti-aircraft weapons to deal with more modern threats.
  • -Destroyer Escort x 0.75: Destroyer escorts are smaller, support oriented vessels that operate in patrol and convoy escort missions, and were some of the first ships dedicated to anti-submarine warfare.​
  • -Air-Defence Destroyer x 1.5: A destroyer almost exclusively armed with anti-aircraft or dual-purpose weapons to act as a screen against enemy aircraft.​
  • -Add Torpedoes +10
Light Cruiser = 60mp: The smallest ship class capable of fielding heavy naval guns, the light cruiser operates primarily as convoy escorts and destroyer command ships, but also provides secondary usage as scouts and support vessels for battle fleets.
  • -Air-Defense Cruiser x 1.25: A light cruiser almost exclusively armed with anti-aircraft or dual-purpose weapons to act as a screen against enemy aircraft.​
  • -Destroyer Lead x 1.5: A light cruiser outfitted with command and control capabilities to effectively lead a destroyer squadron.​
  • -Armor-framed Construction x 1.5: A light cruiser built with a protective steel belt and deck. Much more capable of surviving damage from enemy capital ships.​
  • - Add Torpedoes +10​
Heavy Cruiser = 90mp: Largely used as an intermediary between escort vessels and capital ships, the heavy cruiser offers significant firepower as a front line vessel for any surface fleet. Capable of chasing down and destroying smaller vessels quickly, but is vulnerable to full-sized battleships and massed air attack.
  • -Air-Defense Cruiser x 1.25: A heavy cruiser almost exclusively armed with anti-aircraft or dual-purpose weapons to act as a screen against enemy aircraft.​
  • -Pocket Battleship x 1.75: Packing the firepower and armor of a battleship into a cruiser hull, the Pocket Battleship is a vessel capable of dominating any naval battle against anything smaller than a battleship while still maintaining enough speed to act effectively as a commerce raider. Vulnerable to submarine and air attack when left unescorted due to lacking maneuverability, though not nearly to the extent of a full-sized battleship.​
  • - Add Torpedoes +10 (After all other modifiers)​
  • - Add Air-Launch Catapult +5 (After all other modifiers)​
Battleship = 200mp: Top predator in the naval food chain, packing the most armor, biggest guns, and heaviest displacement of any other class of vessel. Vulnerable to massive air attacks and coordinated submarine raids.
  • -Battlecruiser x 0.9: A capital ship with battleship-level armament and cruiser-level armor; typically faster and more maneuverable than a battleship, but unable to match one blow-for-blow in battle.​
  • -Fast Battleship x 1.25​
  • -Superheavy Battleship x 1.5: The evolutionary conclusion of the battleship class, Superheavies are the largest naval warships a developed nation can produce and are virtually unsinkable in single combat. Their weakness lies in being targeted by massed battleship salvos or intense, continuous, submarine and air attacks. While these means can counter or cripple this class' ability to fight, there are very few means to outright sink these vessels.​
  • - Add Torpedoes +10 (After all other modifiers)​
  • - Add Air-Launch Catapult +5 (After all other modifiers)​
  • - Add Reinforced Turret Enclosures +5 (After all other modifiers)​
Carrier = 220mp: A modern warship designed as a seagoing airbase, equipped with a full-length flight deck and facilities for carrying, arming, deploying, and recovering aircraft. A typical carrier can carry up to an entire wing of planes at a time.
  • -Escort x 0.75: A lighter, cheaper aircraft carrier designed for anti-submarine warfare and escort roles. These ships can carry up to a squadron of planes, and are less well armed and armored than their larger counterparts.
  • -Helicopter x 0.8: Used singularly by the USE, the helicopter carrier allows the use of aircraft that can take off without the need of a runway. Magically integrated nations have researched the potential of their usage to house flying magical creatures and other applicable war machines. Can carry up to a squadron of aircraft.
  • -Fleet x 1.5: An upscaled aircraft carrier with the ability to carry and deploy up to 90 planes

Flight, 5mp, 5 planes
Squadron, 20mp, 20 planes
Wing, 60mp, 60 planes
Group, 300mp, 300 planes
Air Division, 1000mp, 1000 planes

  • Interceptor- x1.2: Relatively lightweight aircraft built for high performance designed specifically to attack enemy aircraft, particularly bombers and reconnaissance aircraft, as they approach friendly territory. Fragile and short ranged, they need to be supported by other AA defenses or used en masse to keep losses low. Standard range approx. 200 miles.
  • Air Superiority- Standard Cost: A more versatile option than the interceptor, air superiority fighters can function in defensive, offensive, and escort roles in air combat, and can also serve as light ground-attack aircraft when needed. Usually the most common type of craft in a nation's air force. Standard range approx. 300 miles.
  • CAS/Dive Bomber- 1.2: A catch-all term for light bombers, dive bombers, and fighter-bombers, these ground attack aircraft serve as combat support for friendly ground forces. Not as capable of inflicting long-term damage on enemy armies as medium bombers, but are fast and maneuverable enough to strike enemy positions accurately on the battlefield while avoiding enemy air patrols. Standard range approx. 300 miles.
  • Medium Bomber- x1.4: Larger, level bomber aircraft are capable of striking enemy military units and infrastructure on a much larger scale than fighters and light bombers while maintaining a high altitude. Easily countered by fighters when without an escort. Standard range approx. 1000 miles.
  • Heavy Bomber- x2: The largest aircraft fielded by a typical modern air force, these bombers inflict strategic long-term damage against enemy infrastructure and economy, though their size and high-altitude flight make it difficult to accurately target enemy units on the battlefield. Their greatest weakness is their ineffectiveness at defending themselves against interceptor aircraft outside of the range of their escorts. Standard range approx. 1,500 miles.
  • (anything) Jet- Add 1 to the modifier (Example: 1.4->2.4):
Bonus Abilities:
  • Long Range- x1.5: Built for longer-distance missions, these aircraft effectively double the range of any role listed at the expense of speed, maneuverability, and armament where applicable. (Hint: right click---> measure distance on Google Maps is your friend for this)
  • Multipurpose, pick any two roles, add their modifiers together, subtract one from the total."
  • Amphibious- x1.1: Seaplanes, floatplanes, and flying boats. These aircraft have effectively unlimited range as long as they have a fleet or nearby ports to support them, but do so at the expense of speed, maneuverability, and armament where applicable.

Each additional level requires one additional turn between when the unit is ordered and when they can be deployed. Levels beyond Trained can only be gained from battlefield experience
  • Militia- Consisting of the "Old meat and fresh greens", these units are a last-ditch attempt to hold off defeat... usually. Can be deployed the same turn they are ordered.
  • Green- While they have only experienced Basic, these men do at least know proper military order and tactics.
  • Trained- These men are the most elite that a unit can be from initial deployment.
  • Experienced
  • Veteran
  • Elite
  • Legendary

You can't get big armies cheaply. You can't mobilize more than one third of your population. Not without specific, high level magic - Denmark's zombies or Austria's (hypothetical sadly) robots, for instance.

- Peacetime: +1 to Econ Rolls. Slight bonus to population growth. Go You. Militarist factions might be unhappy. Most everyone else is probably pretty pleased.
- Expanded Army: The baseline. At this point you have to be spending at least 1 EP on Military, however.
- Mobilized Army: -1 to Econ Rolls. Slight malus to population growth. More peaceable factions might be unhappy. Everyone else is still OK, mostly.
- Active Army: -1 to Econ Rolls and your Economic Status automatically degrades by one step. More severe population growth malus. Only the militarists are happy right now, so you can't keep this up too long before internal crises start happening.
- Emergency Army: You're in a recession, and you're not getting out as long as this is a thing. Your population growth is barely above zero - if you're lucky. Nobody's happy, not even the militarists, so you're suffering internally too.
- Total Mobilization: You're in a recession - and the instant the war ends you're in a depression and lose Economic Power. Your nation is ruined. Your population growth is negative. The young and the sick are sent to the Ostfront. You're probably suffering an internal crisis, if not now, then very soon. The only really upside is that your opponent might be more ruined.

- The Percentage of EP Spent on Military includes TP in its calculation.
The relevant factions are the primary forces within your ruling government. Factions in court, parties in a democracy, alignments in a council of nobles, personality traits in a gargantuan, horrific solipsistic demon-hivemind.
-Nations have 2-5 Factions, generally 3 or 4 outside of weird situations.
-Each factions has 2-4 Traits, showing policies that they care about. Traits should trend towards the self-explanatory
-All factions are parts of your ruling government. Factions in court, political parties in a democracy, warlords in an anarchic hellhole, etc.
-Example Traits include: Localists (Want increased responsibility and autonomy for local regions/provinces/states in their homeland), Monarchists, Elitists (Want to preserve or increase the advantages of the upper classes/equivalents), Mystics (Want More Magic), Modernists (Want More Tech), Educators (Want to educate the populace)
They are ranked them on two factors: how strong they are and how much they like you -- Power and Loyalty, both on scales from 1 to 5 -- 5 being strongest/most loyal.

Bureaucrats: Educators, Mystics [Chinese magics], Modernists; (3/3), Eunuchs: Elitists, Monarchists; (2/3), Generals: Militarists, Imperialists; (3/2)
Each nation has a magic rating. This determines how many heroes that a nation can have at any one time, and how many points worth of spells that they know.
This is affected by GM fiat, and is increased through Quests, as described below. Your Magic can never rise above 30.
@Crilltic is the Magic Mod, to whom you should direct any questions and seek approval for any spells/heroes/magitech.

Each mage/nation has a number of spells they know. A spells point value is equal to the rank of their practice. They are capable of these effects (known IC as Practices) at each Mastery Level:

1 Dot: Initiate
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of phenomena. (Practice of Knowing)
  • Elementary manipulation of phenomena, enough to activate and/or impart direction. (Practice of Compelling)
  • Gain sensory perception of phenomena (Practice of Unveiling)
2 Dots: Apprentice
  • Exert elementary command and control over phenomena (Practice of Ruling)
  • Conceal, camouflage or hide phenomena from scrutiny (Practice of Veiling)
  • Protect a target against attacks by providing points of Armor. (Practice of Shielding)
3 Dots: Disciple
  • Alter the capabilities or functions of phenomena (Practice of Weaving)
  • Injure a target (Practice of Fraying)
  • Fortify, bolster or improve phenomena (Practice of Perfecting)
4 Dots: Adept
  • Transform phenomena into a related phenomena or shapes, or replace capabilities or functions with different ones. (Practice of Patterning)
  • Significantly injure a target (Practice of Unraveling)
5 Dots: Master
  • Create Phenomena (Practice of Making)
  • Destroy or mutilate a target (Practice of Unmaking)
You can only cast spells from each unit or hero's list. They must be pre-approved. A unit does not have a spell list unless it has the Squad Mages trait. Please keep national and hero spell lists tightly thematically linked.

Heroes are singularly powerful or unique individuals. They can be applied to perform great feats on the strategic level, or used to bolster other actions.
You initially begin with MR/4 Heroes (rounding down). Once in play, you gain another Hero for every 6 MR achieved above your starting total, or as rewards from Magic Quests, as described below. If you did not have enough MR to get a hero at the start, and only then, you gain 1 when you reach MR 6, then the normal rules on additional gains apply.

Each Hero has three important statistics
  • Biography: This includes their name, gender, and age.
  • Skill: This includes their level of mastery and experience in each school they know. Regardless of the fluff for their abilities, they will be statted as a spell.
  • Job: This is where they are and what they are doing this turn.
Heroes have magic rating x2 spells at start, gain another point every 2 years, to a maximum of 50 points of spells. In addition, they have access to all of your national spells (Which do not count against their spell limit)

As an example of a hero entry, see below:
Skuld, 58, Female, Queen of Denmark
  • Raise Dead: A Necromancy spell under the Practice of Patterning, this raises any dead corpses in the area as mindless slaves of Skuld. They are capable of using any skills they had in life, but cannot communicate or think independently.

A specific type of Hero is the Inventor, who uses their abilities to produce equipment that would normally be classed as Magitech. They have special rules to help balance them.

  • Anything produced by an Heroic Inventor (AKA anything that can then be added to a unit with a modifier) is manufactured in limited quantities. Heroic Inventors have a special action available to them [Create], where they will spend time crafting their wares for use. Each [Create] action a Hero does provides 2500MP worth of upgrades for the magitech on their sheet. If the Hero is not assigned to any actions, they passively produce 500 MP
  • This stockpile is consumed from the marginal cost of adding the equipment to the unit. So for example equipping 100k men with a hypothetical 1.5x magitech would reduce the stockpile by 500 MP. Additionally, unit casualties will also reduce the stockpile as new reinforcements have to be equipped.
  • Heroic Magitech is still subject to all the rules regarding balance, theme and costs as regular magitech.
  • If the Heroic Inventor dies you loose access to a source, and once your stockpile is used up you lose access to this magitech until you can secure a way to recreate the magitech.
All heroes that fall under the the Heroic Inventor category are retroactively party to these rules, however every country that has a Heroic Inventor as of the end of 1686 will gain a stockpile of 7500MP.

Magical Expansion:
Integrated Hero/artifact/national-magic
Phase One: Theme

Must commit 1 EP
One quest at a time
One year per phase
All bonuses must be established before rolling the resolution

Roll 1d6
This sets the theme of the overall quest
Corresponds to:
1: (Populism) Population: High good, low bad (+2 10mil and up, +0 9mil to 4mil, -2 3mil and down)
2: (Cornucopia) Economic Condition: High bad, low good (+2 Recession and less, +0 Stagnant, -2 Growing and more)
3: (Tradition) Development: High bad, low good (+2 Sporadic and Scholarly, +0 Systematic, -2 Integrated or Grantville)
4: (Warfare) Military: High good, low bad (+2 Mobilized or Higher, +0 Expanded, -2 Peacetime)
5: (New Growth) Magic Rating: High bad, low good (+2 eight or less, +0 nine to sixteen, -2 seventeen and up)
6: (Faith) Government: High (affinity) good, low bad (+2 aligned to magic, +0 agnostic, -2 hostile)
These translate in to a +2/0/-2 modifier on the phase roll and should inform the results of the loot table
Roll 4d3-8 and add your modifiers, this total carries in to phase three as a modifier, capped at +4/-4

+2, National Hero committed, limit one per quest
+2, 1 EP contribution from a magical patron with an MR at least 5 points higher than yours
+2, a quest phase appropriate artifact
+2, Substantial national event post (effort bitches)
+2, Blessing
-2, narrowing the quest field to three choices before rolling
-2, Curse
-2, Outside interference
Phase Two: Journey

Must commit 1 EP
One quest at a time
One year per phase
All bonuses must be established before rolling the resolution

Roll 1d3
1: Far (-2)
2: Neighboring (0)
3: Home (+2)

Mod indicates where this journey must take them: Actual travel may be required, but should be generally appropriate for the theme/distance. Ie, France on a military quest with a 'Far' tag would have to travel to the Holy Land, etc.

Roll 4d3-8, add modifiers. This total carries in to phase three as a modifier, capped at +4/-4

+2, National Hero committed, limit one per quest
+2, 1 EP contribution from a magical patron with an MR at least 5 points higher than yours
+2, a quest phase appropriate artifact
+2, Substantial national event post (effort bitches)
+2, Blessing
-2, Curse
-2, Outside interference

Phase Three: Lootening

1 EP cost

Modifier from Phase One, theme informs flavor of loot. (Limited to +4/-4)
Modifier from Phase Two, distance informs nature/origin of loot. (Limited to +4/-4)

Roll |4d6-14|, then add the phase modifiers, with their total limited to (+6/-6)

1: +1 Magic
2: +1 Magic, or minor artifact/half-value hero
3: +1 Magic and minor artifact/half-value hero
4: +2 Magic
5: +2 Magic or artifact/hero
6: +2 Magic and artifact/hero
7: +3 Magic
8: +3 Magic or major artifact/hero
9+: +3 Magic and major artifact/hero

You may downgrade your result to the closest "Magic or artifact/hero" option.

If your absolute value before phase modifiers is 8 or higher, and your total with mods is 12 or higher trigger (+3 Magic and a World Quest)

- At Twelve or more magic you gain 1 less Magic from Quests than you otherwise would, minimum 1
- At Twenty Four or more magic you gain 2 less Magic from Quests than you otherwise would, minimum 1
- At Six or less Magic you gain 1 more Magic from Quests than you otherwise would, minimum 1 (This applies to Quests finished in 1684)
- A faction cannot have more than Six heroes
- A hero cannot have more than Fifty dots worth of spells (Not including national spells)
- You cannot collapse multiple heroes into a single hero for more points
- Magic performed against another nation can generally be tracked, or at least have its point of origin identified
- Nations, but especially persons of interest and heads of state, have significant internal defenses and protections even before a Major Action is spent on Counter-espionage. Spending a Major Actions makes these more effective (Generally in a single field or a few fields), it doesn't bring them into existence.
Turnpost Format

Polity Name In Native Language - Year
Polity Flag/Coat of Arms

Polity Name in English
Current Ruler: Name
Expected Heir: Name if applicable.
Type of Government: Self-explanatory
Population: In your national listing
Capital: Capital

Magical Artifacts:
  • Include name, current user, and a basic description

Economic Status: In your national listing
-Power (In a number.)
-Status (Number, then descriptor)

Insert Major Actions here
, tag me

Internal Events:
-Any internal events to talk about...

Biology: 1XXX
Electronics: 1XXX
Organic Chemistry: 1XXX
Inorganic Chemistry: 1XXX
Industry: 1XXX
High Energy Physics: 1XXX
Medicine: 1XXX
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1XXX
Infantry: 1XXX
Armor: 1XXX
Airpower: 1XXX
Naval: 1XXX

-Display the total number of your Potential Manpower Pool (the number given to you, otherwise 1:15 of your Population)
-Display amount of manpower currently used

(List your military units here)
Motto/Banner: (Not required)
Current Number of Troops:
Current Deployment: (Where they are at turn start)
Equipment Modifiers:
Additional Units:

Magic Rating: In your national listing
The spells commonly used by members of your military and the level of organization at which their users are deployed.
Bios, skill levels, and current jobs of your countries heroes.


  • List Factions here, followed by their Loyalty and Strength as so (Loyalty/Strength)

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

Espionage Format:
YOUR NATION: the name of your nation
TARGET: who your espionage is aimed at
MISSION: what you want to do
METHOD: how you plan to do it
MOTIVE: why you want to do this
OTHER: anything else relevant to the mission, ex: a trading company in the same city that could supply your spies with weapons
Note: It's OK to be more general and more concise here. These are high-level plans, not marching orders for a single division

YOUR NATION: the name of your nation
ALLIES: any allies
COMBINED FORCES: the total number of men you are sending and however many men your allies are contributing
OPPOSING NATION(S): who you are fighting
THEATRE(S): where you are fighting
MILITARY DOCTRINE: the style of war your military is orientated towards, about a paragraph
MILITARY GOALS: what you are fighting for
STRATEGY: how you will fight on a strategic level – don't bother listing battlefield tactics, this should just be about where your men go and what they try to capture
Colonization Mod is @Cetashwayo, please PM your plans, and/or tag him when you post them.

Colonization is now based on rolls, conducted by the Colonial Mod. It's a 1d6. Here's how the roll goes:

0: Only possible with a negative modifier to colonization rolls. Can result in you losing territory.
1: -1 to next year's roll and failure. No, or very little, border change.
2-4: Moderate colonization of the focused area.
5-6 Great success or other potential rewards.

Now investing more EP has a substantive benefit. The default amount of investment required for any colonization effort is 1 EP. However, you can invest up to 3 EP (1 Base +2 Bonus) and get up to a +2 on your colonization roll.
This is area-specific. That means that when colonization is rolled, it's based on a specific contiguous area or a series of expansions in a single area, and so are the bonuses. This is mostly arbitrary, but if you're not sure what counts as one area ask in the same PM as plans. Usually it's pretty broad, but it prevents you from using a single bonus when colonizing across multiple continents.
Each separate colonization action costs 1 MA, so colonizing South Africa and New Zealand are separate actions each costing 1 MA. If you want to get a +2 bonus on both actions, you need to invest 3 EP in South Africa and 3 EP in New Zealand.
Rolls add some randomness and make it so it's not just easy peasy, but they're relatively permissive. You have to really fuck up bad to do badly, since the dice are skewed towards success.

Colonial Plan Format:

YOUR NATION: the name of your nation
TARGET: where you are colonizing
MAP: a rough map of your target. Please use my basemap, and save in PNG
JUSTIFICATION: why you are colonizing the area. "For King and Country" is a valid reason, but an excuse, like executed missionaries or to stop French expansion, will help your cause
PLAN: how you will take control of the area. Are you sending soldiers to subdue local tribes and states? Are your trade companies making treaties with local chiefs? Are you sending colonists into the jungle? This can be pretty general
(Taken from A Play of Shot and Powder. I'm a shameless idea thief.)
Conception Roll:
1-45: You don't conceive.
46-100: You conceive.

Fathers Age 50+: -5
Fathers Age 60+: -10
Fathers Age 70+: -20

Mothers Age 35-40: - 10
Mothers Age 40-45: - 20
Mothers Age 45-50: - 30
Mothers Age 50+: - 100

Table 1: Pregnancy Success

1-15 something went wrong (Roll on table 3)
16-90 Single Birth.
90-100 roll on Table 2 Multiple Birth

Mothers Age 35-40: - 10
Mothers Age 40-45: - 20
Mothers Age 45-50: - 30

Table 2: Multiple Birth

1-90 non identical twins
91-97 identical twins
98-100 triplets

Table 3 Something has gone Wrong.

1-2 Mother and Child Die in Child Birth
3-4 Simple
5-6 Deaf
6-7 Blind
8-9 Blind
10-19 Sickly infant (dies shortly after birth)
20-50 Stillbirth
50-60 Miscarriage late
61-100 Miscarriage early

Mothers Age 35-40: - 5
Mothers Age 40-45: - 10
Mothers Age 45-50: - 15

What does the little Tike Look Like?

Table 4 Gender
1-50 Male
51-100 female.

1-45 Mother
46-85 Father
86-100 Recessive Gene takes hold (looks like neither, resembles extended family member)

1-45 Mother
46-85 Father
86-100 Recessive Gene takes hold (looks like neither, resembles extended family member)

1-45 Mother
46-85 Father
86-100 Recessive Gene takes hold (looks like neither, resembles extended family member)

1-45 Mother
46-85 Father
86-100 Recessive Gene takes hold (looks like neither, resembles extended family member)

If a woman or man have failed to conceive 3 attempts in a row and/or a woman has failed to deliver a living child 3 years in a row, roll on the Reproductive health table.

Reproductive Health Table:

1-30 Barren
31-60 reproduction problems (add a -10 modifier to all pregnancy rolls, roll again on this table if you fail to reproduce twice more)
61-100 unlucky (you are just unlucky, roll again on this table if you fail to reproduce twice more)

On a successful birth roll, check this chart and roll the dice indicated.
Father and Mother are NOT related: Skip.
Father and Mother are 2nd cousins: Roll a D100
Father and Mother are 1st cousins: Roll a D70
Father and Mother are Uncle/Aunt and Neice/Nephew: Roll a D50
Father and Mother are brother and sister: Roll a D30

1-10 Roll on Table 3: Something Goes Wrong
11-20: Severe deformity, roll table 5
21-40: Sickly. All future rolls regarding health or lifespan are at -10.
41-60: Healthy, but all children receive a -10 to their own future children's rolls on this table.
61-100: Perfectly normal.

Table 5: Severe Deformity
Roll a D8
1:Roll again three times.
2: Insanity or severe mental deficiency
3: Brittle Bone Disease
4: Hunchback
5: Dwarf
6: Narcolepsy
8: Severe Cosmetic Deformity
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Countries and stats.
Kingdom of England

Following the French invasion and return of the monarchy in 1654, the Kingdom of England has been the most tightly administered by France, leading to the recent coronation of Charles Bourbon, Prince of the Blood, Royaume D'Angleterre. While his older brother Louis XV is Dauphin, it is likely that the younger Bourbon brother will remain close to France...

On the other hand, Charles has grown up in England, and was favored by his mother Henrietta Stuart. His Anglophillia may lead to a break with France, if the hopes of his people, and the dream of Britain renewed, can win out over blood ties.

Population: 5,586,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 6, Growing (5)
Sub-Bourbonites: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Brittanics: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Unionists: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Puritans: Loyalty 1, Power 4
Biology: 1918
Electronics: 1920
Organic Chemistry: 1920
Inorganic Chemistry: 1921
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1920
Medicine: 1925
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1918
Infantry: 1920
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1918
Naval: 1925
Kingdom of Ireland

Most De-Facto independent of the Four Britains, Ireland holds close ties to Wales and nears independence, with France's continued failure to collect the tribute owed by Ireland due to a combination of unimpressive earnings, and the severe anti-French sentiment that has caused several shipments to be unfortunately lost on their way across the Channel.

Population: 2,202,000
Magic Rating: 8
Economy: 5, Stagnant (3)

Fianna Fail: Independents, Isolationists, Luddites; Loyalty 3, Power 3
Unionists: Anglophiles, Independents, Modernists; Loyalty 2, Power 1

Institutions: Scholarly 4/5

Biology: 1930
Electronics: 19230
Organic Chemistry: 1930
Inorganic Chemistry: 1932
Industry: 1921
High Energy Physics: 1930
Medicine: 1933
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1930
Infantry: 1925
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1928
Naval: 1925
Kingdom of Wales

The first daughter of Louis XIV, Madame la Princesse Justine Bourbon, married the duke of Cardiff, who claims to be heir of Dinefwr. However, some still claim to be heirs of Gwynedd and Powys, and the threat of a seperation is ever-present, while the people chafe under the French-style absolute monarchy in favor of a nationalist Welsh Parliment.

Population: 650,000
Magic Rating: 5
Economy: Size 5, Stagnant (4)
Powys: Loyalty 2, Power 3
Cardiff: Loyalty 5, Power 3
Cornwall: Loyalty 4, Power 1
Gwynedd: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Nationalists: Loyalty 2 ,Power 2
Biology: 1918
Electronics: 1920
Organic Chemistry: 1920
Inorganic Chemistry: 1921
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1920
Medicine: 1925
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1918
Infantry: 1920
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1918
Naval: 1925
Kingdom of Scotland

King Charles II rules Scotland uneasily. While he was restored to the throne of Scotland, the perfidious French have split his birthright into four...

On the other hand, does he have the strength to subdue the other nations of the Isles, let alone compete against France? His course will have to be careful and cunning if he wishes to see Brittainia rule again.

Population: 1,330,000
Magic Rating: 5
Economy: 6, Growing (5)
Royalists: Loyalty 5, Power 2
Francophiles: Loyalty 1, Power 4
Covenanters: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1918
Electronics: 1920
Organic Chemistry: 1920
Inorganic Chemistry: 1921
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1920
Medicine: 1925
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1918
Infantry: 1920
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1918
Naval: 1925
Kingdom of Denmark

While their ties to the Commonwealth paid handsome dividends in colonies, Denmark is beginning to realize that the colonies might be more problems then they are worth. With French and Spanish Catholics in their colonies loosely held by Protestant Dane overlords, alone among their enemies in Europe, and with Iceland and Greenland seized by horrors of the deepest sea, the nation is beginning to wonder if Skuld's magic is more trouble than it's worth.

Population: 1,197,000
Magic Rating: 12
Economy: 6, Stagnant (4)
Revanchists: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Germanophobes: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Pan-Scandinavianists: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Reactionaries: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Biology: 1920
Electronics: 1915
Organic Chemistry: 1920
Inorganic Chemistry: 1911
Industry: 1925
High Energy Physics: 1925
Medicine: 1920
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1922
Infantry: 1925
Armor: 1920
Airpower: 1920
Naval: 1922

The remnants of Denmark's less... savory supernatural creatures. Children of Jormugandr, Wolfmen, Svartalfar and other beings displeased with the idea of pandering to men. While few in number and limited to the most inhospitable north, they strike fear into those foolish enough to encounter them.

And some day, when the stars are right.... Then, they will rise and reclaim what is theirs.

Population: 72,000
Magic Rating: 20
Economy: 2, Roaring (6)
Revanchists: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Last Daysmen: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Pan-Scandinavianists: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Confederates: Loyalty 4, Power 2
Biology: 1870
Electronics: 1875
Organic Chemistry: 1912
Inorganic Chemistry: 1870
Industry: 1870
High Energy Physics: 1870
Medicine: 1870
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1870
Infantry: 1870
Armor: 1870
Airpower: 1870
Naval: 1920
Archduchy of Austria

Under the leadership of the Habsburg family, Austria has grown to be a world power. Where once its influence was its weapon, now it adds to that access to its own large, trained, and well-funded army. However, some still crusade for a total German unification. Whether Großedeutchland will be a reality or not is still up for debate, but Austria may be the lynchpin in deciding the issue.

Population: 8,600,000
Magic Rating: 3
Economy: 10, Stagnant (4)
Großedeutchlanders: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Habsburgists: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Spartakusbund: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Magyar: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Biology: 1922
Electronics: 1924
Organic Chemistry: 1922
Inorganic Chemistry: 1925
Industry: 1924
High Energy Physics: 1910
Medicine: 1920
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1920
Infantry: 1922
Armor: 1926
Airpower: 1920
Naval: 1900
Kingdom of Prussia

The military powerhouse of the Three Germanies, Prussia has been described as "A military with a state." While its land is the smallest of the three, Prussia has a number of skilled generals and understands the logistics and science of war more than almost any other nation on earth.

Unfortunately, this also means that they are known as warmongers, being responsible for the war between the Germanies and Poland.

Population: 3,000,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 12, Booming (6)
Catholics: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Constitutionalists: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Junkers: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Panbaltics: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Biology: 1920
Electronics: 1922
Organic Chemistry: 1926
Inorganic Chemistry: 1912
Industry: 1920
High Energy Physics: 1890
Medicine: 1920
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1920
Infantry: 1925
Armor: 1925
Airpower: 1926
Naval: 1922
United States of Europe

The largest of the Three Germanies and most economically powerful, the United States of Europe is also the largest Republic in the world. The closest thing to the former HRE, the USE contains many of the "Little Germanies" as states, and even Switzerland, since they offer more independence than any other.

The current president is James Stearns of the Stearns family, making him the first president to be an immediate descendant of a former president. He chairs the New Revolutionary Party.

Population: 11,394,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 14, Recession (2)
Richterists: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Christian Democrats: Loyalty 4, Power 4
Sacred Republic Party: Loyalty 1, Power 1
New Revolutionary Party: Loyalty 4, Power 5
Biology: 1930
Electronics: 1930
Organic Chemistry: 1930
Inorganic Chemistry: 1930
Industry: 1930
High Energy Physics: 1930
Medicine: 1930
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1930
Infantry: 1930
Armor: 1930
Airpower: 1930
Naval: 1930
Kingdom of Spain

Under the rulership of the Habsburg king Charles the Deaf, Spain has lost a large chunk of its overseas empire. However, their rule of Italy has expanded, and Charles is known to look enviously at Italy in hopes of restoring his empire by doing what has never been done: Unifying Italy.

Population: 9,230,000
Magic Rating: 2
Economy: 9, Stagnant (4)
Revanchistas: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Mandato Africano: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Peninsulares: Loyalty 4, Power 2
Unificadores Italianos: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1920
Electronics: 1924
Organic Chemistry: 1926
Inorganic Chemistry: 1925
Industry: 1922
High Energy Physics: 1921
Medicine: 1927
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1900
Infantry: 1920
Armor: 1916
Airpower: 1920
Naval: 1926
Kingdom of France

Vast, powerful, and influential, France is the world power, to be feared and appeased wherever possible.

However, even under the power of the Sun King, Louis XIV, its foundations are not as stable as they may appear. The Fronde still threatens a true rebirth, as the nobles seeth against even the appearance of power being given to the lower Estates. The people themselves hate the new terrors that the industrial age has brought upon them, and the glass ceilings that still exist in French society.

France knows the power of its eternal dream.

Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite!

Population: 26,260,000
Magic Rating: 2
Economy: 15, Recession (2)
Frondeurs: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Communists: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Royalists: Loyalty 5, Power 3
Imperialists: Loyalty 4, Power 4
Biology: 1924
Electronics: 1922
Organic Chemistry: 1924
Inorganic Chemistry: 1925
Industry: 1929
High Energy Physics: 1926
Medicine: 1929
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1920
Infantry: 1930
Armor: 1930
Airpower: 1925
Naval: 1926
Byzantine Empire

The rebirth of the Byzantines following the Crusade and depopulation of the Black Lands left them in a unique position. Each of their neighbors is concerned by greater problems, and Constantinople still sits at a great crossroads in the world.

Yet, Rome will need great cunning to overcome the empires that encircle it: Austria, Poland, and Iran.

Population: 6,500,000
Magic Rating: 8
Economy: 7, Stagnant (3)
Phanariotes: Loyalty 5, Power 5
Turks: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Bulgars: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Greeks: Loyalty 5, Power 3
Biology: 1910
Electronics: 1912
Organic Chemistry: 1910
Inorganic Chemistry: 1920
Industry: 1920
High Energy Physics: 1900
Medicine: 1921
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1920
Infantry: 1920
Armor: 1910
Airpower: 1920
Naval: 1915
Papal States

The unrest of the 1650s and 1660s has allowed the Papacy to expand its grasp, though it is reaching the limit of what influence and faith can accomplish alone. While neither Spain or the Knights Templar are likely to attack unprovoked, they both stand in the way of united Italy under the Church.

It is time for cunning to take the center stage for the Papacy.

Population: 9,000,000
Magic Rating: 6
Economy: 6, Growing (6)
Biology: 1916
Electronics: 1920
Organic Chemistry: 1914
Inorganic Chemistry: 1914
Industry: 1920
High Energy Physics: 1914
Medicine: 1914
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1914
Infantry: 1914
Armor: 1914
Airpower: 1914
Naval: 1914
Russian Empire

United forever in rulership and valor, the alliance of Slavics has long endured. Leading Poland and (to some extent) Sweden in alliance, Russia stands as the lynchpin of East Europe. Recent changes by the Tsars have ended serfdom and moved Russia forward into being a true beacon of civilization, though the effects on the economy have been painful, to say the least. Still, it looks as though Russia will be a major player on the world stage for some time to come.

Population: 20,000,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 8, Depression (1)
Tsarists: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Boyars: Loyalty 1 , Power 3
Peasantry: Loyalty 5, Power 2
Stali: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Vanguard: Loyalty 1, Power 1
Intelligentsia: Loyalty 2, Power 1
Biology: 1910
Electronics: 1910
Organic Chemistry: 1915
Inorganic Chemistry: 1916
Industry: 1918
High Energy Physics: 1920
Medicine: 1920
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1920
Infantry: 1925
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1920
Naval: 1890
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Poland has come a long way from the days of the Liberalum Veto. A beacon to the ideals of constitutional power, the Poles have kept their union stable through a very dangerous period, fearing the "Deluge" of which uptimer history spoke.

Still, some say the danger is now past, and look with envy to the lands lost to Germany and sold to Russia. Why should Catholicism's noblest knights bow to Protestants and Orthodox?

Population: 4,500,000
Magic Rating: 12
Economy: 8, Growing (5)
Germanophile: Loyalty 1, Power 1
Panslavist: Loyalty 3, Power 2
Reformists: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Militarists: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Biology: 1910
Electronics: 1910
Organic Chemistry: 1915
Inorganic Chemistry: 1916
Industry: 1918
High Energy Physics: 1920
Medicine: 1920
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1920
Infantry: 1925
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1920
Naval: 1890
United Provinces of the Netherlands

With the Stadtholderless Period stretching on in the absence of a male member of the House of Orange, the Netherlands has seen a great boon to its republican tradition. Additionally, while plans to integrate the Uptimers failed, close relations with Grantville still allowed Dutch ingenuity to keep them on the bleeding edge of the initial technology race. If anything, the Dutch have begun to grow complacent, and mere years ago this might have been considered the greatest threat to the republic.

Now, the integrity of NATO is under threat, Jotun and necromancers control Scandinavia, the Orangists look towards Austria and increasingly consider crowning a female member of the House of Orange, the Republicans become more worried about the behavior of the corporations in charge of their overseas colonies, and the bizarre and growing sect of Mystics has begun to flood the national consciousness with a single, overpowering idea.

One day, the Netherlands will rule the moon.

Population: 5,738,000
Magic Rating: 8
Economy: 12, Growing (5)
Institutions: Integrated
Francophiles: Francophiles, Loyalty 3, Power 3
Orangists: Monarchists, Religious (Protestants), Militarists Loyalty 2, Power 4
Republicans: Republicans, Germanophiles, Imperialists, Loyalty 5, Power 4
Mystics: Mystics, TO THE MOON, Modernists [Rocketry and Aeronautics], Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1930.5
Electronics: 1931.5
Organic Chemistry: 1931.5
Inorganic Chemistry: 1930.5
Industry: 1932.5
High Energy Physics: 1933.5
Medicine: 1931.5
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1926.5
Infantry: 1916
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1932
Naval: 1927
Kingdom of Portugal

Portugal's policies of neutrality have served them well. While their ties to England have been largely severed by the rise of Cromwell and the division of the Isles, the turmoil has allowed them to solidify their hold over Brazil, parts of Africa, and the Pacific. They hold the distinction of being the sole remaining colonial power in South America, and with the lenient colonial policies they have enacted, seem set to maintain a thriving colonial and commonwealth sphere.

Still, their weakness at home remains a problem. Spain looks hungrily on Portugal, and no good will come of keeping an empire if they lose their own home.

Population: 2,561,000
Magic Rating: 2
Economy: 5, Stagnant (3)
Royalists: Loyalty 3, Power 3
CNTFAI: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Estado Novo: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Biology: 1912
Electronics: 1917
Organic Chemistry: 1920
Inorganic Chemistry: 1918
Industry: 1919
High Energy Physics: 1907
Medicine: 1910
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1915
Infantry: 1918
Armor: 1918
Airpower: 1918
Naval: 1918

Azawad Confederation

A coalition of many Touareg nomad bands, the addition of modern technology has surprisingly not changed their lifestyle much... aside from now needing to find gasoline for their wartrucks, that is. Still, they call a surprising amount of West Africa their own, and have the firepower to prove it.

Population: 2,575,000
Magic Rating: 2
Economy: 3, Stagnant (4)
Kabi: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Gobir: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Kano: Loyalty 5, Power 2
Shira: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Ningi: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Biology: 1870
Electronics: 1860
Organic Chemistry: 1840
Inorganic Chemistry: 1840
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1840
Medicine: 1902
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1860
Infantry: 1860
Armor: 1920
Airpower: 1840
Naval: 1840
Mamluke Kingdom

For over one hundred years the Mamluks were once more slaves, serving the Ottomans as they had so many before them. With loyalty, distinction, and furūsiyya they obeyed their Ottoman masters just as they had forever before. Forming the backbone of one of the greatest armies in the world it came as no surprise to the Mamluks that so many came for the Ottomans when it was their time to fall, facing such impossible odds they knew defeat was on their horizon and accepted it when Constantinople fell to the crusade, and once more they prepared to be passed from hand to hand as property to fight for a new master. It was therefore with great shock that they found themselves granted much of their old territory and given back the right to rule themselves.

With this chance for self rule once again the Mamluks have not wasted it, adhering to Al-Furūsiyya and updating it with the time. With the texts of Grantville passing across the world and Hadım Abdurrahman Pasha replaced by Al-Ashraf Ridwan Bey al-Faqari the new Mamluke government set about their work. The world was changing rapidly and they would change with it, they saw it as an opportunity for a new age of Muslim enlightenment under Mamluk ideals. One which was set as a founding pillar was the khushdāshīyah. With prestige, power, and authority not transferring from father to son the Mamluke families were broken and meritocracy took hold. With the usual Mamluk competitive nature they took to this fiercely and positions of power are often in flux.

Viewing itself as a modern nation the historiographic term Mamluk Sultanate was accepted to draw the continued connection to their forebears. The Al-Furūsiyya is updated annually detailing developments in warfare not only in Mamluk territory but globally as well. Ideas are broad and move rapidly in the Sultanate now with Communists, Secularists, and other political groups moving openly but watched carefully. The idea that some concepts may be pushing too far too fast is outright refused in most scholarly circles and so little is viewed as taboo. The general rule is now to look for what will make and keep the Mamluks strong, the strong bonds of brotherhood must not be broken again, Mamluk should only serve Mamluk, to ensure this stays fact the Mamluks must be strong and any source of strength is to be accepted. Strength is not an evil, only if it is used for evil does the strength become evil.

The idea that Mamluk should only serve Mamluk has strained some ties among those who seek advancement without slavery. The old nobility still exists and chafes strongly under the new bonds of government and military. The Mamluk slaves accept one another readily having been trained for long to do so and knowing one another's measure. For non-Mamluks true excellence must be shown to reach equal prominence and among the old nobility the fact that all they worked for to acquire new prestige is lost upon their death is hard to swallow. Outside of the usual Mamluk areas of dominance such as merchantry though the general populace happily accepts the transition of powers with powerful merchant families able to operate easily against the less economically minded slave soldiers. The Sultanate of today is trying to continue their predecessor's plans to become a focal point in world trade but had largely left the manner in which this is accomplished to merchant families often founded by the sons of Mamluks.

In this short time there has been bleed over of mentalities, the strong competitive and meritocratic nature of the Mamluks serves the nations industrialists well fighting economically for government positions, such as Financial Minister, where they would have opportunities to expand their influence and therefore their business deals. This has lead to a diverse and industrializing economy for the Sultanate always happy to hire foreign specialists and invest in nation's industry. It took nothing but a single demonstration of a machinegun for a dozen Mamluk generals to demand they become standard within the army, and were quick to see the ammo requirements such a weapon would create. As natural cavalry men all they moved with speed to convince the Sultan to finance a sprawling armory constructed in Alexandria where resources could be imported to in order to feed the growing industry. Hayawia, quat alnaar, w furūsiyya is said to be emblazoned upon the desk of the Atabek's desk.

Population: 7,500,000
Magic Rating: 9
Economy: 8, Stagnant (4)
Royalists: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Communists: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Constitutionalists: Loyalty 2, Power 3
Arab Pan-Nationalists: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Sufis: Loyalty 4, Power 2
Secularists: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Biology: 1900
Electronics: 1906
Organic Chemistry: 1915
Inorganic Chemistry: 1900
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1904
Medicine: 1901
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1870
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1900
Dahomey Kingdom

Also known as "Black Sparta", Dahomey is the Prussia of Africa. A centralized taxation and administrative system, a powerful army with the elite all-female Dahomey Amazons, and a deep and expansive organized religion. Since the unification, Dahomey has been the nation most admired by European powers....

However, this may soon be ending. Good relations with Europe aside, colonies in their lands cannot be tolerated.

Population: 3,337,800
Magic Rating: 6
Economy: 2, Stagnant (4)

Xenophile: Europhile, Modernist, Educators; Loyalty 3, Power 1
Imperial Line: Monarchists, Modernists, Mystics; Loyalty 4, Power 4
Militarists: Militarists, Islamophobes, Expansionists; Loyalty 5, Power 3
Isolationists: Isolationists, Localists, Europhobes; Loyalty 1, Power 4

Institutions: Systematic 0/5
Biology: 1906
Electronics: 1896
Organic Chemistry: 1876
Inorganic Chemistry: 1876
Industry: 1920.8
High Energy Physics: 1876
Medicine: 1917
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1896
Infantry: 1926
Armor: 1890
Airpower: 1876
Naval: 1876
Mali Sultanate

Once a great trade hub, Mali faces two threats in the 1680s.

The first is famine, with food so scarce that many Malians have trekked to the coast and sold themselves to Oceanian slavers in an attempt to get better living conditions. The second is poverty. Much of the nation was based on sub-saharan trade. With the existence of steam and oil-fired ships, the Saharan trade has dried up, and modernization has bled the nation nearly completely dry.

Population: 8,000,000
Magic Rating: 3
Economy: 2, Depression (1)
Pan-Africans: Loyalty 3, Power 2
Tribalists: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Sunnis: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Shiites: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Sufis: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Shamans: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Biology: 1870
Electronics: 1860
Organic Chemistry: 1840
Inorganic Chemistry: 1840
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1840
Medicine: 1902
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1860
Infantry: 1860
Armor: 1860
Airpower: 1840
Naval: 1840
Moroccan Sultanate

The Alouite dynasty sits comfortably on their new throne, propped up by the spears of the Black Guard. While the country is only recently out of the war that deposed the former dynasty, now may be the time to push Moroccan expansion into West Africa, even if the tribes are perhaps more formidable than they previously appeared.

Population: 3,325,000
Magic Rating: 6
Economy: 4, Growing (5)
Black Guard: Loyalty 5, Power 3
Sunnis: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Shiites: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Sufis: Loyalty 4, Power 1
Biology: 1890
Electronics: 1890
Organic Chemistry: 1890
Inorganic Chemistry: 1890
Industry: 1890
High Energy Physics: 1890
Medicine: 1890
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1890
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1900
Ashanti Empire

The great wealth and great organization of the Ashanti has only been improved by their early adoption of western culture, technology, and organization. With the vast majority of the riches of West Africa and a fearsome army, they are the favored newcomer of West Africa.

Population: 6,000,000
Magic Rating: 6
Economy: 5, Growing (5)
Ashanti: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Brong-Ahafo: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Assin-Denkyira-Fante-Mankessim: Loyalty 4 , Power 3
Akyem-Akwamu-Akuapem-Kwahu: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Ahanta-Aowin-Sefwi-Wassa: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Biology: 1870
Electronics: 1860
Organic Chemistry: 1840
Inorganic Chemistry: 1840
Industry: 1910
High Energy Physics: 1840
Medicine: 1902
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1860
Infantry: 1840
Armor: 1860
Airpower: 1840
Naval: 1840

Safavid Shahdom

Shah Abbas is dead.

The long rule of Abbas was cut short by assassins from the Hezb-e Tudeh. The Rome of the East is in turmoil. Still, Shah Rostam now has an opportunity. With the flare of public support, now would be the time to lead Iran forward, moving from the premiere power in the Middle East, to possibly THE world power. The Mughals are an inviting target to the east, and the Mamlukes to the west are used to serving their betters. All it would take is the will to grasp greatness....

And to survive any new attempts at ending the line of Abbas.

Population: 15,000,000
Magic Rating: 6
Economy: 7, Growing (5)
Name: Loyalty , Power
Dervishes: Loyalty 3, Power 2
Dari: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Shahsevan: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Hezb-e Tudeh: Loyalty 1, Power 4
Hezb-e Azad: Loyalty 3, Power 1
Faqih: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Biology: 1904
Electronics: 1910
Organic Chemistry: 1920
Inorganic Chemistry: 1904
Industry: 1920
High Energy Physics: 1904
Medicine: 1901
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1870
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1900
Anatolian Turkey

The crusade ruined the dreams of Ottoman dominance. No longer would the Turk strike fear into Europe. istanbul itself has fallen to the Greek Infidel. However, the Sultanate of Rum rose from Anatolia alone. By the will of God, it can be done again.

But while the country goes through the pains of massive social upheaval and reform, darker parts of the fallen state fester. Increasingly, some remember the days when the Sultan broke countries with the aid of Citallon fondly, and think that a reborn Empire rests not in reform, or uptimer ideology, or pan-islamic alliances, but in the inestimable magical might of Citallon. They gather resources, garner support, and prepare for the day when they might strike at the head of the state and make what deals they will.

One can only hope that God denies them ascendancy.

In the meantime, the Greeks have blockaded the coasts and their neighbors are all on the rise. Turkey must take action, not merely to rise, but to simply stay alive and independent on the world stage.

Population: 11,564,000
Magic Rating: 6
Economy: 4, Stagnant (3)
Ijtihadi: Religious (Islam, Sunni), Isolationists, Modernists, Loyalty 4, Power 4
Revanchists: Religious (Islam, Sunni), Militarists, Expansionists, Loyalty 2, Power 3
Tudeh: Communists, Militarists, Religious (Islam, Various) Loyalty 2, Power 3
Initiates: Citallonophiles, Mystics, Expansionists, Loyalty 1, Power 1
Biology: 1877.5
Electronics: 1917.5
Organic Chemistry: 1897.5
Inorganic Chemistry: 1887.5
Industry: 1893.5
High Energy Physics: 1887.5
Medicine: 1887.5
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1887.5
Infantry: 1887
Armor: 1880
Airpower: 1880
Naval: 1887
Mughal Empire

The upheaval of Grantville's arrival stretched to the Far East as well. A scholar bore a copy of a Grantville book to the court of the Mughals, where the revelations within shook the court. While many understood the deviance of Dara Shikoh would in all likelihood lead to a rebellion that would dethrone him, the brutality of Aurangzeb's response in the other timeline , and his ensuing failure to maintain the relevance of the Empire, led to him being barred from the Throne by imperial decree. While nobody really liked it, Dara Shikoh would have to be the heir, if only to avoid the disaster that would follow Aurangzeb's rule. Dara Shikoh, for his part, worked to bind the Empire together. With the knowledge of impending Maratha Rebellions, he organized a new federal system of rule, separating the Mughal's domain into provinces with their own local governments. He created a large imperial bureaucracy, imitating China's own, to manage these. The objections of Rajput nobles were ignored, the Emperor relying on the support of the minorities of the empire to keep them in check, as the Emperor pushed through reforms that ensured the minorities of the empire would have their rights respected, and have no need to rebel. In his later years, the Emperor worked on modernization, building infrastructure and promoting the development of the future technologies of Grantville. Emperor Dara Shikoh passed away at the age of 75, leaving to his son Al'reb Almutawadi an empire that was beginning to enter a golden age.

But all is not right in the empire. The nobles, spurned by Dara, plot to regain their former power. Future ideologies, from Richterists to Communists, seek to depose the Nobles and the Emperor entirely. The work of creating an imperial-wide legislative body, one that ensures the Emperors of the Mughal Empire will be able to guide their people while also being required to heed their people's wishes, is not yet done. The new technology the Empire possesses is still not yet peer to the world powers, and the empire is not yet secure from an Iranian incursion to the west, or the possibility of a unified, resurgent China to the east. The Empire faces many challenges, but it's future is bright.

Population: 218,500,000
Magic Rating: 3
Economy: 5, Growing (5)
Rajputs: Loyalty 2, Power 3
Nobles: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Sikhs: Loyalty 5, Power 2
Marathas: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Sunnis: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Shiites: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Deccans: Loyalty 2, Power 3
Biology: 1890
Electronics: 1890
Organic Chemistry: 1890
Inorganic Chemistry: 1890
Industry: 1890
High Energy Physics: 1890
Medicine: 1890
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1890
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1890
Naval: 1900
Empire of Japan

Dai Nihon Teikoku rose in a pillar of fire, the entrance of the two newcomers in Europe being felt far before word reached the east. Emperor Go-Komyo put down the shogunate in a terrifying display of the sun's power, incinerating Tokugawa Ietsuna and Iemitsu along with the rest of the Imperial residence at the tender age of eighteen, and proceeded to consolidate his rule from there. The policy of sakoku served the Empire well enough in the early days of chaos and upheaval as those loyal to the Emperor above all else fought the holdout elements of the shogun's armies and deniers of the amply demonstrated divinity of the the Chrysanthemum throne. With the technologies and knowledge spreading from Grantville carefully managed and vetted before implementation within Japan, advancement was slow, but steady and proved an inexorable wave that washed away all challengers that refused to kneel.

Moving aggressively to secure its borders and sea-lanes, Japan launched expeditionary campaigns to the north, annexing the Ainu lands on Ezochi, and claiming portions of the mainland and the islands around Karafuto. All the while the cycle of reform and rebellion played out in the courts and fields as a modernizing government backed by Imperial magic and western guns brought feudal strongmen to heel. Wary of the dangerous ideologies carried by the traders selling those weapons, the policy of hard isolation remained in effect until barely a decade ago, when relaxation of travel restrictions and entry for upper class citizens and valued allies of the Empire began.

Today Japan remains something of an enigma in the west, a land of magic and strange custom, while its neighbors wait, wary of the day that its internal balance is struck and those ambitions turn outward.

Population: 24,605,000
Magic Rating: 8
Economy: 8, Stagnant (4)
Shogunates: Loyalty 3, Power 2
Teikoku shugi-sha: Loyalty 4, Power 4
Kristian: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Nanban-no-Tomodachi: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1912
Electronics: 1914
Organic Chemistry: 1912
Inorganic Chemistry: 1912
Industry: 1912
High Energy Physics: 1912
Medicine: 1912
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1912
Infantry: 1912
Armor: 1912
Airpower: 1912
Naval: 1920

Joseon is strong, in concept, but deep problems beset the state. First is the strength of Japan and the weakness of China. With the Chinese warring among themselves and unable to protect Joseon, many worry that their grandfathers war, a war against Japanese invaders, may arise again soon.
Second, while the Andong Kims have fallen the state is still riddled with problems. The Emperor's new backers, who helped him to power against the coup of the Andong Kims, are mysterious and ill-liked by the rest of the court. The Seonbi demand Neo-Confucian reform and massive modernization programs, while the Yangban urge upgrades to a sorely underfunded military and strikes against the monsters in the hinterlands and Japanese interests to the north. The Revanchists, meanwhile, see a grand overseas empire ripe for creation and demand that the Emperor join the scramble for the pacific islands and either back the Qing to the hilt or abandon their trade deal to ally with the rising Shun and their chinese magics.
Third is the monsters. Since 1650, the time of monsters has returned, and a man cannot sleep at night for fear of the Kumiho, and worse things besides. The mysterious Steel Eye have been doing...something to combat them, but they still ravage the lowlands and terrify the peasantry. The Emperor himself survived years in the regions and knows firsthands the horrors it inflicts upon his own populace.

Still, the chaos in China might be opportunity. After all, for a long time Korea has paid tribute to China. Perhaps now, things might go the other way?

Population: 14,144,738
Magic Rating: 7
Economy: 5, Growing (5)
Steel Eye: Mystics [Unceasing Eye], Monarchists, Isolationists; Loyalty 6, Power 3
Seonbi: Religious [Neo-Confucian], Modernists, Educators; Loyalty 4, Power 2
Yangban: Militarists, Elitists, Japanophobes; Loyalty 3, Power 4
Revanchists: Imperialists, Sinophiles, Mystics [Chinese magic]; Loyalty 2, Power 3
Biology: 1907.5
Electronics: 1912.5
Organic Chemistry: 1907.5
Inorganic Chemistry: 1912.5
Industry: 1912.5
High Energy Physics: 1910.5
Medicine: 1907.5
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1910.5
Infantry: 1910
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1910

Yue Dynasty

The rebirth of the ancient kingdom of Noryue has not been without its difficulties. The people of China and their brothers in Vietnam have grown apart since the old days, and Canton remains far more prosperous than the south. Some wish the two to be separate, and the civil war to the north, while currently resolved for Yue, could destroy them if it ends unfavorably.

Still, the lands west to India are disunited, and could make a strong pillar on which to found our new, larger China.

Population: 33,000,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 6, Growing (5)
Vietnamese: Loyalty 2, Power 2
Cantonese: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Bureaucrats: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1900
Electronics: 1900
Organic Chemistry: 1900
Inorganic Chemistry: 1900
Industry: 1900
High Energy Physics: 1900
Medicine: 1900
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1900
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1900
Shun Dynasty

The resurgence of the Ming against the Qing took everyone by surprise. When the Qing decided to cease their attacks against the Southern Ming it was expected that this would only be a stay of execution for the old dynasty as the Qing consolidated themselves in Northern China. However, then Koxinga went overseas to understand the strange resurgence of magic throughout China. When he returned he was one of the greatest mage sin the world. And he would do anything to restore the Empire. Vast armies of clay warriors were sent north and uprisings occurred throughout China as the Ming showed that Qing did not have the Mandate of Heaven. Soon, the heart of China was secure and many awaited the Dynasty's resurgence and the total destruction of its enemies. But history would have other ideas. The Ming's resurgence had begun with a strike against the Dutch and they would not ignore this strike for long.

Unlike the Manchus the Dutch had access to modern weapons and in battle these proved to be enough to equal the magic of Ming. But their lack of manpower meant they could not win on their own. So they began to search for allies who would be willing to rebel against the Ming. One of them would be the Yue, who supplied a sizable amount of the Ming's manpower and who worried about what the Empire might do to the non-Han within its borders. The other was a rebel long thought dead. Li Zicheng, the Ming rebel and founder of the short-lived Shun Dynasty, was able to evade the Qing and Ming at the end of his reign and retired to live in a monastery for decades where he might have stayed until his dying days. But Li heard the chaos around him and concluded that the Ming were no more suited to rule that they had been in this prime. This old monk left his monastery and found a Dutch expeditionary force, to whom he revealed his identity and discussed his history. Not quite believing the old man but noting he was a charismatic figure he agreed to lend him some spare guns and gold to raise a small rebellion in Shanxi.

He soon appeared in various villages in the north as Ming forces marched south to death with the Yue and the Dutch, slowly convincing the people that he was Li Zicheng and he had returned to free the people from the Ming and the Qing. Few believed the old man at first but as the desperate stragglers of the war joined he slowly grew an army. Then, when Ming troops levels were at an all-time low in the North, history repeated itself. Striking at various Ming positions the old rebel proved age had not dulled his skill. Finally he took Beijing and just as before he proclaimed the rebirth of the Shun dynasty. The Manchus struck south but they soon found the withering fire of Dutch guns was just as terrifying as the Ming's clay soldiers. With the Qing, defeated Li struck out across Northern China before leading a long advance done the coast to continue gaining Dutch support. While the Dutch eventually made peace with the Ming after they made peace with the Yue, they continued to supply Li's forces and try as they might the Ming found they could not acquire modern weapons of their own in large enough quantities to do more than delay the Shun advance. Despite years of fighting the Shun survived and forged a viable claim to the Mandate of Heaven.

Decades later, the Ming and the Shun still are fighting each together intermittently for the Imperial Throne with a new round of fighting breaking out just a couple years ago. The last campaign was successful for the Shun in as finally pushed the Ming out of Nanking and cut them off form the sea and many wonder if this is the turning of the tide. With the Ming cut off from the sea and Dutch arms continuing to flow to the Shun it is possible they will achieve the Mandate and begin to reunite China.

But the Shun are surrounded by enemies. The Ming, while weakened, are still strong and have enough numbers and magic to reverse their misfortunes. Meanwhile the Yue and the QIng know full well that a reunited China will eventually strike at them and they can be expected to move once the Ming can no longer win the war. Also, the Japanese, having ended their policy of isolation after the manifestation of the Emperor's Divinity and his regaining his authority over the country, are aware of the problems a reunited China could cause to their plans. Unless a deal can be struck with them, it is possible the samurai will wade ashore at the Shun's ports. Finally, the people grow tired of the endless war and their reliance on foreigners and the Emperor has been forced to adopt one of his best generals as his heir due to his lack of a son. The Shun can achieve the Mandate but only skill and diplomacy will secure their victory.

Population: 45,000,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 5, Growing (5)
Bureaucrats: Loyalty 4, Power 2
Confucianists: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Buddhists: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Military: Loyalty 4, Power 5
Eunuchs: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Biology: 1900
Electronics: 1900
Organic Chemistry: 1900
Inorganic Chemistry: 1900
Industry: 1900
High Energy Physics: 1900
Medicine: 1900
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1900
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1912
Qing Dynasty

The conquest of the Great Qing has repelled by the failing Ming somehow, but the fight crippled the state of the weakling Ming. It is only a matter of time before the Qing exploit the northern lands to their full and return to reclaim China for themselves, as it should be.

However, rumors from the West speak of a great nation working their way across the Steppes, one that may not take kindly to finding China in the way of their manifest destiny...

Population: 26,600,000
Magic Rating: 2
Economy: 4, Stagnant (3)
Jurchen: Loyalty 4, Power 4
Han: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Confucists: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Buddhists: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Biology: 1900
Electronics: 1900
Organic Chemistry: 1900
Inorganic Chemistry: 1900
Industry: 1900
High Energy Physics: 1900
Medicine: 1900
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1900
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1900

Commonwealth of Oceania

Standing unbowed before the might of France, the Commonwealth of Oceania still upholds the virtues of simplicity, popular sovereignty, and piety that were instilled in it at its founding by the inestimable Oliver Cromwell, the first Lord Protector. Now under the rule of his son Richard, the Commonwealth faces threats from within in the form of slave revolts, and from without in the form of the Mexican Dominion. Still, the Commonwealth is the powerhouse of the New World, and not to be taken lightly, even with its feet of clay.

Population: 3,900,000
Magic Rating: 0
Economy: 10, Growing (5)
Puritans: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Levellers: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Diggers: Loyalty 1, Power 2
Fifth Monarchists: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1928
Electronics: 1928
Organic Chemistry: 1928
Inorganic Chemistry: 1928
Industry: 1928
High Energy Physics: 1900
Medicine: 1928
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1900
Infantry: 1928
Armor: 1922
Airpower: 1925
Naval: 1930
Mexican Dominion

In 1660, a lone figure in a ramshackle boat comes ashore in the gulf of mexico. He makes his way to Cholula and enters la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, atop the great pyramid of Cholula. There he announces to the assembled congregation that he is Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, mythic ruler of Tollan, returned as was once prophecied by the Nahua prophecies. The native peoples, with the oppression of the Aztecs in recent memory and the oppression of the Europeans in plain view, flock to Topiltzin as a savior. Though their understanding of Catholicism is rudimentary beyond some well educated nobles, a new narrative was formed; Jesus was always spoken of as the son of God in his heaven, prophesied to one day return to his faithful, and well, here was the son of Mixcoatl, god of the heavens. Certainly it was a reasonable assumption that, perhaps, the God these foreigners spoke of was one of their pantheon all along?

So followed a short but extremely chaotic process, during which Topiltzin's general lack of demand for human sacrifice and the natives reinterpretations of the holy texts led to a general conclusion that, if there was a beneficent son of God who had come to save them from the devil's own, he was probably right there. Foreign priests either adapted or were forced out, and the conquistadors found that their advantages, both technological and biological, were no match against Topiltzin's armies or his priest's healing magics. Within short order, the forces of the Spaniards were beaten or captured, and Mexico was ruled by Mexicans once more: the first church of Mixcoatl the Holy Father erected in the center of Teotihuacan.

That is not to say the Mexican Dominion is entirely without its troubles, of course; early gains in the North crumbled away as the Americans rose, and wars to the South ground to an eventual standstill. The Dominion's elite forces, the Jaguar and Eagle warriors, find the edge granted by their supernatural prowess ebbing as technology catches up, and the commandos known as the Shorn Ones can only be in so many places at once. Additionally, the Church constantly agitates for a reconquista, and though some hundred years removed, the desire for revenge against those who sold them gilded lies still simmers in the hearts of many. Border skirmishes are common and thus, though internal approval is high, the Dominion has made few friends of its close neighbors.

Population: 4,700,000
Magic Rating: 12
Economy: 5, Stagnant (3)
Host of the Thirteen Heavens: Loyalty 4, Power 3
New World Adventists: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Nobles: Loyalty 5, Power 2
Military: Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1910
Electronics: 1912
Organic Chemistry: 1914
Inorganic Chemistry: 1913
Industry: 1916
High Energy Physics: 1915
Medicine: 1915
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1916
Infantry: 1922
Armor: 1910
Airpower: 1918
Naval: 1900
Platinan Republic

Heavily influenced by the Dutch, the Platinan republic is a surprisingly stable, sensible, and secure republic, especially in the company of its fellow post-colonial states. While not the sheer powerhouse of Mexico or the USSA, Platina has a large number of rare metals and other valuable commodities that have served to help its burgeoning economy to grow and flourish. It has also instituted the office of Mayordomo, paralleling the Dutch Stadtholder. The major discussion in Platina is not about WHO should lead, but how much power they should be given.

Population: 1,391,000
Magic Rating: 4
Economy: 5, Growing (5)
Partido Orangista: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Republicanos Puros: Loyalty 2, Power 3
Monárquicos: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Biology: 1890
Electronics: 1890
Organic Chemistry: 1890
Inorganic Chemistry: 1890
Industry: 1890
High Energy Physics: 1890
Medicine: 1890
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1890
Infantry: 1890
Armor: 1890
Airpower: 1890
Naval: 1890
Gran Columbia

Not all the states of South America were glad to be "liberated" from Spain. In Gran Columbia the Spanish colonists managed to keep control, setting up a military government to resist the native and mezisto states surrounding them. The mines still run, fueling the engines of war the state relies on to keep its iron grip on its own population.

Population: 1,430,000
Magic Rating: 3
Economy: 6, Growing (5)
Junta d. Gobierno Militar: Loyalty 4, Power 5
Frente d. Liberación Popular Unido: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Lobby d. Conglomerado Mineral: Loyalty 3, Power 3
Biology: 1900
Electronics: 1900
Organic Chemistry: 1900
Inorganic Chemistry: 1900
Industry: 1900
High Energy Physics: 1900
Medicine: 1900
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1900
Infantry: 1900
Armor: 1900
Airpower: 1900
Naval: 1900

WARNING! Guatamala is for hardcore players only. They are tiny, weak, and generally not influential at all, and wedged between Facist Gran Columbia and Theocratic Mexico. Do not do this mad thing.

Population: 910,000
Magic Rating: 2
Economy: 3, Recession (2)
Partido Azteca: Loyalty 2, Power 4
Frente Nacionalista: Loyalty 1, Power 3
Defensores de la República: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Biology: 1870
Electronics: 1870
Organic Chemistry: 1870
Inorganic Chemistry: 1870
Industry: 1870
High Energy Physics: 1870
Medicine: 1870
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1870
Infantry: 1870
Armor: 1870
Airpower: 1870
Naval: 1870

Descendents of the Moors, Muslims, and natives to Northwest America, Al-Taltanis was the arch-rival of the Jewish state to their north. When Spain expelled the Jews and Moors to California, the lands were sold to the new arrivals. Having less money, but a larger population, the Moors were stuck with Southern California, lacking the valuable farmland of Fresno and Napa. When the Spanish were removed the Moors hoped to equalize the distribution of land, only to be blocked by the Israelis refusing to give up their claim, exacerbated by disasters in what farming land they did have. The war has since ended amicably, and as food and farming aid comes into the state from Persia things begin to look almost stable for them.

Still, there are threats on the horizon. The Comanche grow in strength in the east, war and privation have taken their toll on the country, and the fledgling democracy suffers from underdeveloped education infrastructure and a vast divide between the education of its native and muslim populations. In addition, with the war over its political parties

Population: 1,471,000
Magic Rating: 5
Economy: 4, Growing (5)
Institutions: Scholarly
Al'aswid Almilishia: Militarists, Spanophobes, Democrats, Religious (Sunni Muslim), Loyalty 4, Power 2
Al'ayima: Spanophobes, Educators, Modernists, Religious (Sunni Muslim) Loyalty 3, Power 4
Tahaluf Almuzariein: Spanophobes, Isolationists, Native Rights, Loyalty 2, Power 4
Biology: 1900.5
Electronics: 1897.5
Organic Chemistry: 1897.5
Inorganic Chemistry: 1897.5
Industry: 1899.5
High Energy Physics: 1897.5
Medicine: 1897.5
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1897.5
Infantry: 1890
Armor: 1890
Airpower: 1890
Naval: 1895
Californian Union

Blessed with fertile land and a rich economy, the California Union is a strong contender for America's "Breakout State", capable of becoming a powerhouse if left undisturbed. Unfortunately, their constant war with the Moors to their south may make this difficult, to say the least. With a strong nationalist and militarist core, but a left-leaning social policy, it is a very authoritarian, but strangely centrist, republic.

Population: 900,000
Magic Rating: 5
Economy: 5, Stagnant (3)
Ikhud Republikani 'Amami: Loyalty 5, Power 3
Ne'emane'i Torah ve-Avodah: Loyalty 3, Power 4
B'nei David: Loyalty 4, Power 4
Biology: 1905
Electronics: 1905
Organic Chemistry: 1905
Inorganic Chemistry: 1905
Industry: 1905
High Energy Physics: 1905
Medicine: 1905
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1905
Infantry: 1905
Armor: 1905
Airpower: 1918
Naval: 1905
New Caanan

Oceania operates on a vast sea of Mezistos, Criollos, and slaves, suppressed into operating the mechanisms of the state. This has not been appreciated.

A leader by the name of Joab Calderon rose from the masses of slaves in the south of the Commonwealth, leading his bands of slaves and other disenfranchised to fight for freedom and a homeland outside the control of the English settlers. However, many of his men still need to stay hidden in Oceanian territory, despite the... natural advantages they possess. These "Swamp Ghosts" have struck fear into the slavemaasters, and one day, one day soon, they will go loud.

Population: 1,000,000
Magic Rating: 20
Economy: 2, Growing (5)
Brass Serpent's Children of Light: Loyalty 4, Power 4
Hester Shadmock and the Red Dogs : Loyalty 3, Power 5
Tophet Raleigh and the Blacktooth Kindred: Loyalty 5, Power 4
Lyzbeth Freely and the Gray Veil: Loyalty 4, Power 3
Biology: 1870
Electronics: 1870
Organic Chemistry: 1870
Inorganic Chemistry: 1870
Industry: 1870
High Energy Physics: 1870
Medicine: 1870
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1870
Infantry: 1910
Armor: 1870
Airpower: 1870
Naval: 1870
United States of South America

Led out of bondage to Spain by the efforts of the Sapa Inca, the nation that is now known as the United States of South America was ready to crown him Emperor of the Inca....

Then he was exposed as an agent of foreign powers, no true heir to the Inca, but a Spaniard with a native wife. In disgust, the people turned from the liar and traitor, swearing to blaze their own path. Thus was the United States of South America born, a republic that would not let the people down again. While its early years have been rocky, the fledgling republic has set itself up as a respectable nation in South America.

The 1683 election was a truly stunning upset and the first transfer of power in the fledgling state, but it was one managed with flying colors. With the population soaring and modernization boosting the economy, time will only tell the course of the new power.

Population: 4,636,000
Magic Rating: 7
Economy: 5, Growing (5)
Institutions: Systematic
Nuevo Frente Republicano: Republicans, Militarists, Loyalty 2, Power 2
Terraceros: Elitists, Europhobes, Mystics, Ruling Party. Loyalty 4, Power 4
Partido d.l. Igualdad Radical: Egalitarian, Educators, Modernists, Loyalty 2, Power 3
Lobby d. Nuevo Imperio: Mystics, Imperialists, Educators Loyalty 3, Power 4
Biology: 1915.5
Electronics: 1914.5
Organic Chemistry: 1914.5
Inorganic Chemistry: 1912.5
Industry: 1914.5
High Energy Physics: 1912.5
Medicine: 1915.5
Rocketry and Aeronautics: 1913.5
Infantry: 1910
Armor: 1910
Airpower: 1910
Naval: 1910

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Kingdom of England- @Icarus
Kingdom of Ireland- @Lucienz
Kingdom of Wales- @Estro
Kingdom of Scotland- @Bismarck
Kingdom of Denmark- @NonSequtur
Naglfar- @TenfoldShields
Archduchy of Austria- @Crilltic
Kingdom of Prussia- @IcePickLobotomy
United States of Europe- @Secretariat
Kingdom of Spain- @Blackout
Kingdom of France- @Azecreth
Byzantine Empire-
Papal States-
Russian Empire-
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth- @acecipher
United Provinces of the Netherlands- @Cetashwayo
Kingdom of Portugal- @NothingNow

Azawad Confederation- @MaHaL
Mamluke Kingdom-
Dahomey Kingdom-
Mali Sultanate-
Moroccan Sultanate- @Walker Of Chaos
Ashanti Empire-

Safavid Shahdom- @Havocfett
Anatolian Turkey- @Ironanvil1
Mughal Empire- @THatWhichWillBe
Empire of Japan- @Mina
Joseon- @ManusDomine
Yue Dynasty- @NyxNull
Shun Dynasty- @Ceslas

Commonwealth of Oceania- @ChineseDrone
Quebec -
Mexican Dominion- @Dekutulla
Platinan Republic- @shiverczar
Gran Columbia- @The Big E
Californian Union- @Desdendelle
New Caanan- @Wade Garrett
United States of South America- @Cornuthaum
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I would like templars
Although new canan also looks very fun.
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New Canaan
Commonwealth of Oceania
The Vengeful Spirit of Cesare Borgia, Gib Rightful Prince's Clay Pope
It may sound stupid and petty after the shitstorm that I caused last time, but I like the new configuration.


I am kind of bored, and this looks interesting. Kind of looking at Netherlands right now since my home region is already claimed.

How much would knowing absolutely nothing about the previous game interfere with playing?

I am kind of bored, and this looks interesting. Kind of looking at Netherlands right now since my home region is already claimed.

How much would knowing absolutely nothing about the previous game interfere with playing?
Not too badly.

Unfortunately, @Secretariat has the netherlands. Any other places seem interesting/what sort of playstyle are you aiming for?