Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Game Start 1
[x] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.


I didn't need to turn around to know what Ahab was feeling. Logical hesitation warring with heated reluctance, ripping him apart internally at my words.

For a long moment, I'd wondered if he would move towards me with the intent of sending me back in his place.

But I didn't need to worry about imparting one last lesson in CQC. After a long, drawn out exhalation, I heard the rustling of clothes and the familiar jangles of equipment being jostled. The sound of his footsteps as Ahab turned around and walked away.

Our backs facing one another, there was nothing that needed to be said between us.

One day.

We'll meet again.

Thus Ishmael entered Sahelanthropus to manually enrich the depleted uranium armor that covered its frame.

Ahab would choose the honor the wishes of his mentor, friend, and brother. The by now familiar droning of a dimensional rift lowered over the inheritor of the title of Big Boss, and slipped him in the space between worlds.

But little did he know, as the blinding light of nuclear fire washed over the ground he'd been standing, Ahab would not be returning to home as he knew it.

For the other soldiers of Diamond Dogs still desperately fighting to survive just one minute longer, they too were swept away mere moments before a rain of nuclear missiles fell from the skies of Afghanistan.

Minutes ago, Mother Base had gone silent. None of those outside of Mother Base had realized that regardless of their war against the children of a corrupted nano swarm, the end was nigh.

On and on they fought. With bullet, blade, and sheer grit, they pushed back the tide of rampaging machines and dead that had suddenly began lashing out at random, no longer acting with any semblance of coordination.

Only once they heard the screams of warheads falling did a quick witted few realize what had likely happened, while others stared dumbly at the sky.

There was no contact with Mother Base because it'd been blown off the face of the Earth.

And they were next.

Except, in the next moment, the Sons and Daughters of Big Boss were no longer there.

*Connection Established*

*Forced Dimensional Recall Activated*

*Returning to Mother Base*


Personnel Section

Diamond Dogs
  • 16 MSF Dite Survivors (FOX)

  • 100 Dite Survivors

Fame Title Change: The Legendary Big Boss (Earth)
Fame Title Added: Unknown Mercenary Leader (Midgard)
  • Hero Trait Changed

  • Big Boss (Righteous Hero) changed to Big Boss (True Successor)


Personnel Section



  • 2 FOX Cells (Moderately Wounded) (3 Turns)
    • Lazing Gecko (1DB Used, Flesh Wound)
    • Apocalypse Crab (Moderately Wounded)
  • 1 Hound Team (Heavily Wounded) (4 Turns)
  • MIA: Insatiable Whale, Soldier Ant

  • 1 PSYOPS Cell (Critically Wounded) (5 Turns)
    • Weaver Arachne (Critically Wounded)
  • 1 Combat Adviser Cell (Heavily Wounded) (4 Turns)
    • Ragged Winter (Heavily Wounded)

  • 1 Lightning Raider Squad (KIA)
  • 1 Lightning Raider Squad (Heavily Wounded) (4 Turns)
  • 1 Hell Jumpers Squad (Critically Wounded) (5 Turns)
    • Idiot Sloth DB
  • 1 Counter Terror Squad (Critically Wounded) (5 Turns)
  • 1 Walker Gear Teams (KIA)

1st Supply CO
  • 1 Support Team (Heavily Wounded) (4 Turns)
    • Gentle Boa

1st Recon Tanks
  • 2 Recon Tank Crews (KIA)
    • Sleeping Bear DB


Damaged: Damaged vehicles will automatically be repaired
  • Sheridan (4): Damaged in the defense of Kandahar
  • Walker Gears (12): Damaged in the defense of Kandahar
  • HMMWV (7): Damaged in the defense of Kandahar

  • ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus": Self detonation of nuclear armament.
  • Sheridan (2): Destroyed in the defense of Kandahar
  • Walker Gears (3): Destroyed in the defense of Kandahar
  • HMMWV (2): Destroyed in the defense of Kandahar

Diamond Dogs
WIA: None


  • Big Boss (Ishmael): Sacrificed self to manually detonate Sahelanthropus to neutralize the Lord of Dust.

  • D-Walker: Could not be retrieved, assumed destroyed via nuclear detonation.

  • D-Dog: Failed to RTB, assumed prototype dimensional fulton failure.

Non DD Personnel
WIA: 7
  • Eli: Wounded while defending refugees from Wanderers
  • Huey: Wounded during portal transition

KIA: 1
  • Volgin: Assumed KIA in battle against Lord of Dust

MIA: 1
  • Floating Child: Has not been seen in several months, presumed to be back on Earth

Metal Gear Solid V
Chronicles of Outer Heaven
Tactical Espionage Quest

Valkyrian War DLC


By Konamikode

The date is October 1st of 1934, EC on the world of Midgard.

A conflict on a scale that the world has only seen twice before, festers. The call of human violence weighs heavily in the air and the veterans of numerous conflicts prepare for the coming storm.

The Great War as known by the civilizations of Midgard was only a precursor for what is to come.

A war that would engulf the world and leave no land untouched by its degradations was on the cusp of drowning the world in blood and gunpowder.

The East Europan Imperial Alliance gathers its strength in preparation for a war for territory and resources in order to fuel their forges of industry.

The Atlantic Federation remains blind to the coming chaos, more concerned with squabbling amongst themselves and other, internal matters of the state.

But these are only two players of the conflict.

To the far east, the heirs of the once mighty dynasty of the First Empress of Sinae continue to squabble amongst themselves. From the golden palace of the Han, the mountain fortress of Joseon, and modernized office of the Meiji, the three prominent descendents of the First Empress ready their nations for war.

In the center of the world, the warriors of the Khemian Empire continue to skirmish against the borders of the Judean Theocracy, both coveting the resources and relics of the civilization that brought them to the heights of world power centuries ago.

All this and more.

But at the moment, none of this is your concern Ahab.

Rather, there's a much more pressing question that needs to be answered.

As your dusty boots touch down on the familiar metal grating of Mother Base, your senses scream out to you that something is wrong.

Bringing up your rifle to scan your surroundings, your keen eye shows you the familiar sights of a combat zone. One eerily familiar due to the number of operations against rival PC's you've been on as well as the attack on Mother Base nine years ago.

Your ears tell you a different story, allowing you to slightly relax when the sounds of ongoing warfare fails to present itself. You can hear familiar footsteps running all over your home, the voices of your Diamond Dogs calling out to one another as more and more of you arrive from one portal after another.

It doesn't take long for your soldiers to recognize that you've arrived. It's Miller who raises a hand, ordering those covering the dozens of breaches opening all over Mother Base to stand down.

Many are wounded and all have that distinctive scent of post combat sweat, gunpowder, dirt, and blood clinging to their tired, but alert forms.

But that wasn't what jarred you. You expected everything to be as it was but for one thing.

The sea smelled

The calls of the seabirds residing around Mother Base were

The position of the sun was wrong for the amount of time that had passed.

"Miller." You called out-


"Where the…? What the hell is going on?" I called out, nodding as Miller's bloodied and worn form clacked and stomped his way to me with his bionic leg.

"I don't know Boss." My second in command begins, trying to find an explanation for something he doesn't understand. "I'll debrief you more later, but long story short, Mother Base was about to get nuked. Same with Afghanistan."

I recoiled, mouth opening momentarily before I shut my lips with a clack of my teeth. "But we won. The portals should've closed the moment that thing on the other side got put down the first time."

"First time?" Kaz shakes his head, clouded eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses. "Boss, how long has it been since the portals closed for you?"

My own eyes narrow at the question. "Can't have been more than twenty minutes…"


"Boss… I don't know how to tell you this but, Mother Base was ten minutes away from becoming a molten crater… six hours ago."

"Time flows differently…" I whisper, head bowing at the implication.

We were too late.

It wouldn't have mattered what we'd done, but then, why?


"You can thank Emmerich and research team for how Mother Base dodged a nuclear bullet. They did something that pulled our home through a rift and landed us wherever the hell we are now."

"The other teams?" I asked, watching as more of our troops returned with fresh wounds, eyes wide with the rush of fear and adrenaline.

"We'd thought you all died." Kaz replied softly enough so that only I could hear him. "There wasn't a stretch of Afghanistan that wasn't being targeted by nuclear missiles. Mother Base managed to bug out a minute before the nukes hit us and five before they hit the middle east."

He pauses, looking around with relief allowing his shoulders to sag.

"The rift generator's fragged. We rebooted the homing beacon and sent out a forced recall command as soon as we could." Kaz pauses, slumping to the ground to lie on his back under the now rising sun.

"I thought you were all dead Snake. Blown away in nuclear fire or worse."

"But we're not." I said, standing tall and watching as more portals opened around Mother Base.

Walking forward I share a look with a just arrived Ocelot whose coat tails are smoking before turning slightly to face the ocean.

"We're still here. Wherever we are."

Where has V come to?

[ ] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.

Important Polities:
  • Neutral Countries
    • Gallia (Netherlands)

Europan Theater of War: Gallia
Difficulty: Easy


[ ] North Sea: You can see land to the northwest, the landmarks are incredibly reminiscent of the White Cliffs of Dover. But you also see land further southeast, some distance away, but close enough that you'd be able to reach either landmass by chopper or boat easily.

Important Polities:
  • Atlantic Federation
    • Edinburgh (England)
    • Frankia (France)

Europan Theater of War: Center
Difficulty: Normal


[ ] Adriatic Sea: From the returning reports of your helicopters, you know that to the west you there is land. It's a place of rugged, mountainous terrain dotting the skyline of a long coastline. To the east an equal distance away your scouts report several islands dotting the area with a larger landmass further afield.

Important Polities:
  • Neutral Countries
    • Macedonia (Greece)
    • Italia (Italy)

Europan Theater of War: South
Difficulty: Hard


[ ] The Crystal Sea: The first thing you notice upon reaching the outside is that it's cold.

The second?

The entire sea is less that of an ocean and more a field of solid ice.

Important Polities:
  • East Europan Imperial Alliance
    • Finnia (Finland)

  • Neutral Countries
    • Norvegia (Norway)
    • Suecia (Sweden)

Europan Theater of War: North
Difficulty: Very Easy or Extreme

Europa, Hlidskjalf

Selvaria Bles

I was six years old the first time Father took me on a hunt.

I remember it well, while at first I had been adamant in trudging behind the knee deep path of displaced snow, it didn't take long for the graying figure of my grandfather to easily pick me up and place my bundled self upon his back.

He was old then, easily older than any other man who lived in our small village.

But even in my years of adulthood, I could not fathom there being any warrior in the whole world that could ever best him in battle.

No. Even now I cannot think of any human being that could survive the wrath of the softly smiling man who had taught me how to cook my first meals.

I was six years old when they came.

It was the first and only time I had ever seen the monster that Father kept leashed beneath the wrinkled skin of his powerful frame.

"Father?" I wondered, question beckoning in the back of my throat.

"Hrm?" He grunted in return, easily carrying my childish weight as if it were nothing.

The heavy snowfall did little to stop him, did not irritate him in the slightest. With one hand he secured me to his back while the other carried a pistol that I had seen him kill man after burgundy armored man.

I do not know why I asked what I did.

"Could you tell me that story again?"

"Which one?" He grumbled, the rasping huskiness of his voice having long become familiar to my ears.

"You know which, Father." I mumbled sleepily, remembering the tales passed on by my mother, the myths taught to her by the long dead woman in the machine.
"Hrm." Father replied, keeping my attention and forcing my mind to stay awake.

I remember it so very well. He could hold the attention of an entire room with but a meaningful grunt.

"Father?" I mumbled, eyes heavy and fingers numb.

"Selvaria." He replied.

"Mmh?" He had rarely acknowledged the title, not from myself or even from Mother.

"You know I'm not your father."

'I know.' I thought, but snuggled deeper into the broad back of the man who had raised me just as much as Mother had.

"Don't wanna." I replied, biting down softly on the woolen parka he wore.

Nonsensical of me, yes.

But I did not wish to call him by name. It felt… wrong.

But if wished to hear the story once more, I knew that I must acquiesce to his demand.

"Ishmael. That's what you told him." I recalled, closing my tired eyes and nuzzling against the sole source of warmth in the blizzard that raged around us.

I remember him replying, his smokey voice keeping my mind on the edge of awareness.

It was the last memory I have of him, the final recollection I had before I awoke in the care of the orphanage where I lived the rest of my early childhood.

And so I return year by year. This will perhaps be the final opportunity to return to the ashes of m former home.

I am not sure why I do so. I realize that there is nothing here for me to rediscover barring long dead memories.

The warm lapping of a one-eyed wolf upon my palm, moves my form from my current reverie.

"Come, DD." I command, brushing my hand against soft fur, fingers sticking momentarily on the very same scarf he'd worn upon my discovery of him not a year past.

A cracked skull in the shape of a single landmass. Through its empty eye, a single serpent slithered through it.

It was my adopted father's symbol, this I knew.

I did not know what it meant, but I knew he was a warrior without peer.

I would do him proud, serving as an enlisted soldier in the war to come.

I did not know what Outer Heaven was.

But I would after this war was over. I knew this in my powerfully beating heart.

AN: Short, I know. Let's get on with it :3
Seriously, stop the bitching.
Or, and just bare with me here, he could NOT do that, and just treat Ahab and Diamond Dogs are regular people, and not reincarnations of Odin or some othershit like that. The Valks being super human with stupidly advanced Ragnite Tech is one thing. They aren't actual valkyries and I have no desire for Konami to try and AU shit Even Harder by trying add in whatever it was that drove back The Valks in this supposed AU Setting, and killed Odin! Big Boss.

I just want a nice, simple, atleast mostly canon VC Crossover. That's all. Not all the bullshit above.

Kay. I've heard this or some variation of it from you and a few others. Many times.

I thought I'd have some fun with doing some world building for the basically non-existent Valkyrur history beyond the broad strokes.

It's fine if you don't like it, but I'd appreciate it if the groaning stopped.

I can be writing other stuff that doesn't take nearly as much time to do as running this quest. It's a hell of a time sink and I'd like to enjoy the process if at all fucking possible.

Which is fine. They just didn't do it with Mechs and a bunch of other shit, cause a Valk with a Lance and Shield, was already so overpowered they didn't NEED them.

They did have this fuckhuge thingie which was theorized to be part of some kind of 'arc ship/cruiser'. Personally I'm for giant mobile suit, but that's just me.
Turn 1 Options (New World)
Main Game Initiated

Turn "1" Options

The Date is October 1st, 1934.

Make this date mean something, Ahab.

Economy: "Wait, what do you mean our cash doesn't matter here? GMP is universal because of the GMP to resource fabricator!"

***Economy Section Reconstructed for my piece of mind***

Current Bank: 1,828,200 GMP
Current Bank: 2,500,000 GMP
"Woah, where did this extra cash come from? Oh, thanks Cod!"
Diamond Dogs Upkeep: 440,000 GMP
-5% (GMP Supply Platoon)
Total Upkeep: 352,000 GMP
Projected GMP Next Turn: 2,148,000 GMP
*Newly recruited units won't take GMP until they are accepted into DD*
*New Units recruited at the end of this turn. For gameplay purposes I won't be keeping the 'washing out and retry' system, manpower is hard enough to get as it is.*

Notes for Self:
  • Update Front Page

Current Hopefuls Undergoing Diamond Dogs Training

Espionage and Counter Intelligence Company (100 Men)
  • 1 Espionage Cell of 5 (Operator)
  • 1 Counter Intelligence Cell of 5 (Operator)
  • Rest are Support Personnel of 90
  • Training completes beginning Turn 4
  • *Turn 7 counting tutorial*

Leopard 2 Tank Platoon (3x Tanks)
  • Crew: 4x3 (Training Complete beginning Turn 4*) (Operator)
AH-64 Apache Gunship Squadron (3x Gunships)
  • Crew: 2x3 Pilot/Co Pilot (Training Complete beginning Turn 4) (Operator)
Wardog Pups (8x Dogs)
  • Training complete beginning Turn 4

Medical Center

Recovery Ward: *Characters who use DB points are healed at the end of a turn*

  • 2 FOX Cells (Moderately Wounded) (3 Turns)
    • Apocalypse Crab (Moderately Wounded)
  • 1 Hound Team (Heavily Wounded) (3 Turns)
  • MIA: Insatiable Whale, Soldier Ant (Returned)

  • 1 PSYOPS Cell (Critically Wounded) (4 Turns)
    • Weaver Arachne (Critically Wounded)
  • 1 Combat Adviser Cell (Heavily Wounded) (3 Turns)
    • Ragged Winter (Heavily Wounded)

  • 1 Lightning Raider Squad (Heavily Wounded) (3 Turns)
  • 1 Hell Jumpers Squad (Critically Wounded) (4 Turns)
  • 1 Counter Terror Squad (Critically Wounded) (4 Turns)

1st Supply CO
  • 1 Support Team (Heavily Wounded) (3 Turns)
    • Gentle Boa
Non DD Personnel
WIA: 7
  • Eli: Has finished healing
  • Huey: Finishes healing Turn 2

Motor Pool Repair Center:

  • Sheridan (4): Damaged in the defense of Kandahar
  • Walker Gears (12): Damaged in the defense of Kandahar
  • HMMWV (7): Damaged in the defense of Kandahar

  • ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus": Self detonation of nuclear armament.
    • Cannot rebuild with current infrastructure and research without its remains
  • Sheridan (2): Destroyed in the defense of Kandahar
  • Walker Gears (3): Destroyed in the defense of Kandahar
  • HMMWV (2): Destroyed in the defense of Kandahar

Current Education Status of DD: Lowest Global Standard
General Education
  • 100% High School Diploma/GED Equivalent
  • 1 Permanent Action Dice Gained!
"Boss, Boss! Look! I can write good now!"

Associate's or Trade School Equivalent
  • 25% Currently Qualified

Bachelor's or other Graduate Degree Equivalent
  • 15% Currently Qualified

Post Graduate Degrees, Doctorates, and other Equivalents
  • 5% Currently Qualified

Action Dice: 5 (Can be used as an action or a roll)
Bonus Dice: Tutorial has ended, Bonus Dice unavailable for use.

Thank God.

5 Actions


Omake submissions now open!

New World D-Dog submissions not open yet!

Vote moratorium until Wednesday, 3 PM PST

Votes and Omake submissions will close Saturday at 3pm PST TIME

Emergency Ops: High Priority missions that can pop up at any time, including between turns. Extremely time sensitive.

Main Ops: Story related missions, time sensitive.
*Previous Main Ops Missions Expired*

[ ] Gallian Ops: Map Orientation
***Mutually Exclusive with Gallian Ops: Recon***
Mission Difficulty: Easy
  • Figure out where you are.
  • Passive Approach.
  • Average chance of curious locals coming to investigate Mother Base
Mission Brief: "Right, uh… let's figure out where we're at first before making any big decisions, Boss.

We don't have satellite access here, but there's a whole load of radio traffic we can listen in on. And who knows? Maybe the locals will get curious and stop by for a friendly chat."

[ ] Gallian Ops: Recon
***Mutually Exclusive with Gallian Ops: Map Orientation***
Mission Difficulty: Easy
  • Figure out where you are.
  • Aggressive Approach.
  • High chance of teams encountering confused locals.
Mission Brief: "No time to waste Boss, we need to send teams out to recon the area. There's no telling what dangers are out there."
[ ] Gallian Ops: Gathering Our Bearings
Mission Difficulty: Easy
  • Big Boss and other command staff spend their time helping to repair Mother Base, serve hot chow, and various other activities.
  • Will help improve the mood of the troops, many of whom believe they're in some kind of post nuclear afterlife.
  • Opens Personal Side Ops Missions for main cast interaction.
Mission Brief: "Hard to believe all of us made it here in… well, relatively one piece. I'm not gonna bullshit Snake, everyone's just barely holding it together.

It might do the troops some good to see you out and about while we get Mother Base operational."

Nothing Yet

Side Ops: Semi-story driven missions, but still important and time sensitive
*Previous Side Ops Missions Expired*

[ ] Side Ops: My Name is John.
Mission Difficulty: ???
  • Tell D-Dogs the truth of who you are.
  • Reactions will vary, and may either positively or negatively affect your relationships among the staff.
  • If you ignore this option until it expires, it will be assumed that Ahab keeps this information secret.
Mission Brief: "Stand at, ease! We're all here Boss. What is it?"


[ ] Side Ops (DD): DD and Me
Mission Difficulty: ???
  • Insight into DD and his companion's movements
  • Complete (DD) Side Ops missions to hurry his return home.
  • If the required number of (DD) missions are completed before Turn (?), a special character will become available for recruitment.
  • Mission 1 of (?)
Mission Brief: "You've been antsy boy. What is it?"

[ ] Side Ops (Kaz):
Mission Difficulty: ???
Mission Brief:

[ ] Side Ops (Ocelot):
Mission Difficulty: ???
Mission Brief:

[ ] Side Ops (Quiet):
Mission Difficulty: ???
Mission Brief:

[ ] Side Ops (CC):
Mission Difficulty: ???
Mission Brief:


PMC Ops: Missions for the grunts for everything else that requires manpower from small/large missions to building new outposts/structures and humanitarian aid.
*Previous PMC Ops Missions Expired*

[ ] PMC Ops 1-1: Tired of Poking Fences
***Mutually Exclusive with PMC Ops 1-2***
Mission Difficulty: Easy
  • Depleted DD ranks replaced with surviving Dite Soldiers
  • New Paranormal Combat Infantry Company Recruited from Dite Refugees
  • Paranormal Combat Infantry are suited to fighting against otherworldly monsters, phantasms, and things that shouldn't walk under the naked sun.
Mission Brief: "Boss, looks like Cod's boys and girls have no intention of taking it easy after what they've been through. In fact, I'd say it might be better for their psychological health to give them something to do.

These guys all lived for years on that blasted hellhole. If any of them used to be civilians beforehand, I can't tell.

I doubt it's going to take long to train them to up to our standard."

[ ] PMC Ops 1-2: Building Fences Ain't so Bad
***Mutually Exclusive with PMC Ops 1-1***
Mission Difficulty: Easy
  • Depleted DD ranks replaced with surviving Dite Soldiers
  • New Combat Engineer Company Recruited from Dite Refugees
  • Combat Engineers will act as a Working Party (additional bonuses gained upon research completion), when not deployed on a mission.
Mission Brief: "Boss, looks like Cod's boys and girls have no intention of taking it easy after what they've been through. In fact, I'd say it might be better for their psychological health to give them something to do.

You won't believe what these guys can do with a box of scraps and some tape.


What's a cave got to do with anything?"

[ ] PMC Ops: Rebuilding Armor
Mission Difficulty: NA, 200,000 GMP
  • Destroyed vehicles replaced by the beginning of next turn
Mission Brief: "Our damaged vehicles will be operational in a few days, but some were too damaged to recover. We do have the spare parts to rebuild what we've lost, but it's gonna cost us."

[ ] PMC Ops: Forging New Vehicles *Repeatable*
Mission Difficulty: NA, GMP Determined by Build Que
  • Additional ground and rotary winged vehicles created for future use.
  • Additional struts necessary for Fixed Wing, Naval, and Other options.
  • Will be built and ready to use next turn.
  • Can build multiple vehicles at the same time as long as you got the money for it.
Mission Brief: "Always was a fan of heavy metal."

You can currently make rotary wing and ground vehicles currently in your inventory. Future designs will need to be researched in order to unlock them. Don't worry about supply transports like trucks, I'll handwave them.

Walker Gear: 20k

Heavy Tank: 150k (NA)
Medium Tank: 100k (Leopard 2)
Light Tank: 50k (Sheridans)

APC: 50k (NA)
Light Infantry Transport: 20k (HMMWVs)

Rotary Wing:
Light Transport/Gunship: 50k (Little Birds)
Medium Transport/Gunship: 100k (Black Hawks)
Heavy Transport: 150k (Chinooks)

Dedicated Gunship: 150k (Apaches)
[ ] PMC Ops: Recruit New D-Dogs *Repeatable* (More Fame Required) (Tankers/Fixed Wing Pilots/Sailors Unavailable until struts are completed)
Mission Difficulty: NA, GMP Determined by Build Que
  • Additional infantry companies and helicopter squadrons recruited for training
  • Additional struts necessary for Fixed Wing, Naval, and Other options.
  • Will be built and ready to use next turn. (Acts as if they've been in training during previous turns)
  • Can 'train' multiple units at the same time.
  • Do not come with their own vehicles, you have to build those as well.

Mission Brief:

R&D: Includes missions to test prototypes

[ ] R&D 3: The Chemical Burger
Mission Difficulty: DC 10, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Gain Chemical Burger Ration, Increased Relations with Code Talker, Large Morale Boost
Mission Brief: "Kaz, what are you doing in the kitchen?

W-what!? Nothing Boss, just making sure that everything got brought in with the new shipment!

What the hell, why is that burger blue?"

[ ] R&D: Picatinny Rail System
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves Infantry adaptability by allowing them to slot Two specializations.
Mission Brief: "What if we made a system where soldiers could add and replace any attachment they want on the go? It wouldn't take much work, we'd only need to fabricate some kind of… rail system."

[ ] R&D: Uparmored Vehicles
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 200,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all mechanized unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: Sure, we could just bolt on a bunch of armor to make something tougher, but you gotta think about how it affects the weight, the balance, the load bearing capacity-

[ ] R&D: Armored Fuel Tanks
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 250,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all air unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: "I think this is something we can do, see there's been research done on this new alloy that's just as light as aluminium and has the same properties as-"

[ ] R&D: Refugee Integration Program (Refugee Tree)
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Begin a work program for refugees staying on Mother Base.
  • Refugees will automatically be placed in under the Contractor section of Diamond Dogs as part of a 'Working Party'.
  • Working parties do everything from custodial duties, cooking, and other small, but important tasks that keeps Mother Base operational.
  • Every 100 man strong Working Party will allow you to take a building action, but not have that action be slotted for however many turns it takes to build the building in question.
  • An initial action dice will still be used to start the process of building.
  • Upgrades available as Education is researched.
Mission Brief: Not all the people we pick up or come to us seeking safety are going to be fit for the mercenary life. We may be looking to build a nation of soldiers, but every nation needs a working population to support military power.

[ ] R&D: Education 2: Associate Level Accreditation and Trade School Equivalents
Mission Difficulty: DC 35, 250,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns
Reward: Let's soldiers apply for higher education. Will eventually allow for another action once everyone finishes their courses.
  • Note, that while research will complete in 2 turns, D-Dogs still need to attend courses.
  • The general education level will upgrade itself several turns after research finishes.
  • Upgrades Available as D-Dogs finish up their schooling.

Mission Brief: It's a good start, but general education isn't going to give all that many career options. I'd feel more comfortable with everyone having a trade skill to fall back on Boss.

*In other words, a list of things I can quickly crib*

[ ] R&D: Refugee Integration Program (Researchers) (Locked Until Education LVL 2 Completes) (Locked Until Previous Refugee Program Completes)
Mission Difficulty: DC 35, 150,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns
Reward: Work Parties Upgraded
  • Working parties can now build or research.
  • Every 100 man strong Working Party will allow you to take a building/research action, but not have that action be slotted for however many turns it takes to build the building in question.
  • An initial action dice will still be used to start the process of building.
  • Upgrades available as Education is researched.
Mission Brief: Not all the people we pick up or come to us seeking safety are going to be fit for the mercenary life. We may be looking to build a nation of soldiers, but every nation needs a working population to support military power.

Omake Ops: Player created content for goodies. Can affect other Ops. (No Action Dice Required)


AN: Feel free to submit player character omakes for bullet dodging. I still got quite a few to go through :V

And I need to update the front page -_-;

Building Options
Command Strut
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 Turns
  • Tactical and Strategic Operations Center LVL 2
    • Unlocks Business Ops (Non Combat business opportunities such as Gun Running, Commercial Businesses, and Trade Deals)
  • Communications Center LVL 2
    • Unlocks QRF Support (Allows you to use GMP to 'Double Down' on an action by having a unit waiting in the wings to support deployed Diamond Dogs)
    • Unlocks Continent End of Turn Reports
Research Buildings
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 turns
  • UNBUILT Tank Simulators (Armor)
    • Tankers start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Armor Research
  • UNBUILT Aerospace Engineering Shop (Air)
    • Pilots start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Air Research
  • UNBUILT Seychelles Naval Warfare Academy (Naval)
    • Sea Crews start at 1 rank of Veterancy Higher of the current recruitment Paradigm (Meticulous)
    • Allows Advanced Naval Research
  • UNBUILT Robotics Research Station
    • Allows Mech Research
  • UNBUILT AI Pod Storage
    • Allows AI Research
  • UNBUILT Biological Research Station
    • Allows Parasite Research
    • Is this really worth it Boss?
  • UNBUILT Nuclear Research Station
    • Allows Nuclear Research
    • Boss… alright.
      • Heroic Ahab is unable to research or build Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical* trees
      • Knockout gas is 'technically' harmless :3

Supply Buildings
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 turns
  • Dining Facility LVL2
    • "Oh shit, pizza day!?"
    • Your troops are fed
    • Medium Morale Boost
  • Lounge LVL 2
    • "Gump's doing his own thing with Dan, but hey, we got an open bar!"
    • Your soldiers can take some time off, grab imported booze, and relax.
    • Medium morale boost
  • Medical Center LVL 2
    • "I hate needles too"
    • Wounded or sick soldiers will be treated in 1-4 turns depending on the severity of their wounds.
  • Barracks LVL 2
    • "We get our own rooms and bathrooms? I've never lived this good before Boss."
    • Your soldiers have a place to rest their heads on comfortable twin beds that aren't a bitch to sleep on.
    • Medium morale boost
    • No limit to housing, Diamond Dogs will build more as needed.
  • Conservation Strut LVL 2
    • "Man. Never seen a ranch in the middle of the ocean."
    • Fluffy ASMR. Bastians love soaking up the sun here.
    • Begins to open routes for tourism.
    • Allows you to start breeding livestock and endangered species.
    • Further research will garner positive attention from researchers and important people who like animals.
  • Farming Strut LVL 1
    • "Who had the brilliant fucking idea of trying to grow crops in the middle of the ocean?"
    • Greenhouses are built in order to start what is essentially a large scale gardening operation.
    • Good for relieving stress and growing fresh herbs.
    • Upgradeable to an actual hydroponics and underwater farm.

Vehicle Struts
Mission Difficulty: 300,000 GMP, 2 turns
  • UNBUILT Landing Strip
    • Builds an additional strut where Fixed Wing Aircraft may land for maintenance and repair.
  • UNBUILT Dry Dock
    • Builds an additional strut where large naval assets are anchored for maintenance and repair.
Eat ragnite for science

Notes for Self



AN: Lemme know if I'm missing something -_-;
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