My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

The French government has done studies and they estimate that France will be clear of unexploded ordinance from WWI in about 700 years (at the rates from when the study was done). As on average in WWI 10% of shells fired were duds. And it wasn't uncommon for a preliminary bombardment before an offensive to have close to a million shells fired. Farmers in the Flanders region will turn up hand grenades and small shells when tilling fields. Sometimes they go off when hit.
I bet the Verdun region is just as bad, maybe worse.

Say, a pound of solid nitrogen with no bonds to anything but other nitrogen atoms?


I don't want to be in the same state.
Well, if said hypothetical hunk of nitrogen happened to be N2, it's be fine. That would definitely require shard fuckery though.
It's not nearly as spectacular as some of the stories being told here, but I was working at a hospital once when someone cut a power line with a backhoe. That's when I found out just how completely inadequate the emergency backup system was. Presumably, the life support systems for the patients got priority but I was in a windowless file room and the only working light was the one over the emergency exit.
It's not nearly as spectacular as some of the stories being told here, but I was working at a hospital once when someone cut a power line with a backhoe. That's when I found out just how completely inadequate the emergency backup system was. Presumably, the life support systems for the patients got priority but I was in a windowless file room and the only working light was the one over the emergency exit.

In my opinion, hospitals should have both a generator and battery backup system. My work has only got a generator, and on occasion that doesn't kick in quickly enough, causing all sorts of problems to computer and telephone systems. I can't imagine what kind of havoc such a thing would have on hospital life sustaining systems.
Ideally the campus should have had an up-to-date, maintained, map, of all buried cable, (water/sewage/steam) piping, etc., of any sort, going back to when first spade was stuck in ground (that used to be farmland, or whatever). But...
If there is a single building older than a year where work is consistently done that actually has all of that up to date, there probably isn't another within several miles

And you want that for a whole campus

You don't dream small do you?

Granted most will just have small stuff wrong, but still
In my opinion, hospitals should have both a generator and battery backup system. My work has only got a generator, and on occasion that doesn't kick in quickly enough, causing all sorts of problems to computer and telephone systems. I can't imagine what kind of havoc such a thing would have on hospital life sustaining systems.
AFAIK, the hospital only had a backup generator. This was in the mid-90's and I believe that battery tech has improved quite a lot since then. I do know that it took several hours to get the main power up again and I didn't get much work done that day.
Well, if said hypothetical hunk of nitrogen happened to be N2, it's be fine. That would definitely require shard fuckery though.
Yup. N2. All the damage is done if it goes from solid to gas, a little too quickly. That x1000 volume, you know. Yes, a shard is needed to actively keep that solid.

The 'Gas Tinker' is a supporting character I was playing with, 'Oxy-gum' is another of their products - chew the gum and oxygen is released, and a stick of gum is good enough to give 10mins of breathing without any other oxygen source. Anyone who wants to make use of this 'harmless' character, or a version of said, is free to do so.
Seeing the comments about dried-out picric acid makes me think of the comment by the author who wrote the "Compounds I won't work with" stories, referring to some explosives that do their thing "early, and often". (He also made the reference to some so sensitive that they seemed to go off if you were yelling at the coffee machine down the hall ... *laugh*)
Yea the one most know about is the one below.
azidoazide azide (okay, not it's actual official name) is C2N14. It's the one you may have heard about which explodes if:
* touched,
* moved,
* dispersed in solution,
* exposed to bright light
* even left undisturbed on a glass plate.
You forgot exposed to darkness and thought about.
Say, a pound of solid nitrogen with no bonds to anything but other nitrogen atoms?
Reminds me of the scene in HH:ES by CmptrWz where an entire asteroid was transmutated into a single large nitrogen molecule. It took the Universe about an hour of staring at the blatant challenge to its physical laws before it finally exploded.

Though, really, it wouldn't be that bad, after all it's still only a chemical reaction. It's not like you're going to get nitrogen fusion.