Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Finished VC4, and I gotta say either this verse has the biggest racial karma, or they all need to just be nuked back to fucking Stone Age so their tech could never proliferate

You folks already know the standard super soldier program the empire has with the valkyur blooded to create Valkyria, but it turns out the federation has been "recruiting" valkyur blooded to send to US equivalent to be turned into nuclear reactor and/or nuclear bomb. Nuclear bomb version involve injecting them with liquid ragnites to trigger stronger final flame

Faldio is a goddamn saint in comparison
Finished VC4, and I gotta say either this verse has the biggest racial karma, or they all need to just be nuked back to fucking Stone Age so their tech could never proliferate

You folks already know the standard super soldier program the empire has with the valkyur blooded to create Valkyria, but it turns out the federation has been "recruiting" valkyur blooded to send to US equivalent to be turned into nuclear reactor and/or nuclear bomb. Nuclear bomb version involve injecting them with liquid ragnites to trigger stronger final flame

Faldio is a goddamn saint in comparison

All shades of grey nothing is ever black or white when it comes to war and the lines always blur.

Except in a fight everything is always clear then.

Edit: Quick point I never said what the USV did was right in fact what they planned to do was barbaric but the Imps have also done equally heinous look at their treatment of the Darcsen. But however, you look at it no one's hands are clean in the Federation or the Empire.
also before you ask if it comes up at some point I say we pull those Valkyria out of the testing labs both the feds and the empire have set up no one desrves to be treated like a lab rat
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Even more reason's to make dynamic entry with Sahelanthropus at Imperial/Fedration capitol .
Fuck Yes!

You may all bow down and praise me now. :V

its explicitly noted that Psycho mantis would get weaker with age, but gain more control over himself and his powers, in a tape.

Something about Myelin sheathes maturing as one gets older or some shit.

Also @konamikode Guess who just accidentally tripped fell and wrote a 3500 word character omake for next turn... and still has another omake he wants to write?

*Point's thumbs at self*

This guy!

Praises the salt pillar for doing good and being a good boy. :V

People say that all the time. But do note that most insurgencies in the world die unless backed by a bigger power.

It's a bit of a chicken and egg problem. You need a charismatic and capable commander and the support of an outside state usually, but the real determination of whether a insurgency succeeds or fails is whether it has a good enough support network on the ground to help it maintain itself logistically.

Yeah, but Jaegar was a hell of a general, so I think he could make it work with the empire also being tied up in fighting the Federation. Even more so if we help him out like our entire build is designed too.

If Jaegar is to succeed in his insurgency (if he even decided to go that way with all the butterflies Diamond Dogs will introduce with their arrival) he will need a good enough support network and I don't think he has it in canon. Sorry. He might be building it up before he starts his insurgency, but he doesn't have it at the point you showed he leaves the conflict.

Pft, if anything, the DD's helping should REDUCE the time. The only way it could extend is if the Feds invaded outright, or Max petition for more back up back home in the Imperial Court, which I think is unlikely to happen. He petitioned for the invasion under the reasoning the Gallian Ragnite would be of aid to the empire and he invaded with a small force.

If he asked for more men he would: Be admitting his current forces and the generals leading them, which does include him as the Commander of the invasion force, can't beat a tiny nation that's the IRL equivalent to the Netherlands. He would be asking for help from a court that hates him and he hates even more, so his own pride and hate is unlikely to allow him to ask for aid, and if he did the request is likely to be denied because The Emperor doesn't give a shit about him and all his kids hate Maxy.

The Empire could always invade Gallian and take over after the War with The Federation is over after all. There's no reason to send more manpower to fight the tiny nation when they have The Federation throwing hundreds of thousands and millions of lives at their entire front.

So Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave is just Liborius Ritter von Frank without the backing of his court as far as military competence goes? And a bunch of anime war tropes thrown on top of that make him seem more competent?

Ohhhhhhhhh yeah. The War lasts for like 4 years I think? I'd have to recheck the lore from VC4 to be sure but I think it's about that. Honestly the fact that the kill count ended when it did is surprising. I honestly thought there would be more then
Ten Million Military Dead all together. Thats less then what Germany lost on their own IRL.

You are making several assumptions about World War 2 and how similar it was to the Europan War 2 of Valkyria Chronicles:

-First before World War 1 there was about a period of 50 years of relative peace (there were still conflicts in Europe here and there, but they weren't a constant thing they were in previous times) that allowed the European states to have a build up of people in the newest generation before World War 1 happened and then WW1 for all it's horrors wasn't worse than some of the previous clusterfuck conflicts that had happened in Europe before it so the commanders of that war just took a look at it and adjusted their calculations for how war is to be handled from now on.

This adjustment of calculation coupled with the rise of Nazism (Fascism is the natural evolution of the Imperial line of governing of Human Civilization and to be clear is evil, but Nazism on the other hand is taking the Imperial propaganda about enemy states and their actions from the 19th century and WW1 and then incarnating it into an actual state policy which is much worse) led to World War 2 being one of the worst (if not the worst) blunders in terms of military miscalculation in the history of Human Civilization.

-Secondly the Great Depression happened before WW2 making the drafting of soldiers in exchange for a "living" wage and shifting to war economy to help drive the reconstruction of society far easier than they otherwise would have been.

Neither of these things are present in the Valkyria Chronicles Europan Wars:

-You have two super-states that have a grip on the continent with a mostly accurate calculation of the handling of war (so no surprise better tactics, just luck and skill to use said luck), the frequency of wars seems to be once a generation (so no higher population) and both of them are fascist (if a different kind of fascist), but there are no Nazi players in those wars yet (so no industrial evil of the Nazis to shift the war economy itself into a different composition).

-There is no sign in the lore that anything like the Great Depression had happened before the start of the Second Europan War so no higher motivation for people to shift into a war economy for reconstructing their own society and no acceptable higher draft rates.

So no the losses are just about in the ballpark of where a conflict such Second Europan War might lead them to be.

o_O Hm. That gives me an idea: Hey @konamikode since the only concentration camps in the setting are still at the workshop level of function and while still an atrocity against human beings not even close to the level of horrors of Nazi concentration camps which were factory level of function does that mean the Heroic Venom Snake will be thinking about conducting Intrigue actions against the players in this war that use concentration camps to sabotage and discredit any idea of a factory level concentration camp on top of whatever else actions are taken to deal with concentration camps themselves?

hmmm, if we try to recreate the fulton incident that sends us to VC this could be a multicross quest?

No if we try to recreate the wormhole we will probably be opening a gate back to Metal Gear Earth which is probably late game to unfuck that place once we unfuck Europa.

OK finally caught up with the thread so my opinions on the vote options:

Current GMP: 839,100 GMP
Diamond Dogs Upkeep: 222,000 GMP
-5% (GMP Supply Platoon)

*Newly recruited units won't take GMP until they are accepted into DD*
*Not enough refugees to really hit GMP reserves*

Total Upkeep: 210,900
Projected GMP Next Turn: 628,200

Current Education Status of DD: Abysmal (No extra Actions)

General Education
  • 50% Currently Qualified
  • +25% qualified End of turn 2
  • Projected completion date: End Turn 3

Associate's or Trade School Equivalent
  • 25% Currently Qualified

Bachelor's or other Graduate Degree Equivalent
  • 15% Currently Qualified

Post Graduate Degrees, Doctorates, and other Equivalents
  • 5% Currently Qualified

According to this we get extra actions with better education. So we should take more education any time we can to get more actions.

Emergency Ops: High Priority missions that can pop up at any time, including between turns. Extremely time sensitive.

[ ] Emergency Ops 1: A Quiet Interrogation
Mission Difficulty: NA
Reward: Quiet interrogated and her allegiance revealed. ???

Briefing: Boss, when we put Quiet through the medical scanner in the sick bay, we found an unknown strain of vocal cord parasites lodged in her throat. On top of that…

Her lungs are burnt to a crisp. We found traces of a Star of Bethlehem petal lodged inside the damaged tissue.

Snake. She was the XOF assassin sent to kill you back on Cyprus. We need to interrogate her.


*You can choose not to do this by not selecting it. It's your call.*

This is a must and it might remove A moment of Quiet from the op list or it might give it a little more oomph.

Main Ops: Story related missions, time sensitive

[ ] Main Ops 2: Investigating Huey (AI Pod Recovery)
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Gain evidence of Huey's crimes
Mission Brief: The Mammal Pod is still in Emmerich's old lab at XOF's mountain base. If you can get in there and send it somewhere for pickup, I know that we can find dirt on that sack of shit.

[ ] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Gain the Man on Fire's body.
Mission Brief: We found his body Boss. It seems inert as far as we can tell. We're sending you to pick him up, but be ready. As far as I'm concerned, history's shown that this walking anomaly is anything but safe.

I've read trough the arguments about this and I think we need to do Man on Fire next turn after we unfuck Eli (dice willing) to get Psycho Mantis to come with us which will be helpful to keeping the kid sane, saving Eli and the child soldiers from the parasites and the any world Psycho is in a better place. We need the AI pod this turn to have a better chance of being final with Huey.

Side Ops: Semi-story driven missions, but still important and time sensitive

[ ] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard, Easy (Further Omake Bonus)
Reward: Increased relationship with 'Paz Ortega Andrade'
Mission Brief: You've managed to find an old photo of an MSF barbecue after taking down Zeke for the first time. Maybe some good memories will help Paz recover mentally after nine years without change.

We need to take this next turn as it is marked New Game+ which means it will change or be gone after we get to Valkyria Chronicles.

[ ] Side Ops 3: No Son of Mine
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard (Pupper Omake)
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Eli
Mission Brief: There's no explanation to be had. Eli is a little shit, but you can't just foist him off onto Ocelot to deal with. Probably.

He already caused one emergency OP. This is a must.

[ ] Side Ops 4: Let's Talk Huey *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard, Hard (Omake Bonus)
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Huey
Mission Brief: Skull Face is dead. Sit down and have a chat with a man who you thought was a friend and ask.

Another New Game + option and it syncs up with the AI pod so a must this turn.

[ ] Side Ops 7: A Moment of Quiet
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Increased Relationship with Quiet.
Mission Brief: Your silent partner on the battlefield is acting slightly… off. She's acting more distant than usual while shooting you ever increasing glances that tend to linger long enough for you to notice.

What's on her mind?

Not sure we will have this next turn because of the emergency OP.

[ ] Side Ops 8: Draw!
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased Relationship with Ocelot
Mission Brief: "Hey Boss, you got a moment? What say we have a practice duel, for old time's sake?"

Should get this, but should get some omakes for it first.

[ ] Side Ops 9: Denuclearization 2 "No Tomorrow"
Mission Difficulty: Normal-Extreme
*Diamond Dog FOX Teams will be deployed alongside Big Boss.*
*Good chance of casualties*

Reward: PMC's, Terrorist Groups, and other 3rd parties lose immediate nuclear capability.
Mission Brief: Boss, we've gathered up all the intel we could on black market exchanges of radioactive material, covert nuclear programs of non-nuclear weapon states covered by the NPT, and agents within PC's that have built their own nukes.

God. I can't believe we're actually going through with this.

FOX teams are ready to deploy across the world at your command Boss. We're all standing by to see this through.

This is a must this turn to make Kaz less filled with hate.

PMC Ops: Missions for the grunts for everything else that requires manpower from small/large missions to building new outposts/structures and humanitarian aid.

[ ] PMC Ops 1: Mujahideen Support
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP
Mission Brief: The soviets are attempting to muster men and material for a new offensive in the rural heartland of the Kandahar Valley. Increased soviet capability in the region would destabilize our own efforts and goals. This is going to be a large operation against a conventional force in mountainous terrain.
And we know exactly how to best fight against that.

What/Who is in Afghanistan at this time that we might run into?

[ ] PMC Ops 2: UN Peacekeeping in the Congo
Mission Difficulty: Very Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry Recruitment, 100,000 GMP
Mission Brief: Nothing much to mention here Boss. Just your standard peacekeeping op and making sure supplies get where they need to. We're not really expecting much opposition here.

What/Who is in the Congo/UN that we might run into?

[ ] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: 100,000 GMT, Conservation Strut construction funded by PETA!
Mission Brief: PETA contracted us for this one Boss. They want us to… uh… relocate a bunch of endangered species onto Mother Base until they can set up wildlife preserves. They'll even fund the building of a new strut to house them in as well as paying us some pretty solid paper.
But how the hell are we supposed to transport hundreds of animal-
Boss, you've got that look in your eye again.
Boss. No.
I still got one leg and an arm Boss, don't make me hobble over there!

This is a money saving OP that also nets us exotic animals for our Conservation Strut, but we would also need to build the Conservation Strut.

[ ] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 200,000 GMP
Mission Brief: We've given the Kurds a fighting chance Boss. The Turkish army and government is reeling from the rebel attacks all across their borders. With how busy they are with sending more troops to the front, this is the perfect chance for us to get behind them and take out vital supply lines, leadership, and reserve units.

Uncle Sam definitely won't be happy about this, but at this point who cares if the target painted on our backs is a full sized tattoo?

We should get this next turn since Uncle Sam will get pissed at us regardless over this.

[ ] PMC Ops 6: Contra War
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP
Mission Brief: Boss, we've just received a call from Amanda… she sounds good, yeah. But this is business Snake. The Anti-Sandinista Counter Revolution, or Contras have renewed their offensive in Nicaragua. The FLSN are backed into a corner after thinking that the Contras had lost their staying power after the last major offensive in '83.

Politically Boss, I don't know if there's even a 'right' side to this conflict, but I guess that's par for the course. Personally getting involved in a counter revolution against a recently successful revolution sounds like a bad time. Both sides are corrupt, except one is currently in power and the other is backed by it. However, we have history with Amanda. Is that enough for us to get involved in another proxy war between democracy and communism?

This we need to take the next turn to get a sync bonus with Paz New Game + option.

R&D: Includes missions to test prototypes

[-] R&D 1: Wormhole Technology
Mission Difficulty: DC 100 (Passed!), 200,000 GMP already paid
Research Time: Will finish in 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: Gain Wormhole Fulton Technology?
Mission Brief: Emmerich says he's stumbled on something unbelievable. Apparently he's discovered some kind of new element that breaks multiple laws of physics. Could be something useful, I think.

This is going to lose us Huey if we don't take the New Game + option.

[ ] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 500,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns (Turn 3)
Reward: ST-84 Metal Gear "Sahelanthropus" Repaired. Still requires an AI pod or child sized pilot to get it to work apparently.
Mission Brief: Emmerich's been on my ass all day begging for the funding to repair his little pet project. I told him I'd talk to you about it, but frankly it seems like a terrible idea.
Please tell me you're not actually thinking about throwing even more money at that traitor Snake?

It can wait until we unfuck both Huey and Eli.

[ ] R&D 3: The Chemical Burger
Mission Difficulty: DC 10, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Gain Chemical Burger Ration, Increased Relations with Code Talker, Large Morale Boost
Mission Brief: Kaz, what are you doing in the kitchen?
W-what!? Nothing Boss, just making sure that everything got brought in with the new shipment!
What the hell, why is that burger blue?

This might get done on it's own, but we should still get it at some point after the Command Center upgrade.

[ ] R&D 4: Ballistic Vests
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Infantry gain early Plate Carriers that increase survivability in case of a hit.
Mission Brief: This kevlar stuff has been around since the 60's, it's surprising that no one's thought to use it as body armor before. I bet with some kind of steel plate behind it, you'd be able to take a rifle round to the chest without serious harm!

This is a game changer for our people in terms of defense so it will help with denuclearization this turn as OP has said so a must.

[ ] R&D 5: Picatinny Rail System
Mission Difficulty: DC 15, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves Infantry adaptability by allowing them to slot Two specializations.
Mission Brief: What if we made a system where soldiers could add and replace any attachment they want on the go? It wouldn't take much work, we'd only need to fabricate some kind of… rail system.

Good option, but there are better ones this turn.

[ ] R&D 6: Uparmored Vehicles
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 200,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all mechanized unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: Sure, we could just bolt on a bunch of armor to make something tougher, but you gotta think about how it affects the weight, the balance, the load bearing capacity-

Should take this at some point, but eh better stuff to do for now.

[ ] R&D 7: Armored Fuel tanks
Mission Difficulty: DC 30, 250,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Improves all air unit survivability with extra armor
Mission Brief: I think this is something we can do, see there's been research done on this new alloy that's just as light as aluminium and has the same properties as-

This is more important than better armor as Air units historically have weaker armor.

[ ] R&D 9: Refugee Integration Program (Refugee Tree)
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 50,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Begin a work program for refugees staying on Mother Base.
Mission Brief: Not all the people we pick up or come to us seeking safety are going to be fit for the mercenary life. We may be looking to build a nation of soldiers, but every nation needs a working population to support military power.

  • Refugees will automatically be placed in under the Contractor section of Diamond Dogs as part of a 'Working Party'.
  • Working parties do everything from custodial duties, cooking, and other small, but important tasks that keeps Mother Base operational.
  • Every 100 man strong Working Party will allow you to take a building action, but not have that action be slotted for however many turns it takes to build the building in question.
  • An initial action dice will still be used to start the process of building.
  • Upgrades available as Education is researched.

Extra dice use per turn and syncs up with Education. Get it as soon as there are no fires to put out.

[ ] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 75,000 GMP
Research Time: 2 Turns
Reward: Gain War Dog breeding and training program.
Mission Brief: DD has shown how useful a canine combat partner can be in the field. It'd take some time and effort, but I think with a good breeding program and the right training, we could start training both man and animal into a formidable fighting force.

  • War Dogs are combat canines suited for Humanitarian and Patrol missions, acting as a living 'specialization' modifier when attached to a unit.
  • While not suited for heavy fighting, well trained dogs provide companionship, psychological stability, tracking ability, early warnings, and deterrence against wild animals.
  • That said, a pack of these guys will tear an unprepared enemy squad apart.
  • The greatest friend you can have in a fight is one you trust implicitly to have your back.

This gets us one more Omake this turn, is only one turn if we do an omake this turn and will sync up with Denuclearization option this turn since we are going to be looking for Black Market stashes of Nukes this turn. Why is no one voting for this? It's a must.

[ ] R&D 11: Education 2: Associate Level Accreditation and Trade School Equivalents
Currently Locked Until General Ed is finished.

Get as soon as it opens for more extra dice.

Omake Ops: Player created content for goodies. Can affect other Ops. (No Action Dice Required)

Ah yes the not yet done Omakes that can still net us bonuses. We need to finish these so that there are more next turn. Hey @Dream Logic :

I'll be trying for at least one, I just need to focus for a bit...I'm doomed.

which of these were you trying for? I'm willing to both beta and collaborate and give you the bonuses to keep if it will get one of these done and take care of.

Omake Ops 4: A Needy Pup
Mission Difficulty: 1-1.5k words, High Quality
Reward: Lowers War Dog research time by 1 turn.
Mission Brief: D-Dog has picked up a stray and seemingly not by choice. Write piece between DD and Wolf in DD's perspective. Actual puppies in the scene from taking the War Dog research option is a plus.

War dog option becomes one turn on the turn where War Dogs would be useful to stop casualties. Why is no-one doing this one? I think I'll start with this one to hammer it out on my own if no-one wants it.

Omake Ops 6: Canine Calamity *Only available if War Dog research begins*
Mission Difficulty: 1-1.5k words, High Quality
Reward: Increase the relationship between Miller and Ocelot
Mission Brief: When Snake and DD are on mission and Hana is stuck in the classroom, the first of DD's litter tend to trail after the Head Trainer Ocelot, and Snack Master Miller who spends long hours in the kitchen doing who knows what. Write a piece in either Ocelot or Miller's perspective when the two are forced to band together in order to deal with a gaggle of hungry pups ready for homemade wet food.

Only available if War Dogs is voted for but nets us a better relationship between Ocelot and Miller. Hey @Aranfan would you be willing to tweak this:

I'm just sad I wasn't able to get my chemical burger omake made before the deadline. I'll try to get it done in time for next turn.

I have managed to bang out the chemical burger omake.

Anyone willing to beta?

so that it fulfills the purpose of this Omake Op and gets us points this turn? I'm willing to collaborate with you and give you all of the reward for it.

Also if you are not comfortable about tweaking your Omake for this purpose I can beta it after the voting closes to help you hammer up into something worth a reward for next turn.

Omake Ops 7: A Snake and a Wolf
Mission Difficulty: 1-1.5k words, High Quality
Reward: Increase the relationship between Eli and Hana
Mission Brief: With an IQ of 180, Eli will likely grow up to be an extremely intelligent adult. As it is the boy is able to speak four languages fluently, including Arabic. While not fluent in Sorani, he knows enough to notice Hana is having difficulties in class and decides to intervene if only so they can move on from the boring stuff he's already long mastered. Written in Eli or Hana's perspective.

This Omake helps Eli and Hana bond and also helps Eli be just that little bit less of a shit. Also:

. . . Hmm, can someone with grounding on genetics explain why recessive genes are NOT inferior?

I am currently imagining Eli trying to explain biology to Hana and getting stumped on that.

Recessive genes are just genes that are only expressed if they're paired together. Often you get stuff like having gene donors of AA AB where B is recessive, so B is never expressed regardless of the combination because it's either AA or AB where A overwrites it. But if it was say, AB AB then there's a 25% chance the B phenotype is expressed rather then the A type.

Given Eli doesn't have any health problems or issues that could be related to his genetics...the only thing that really matters about it is that they guaranteed he'd be blonde and healthy (like holy shit, he has literally no inherited health issues or complications). It's kind of hard to argue with him because his argument is so off base that it lacks common ground.

Canonically Eli really is shit at genetics so if you want it's possible to have Hana point out that his ideas are stupid. Does he think less of her because she's a girl? That's a genetic thing, how about if she has some (minor) health defect? If he doesn't then he's admitting her genetics don't matter to him and he likes(?) her for her so logically the same applies to him. Or I'd point out that no one wins the genetic lottery that hard and have Eli realize that they lied to manipulate him.

Having Hana point out to Eli that his knowledge of Genetics is flawed makes no sense. She just an ordinary if traumatized Kurdish girl right now that is having a hard time learning at all. Having Hana think that Eli is struggling with topic of Genetics and getting an adult that will explain how Genetics work to Blonde and Angsty is more in line with their current characterization and with this Omake Op.

Building Options
*New Options unlocked through discussion!*

Not this turn, but discussion in comments might get us new options.

OK it's 12:45 PM here in Belgrade and the closing time for the vote and the Omake Ops is 1:00 AM tonight for me so 12 hours and 15 minutes to hammer out 3-4.5 words to get more bonuses. I also need to bathe. OK then first Omake Op I'm going for is going to be A Needy Pup since I know how that one can be written and all that remains is to see if I can write it.
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Having Hana point out to Eli that his knowledge of Genetics is flawed makes no sense. She just an ordinary if traumatized Kurdish girl right now that is having a hard time learning at all. Having Hana think that Eli is struggling with topic of Genetics and getting an adult that will explain how Genetics work to Blonde and Angsty is more in line with their current characterization and with this Omake Op.
The concept was more of Hana struggling with her entry to biology, above the easily observed life science, and one of them are about genes.

Eli, amidst showing off to his soldiers (read: kiddie gang with AKs) on algebra and calculus problems (while manipulating their emotions with wartime logistic analogies) from the previous period's math class, thinks he can bring these dozen of Kurdish teens into his sphere of influence with his apparent intellectual superiority first, before going off his martial prowess later.

But while he reads up ahead of Hana on biology notes that Huey prepared, he gets stumped on dominant-recessive stuff.

It ends up with him storming off from the class like his tantrums with Venom after he got into an argument the assigned teacher about the science.

He tries to get confirmation on the stuff through one of the R&D guys, but ends up still unable to accept the explanations... But a seed of doubt is inserted into his train of thought.

Something-something doubt will grow.
The concept was more of Hana struggling with her entry to biology, above the easily observed life science, and one of them are about genes.

Eli, amidst showing off to his soldiers (read: kiddie gang with AKs) on algebra and calculus problems (while manipulating their emotions with wartime logistic analogies) from the previous period's math class, thinks he can bring these dozen of Kurdish teens into his sphere of influence with his apparent intellectual superiority first, before going off his martial prowess later.

But while he reads up ahead of Hana on biology notes that Huey prepared, he gets stumped on dominant-recessive stuff.

It ends up with him storming off from the class like his tantrums with Venom after he got into an argument the assigned teacher about the science.

He tries to get confirmation on the stuff through one of the R&D guys, but ends up still unable to accept the explanations... But a seed of doubt is inserted into his train of thought.

Something-something doubt will grow.

Hana is 8 right now. What kind of a book teaches Genetics to an 8 year old. The fuck did Huey do now?
Let's not start on ideas with VC4 spoilers yet, unless kk gives permission. Remember he has yet to finish that game himself. We're keeping him too busy to do that ^_^;
Let's not start on ideas with VC4 spoilers yet, unless kk gives permission. Remember he has yet to finish that game himself. We're keeping him too busy to do that ^_^;

I'm only part way through the game and loving every second of it.

A friend said the first ending you get isn't the real one I really don't want to look online in case I get spoiled is that true?
I'm only part way through the game and loving every second of it.

A friend said the first ending you get isn't the real one I really don't want to look online in case I get spoiled is that true?
Ratehr than not being the true end, I would call it incomplete instead.

Don't worry, the complete one is not that hard to get. Just need to see soem scenes unlocke dpostgame and do one fight.
Ratehr than not being the true end, I would call it incomplete instead.

Don't worry, the complete one is not that hard to get. Just need to see soem scenes unlocke dpostgame and do one fight.

As long as I can save everyone who isn't a designate death flag of the MC (because there is always one in VC games) I will be happy.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragoLord19D on Oct 14, 2018 at 11:33 AM, finished with 351 posts and 39 votes.
So I decided to finally play my PC version of Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain since it's been a few years and I only ever played the PS3 version.

Wow. What a difference, seriously.

Getting me hype to write some actual operations ops, if it's okay to do those sorts of things rather than just slice of lifey stuff.
Finished VC4, and I gotta say either this verse has the biggest racial karma, or they all need to just be nuked back to fucking Stone Age so their tech could never proliferate

You folks already know the standard super soldier program the empire has with the valkyur blooded to create Valkyria, but it turns out the federation has been "recruiting" valkyur blooded to send to US equivalent to be turned into nuclear reactor and/or nuclear bomb. Nuclear bomb version involve injecting them with liquid ragnites to trigger stronger final flame

Faldio is a goddamn saint in comparison
SCIENCE! means asking 'Can we do this?' instead of 'Should we do this?'