Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.

Welcome back, Boss!
[X] The Crystal Sea: The first thing you notice upon reaching the outside is that it's cold.

Let's go full hard mode. Besides, I think this is where Selvaria is? The cold was kinda a hint.
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[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
Man would I kill to be on Earth right now when people discover that Big Boss, the greatest hero of the world, was in their eyes murdered via nuclear weapons by countries that simply considered him to dangerous to let live, even though him and his organization were doing everything they could to save the world.

Revolutions have been started over far, far less.
that I had seen him kill man after burgundy armored man. Selvaria isn't an Imp this time around?!

I did not know what Outer Heaven was.

But I would after this war was over. I knew this in my powerfully beating heart.
Priority HVT identified!

D-Dog: Failed to RTB, assumed prototype dimensional fulton failure.
NOOOOO! Forgive us, friend for we have failed yo-!

The warm lapping of a one-eyed wolf upon my palm, moves my form from my current reverie.
Oh. Well. I guess watching over the Boss's surrogate daughter is also a good thing to do...

...will Mako have to start budgeting an allowance?

....Is Quiet going to be asserting dominance over her territory?

[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.

Subject to change when we all narrow down Silvaria's current location.
[X] North Sea: You can see land to the northwest, the landmarks are incredibly reminiscent of the White Cliffs of Dover. But you also see land further southeast, some distance away, but close enough that you'd be able to reach either landmass by chopper or boat easily.
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
Welcome back boss.
Welcome back home.
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.

Eh, Quest could be better.
Now that I think about it...would Silvaria consider Venom more of an Uncle considering how he's (technically) the splitting image (mostly...) of the Boss?
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nenshou Yuuki on May 9, 2019 at 4:39 AM, finished with 39 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
    [X] The Crystal Sea: The first thing you notice upon reaching the outside is that it's cold.
    [X] Adriatic Sea: From the returning reports of your helicopters, you know that to the west you there is land. It's a place of rugged, mountainous terrain dotting the skyline of a long coastline. To the east an equal distance away your scouts report several islands dotting the area with a larger landmass further afield.
    [X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
    [X] North Sea: You can see land to the northwest, the landmarks are incredibly reminiscent of the White Cliffs of Dover. But you also see land further southeast, some distance away, but close enough that you'd be able to reach either landmass by chopper or boat easily.
Just asking but,
[ ] The Crystal Sea: The first thing you notice upon reaching the outside is that it's cold.

The second?

The entire sea is less that of an ocean and more a field of solid ice.

Important Polities:
  • East Europan Imperial Alliance
    • Finnia (Finland)

  • Neutral Countries
    • Norvegia (Norway)
    • Suecia (Sweden)

Europan Theater of War: North
Difficulty: Very Easy or Extreme

Why is this choice either Very Easy or Extreme?
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
[X] Gallic Sea: You know you've never seen this shore before in your life. Yet something about it seems hauntingly familiar, like recalling fraying snips of a dream that you only half remembered.
Just asking but,
[ ] The Crystal Sea: The first thing you notice upon reaching the outside is that it's cold.

The second?

The entire sea is less that of an ocean and more a field of solid ice.

Important Polities:
  • East Europan Imperial Alliance
    • Finnia (Finland)

  • Neutral Countries
    • Norvegia (Norway)
    • Suecia (Sweden)

Europan Theater of War: North
Difficulty: Very Easy or Extreme

Why is this choice either Very Easy or Extreme?
I'm gonna guess because of our proximity to the Imperials. We piss them off too much and they can easily send an army after us but if we piss off the Federation it would be much harder for them to get at us.
That and the weather will make surviving here kind of a nightmare if we get unlucky.
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