oh god guys I just realized something...
DO NOT GET THE MAN ON FIRE!!! if Ishmael comes to our base the man of fire will awaken! and he wont stop until Ishmael is dead!!!
so please use common sense, do not poke the supernatural thing with science unless it is properly cleanse with enough holy stuff to not be able to come back EVER!
sorry if I'm sounding paranoid, but if Ishmael comes during this final turn of the tutorial, then we do NOT need the man on fire boss fight. This is critical if we want Ishmael to survive and then take up the torch for us in this world to get back on the path were carving out!
edited: now that I'm home and now have vented my paranoia properly (I'm serious guys, I don't trust that supernatural crap and wont poke it with a ten foot pole!) I reread the QM's posting...and played the music while reading...
dammit the feels are back 5X better then before!