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The Opening line of the update, for you beautiful bastards to enjoy.

(Jar Jar POV)

You were not happy with the election results. You didn't even know you were a candidate that the senators were even asking about? You were just wanting to help your home, you people, and the Jedi who saved your life.

"Dissen notsa hot." You said as you took a breath, and tried to not fall over onto the assistant who was assisting you with... something. You didn't exactly remember.

But Senator Palpatine was a wonderful friend who was giving you plenty to read since you were given this big office. You just wished he could understand that you were trying to get him to the big office, so you could go home. But every time you spoke, to explain your position of being nothing more then a simple Gungun who wanted to help his home... you were instead showered with the praise of a simple man wanting to live his life in the galaxy. a sentient who wanted not to have power, but to return to his simple life.
But Senator Palpatine was a wonderful friend who was giving you plenty to read since you were given this big office. You just wished he could understand that you were trying to get him to the big office, so you could go home. But every time you spoke, to explain your position of being nothing more then a simple Gungun who wanted to help his home... you were instead showered with the praise of a simple man wanting to live his life in the galaxy. a sentient who wanted not to have power, but to return to his simple life.

Give him time lads, Palpatine is in his Denial and Shock period.
Huh, it is Palpatine that is the friend we gotta support? That's odd, I kinda expected it to actually be anyone not Palpatine, cause Palpatine's agenda is to destroy the republic. There are crime bosses that are part of the republic! Or a corrupt senator, or the banking clans representative, or....
But every time you spoke, to explain your position of being nothing more then a simple Gungun who wanted to help his home... you were instead showered with the praise of a simple man wanting to live his life in the galaxy. a sentient who wanted not to have power, but to return to his simple life.
Oh my goodness... it's George Washigton basically being forced to become President of the USA. I will laugh hard if that's the image Jar Jar gets in-universe.
Papa Palpatine is gonna demand a recount. So many recounts.

Meanwhile Organa was caught candid on the Holonet by a reporter, muttering under his breath "what's a Gungan?", which tanked his own non-human voting base significantly.
The Opening line of the update, for you beautiful bastards to enjoy.

(Jar Jar POV)

You were not happy with the election results. You didn't even know you were a candidate that the senators were even asking about? You were just wanting to help your home, you people, and the Jedi who saved your life.

"thesea no good." You said as you took a breath, and tried to not fall over onto the assistant who was assisting you with... something. You didn't exactly remember.

But Senator Palpatine was a wonderful friend who was giving you plenty to read since you were given this big office. You just wished he could understand that you were trying to get him to the big office, so you could go home. But every time you spoke, to explain your position of being nothing more then a simple Gungun who wanted to help his home... you were instead showered with the praise of a simple man wanting to live his life in the galaxy. a sentient who wanted not to have power, but to return to his simple life.

So Palpatine's the friend, and HAH! Jar Jar Binks getting more approval every time he tries to convince people why he shouldn't be Chancellor is hilarious
Now we just need to successfully trip over and break Palpatine's strings. We're gonna be the worst puppet he ever could have hoped for :V
I don't get how it could be anyone but Palps, given it was literally stated earlier in the thread.
Because in other material not the movies there are options on the republic senate that can give Palpatine a run for his money. Palpatine is just the guy who won, but the senate was split among many different factions and among them were people who could theoretically be the backer for Jar Jar. Palpatine is just the easiest to pick without diving into the lore.
"Tell me Anakin my Boy, have you heard the tragic tale of Darth Sidieous. It's said he was a political operator of unmatched accumen. Capable of getting even the most simple-minded of fools into the highest echelons of power. Yet, what he desired the most himself, was the political seat for himself. How ironic, that he could bring to utter strangers what he could not get himself."
"That's an interesting tale counciler...Wait, are you okay?"
"No...No i am not"
Ahh. Jar Jar gave them something they've never heard from a politician before. Sincerity and selfless depreciation, and the republic liked it.

Never before has a Supreme Chancellor stepped in poop just before he gave his inauguration address. The cleaning staff SWEAR it was spotlessly clean before he stepped into the chambers.
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Inexperience with the Core: You're from the Outer Rim, meaning you may lack the deep connections or understanding of how the Core World politics and high-level Senate dealings work. This could leave you vulnerable to manipulation. (Auto fail all core world senator allies rolls until you pass 5 pieces of legislation. After that, suffer a -10 to rolls when recruiting those same Core world senators. All Legislative rolls will have a permanent roll malus of -5)
Naboo is Mid-Rim, not outer rim. Sure, there's practically no difference for Jar Jar, still. And Naboo is relatively close to the outer Rim.
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