Merkels Operation Walküre

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Speaking of tanks with no turret, here's something from this thread's AH origin, something cooked up in conversation between myself and Cortz#9. Something that Japan could use against the USA, but not requiring much of their limited industrial capacity.

Take the Chi-Ha, remove its turret, and mount a Type-90 75 mm Field Gun, and weld an angled plate to the front of the chassis. Essentially a way to soup-up the Chi-Ha and make it more effective against superior Allied armor, it would be quite economical given the large number of existing Chi-Ha tanks. Not to mention it's not really needed in very large numbers, given the fighting in the Pacific Theater is island-based, with tanks largely meant for support purposes. This modification of the Chi-Ha would play merry hell for those support elements, and would be useful too in a direct-fire role.

It might be useful too against the T-34, though given how things will eventually develop, this is redundant.
There are 20 B61 nuclear bombs (thermonuclear, 1kt - 400kt yield) stored at Büchel Air Base.

Edit no.1: Germany is a nuclear latent state. This means it can quickly build nuclear weapons as the relevant expertise, materials and industrial capability is available.
As a note, every single one of those is worthless, good only for scrap material. You don't have the arming codes. Those are never shared in peacetime. So unless the Americans are still on the base and you can convince them to give them to you, you've can employ the b-61. And considering you probably intend to threaten the DT US with them, well, they're not very likely to cough up the codes.
As a note, every single one of those is worthless, good only for scrap material. You don't have the arming codes. Those are never shared in peacetime. So unless the Americans are still on the base and you can convince them to give them to you, you've can employ the b-61. And considering you probably intend to threaten the DT US with them, well, they're not very likely to cough up the codes.
With more than a year to work with, removing those detonators and installing new ones for a couple should be very doable. Might eliminate the 'variable yield' part, but whatever. If it takes more than a year to do that? Probably easier to make new bombs from scratch. Maybe not as fancy, but fancy isn't actually needed.
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With more than a year to work with, removing those detonators and installing new ones for a couple should be very doable. Might eliminate the 'variable yield' part, but whatever. If it takes more than a year to do that? Probably easier to make new bombs from scratch. Maybe not as fancy, but fancy isn't actually needed.
That's why I said they're good for scrap. You can reclaim the nuclear material.
That's why I said they're good for scrap. You can reclaim the nuclear material.

Am I the only one that finds it highly unlikeley, that Germany doesn't have the ability to circumvent, crack, or disable the codes for the nuclear bombs?
I don't think there wouldn't be measures in place to take controll of these weapons in an emergency.
Am I the only one that finds it highly unlikeley, that Germany doesn't have the ability to circumvent, crack, or disable the codes for the nuclear bombs?
I don't think there wouldn't be measures in place to take controll of these weapons in an emergency.
The big problem is that most of the methods you'd use for that risk bricking the detonators, at which point the bomb safes itself permanently, which means you now have a 320 kilo potentially radioactive paperweight.
Am I the only one that finds it highly unlikeley, that Germany doesn't have the ability to circumvent, crack, or disable the codes for the nuclear bombs?
I don't think there wouldn't be measures in place to take controll of these weapons in an emergency.
um, in a sudden emergency where the us has no advance notice and isn't reachable the desired state is that no one can use the weapons. Which is how the US set things up.
um, in a sudden emergency where the us has no advance notice and isn't reachable the desired state is that no one can use the weapons. Which is how the US set things up.
Of course you are right, that that is how the US set it up.
What I'm saying is that I find it unlikely, in all those years the bombs have been stationed in Germany someone along the way wouldn't want to ensure that Germany could take control of the weapons should the US be unable to share the codes.
Of course you are right, that that is how the US set it up.
What I'm saying is that I find it unlikely, in all those years the bombs have been stationed in Germany someone along the way wouldn't want to ensure that Germany could take control of the weapons should the US be unable to share the codes.
considering the weapons are stored under the constant guard of the american airforce it doesn't matter what people in germany want?
Merkels phone was also constantly in her possession and the NSA still got into it, so...
yes, because phones have lots of vulnerabilities ... actually im not really going to go through the effort of putting out just how different nuclear weapons are from cell phones
yes, because phones have lots of vulnerabilities ... actually im not really going to go through the effort of putting out just how different nuclear weapons are from cell phones
Of course. But you don't need to have access to the weapons to get information about them. As with Merkels phone, the NSA didn't need that access in order to crack it.
Sure it might take a few days or weeks to do it, but certainly not months or a year.
Of course. But you don't need to have access to the weapons to get information about them. As with Merkels phone, the NSA didn't need that access in order to crack it.
Sure it might take a few days or weeks to do it, but certainly not months or a year.
yes, u do? i mean unless you are talking stealing us models and blueprints u definitely do.
As a note, every single one of those is worthless, good only for scrap material. You don't have the arming codes. Those are never shared in peacetime. So unless the Americans are still on the base and you can convince them to give them to you, you've can employ the b-61. And considering you probably intend to threaten the DT US with them, well, they're not very likely to cough up the codes.

(1) The Germans should have access (in one form or the other) to the nuclear codes which makes sense in the case the USA is unable to transmit codes e.g. nuclear alpha strike causes severe damage to CONUS preventing transmittal of nuclear codes.
It can be easily written in that nuclear codes were given to Germany due to threat of the Donbass war (it was at its peak in 2014/15) spilling over into a Ukrainian-Russian war and eventually a NATO (Europeans mainly) Russian war.

(2) Don't you think the Germans would have the technical skills and capabilities to get through the PAL system and install detonators of their own?

(3) Most foreign personnel (unless they are related in some way to Germany e.g. marriage, ancestry etc.) are not included in the ISOT so there will be no coughing up of codes involved unless some US personnel at Buchel airbase have German ancestry.

Yes trying to break through the security on the bombs has the risk of rendering them permanently unusable but removing the radioactive material to build a new bomb will take as much time as Germany would using its own uranium sources. It would be a good idea to take a two pronged approach, that is try to crack the B61s' security and building new bombs from scratch.

Moreover the DT USA (FDR especially) just needs to be shown the effects of a nuclear detonation in the form of documentaries and footage of nuclear tests which should prove to be informative so to speak. Also, unless this information was included in the Kaßmann leak DT USA would not know that a nuclear code system for the bombs exist so it can't relax if Merkel issues a "nuclear flavoured" threat.
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(1) The Germans should have access (in one form or the other) to the nuclear codes which makes sense in the case the USA is unable to transmit codes e.g. nuclear alpha strike causes severe damage to CONUS preventing transmittal of nuclear codes.
It can be easily written in that nuclear codes were given to Germany due to threat of the Donbass war (it was at its peak in 2014/15) spilling over into a Ukrainian-Russian war and eventually a NATO (Europeans mainly) Russian war.

(2) Don't you think the Germans would have the technical skills and capabilities to get through the PAL system and install detonators of their own?

(3) Most foreign personnel (unless they are related in some way to Germany e.g. marriage, ancestry etc.) are not included in the ISOT so there will be no coughing up of codes involved unless some US personnel at Buchel airbase have German ancestry.

Yes trying to break through the security on the bombs has the risk of rendering them permanently unusable but removing the radioactive material to build a new bomb will take as much time as Germany would using its own uranium sources. It would be a good idea to take a two pronged approach, that is try to crack the B61s' security and building new bombs from scratch.

Moreover the DT USA (FDR especially) just needs to be shown the effects of a nuclear detonation in the form of documentaries and footage of nuclear tests which should prove to be informative so to speak. Also, unless this information was included in the Kaßmann leak DT USA would not know that a nuclear code system for the bombs exist so it can't relax if Merkel issues a "nuclear flavoured" threat.
1. No, the US didn't and doesn't want people to just be able to choose to use nuclear weapons. In the event of an actual war, they might give the codes to military of the nation in which the bombs are being based, might. And you could write that, but that would be completely implausible. The Donbass war never was even remotely considered to be the prelude to an invasion of western Europe. Like that's just really dumb.

2. Not necessarily. They are designed to be extremely tamper resistant. The idea is that bricking itself if anything improper occurs is the correct choice of action. It may even be that all the circuitry is designed and set up to work only with those particular detonators and that installing a foreign one would be detected and cause the bomb to brick itself. There are a shit ton of safeguards.
I am.
Chances are the codes are still 000000000, though. :rolleyes:
The PAL system is first of all, only one of the security measures that prevent unathorized arming of the devices. Moreover, the current PAL codes are 12 digits in length, not 9.
At first, I don't want to make any comments, how the bombs could be used. There are some things to consider though:

1. In history the code of the bombs was indeed 000000000000! I don't know, if the codes were changed. I hope, they were!

2. US soldiers were sent back in time, if
a) they were of German ancestry (with an ancestor living by 1900) and/or
b) are married with a German
These soldiers may or may not have knowledge of the code. They may or may not be stationed at Büchel AFB.

3. At Büchel there are about 20 B61-3/4 nuclear bombs. The yields are 0,3, 1,5, 10 (60 -3), 45 (170 -3) kt. Here you can play with the yields: NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein

4. How the codes are saved? The US were indeed keen to keep the Germans out of the nuclear codes. However, they need to be written somewhere. Unless someone knows exactly that the codes are given by the HQ somewhere in the US, I think, they are somehow stored in Büchel. I have severe doubts, the codes are somewhere else and need to be transferred in each case. Why? The commanding officers need to react fast, if the orders are given. Thus they need the codes at once. I think, it's too complicated to send each unit the codes of the nukes. There are hundreds of bases /ships, too many to give them individually. Also sub skippers have the codes in their boats as well. Because of that I won't assume, they are in the US.

5. Consequently the nuke codes can be obtained somehow.

6. IF this is NOT the case, Germany can rebuild new detonators/new bombs out of them.

Chapter II, Part 26: White Russia?
Berlin, Bundeskanzleramt, October 4th 1944, 09:15

Chancellor Merkel was working at her desk when Peter Altmaier entered the room.

AM: Hello Peter, come in. Shuffles with the papers on der desk. Did you read the latest BILD?

PA: Yes, I did. Do you want to change your narrative?

AM: No, not yet at least. But I think I may have to at the end of the year.

PA: I think you're right. The steps they´re demanding will only prolong the war.

AM: Indeed. There are people who want me to build up some kind of White Russian force to fight the Communists. And to be honest, I wished I could...

PA: Well, if we only fought Stalin...

AM: Nods. That's the problem. We have to remember that we´re still at war with the Western Allies as well. I'd like to take Stalin out like we did with Hitler, however, he is an ever clever person, who was very careful in his actions. I still think we can force him into accepting some kind of deal. His cautiousness will be the key. The alternative would be the continuation of the war for which we lack resources in the long run. We can enhance the DT equipment, but our UT equipment will be very limited. Other resources are even more crucial, like oil. Our tanks are useless without oil. We need to end this war as fast as we can.

PA: And how do you think we can manage that?

AM: Stalin isn't stupid – far from it – he has lost over two million men in the last few weeks alone, which he won't be able to replace that easily. He, too, must see this and if he doesn't…Then we have to fight in the hope that we´ll win against the Soviets decisively until next summer. Otherwise our oil reserves will have been used up by then. What we are able to produce is not sufficient to keep Germany running. Even with reserves and new production we will hit severe shortages in early summer next year at latest.

PA: That's why you´re still willing to 'deal with the Devil'?

AM: Yes. And, well, if he insists on continuing the war then we will fully support a government in exile and Free Russian troops. Hopefully our winter offensive will be strong enough to strike deep into Soviet territory so that our summer offensive will be able to take the Baku oil fields. That should be enough to finish Stalin off once and for all.

PA: Sounds like a good plan.

AM: I hope it won´t come to that, it´s a dangerous plan, after all. We would risk much, especially as most of our forces would then be fighting in the East, which may enable the Allies to finally push through on the Western front.

PA: We couldn't deal them a blow hard enough to force them into an armistice because even now we need our forces for the East.

AM: Exactly. Because of that I am ordering our air force in the West to conduct a special operation. Perhaps it will be enough to severely damage Mr. Roosevelt in his election campaign.

PA: Well, all our material about his scandals were published everywhere but in the USA itself. Admiral Canaris thinks Mr. Hoover is responsible for that.

AM: Likely. But that is indeed not really all that important. We're allied to Japan. We can't throw them under the bus, especially as they´re taking care of their more…extremist elements.

PA: You don't hear much about that, but several high ranking officers were arrested, some others committed seppuku. There´s talk about a trial in Tokyo after the war.

AM: We will also have one, in Nuremberg.

PA: Should I start contacting the Soviet opposition then?

AM: Not yet. We´ll wait until the US election is done.
Chapter II, Part 27: A new Charta
Dumberton Oaks, Washington D.C., September 2nd 1944, 08:30:

Sir Alexander Cardogan (CA), British Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Andrei Gromyko (GR), Soviet Ambassador to the United States were sitting at the conference table. They were discussing the newest developments when Edward Stettinus Jr. (ST), US under-secretary of state, entered the room.

ST: Gentlemen, it seems the rumours are true. The Germans have indeed done it: They have founded the UN they´re always babbling on about!

CA: What?

GR: A surprising step indeed. I did not see that coming.

ST: Neither did we.

CA: How could that happen without our knowledge!

GR: Well, we don't know what our secret services know but haven´t told us because they deemed it not important enough. At least I can say I am surprised. No one informed me about it.

ST: Me neither. Either our secret services were also surprised or they didn't inform me.

CA: And what exactly has happened?

ST: The German chancellor Merkel founded the UN in Königsberg, not only with her Axis allies but with several neutral states as well. As far as we know it´s also Sweden, Turkey and Spain. But I heard about others considering to join as well.

GR: Do they have already a Charta?

ST: Yes, they have and they also signed it. A copy was given to our embassies in Switzerland and Sweden. Another copy could we were able to obtained in Spain. I think it was sent to your embassies there as well.

CA: Possible. If it was then the ministers would be discussing it already.

GR: Likely. However, I'd like to see it in person.

ST: We will send you one later. However, I could take a look and it seems they are copying our ideas.

CA: Well, then our solutions wouldn't have been that bad.

ST: So it seems. There will be a general assembly, a security council, a secretary and an International Court.

GR: That does sound familiar.

ST: They have not only copied our suggestions but also implented interesting new ones: As far as we know the General Assembly is nearly the same as what we had planned. I would even say it is identical, except for the USSR only having one vote.

GR: We won't accept that. Not only Russia, but also the Ukraine and Belorussia have to be accepted as states, so the USSR requires three voices.

(CA shakes his head)

CA: And the security council?

ST: It is very similar as well. But they have two additional states as permanent members.

CA: I bet it´s Germany and Japan?

ST: Spot on! Interestingly, they have also a seat for China. But we don't know which China it´s supposed to be for. Manchukuo? China?

GR: Manchukuo, of course. And do they also have the ability to veto any decisions?

ST: Yes, they do. But the General Assembly can overrule it, provided two permanent members or 2/3rd of the member states support it.

GR: We can´t accept that, even if Japan and Germany weren´t permanent members of the Security Council.

CA: And I guess every institution will have its seat in Germany?

ST: Erm, no, quite the opposite: The General Assembly would be New York and the International Court of Justice in Den Haag.

CA: Interesting. Such a move is very cunning. I guess the Germans did everything to undermine our attempts here. If we continue we need to be more liberal than the Germans.

GR: No, we need to force the nations to follow us.

ST: That won't work. Many nations would not accept that.

CA: We can't accept the German version.

ST: Indeed, we can't. But what can we do?

GR: I guess we should continue. At least, until we get further instructions.

ST: Alright. Where did we stop yesterday?

GR: The question about the veto right of the permanent members.

CA: Yes. Erm, I would like to postpone this meeting until we get a copy of the German charta.

ST: Yes, that seems prudent.

GR: While I see no great sense in it, as we can solve our problems alone, I am not against a later meeting though.
Chapter II, Part 28: Don't Cry for Me, Argentina
Santiago de Chile, September 4th 1944, 9:00

The declaration of war by the Republic of Chile against Germany, Japan and the other states referred to as "Axis powers" on September 9th was soon followed by a massive public backlash. For Juan Antonio Ríos Morales such a development had been foreseeable as the calls for war had become more subdued after the Event. Only economic pressure by the United States, which were in dire need of a diplomatic victory on the international stage, had even led to Chile´s declaration of war.

The US applied the same pressure on Argentina. Only mere hours after the Chilean declaration of war the Minister for Work, General Juan Perón, was removed by Edelmiro Farrel, the leader of the military. It was quite ironic, Farrel supposed as he knew that few years down the line, Perón would succeed him anyway. However, this move was not without consequences: Within a few days a majority of the workers had started to strike and demanded the release of the general. This was supported by the pro-German factions within administration and military, who still were very influential. Due to the new Königsberg Charta of the United Nations the democratic politicians in Argentina supported this move as well. In the end Farrel was forced to release Perón and was forced to hold elections on November 12th, where Perón, who just had married his sweetheart Evita, achieved a landslide victory with 59%.

The first move of newly sworn-in President Perón was the signing of the chart of the UN. For Chile, but also Brazil, that didn't bode well, especially as Uruguay reopened diplomatic ties to Germany and Japan.
Chapter II, Part 29: A relative Impossibility
Princeton, September 6th 1944, 15:28:

Albert Einstein sat in his room in the university. He didn't feel very well and the work on his theories hadn't progressed as much as he would have liked. He was torn out of his mood when his secretary knocked at the door. A messenger from the embassy of the Vatican was waiting outside, she was telling him. Einstein was stunned. What could the Vatican possibly want from him? Much to his surprise, though, the young priest awaiting him only handed him a letter and a small package. The letter from the German government was instantly thrown into the trash can. The package he opened.

'Ah, it´s from Max! How did he manage to send me this, though?' he asked himself. The first thing he did was reading the letter that was atop whatever device he had sent.

My dear Albert,

There´s so much I have to tell you; however, you might not even believe me. The apparatus I enclosed has a recording stored, which can explain everything. Please start the device (it´s called a tablet) by pressing the button on the left side, with which you can also switch it off again later. Then enter the name of your sailing boat here at Caputh by touching the screen. And finally you need to touch the icon named 'Nachricht von Max'.

I hope it will explain many of the question you undoubtedly must have. You might have even more, but I can't explain everything right now.

Best Regards,

Max Planck

Einstein regarded the device for the first time. It was thin – even thinner than his notebook – sleek and black. Futuristic, indeed. It´s surface was smooth and its front dominated by a piece of glass that covered it completely.

He pressed the only button on the side like Max had explained. The screen on the front lit up; the device now asking for a password.

Passwort: Tümmler.

There was a soft ping then the screen changed and a new interface with several icons appeared. Eintein was completely astonished. How could something like this be even possible? Might the claims of this new German government even be true? His thoughts were interrupted when his gaze caught the icon Max had mentioned. He touched it: The screen faded to black and Einstein was already afraid that he had somehow managed to break the device, but then Max Planck's face appeared.

"Hello Albert, my dear friend.

The most important thing I have to tell you is that everything what the German government told about the Event is the complete truth. It really has happened: Somehow the Germany of 70 years in the future was transported into our time. And I can tell you, that there´s even some more to it than, well, a 'simple' time voyage."

Einstein was stunned. He had dismissed everything the Germans said as rubbish. It was simply impossible. Impossible. It had to be!

"If you still think it´s impossible…" Max continued.

'Yes, I do." Einstein interjected mentally.

"…Then, please do enlighten me how a device such as you´re holding in your hands right now can even exist otherwise as our own technology is decades away from it?"

Einstein had to concede that point. Still…time travel did sound very far-fetched.

"Yet it is possible. And no, I´m not reading your thoughts." Planck laughed. "I just know you well enough, I guess. Here, for example, you have a list of all chemical elements that will be found until 2014, a computer device you can compute large numbers on your own and some articles. As long as the war drags on I can´t give you anything more concrete, as the German government doesn't want to give the enemies more knowledge that they can use for the atomic bomb. Yes, we know about it and the difficulties the scientists are having."

Einstein had heard about some problems with the program but he had never been an important enough part of it that he would be notified about any problems.

"For now, the last thing I can tell you is that you have an aneurysm in your stomach which will eventually lead to your death in about 10 years. We might be able to treat it if you came to Germany."

Einstein was aghast: An aneurysm!? Possible. He would need to visit a doctor in the next few days to have an expert check it.

"I really wish I could talk to you more, but everything else I want to say I´m not allowed to. Wait, there´s something! You should abandon your current line of work. It´ll lead nowhere. Bye and maybe we´ll see each other soon?"

Einstein did not know what to say. He tried a few of the programs on this tablet, such as the calculator; Easy. Even the biggest sums he could add or distract. Or... And then the other functions he learned when reading the manual. His first selfie, happening accidentally, looked good. Well, he looked like a fool, but it was a success. He took several other pictures. And he read 200 articles of several magazines that were stored on the device as well, but only the ones about physics and history.

It was very late when Einstein could finally tear himself away from the tablet. He just wanted to go home but then his gaze fell on his trash can where the unopened letter stared innocently at him. Frowning, Einstein pulled it out of the bin and opened it:

Prof. Einstein,

We are happy to inform you that your rights to your real estates and other assets which were unrightfully seized by the Nazi regime have been restored. Furthermore, a reparation sum of 250.000 Euros has been transferred to an account at the Bundesbank. You can access the money at any time; however, be warned that the Allies do not accept Euro as means of payment. Enclosed is the deed to the account and a list containing all assets that have been seized and their estimated monetary worth. In case you want to challenge these estimates, please forward your claim to the 'Federal Ministry for Finances, Department: Reparation Claims'. Unfortunately, the location of your boat 'Tümmler' is still unknown.


Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble,

Federal Minister for Finances

That night Albert did not sleep very well as there was too much to think about.
Chapter II, Part 30: Pirate Leaks
Internet, Autumn 1944:

The Internet had been massively hit by the Event: As servers were located outside the affected area, connection to them and the data they had been hosting was lost immediately. Some of it could be rebuilt from the back-ups, but most of it would be lost forever. However, soon more and more websites went back online as the infrastructure recovered, this time mostly sites of German corporations and government agencies. Among the websites that need a little bit more time to be reinstalled was YouTube as the firm had to be reinstalled by the 2. Treuhand, because most of its supporting staff and its mother corporation Alphabet and its shareholders didn't exist anymore.

As it is with human nature, soon after it wen online, the first videos depicturing the on-goings in the current war were posted. Some of them looked like Hollywood movies, polished and flawless, while others were nothing more than shaky videos taken by smartphones. There was the invasion attempt at Boulogne where the viewer could watch small boats making their way towards the coast. The roar of guns could in the background. Then the first missiles impacting. But this wasn't some fancy Hollywood movie, though, this was reality, where you could watch actual people suffering and dying.

The really gory videos didn't make it on the platform at all, either flagged automatically or by the censors working behind the curtains. The ones where you could see the end result war wrought upon humanity: the dead soldiers of the Allies, or worse the ones that weren't so lucky and were still alive; trashing, screaming, crying and begging in their mother tongues to be released from the pain. A soldier that was trying to keep his bowels from falling out of the deep gash in his stomach. A soldier running around with his own arm. A female Bundeswehr soldier who shot a French soldier – dying and crying to be killed – straight in the head.

Another video that YouTube was too slow to catch was showing the liberation of Auschwitz. Officially local Wehrmacht forces had liberated the KZ without any help from UT forces. The pictures that went viral did tell another story, though. A few days after the video had appeared the government admitted to its authenticity.

The video showed a Panther with infantry support driving towards the gate of the KZ. Suddenly some of the guards started to fire and a Wehrmacht soldier got down. The others immediately dived behind cover. Now the other guards were firing as well. The Wehrmacht soldiers now returned the fire. The listener could then hear a shot very close and then a man was falling from a guard's turret, landing on the ground with a sickening crush. The other turret was destroyed by the Panther.

Fade to black and another scene starts, showing a soldier covering behind the Panther in his hands a modern assault rifle. He runs into another position, taking cover again. Then he fires on a group of SS-men covering behind a wall, managing to hit one of them with his salvos. The soldier gives orders to a soldier with a Panzerschreck, who fires his rocket on the position the SS men were hiding. A bog explosion filled the screen then the soldier rose and advanced. After taking cover again, the Panther is advancing destroying another resistance nest. The soldier takes cover behind the tank again and gives fire support to a group of Wehrmacht soldiers advancing. When he passes the point where the men that had been hit by the Panzerschreck had been hiding, there was a split-second where the video showed the corpse of the SS-men, the wall they had been hiding behind splintering into thousands of shards that had turned into deathly projectiles.

Soon after the SS-men were surrendering. According to the official sources, Göth, Mengele and some others had died in the initial fight, but this was now exposed as creative use of the truth: They had survived the taking of Auschwitz. But now that the facility had been secured, the soldier ordered several men to place Mengele and cohorts in front of a wall. Wehrmacht soldiers stood there and shot them. As the faces of the men were completely pixelated it was not possible to identify any of them. Because of this there were never any official inquiries, much to the dismay of the far right, though. Ironically it was Fritz Bauer, who started the only serious attempt at solving the case while also persecuting the other crimes committed in Auschwitz. But he, too, eventually dismissed the case as there was no solid proff.

At the end of the movie the names of three German soldiers that had died while liberating the KZ were shown:

Gefr. Gerhard Obermair, 1918-1944

UOff. Heinz Wolski, 1919-1944

Gefr. Hans Hansen, 1921-1944

In the end of 1944 the group PirateLeaks confessed to publishing those videos. Their motive had been to show the horror of the war and the true story of Auschwitz. It wouldn't be the last time the group leaked classified material.
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