Turn 3 Rumors...?
Cooking Harder
Turn 3: End turn rumors Kona totally forgot about~
Current GMP: 1,617,300 GMP
Projected GMP Starting Next Turn: 1,342,300 GMP
Rumors Section (Local)
Mother Base:
Interview with the World: Jesus H. Christ. I can't believe Boss actually went out and solo op'd the mission most everyone out of 1st CO hadn't even known about.
Hell, I knew about it and I still can't believe it.
And then he had the stones to tell the world on CNN?
Man. I don't even.
I'm gettin my ass to the kitchen, pulling out all the beer from the lounge, and we're cooking up good ol Texan barbecue. Somehow. I swear everything we eat comes of out a plastic heater bag here on MB.
War Dogs: You ask anyone that knows me and they'll tell you I'm a sucker for pups. Lil' CC's been gettin big around the belly and been actin broody all last month. Poor husband of hers has been confused since she's gotten all growley and it was more him followin Hana around these last few weeks instead.
Heh, inside joke an all that.
Anyway, CC had her pups early this month and damn wolf dogs grow fast! I'd been having a chat with Commander Miller and Meow Man about what they were planning on feeding them for their first wet meal, and wouldn't you know it? Here comes CC and her pups all in a neat line with DD and Hana skulking along in the back.
Damned if wasn't the sweetest thing.
Doesn't seem too happy though if I'm any judge of canine character. She'd done a good job getting the puppies used to humans by having everyone getting food at the DFAC give 'em a good wiff, but I'm told they're her first litter.
Agh, I know people are gonna look at me funny if I say anything so I'll just write it down here.
I think she knows what her pups are gonna be trained for and hell if it doesn't break my heart. Maybe I should see if one or two can be trained as therapy dogs instead. The kids seem to love them in any case.
Kurdish Turnaround: Shiiiiit. Only got to fire off half a belt before the Turks ran screaming about Sal-a-din and some such. It's what they call Big Boss here apparently. Heard 2nd Co got an entire battalion to lay down their guns just by showing up.
By the time Boss showed up, all of them were in formation and waiting for him to beat the tar outta them for the right to join up if what one of the new boots with the shiner on his eye told me is true.
I get the feeling. Snake isn't someone you can look in the eye and not feel like you need to impress him somethin fierce.
Operation Conservation: Wrestled a bear for the first time today.
Yeah. That's all I have to say about today.
The Trial: Shit, I thought Boss was gonna kill that mother fucker right then and there.
I would've.
Can't believe that bastard Emmerich is still here. I know the Boss has always been big on giving second chances, but that spineless ass put his own kid in a fucking death machine and killed his wife for taking him away.
Whatever happened with MSF, that's in the past. I get it. He made a dumb mistake.
It's just that I don't know if I can forgive a man who can do what he did to his blood. Don't know if I should.
I know no one's really said anything, but the other old timers agree.
Emmerich should've gone one way or the other.
Fucking leech.
Beach Party: I'm not gonna say that I'm not pissed anymore about Emmerich staying. I still can't trust myself to be in a room alone with him, otherwise I might strangle him with my own two fucking hands.
Be doing the world a favor as far as I'm concerned.
Haa. Anyway, the beach was nice. Tried to give Amanda a heads up that we were gonna take a holiday in Nicaragua for old time's sake, but she couldn't make the time.
Well, Cecile in a bikini was still nice. And that Quiet lady's always half naked it might as well be a uniform at this point…
Heh. That's one great thing about working in a paramilitary organization. The women here a fihiiiiiiiit~
Like, God Damn can some of these fine ladies clean up good.
Saw Paz sitting around with a local and having a good time, but let's be honest. I was too busy at the grill and conversatin with the volleyball game if'n you catch my drift heh heh…
Ah man. I need to get laid-
The fuck?
Grill Daddy Logs of Tobias Salle
August 28th, 1984
POV: Insatiable Whale
"Hey, someone there?" I asked, looking around from the flickering lights of the kitchen during the dead of night.
It was about the only time I could shove my way into the place where dreams go to die and make myself some real food.
Getting no response in return, I shrugged and turned back to my little notebook of recipes and journal entries when I felt that familiar feeling of something dangerous staring at my back.
Probably the Boss prowling around and doing his surprise CQC thing-
Breathing harshly and staring wide-eyed through my balaclava at the smashed in face of the fucking zombie that was still weakly twitching on the ground, I reared the cast iron skillet in my hand back and crushed what remained of it's skull into a bloody, crystal-like pulp.
The very next thing I did was slam my palm down on the nearby alarm, waking the rest of Mother Base up in a fit of confusion followed by the sounds of boots stomping and weapons being readied.
I'd had to convince the night guard that I wasn't crazy.
Then I'd had to tell Commander Miller I wasn't crazy.
By the time Boss got to the decontamination room, the guys running comms had gotten there with the news.
"When there's no more room in hell-"
"Shut the fuck up Monarch." I growled at the ever smiling man who backed away with his hands raised.
I fucking hate zombie movies.
Emergency Ops 2: The Man Who Guided the World
New Game Mode Unlocked!
Diamond Dog Operations
DD Ops are large scale Operations specific to a certain theater of war that requires the resources and personnel of Diamond Dogs in full. These missions are story based events that have a large impact on the strategic scope of the campaign and are treated as miniturns.
As this is the tutorial, this is a mandatory segment of the campaign, however in the future you may find yourself with multiple DD Ops available to you. However, unlike other Ops, you may only pursue one DD Operation at a time while other events will continue to chug along.
As for the missions within the operations, you can choose to do as many or as few as you wish with whatever force composition you can come up with.
More information will become available to you in the near future :3
For now though...
Diamond Dog Operation: Might of Outer Heaven
Difficulty: SURVIVE
Reward: Continue life as we know it on Earth
Major Objectives:
Overall Mission Briefing: (Miller)
Lord in Heaven… Boss. I don't even know what to say here.
Whatever this is, it started in Afghanistan. At first it sounded like crazy conspiracy theories you'd get from people who just finished watching a Romero film. Stories of walking corpses standing up and feasting on the flesh of the living and creating more abominations like a living virus.
One even popped up on Mother Base somehow. Thankfully Whale dealt with it and we've got the corpse being looked over in the containment area now.
It's been two days since then and we've confirmed that this is really happening.
What's worse Boss, is that these… portals where the original infectees are said to have sprung from are spreading.
I'm sure you've heard the news by now. Whether this is some kind of alien invasion or human experimentation gone wrong, we need to help contain this thing before it grows out of control.
'What? What was that? Jesus, you couldn't have said this earlier!?'
One more thing Snake. Our techs say that while most wormholes seem to close after a short span of time, the original in Afghanistan is stable and is getting bigger. At the rate it's growing, it'll dwarf Sahelanthropus by later today. I'll eat my beret if it doesn't have something to do with the other portals.
Check that, our techs just confirmed it. The spread and deployment of the temporary wormholes are directly correlated to the size and time the big one's been up and running.
I don't know about you Boss, but we need to figure out a way to shut this thing down before whatever is on the other end decides that it wants to visit Earth. We're working overtime to figure out a way to deal with the breach, but until then, we need to run damage control before the entirety of the Middle East ends up being overrun.
… Snake. I got a bad feeling about this, like this might be…
No. Forget what I said Boss.
We're ready to deploy at your command. Just give the word and we'll give these B-movie horror rejects an ass kicking they won't forget.
'Get the refugees to the protected zones, guard teams lock everything down. These things can be spat out anywhere-'
Vote Moratorium until Wednesday 3PM PST
Vote by Plan.
Technically this is part of the tutorial, but I'm slowly letting go of your hands
"Here are the target locations of strategic importance Boss."
Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
Mission Type: Base Assault, Boss Battle
Terrain: Mountainous
Difficulty: Extreme
Mission Briefing: Ocelot
As far as we can tell Boss, this is where the supermassive wormhole is being generated. If we can get a strikeforce in the area, we might be able to do something about it. Problem is, communications get spotty the closer you get to the center and all radar is making out are several worrying large contacts that seem to be blinking in and out of existence.
The soviets already sent a tank battalion this way to check it out. I don't think we'll be hearing from them anytime soon.
Here Boss, this was the last transmission my contact at their HQ received.
"Shit, what the fuck are those things!? Command, we've encountered multi story tall Metal Dragons that fire some kind of laser from their mouths- left turn, left turn now you fool-"
Sahelanthropus is just completing it's final refits with the Mammal Pod, we're not going to be able to send it to support you immediately, but it'll be there rest assured.
Pack heavy for this one Boss.
Tactical Advice
Mission Objectives
[ ] Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
-[ ] Heroes Deployed *Must Select Big Boss*
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy *If you can't think of something I'll make a good one with what you give me
***Heroes and Units chosen for one Mission may not be used for another!!!***
Battle for Kandahar: Hold the Road
Mission Type: Defense
Terrain: Urban
Difficulty: Very Hard
Mission Briefing: Miller
The second largest city in Afghanistan, this is where the main flow of infected people and… machines? Are shambling towards. From here there's a major road leading towards Pakistan and we're already hearing reports that surrounding countries are beginning to see wormholes open in rural towns and villages.
'Get me more intel on those corrupted machines, I'm briefing the Boss now!'
I'll have more information for you shortly boss, but it appears that this infection isn't just limited to people and animals. I'm receiving word that there have been sightings of monstrous, horror show machines made of metal, flesh-like musculature, and some kinda mineral deposits. Might not be a bad idea to pack some anti-armor for this one.
We'll have support in the form of Mujahideen sleepers that've been rallying in the area. Looks like the Soviets have pulled out entirely back to their own bases when things started getting too hot.
… I'm not gonna lie Snake, I'm not sure we have the punch for this mission.
Tactical Advice
Mission Objectives
[ ] Battle For Kandahar: Hold the Road
-[ ] Heroes Deployed
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy
Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
Mission Type: Evacuation
Terrain: Mountainous
Difficulty: Normal
Mission Briefing: Miller
There are thousands of small hamlets that dot the arid land of Afghanistan. It's probably too late to save the people close to the center of the epidemic, but there are still people we can save.
There's no chance to for flights directly to and from Mother Base, we don't have the airlift capacity or logistical capability to do such a thing. The most we can do is get civilians out of the immediate area and send them to designated safe zones.
I want to believe that every person we can save is one less infected we'll have to fight later Boss, but with how these wormholes seem to be disgorging hundreds of them at a time anyway, I don't think there's a point to this in a strategic or tactical sense.
That being said, it's your call Boss.
We can leave these people and send our forces somewhere they can make a fighting difference…
Or we can do this and save some people from being eaten alive.
Tactical Advice
Mission Objectives
[ ] Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
-[ ] Heroes Deployed
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy
Mother Base Defense
Mission Type: Defense
Terrain: Mother Base
Difficulty: ???
Mission Briefing: Miller
As far from Afghanistan as we are, I'm not expecting an attack.
This is just a precaution in case something unexpected does happen and we're not caught with our pants down. The one that got dumped in the kitchen was probably a one off chance of a lifetime.
Damn. I'm actually considering getting Eli and Mbele squad to the armory and let them gear up. As much as I hate it, we might need every gun we can get.
And at the very least it'll let the kids feel safer with a weapon in their hands.
Damn it.
Tactical Advice
Mission Objectives
[ ] Mother Base Defense
-[ ] Heroes Deployed
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy
[ ] Arm the Child Soldiers
[ ] Don't arm the Child Soldiers
Current GMP: 1,617,300 GMP
Projected GMP Starting Next Turn: 1,342,300 GMP
Rumors Section (Local)
Mother Base:
Interview with the World: Jesus H. Christ. I can't believe Boss actually went out and solo op'd the mission most everyone out of 1st CO hadn't even known about.
Hell, I knew about it and I still can't believe it.
And then he had the stones to tell the world on CNN?
Man. I don't even.
I'm gettin my ass to the kitchen, pulling out all the beer from the lounge, and we're cooking up good ol Texan barbecue. Somehow. I swear everything we eat comes of out a plastic heater bag here on MB.
War Dogs: You ask anyone that knows me and they'll tell you I'm a sucker for pups. Lil' CC's been gettin big around the belly and been actin broody all last month. Poor husband of hers has been confused since she's gotten all growley and it was more him followin Hana around these last few weeks instead.
Heh, inside joke an all that.
Anyway, CC had her pups early this month and damn wolf dogs grow fast! I'd been having a chat with Commander Miller and Meow Man about what they were planning on feeding them for their first wet meal, and wouldn't you know it? Here comes CC and her pups all in a neat line with DD and Hana skulking along in the back.
Damned if wasn't the sweetest thing.
Doesn't seem too happy though if I'm any judge of canine character. She'd done a good job getting the puppies used to humans by having everyone getting food at the DFAC give 'em a good wiff, but I'm told they're her first litter.
Agh, I know people are gonna look at me funny if I say anything so I'll just write it down here.
I think she knows what her pups are gonna be trained for and hell if it doesn't break my heart. Maybe I should see if one or two can be trained as therapy dogs instead. The kids seem to love them in any case.
Kurdish Turnaround: Shiiiiit. Only got to fire off half a belt before the Turks ran screaming about Sal-a-din and some such. It's what they call Big Boss here apparently. Heard 2nd Co got an entire battalion to lay down their guns just by showing up.
By the time Boss showed up, all of them were in formation and waiting for him to beat the tar outta them for the right to join up if what one of the new boots with the shiner on his eye told me is true.
I get the feeling. Snake isn't someone you can look in the eye and not feel like you need to impress him somethin fierce.
Operation Conservation: Wrestled a bear for the first time today.
Yeah. That's all I have to say about today.
The Trial: Shit, I thought Boss was gonna kill that mother fucker right then and there.
I would've.
Can't believe that bastard Emmerich is still here. I know the Boss has always been big on giving second chances, but that spineless ass put his own kid in a fucking death machine and killed his wife for taking him away.
Whatever happened with MSF, that's in the past. I get it. He made a dumb mistake.
It's just that I don't know if I can forgive a man who can do what he did to his blood. Don't know if I should.
I know no one's really said anything, but the other old timers agree.
Emmerich should've gone one way or the other.
Fucking leech.
Beach Party: I'm not gonna say that I'm not pissed anymore about Emmerich staying. I still can't trust myself to be in a room alone with him, otherwise I might strangle him with my own two fucking hands.
Be doing the world a favor as far as I'm concerned.
Haa. Anyway, the beach was nice. Tried to give Amanda a heads up that we were gonna take a holiday in Nicaragua for old time's sake, but she couldn't make the time.
Well, Cecile in a bikini was still nice. And that Quiet lady's always half naked it might as well be a uniform at this point…
Heh. That's one great thing about working in a paramilitary organization. The women here a fihiiiiiiiit~
Like, God Damn can some of these fine ladies clean up good.
Saw Paz sitting around with a local and having a good time, but let's be honest. I was too busy at the grill and conversatin with the volleyball game if'n you catch my drift heh heh…
Ah man. I need to get laid-
The fuck?
Grill Daddy Logs of Tobias Salle
August 28th, 1984
POV: Insatiable Whale
"Hey, someone there?" I asked, looking around from the flickering lights of the kitchen during the dead of night.
It was about the only time I could shove my way into the place where dreams go to die and make myself some real food.
Getting no response in return, I shrugged and turned back to my little notebook of recipes and journal entries when I felt that familiar feeling of something dangerous staring at my back.
Probably the Boss prowling around and doing his surprise CQC thing-

Breathing harshly and staring wide-eyed through my balaclava at the smashed in face of the fucking zombie that was still weakly twitching on the ground, I reared the cast iron skillet in my hand back and crushed what remained of it's skull into a bloody, crystal-like pulp.
The very next thing I did was slam my palm down on the nearby alarm, waking the rest of Mother Base up in a fit of confusion followed by the sounds of boots stomping and weapons being readied.
I'd had to convince the night guard that I wasn't crazy.
Then I'd had to tell Commander Miller I wasn't crazy.
By the time Boss got to the decontamination room, the guys running comms had gotten there with the news.
"When there's no more room in hell-"
"Shut the fuck up Monarch." I growled at the ever smiling man who backed away with his hands raised.
I fucking hate zombie movies.
Emergency Ops 2: The Man Who Guided the World
New Game Mode Unlocked!
Diamond Dog Operations
DD Ops are large scale Operations specific to a certain theater of war that requires the resources and personnel of Diamond Dogs in full. These missions are story based events that have a large impact on the strategic scope of the campaign and are treated as miniturns.
As this is the tutorial, this is a mandatory segment of the campaign, however in the future you may find yourself with multiple DD Ops available to you. However, unlike other Ops, you may only pursue one DD Operation at a time while other events will continue to chug along.
As for the missions within the operations, you can choose to do as many or as few as you wish with whatever force composition you can come up with.
More information will become available to you in the near future :3
For now though...
Diamond Dog Operation: Might of Outer Heaven
Difficulty: SURVIVE
Reward: Continue life as we know it on Earth
Major Objectives:
- Close the Primary Wormhole
- Limit the spread of infected men and machines
- Minimize civilian casualties
- Cancel the Apocalypse
Overall Mission Briefing: (Miller)
Lord in Heaven… Boss. I don't even know what to say here.
Whatever this is, it started in Afghanistan. At first it sounded like crazy conspiracy theories you'd get from people who just finished watching a Romero film. Stories of walking corpses standing up and feasting on the flesh of the living and creating more abominations like a living virus.
One even popped up on Mother Base somehow. Thankfully Whale dealt with it and we've got the corpse being looked over in the containment area now.
It's been two days since then and we've confirmed that this is really happening.
What's worse Boss, is that these… portals where the original infectees are said to have sprung from are spreading.
I'm sure you've heard the news by now. Whether this is some kind of alien invasion or human experimentation gone wrong, we need to help contain this thing before it grows out of control.
'What? What was that? Jesus, you couldn't have said this earlier!?'
One more thing Snake. Our techs say that while most wormholes seem to close after a short span of time, the original in Afghanistan is stable and is getting bigger. At the rate it's growing, it'll dwarf Sahelanthropus by later today. I'll eat my beret if it doesn't have something to do with the other portals.
Check that, our techs just confirmed it. The spread and deployment of the temporary wormholes are directly correlated to the size and time the big one's been up and running.
I don't know about you Boss, but we need to figure out a way to shut this thing down before whatever is on the other end decides that it wants to visit Earth. We're working overtime to figure out a way to deal with the breach, but until then, we need to run damage control before the entirety of the Middle East ends up being overrun.
… Snake. I got a bad feeling about this, like this might be…
No. Forget what I said Boss.
We're ready to deploy at your command. Just give the word and we'll give these B-movie horror rejects an ass kicking they won't forget.
'Get the refugees to the protected zones, guard teams lock everything down. These things can be spat out anywhere-'
Vote Moratorium until Wednesday 3PM PST
Vote by Plan.
Technically this is part of the tutorial, but I'm slowly letting go of your hands
"Here are the target locations of strategic importance Boss."
Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
Mission Type: Base Assault, Boss Battle
Terrain: Mountainous
Difficulty: Extreme
Mission Briefing: Ocelot
As far as we can tell Boss, this is where the supermassive wormhole is being generated. If we can get a strikeforce in the area, we might be able to do something about it. Problem is, communications get spotty the closer you get to the center and all radar is making out are several worrying large contacts that seem to be blinking in and out of existence.
The soviets already sent a tank battalion this way to check it out. I don't think we'll be hearing from them anytime soon.
Here Boss, this was the last transmission my contact at their HQ received.
"Shit, what the fuck are those things!? Command, we've encountered multi story tall Metal Dragons that fire some kind of laser from their mouths- left turn, left turn now you fool-"
Sahelanthropus is just completing it's final refits with the Mammal Pod, we're not going to be able to send it to support you immediately, but it'll be there rest assured.
Pack heavy for this one Boss.
Tactical Advice
- Deploy Big Boss.
- The mission begins twenty miles from the target, you'll have to fight your way to the end.
- Mobility and Firepower is key.
- Other forces will arrive to aid you.
- Heavily recommend Deploying Sahelanthropus here.
Mission Objectives
- Fight your way to the primary wormhole
- Find some way to close the portal
- Survive
[ ] Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
-[ ] Heroes Deployed *Must Select Big Boss*
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy *If you can't think of something I'll make a good one with what you give me
***Heroes and Units chosen for one Mission may not be used for another!!!***
Battle for Kandahar: Hold the Road
Mission Type: Defense
Terrain: Urban
Difficulty: Very Hard
Mission Briefing: Miller
The second largest city in Afghanistan, this is where the main flow of infected people and… machines? Are shambling towards. From here there's a major road leading towards Pakistan and we're already hearing reports that surrounding countries are beginning to see wormholes open in rural towns and villages.
'Get me more intel on those corrupted machines, I'm briefing the Boss now!'
I'll have more information for you shortly boss, but it appears that this infection isn't just limited to people and animals. I'm receiving word that there have been sightings of monstrous, horror show machines made of metal, flesh-like musculature, and some kinda mineral deposits. Might not be a bad idea to pack some anti-armor for this one.
We'll have support in the form of Mujahideen sleepers that've been rallying in the area. Looks like the Soviets have pulled out entirely back to their own bases when things started getting too hot.
… I'm not gonna lie Snake, I'm not sure we have the punch for this mission.
Tactical Advice
- Heavy Infantry and Artillery are going to be your friends.
- There are three defensive zones along the road all the way to the entrance of the city.
- Your allies consist of roughly 10,000 fighters of Untrained to Elite in skill
- The first day's wave numbers at around 100,000 infected and 100 machines.
- You're not going to be able to hold the tide back forever, things will get harder every day that passes.
Mission Objectives
- Hold the defensive line for as long as possible
- Keep the infected out of the city
- If the defenses look like they're about to fall, Evac will arrive after an undetermined amount of time.
- Survive
[ ] Battle For Kandahar: Hold the Road
-[ ] Heroes Deployed
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy
Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
Mission Type: Evacuation
Terrain: Mountainous
Difficulty: Normal
Mission Briefing: Miller
There are thousands of small hamlets that dot the arid land of Afghanistan. It's probably too late to save the people close to the center of the epidemic, but there are still people we can save.
There's no chance to for flights directly to and from Mother Base, we don't have the airlift capacity or logistical capability to do such a thing. The most we can do is get civilians out of the immediate area and send them to designated safe zones.
I want to believe that every person we can save is one less infected we'll have to fight later Boss, but with how these wormholes seem to be disgorging hundreds of them at a time anyway, I don't think there's a point to this in a strategic or tactical sense.
That being said, it's your call Boss.
We can leave these people and send our forces somewhere they can make a fighting difference…
Or we can do this and save some people from being eaten alive.
Tactical Advice
- This mission requires the use of air assets and airmobile units.
- We're not expecting heavy combat, mobility will be our greatest friend.
- You don't have a force capable of saving everyone, and eventually all will be swallowed up if nothing changes.
Mission Objectives
- Evacuate and escort civilians to protected safe zones.
- Keep a step ahead of the infection and don't get bogged down fighting.
- There's only so much we can do.
- Survive
[ ] Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
-[ ] Heroes Deployed
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy
Mother Base Defense
Mission Type: Defense
Terrain: Mother Base
Difficulty: ???
Mission Briefing: Miller
As far from Afghanistan as we are, I'm not expecting an attack.
This is just a precaution in case something unexpected does happen and we're not caught with our pants down. The one that got dumped in the kitchen was probably a one off chance of a lifetime.
Damn. I'm actually considering getting Eli and Mbele squad to the armory and let them gear up. As much as I hate it, we might need every gun we can get.
And at the very least it'll let the kids feel safer with a weapon in their hands.
Damn it.
Tactical Advice
- Remember, your support soldiers aren't exactly weak when it comes to kicking ass.
- Regardless of their age, Eli and the other child soldiers are blooded fighters. Something to keep in mind.
Mission Objectives
- Protect Mother Base
- Protect the civilians
- Survive
[ ] Mother Base Defense
-[ ] Heroes Deployed
-[ ] Units Deployed
-[ ] General Strategy
[ ] Arm the Child Soldiers
[ ] Don't arm the Child Soldiers
AN: The least Survive could've done was make it a proper zombie apocalypse 

Just an annoying reminder that your friendly neighborhood Konami who the actual company totally ripped the Survive scenario from got no recognition or monetary compensation for coming up with the MSF transported to another dimension concept.
Please check it out if you want to support me <3
Kona's Patreon
Please check it out if you want to support me <3
Kona's Patreon