Voting is open
That was the case right before Magoose was going to end the vote but during the period of his disconnect we had a few new voters and some detections
You think I wanted to extend the damn VOTE!


But because there were people that voted for it, and it was still open, I am going to accept it, because it happened.
Military Reformists (Republican Security)

  • Key Figures: Wulf Tarkin (Erindu sector Defense Fleet); Others yet to be known in the Senate.
  • Ideology: This group believed that the Republic was vulnerable to external threats (such as the Separatists) and needed a standing military to defend its borders. They pushed for the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic and supported a larger defense budget.
  • Key Issues: Military expansion, security against external threats, and preparation for potential civil war.
Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions

  • Key Figures: Senators representing Outer Rim and less developed systems. (Unknown to you)
  • Ideology: These factions represented worlds that were often neglected by the core-centric policies of the Republic. They advocated for more equitable resource distribution, investment in Outer Rim infrastructure, and protection against exploitation by corporate interests.
  • Key Issues: Economic development of underrepresented regions, opposition to corporate exploitation, and more equitable representation.

So these 2 factions I have no problem with; its the other factions that will be a problem for us to juggle.
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Can't forget Jar Jar's famous Battle of the Grassplains Address, the final battle to liberate Naboo.

"Four score and seven bombad years ago, ousa bosses waging da big Gunga city, new place with lotsa big brain ideas, yes yes, that made very sure that all Gungans were made the same as the bosses!

Now wesa all fighting the machaniks, testing whether Oota Gunga, or any city under da big swamps can muchy live. Before us a moy big ouch time. We needa make sure a portion of this grassy land we stomping on is a moi nice resty place for all Gungans who fight for Oota Gunga, with no doo doo or stinky poo. It'd be super rude if we don't do this now!

In a bombad big seeing, we must stands ready, not running away or being all silly on this ground because the bosses say it's moy moy important. Lotsa brave Gungans and Naboo fought here, methinks, far too many, mesa ran out of things to add up or subtract on! Yousa all probably forget what mesa is saying here, but it'd be bad if you did forget so please do not! It's ousa job here with the mucho bombab jobs to do doosa what thosa in thatsa ground cantsa do..osa. We gotsa be super respectful now, boyos, but also smash those mackaninks good, it's demanded by the Gods, it is. Thisa sacred ground! Thisa whole planet in a symbi--cymby...sim...the big word Obi said to the bosses, thats mesa, yousa, the Naboos, alls of ussa! Wesa stands here for the freedoms and democracy, for the Gungas and Naboo, and to stop the bad mackaniks from causing more bombad ouchies and sad times."
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You think I wanted to extend the damn VOTE!


But because there were people that voted for it, and it was still open, I am going to accept it, because it happened.
Whoa calm down I'm not blaming you for anything, just stating facts. I accept the loss despite wanting A'dama to win
You think I wanted to extend the damn VOTE!


But because there were people that voted for it, and it was still open, I am going to accept it, because it happened.

And we Jar Jar Voters are happy with your generosity Magoos.
You are truly a great GM and we thank you.
It's okay Magoose. It was a hard fought vote and I don't think anyone is angry at you so much as stressed from the hours and hours of the vote swinging back and forth. I know I need a hot shower and grilled cheese after that. Thanks for being pal and respecting everyone's votes.
Jar Jar Binks of Naboo, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic

Planetary Sector: Naboo (Gungun Population)

Species: Gungun

Exploits: Diplomatic advisor to the Jedi order during the Naboo Crisis. Supreme Commander of the Gungun forces during the Naboo Crisis. Diplomat for Peace and Alliance Treaty to Naboo and the Gungun.

Political Faction: None (notably aligned with Senator Palpatine of Naboo.)


Strong Moral Compass: Your anti-corruption stance and populist platform resonate deeply with the common citizens, especially in the Outer Rim. You are seen as a champion of the people, which can lead to widespread support. (When campaigning on issues that help the common people, Gain a +30 to all political power rolls, and legislative rolls.)

Resilient: You have survived multiple assassination attempts and political sabotage, proving that you can handle adversity. This makes you appear tough and unshakable. (All assassination Attempts against you, will have to succeed Twice before it can do any lasting damage)

Fresh Perspective: Coming from outside the typical political elite, you bring new ideas and approaches that could disrupt the stagnant bureaucracy of the Senate. (When making allies with younger to fifth-term senators during political power turns, they will gain a bonus to becoming part of your allies or towards your government faction.)

Inexperience with the Core: You're from the Outer Rim, meaning you may lack the deep connections or understanding of how the Core World politics and high-level Senate dealings work. This could leave you vulnerable to manipulation. (Auto fail all core world senator allies rolls until you pass 5 pieces of legislation. After that, suffer a -10 to rolls when recruiting those same Core world senators. All Legislative rolls will have a permanent roll malus of -5)

Populist Support: While your populist platform is effective in the Outer Rim, the Core Worlds, and corporate interests may view you as a dangerous radical, creating significant opposition from powerful sectors. (You are beholden to the will of your constituents even more than usual and if you do something they don't like…suffer a massive roll malus on political power and Legislative rolls for two turns)

Naïveté: Your idealism, while admirable, might not be suited to the cold realities of galactic politics. Without compromising, you could find yourself isolated and unable to enact the changes you want. (The QM will give you the friendship of someone you really shouldn't be friends with, who is considered your strongest political ally. And if you do not help them with their dedication every turn… you will be automatically removed from power, and the game will automatically end.)
Political commentators are stunned on the passionate and most engaged the Senate is on electing two out of left field candidates as the Chancellor.

"it is expected that this session of the Chancellorship elections to be cut down to the two most likely candidates: Sheev Palpatine of Naboo and Bail Organa of Alderaan..another boring session like the lasst few..wait -what do you mean those two only contributed one percent of the vote against two out of field Candidates?"
Adhoc vote count started by Marlin on Oct 6, 2024 at 2:32 PM, finished with 594 posts and 159 votes.
I wonder how Jar Jar winning is going to be explained in universe? Maybe some backwater sectors senator write in voted for him out of protest and it escalated from there?
Palpatine's plan was to use the fact that Naboo was attacked in order to drum up sympathy for a Naboo Senator and use that as a wave up support to get them elected into the Supreme Chancellor's office.

.....and well, he succeeded. From a certain point of view.

Palpatine: "I hate Democracy, I hate the Republic."
Voting is open